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Unit 1 Love

Section One Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions

or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)

and D).

Passage One

Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage:

In 1985, the Coca-cola Company made the decision to change the formula of its leading soft drink. The change was based on the findings of many market studies. These studies had shown that the general response to the new product was good. However, the change of the traditional Coca-cola by New Coke was rejected by the majority of drinkers. In fact, the company had to step back and restart production of the old formula of Coca-cola.

The most important reason why New Coke was rejected was the emotional relationship that existed between drinkers and the old soft drink formula. Drinking Coca-cola had become a tradition for many people over its 99 years of existence. The change made by the company was not only in Coke‘s formula but also in the traditional values and memories that it represented to the drinkers. ―We had taken away more than the product Coca-cola. We had taken away a little part of them and their past.‖ The drinkers rejected this ―improvement‖, because ―they believed that Coke stood for traditional value, so they betrayed when the product changed completely overnight‖.

Although a lot of research was done by Coca-cola Company, it didn‘t show the depth of drinker‘s emotion for the product. The studies took many forms, but none of the tests was able to measure the degree of personal and emotional reactions caused by the disappearance of the old, traditional Coca-cola. The weakness of the research was that it was mainly quantitative in form. The result was only numbers that could not show the deep meaning the product had for many people. A more extensive study focusing on the qualitative aspects of the change would perhaps have been able to demonstrate the close relationship existing between drinkers and product. 1. Coca-cola company changed the formula in 1985 because ____B____. A) it led the soft drink industry in the market

B) its market studies supported the change in the formula C) it carried out market research for expansion D) it simply felt the need to make the change

2. According to the passage, the drinkers rejected New Coke because of __D______. A) the late response to the market by Coca-cola company B) the reproduction of Coca-cola‘s old drink formula C) a strong dislike by Coca-cola‘s regular drinkers

D) the emotional relationship between the drinkers and the old soft drink 3. The product Coca-cola was believed to stand for __A______. A) traditional values and good memories B) traditional customs and happy days C) past honors and efficient management

D) top quality and wonderful taste

4. Which of the following statements is true? A

A) Research by Coca-cola considered emotional factors.

B) Coca-cola did little research before they made the change. C) Research by Coca-cola was quantitative rather than qualitative. D) Research by Coca-cola was both quantitative and qualitative. 5. The author of the article clearly indicates that ____A____. A) the weakness of the research could have been removed

B) Coca-cola should have measured the quantitative factors more carefully C) Coca-cola should have done a more extensive qualitative study

D) a slower change of the product might have improved the sales of the company

Passage 2

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage:

Hollywood no longer rules South Korean cinema, which is breaking out all over. Since 1999 Seoul filmmakers have been turning out Asia‘s first critically applauded films, and ―My Wife Is a Gangster‖ and ―Phone‖ are the most stunningly good examples. In the way Americans tour Hollywood, Asians visit Korea to see sites featured in their favorite movies.

Korea once looked to America for idea, but now the reverse is true. Hollywood is snapping up remake rights to dozens of Korean films. Madonna‘s Maverick Films is remaking the horror film ―Phone‖. And Dream Works recently bought the rights to another horror film ―A Tale of Two Sisters.‖ To capitalize on all the attention, South Korea has moved aggressively to cast itself as the center of Asia‘s film market.

The Seoul government and industry leaders are working to rank the Pusan Film Festival as Cannes (戛纳) East, the festivals where deals get gone, a one – stop place where moviemakers can shop for financing, exports, even location. In preparation for the next Pusan Festival this fall, delegations from Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and all over Asia have been flocking to Seoul to study the Korean film revival. ―We look at Korea with an envious eye,‖ says one of Hong Kong moviemakers, ―Filmmakers and audiences have found a real vibes (i.e. good atmosphere) between them, like in the 1970s and ?80s in Hong Kong.‖

The Korean film industry, however, is still uphill struggle on he way. The annual receipts of Korean films ($ 580 million) are gaining on those of Asia‘s largest film industry: India ($ 820 million) and Japan ($ 1.93 billion). Yet, Seoul financial markets still tend to see movies as cultural venture, rather than a business. As a moviemaking company in Korea, yet KangJeGyu Films had to team up with another filmmaker and an auto-manufacturer in a new company in order to win a listing on the stock market last year.

Despite the restriction, Korean films are capturing a rising share of the local and even Asian markets. The lesson of the Korean revival is that money should be invested both into films and into comprehensive theaters that can sustain a film culture.

6. The following are mentioned in Paragraph 1 EXCEPT ____C____.

A) ―My Wife Is a Gangster‖ and ―Phone‖ are the most stunningly good movies B) since 1999 filmmakers in South Korea have begun to attract attention C) more and more Korean films have been played in the cinemas D) Korean tourism is more and more prosperous

7. According to the second paragraph, the following statements are true EXCEPT ________. A) ―A Tale of Two Sisters‖, like ―My Wife Is a Gangster‖, is a horror film B) the movies have brought South Korea international attention

C) South Korea is paving way for the center of Asia‘s film market

D) Dream Works is one of the largest film companies in America

8. According to the third paragraph, the following statements are true EXCEPT________. A) some of Asia‘s moviemakers are envious of South Korea B) the Pusan Film Festival is called as Cannes East C) a one-stop service is special in the Pusan Film Festival D) the Hong Kong‘s films were prosperous in the 1970s and 1980s 9. The annual receipts of Korean films ranked as ________ in Asia. A) the first B) the second C) the third

D) the fifth

10. What will the next paragraph discuss about according to the last paragraph? A) Reasons for the Korean film revival. B) The films that will be shot. C) The theaters that are booming. D) A film culture in South Korea.

Section Two Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four

choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. It took her a few seconds for her eyes to ____A____ to the darkness. A) adjust

B) accustom

C) addict D) appeal

2. I didn't mean to ___A_____ about the party; I just said it without thinking. A) count on B) lean on C) let on D) reveal on

3. But as we started out, he always said, ―You set the __B______. I will try to adjust to you.‖ A) speed B) rate C) tempo D) pace

4. He went to work sick, and ____D____ nasty weather. A) in spite B) although

C) despite D) due to

5. Once there, he would ____B____ to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free. A) stick

B) cling

C) refer D) grab

6. It was difficult to _____A___ our steps – his halting, mine patient. A) coordinate

B) cooperate

C) balance D) combine

7. I think of my father when I am envious ___D______ another‘s good fortune and when I don‘t have a good heart. A) with

B) of

C) towards D) onto

8. Mary watched in ___D______ as her team lost the game yet again. A) wonder B) contentment

C) frustration D) amazement

9. We are looking for people who are ________ about the oil and banking industries. A) intelligent B) familiar C) knowledgeable D) acquainted

10. When I think of it now, I ________ at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such stress and indignity. A) marvel

B) confuse

C) amaze D) admire

11. When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it _________ for a grown man to subject himself to such stress and indignity. A) could have taken C) should have taken

B) would have taken D) must have taken

12. At such times I put my hand on his arm to ________ my balance. A) attain B) sustain

C) maintain D) regain

13. It‘s no use asking him for help; he always shows his _________ to offer his help.

A) willingness B) reluctance C) tendency D) readiness

14. My father was ________ crippled and very short, and when we would walk together, people would stare. A) precisely

B) vaguely

C) severely D) vicariously

15. He is so cheerful and interests himself so much about every little ________. A) trifle B) issue C) affair D) incident 16. He wasn‘t content to sit and watch, but he couldn‘t stand ________ on the soft sand. A) being unaided B) unaidedly C) to be unaided D) unaided

17. I am ________ of this great honor, but thank you, anyway. A) worthless B) unworthy

C) unworth D) unworthwhile

18. The people were ________ to do their very best to protect the environment. A) called C) engaged

B) urged D) subjected

19. ________ we know each other a little better, we get along fine. A) Now that B) Suppose that C) Since that

D) Because of

20. Please see to it that the room ________ before you leave. A) is going to be cleaned B) will be cleaned C) is cleaned

D) be cleaned

Section Three Translation from Chinese into English

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 如果我昨天知道这件事, 我一定会告诉你的。If I know this yesterday, I'll tell you。2. 由于药品短缺,病人无法得到及时治疗。Due to the shortage of drugs, patients could

not get timely treatment

3. 形势要求政府立即做出反应,否则,重大损失将不可避免。The situation requires the government to respond immediately, otherwise, heavy losses will be inevitable

4. 尽管医生警告,他还是不停地抽烟。

5. 你可以开车,不过你得答应我开车时小心点儿。

6. 只要你继续努力, 你就一定会成功。As long as you continue to work hard, you will be successful

7. 尽管交通拥堵,他还是按时赶到办公室开会。

8. 我们不应该嘲笑犯错误的人。We should not laugh at those who make mistakes

Section Four Writing

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Healthy

Relationships. You should write at least 150 words. You should base your essay on

the outline below:

1) 建立良好的家庭关系的必要性; 2) 建立良好的社会关系的必要性; 3) 建立良好的人际关系的几个要素。

Unit 3 Born to Win

Section One Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions

or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)

and D).

Passage One

Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage:

You don‘t even need to look back twenty years to appreciate the tremendous advances that have been made in science and technology, and how these developments are transforming the lives of millions of people all over the world. Who, for example twenty years ago, would have imagined that the development of microchip technology could! Have been such a deep effect on the way we live each day? Yes, television and radio, cassettes and video, were around in those days, but no one had heard of these wonderful remote-control units that turn equipment on and off when we want, helping us to select our entertainment with a minimum of physical effort. Yes, in the last twenty years, the changes to civilization, as we know it, have been both abundant and significant.

Just think of some of the other remarkable ways in which our daily life has been transformed by this technological revolution! If you feel like a hot meal, just get your favorite prepared food and pop it quickly into the microwave over. Set the timing dial and it‘s ready in minutes! If you need to send someone an urgent message, just write it down and send it through your fax machine. It arrives safely on the other side of the world in seconds. Passenger planes fly directly from England to Australia, and their pilots can even find time to relax as the computers on the aircraft do most of the hard work for them. I can write this news report on my personal computer and correct my work for them.. I can write this news report on my personal computer and correct my work with only a shift of the cursor as I go along. I can store it and rewrite it, if necessary, whenever I wish to. I can even link my computer up to the Internet and send my boss the reports direct from my own home. This all leaves me more time to enjoy myself, as my work and free time seem to blend together. This also explains the remarkable growth that the leisure industry is currently experiencing.

Leisure today is big business, and the choices available to us are almost infinite. Just pop into your nearest travel agent for some brochures, or read the advertisements in your newspaper. How you spend your free time can be easily planned from a comfortable chair in your living room! Look at all the holiday possibilities available—there‘s bound to be something for everyone! You‘ll find holidays to suit all pockets and tastes, whether you‘re thinking of that trip of a lifetime to some distant continent, a two-week walking tour, or and adventure holiday shooting rapids; whether you fancy drinking coffee in a European cafe, or living on a beautiful tropical island. As robots take over the work of people in industry, as communications across the globe become faster and more sophisticated, and while technology continues to create ways of persuading us to work less and enjoy ourselves more, so will leisure and the leisure industry play a far more central role in the life of us all.

1. According to the passage, what is the greatest advantage of remote-control units? A) With them, we can turn equipment on and off. B) With them, we can select entertainment.

C) With them, we can save physical effort.

D) With them, we can enjoy the TV programs better.

2. Which of the following technological inventions is NOT mentioned in the text? A) Microwave oven. B) Fax machine. C) Personal computer. D) Mobile phone. 3. According to the writer, why does he have more time to enjoy himself? A) Because he writes news reports on his personal computer. B) Because he sends his boss the reports through the Internet. C) Because his work and free time seem to blend together. D) Because the leisure industry is experiencing remarkable growth.

4. According to the writer, which of the following is NOT a reason why leisure and the leisure industry will play a far more central role in the lives of us all?

A) Robots take over the work of people in industry.

B) Communications across the globe become faster and more sophisticated.

C) New technological advances continue to be made.

D) We realize that we should take care of ourselves and should work less and enjoy ourselves more.

5. According to the author, .

A) with technological advances, people my be able to play all the time because machines do the


B) with technological advances, people can spend less time playing and more time working C) it is not right to play all the time without any work D) with more money, people can enjoy themselves a lot

Passage Two

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage:

Since World War II, there has been a clearly discernible trend, especially among the growing group of college students, toward early marriage. Many youths begin dating in the first stages of adolescence, ―go steady‖ through high school, and marry before their formal education has been completed. However, emotional maturity is no respecter of birthdays; it does not arrive automatically at twenty-one or twenty-five. Some achieve it surprisingly early, while others never do, even in three score years and ten.

Many students are marrying as an escape, not only from an unsatisfying home life, but also from their own personal problems of isolation and loneliness. And it can almost be put down as a dictum that any marriage seldom solves one‘s problems, more often, it merely makes them worse. Furthermore, it is doubtful whether the home is an institution that is capable of carrying all that the young are seeking to put into it. Young people correctly understand that their parents are wrong in believing that ―success‖ is the ultimate good, but they erroneously of marriage are essentially have found the true center of life‘s meaning. Their expectations of marriage are essentially utopian and therefore incapable of fulfillment. They want too much, and disappointments are often bound to follow.

Shall we, then, join the chorus of ―Miseries‖ over early marriage? One cannot generalize: all early marriages are not bad any more than all later ones are good. Satisfactory marriages are determined not by time, but by the emotional maturity of the partners. Therefore, each case must

be judged on its own merits. If the early marriage is not an escape, if it is entered into with relatively few illusions or false expectation, and if it is economically feasible, why not? Good marriages can be made from sixteen to sixty, and so are bad ones.

6. According to this article the trend toward early marriages . A) was the result of the Great Depression of the 1930‘s B) could not be easily determined C) is one that could be clearly seen

D) is a result of the emotional maturity of the young

7. The author suggests that many of today‘s early marriages are a result of . A) escapism

B) theological dictum

C) lack of formal education D) convenience 8. More often than not, early marriage will . A) not affect one‘s problems C) intensify one‘s problems

B) solve a person‘s problems D) ease one‘s problems

9. The author states that the home as an institution is . A) overrated

B) unworthy of worship

C) a god who can grant every thing that you wish for

D) probably not capable of being what any young people expect it to be 10. Many young people who marry early believe that . A) their parents have found the true meaning of life B) they have found the true center of life‘s meaning C) ―success‖ is the ultimate good D) to succeed is not at all important

Section Two Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

1. Those children only wear sweaters; they are not ________ dressed for this cold weather. A) appropriately B) accurately C) satisfactorily D) reasonably

2. Each of my students has the ________ of being an excellent student. A) reliability C) capability

B) responsibility D) sociability

3. Once a person has the ________ to be a winner, his chances are greater for becoming even more so. A) talent

B) gift

C) wisdom D) capacity

4. An increase in the price of drugs has ________ to the rising cost of medical care. A) attributed C) distributed

B) contributed D) tributed

5. He refuses to let others speak and ________ every meeting. A) nominates B) dominates C) predominates D) contaminates

6. We ________ the situation very carefully before we made our decision.

A) evaluated B) valuated C) valued D) solved

7. If you are looking for a job you need to be ________ about where you are prepared to work. A) elastic B) convenient C) free

D) flexible B) dependence D) confidence B) crime D) fault

8. Jane‘s ________ on Mike for a ride to work was a problem when Mike took a vacation. A) expectation C) loyalty A) guilt C) punishment

9. He felt a sense of ________ because he had not done enough to take good care of his sick wife.

10. ________ preparation caused the boy to fail his final examination. A) Inadequate B) Incompetent C) Invalid D) Intolerable 11. She went on holiday alone – she‘s very ________. A) independent B) unreliable C) trustworthy D) excitable 12. It has a good little car, but it has its own ________. A) limits

B) limitations D) inability

C) disability

13. A loser tries to ________ others into living up to his expectations. A) stipulate B) speculate C) accumulate D) manipulate

14. A loser tries to manipulate others into ________ his expectations. A) facing up to C) living up to

B) standing up to D) giving up to

15. She showed great ________ for becoming a scientist. A) force B) courage C) potential D) power

16. A loser is unable to clearly express himself through a full ________ of possible behavior. A) kind B) breed C) set D) range

17. He was completely ________ that he was being watched by his teacher. A) uncertain C) unwanted A) typical C) unique A) calls off

B) unaware D) unbelievable B) enormous D) similar B) calls on

18. Each person‘s fingerprints are ________.

19. The job ________ someone with good eyesight.

C) calls up D) calls for

20. Most of his energy was ________ into writing and lecturing. A) devoted B) dedicated

C) focused

D) channeled

Section Three Translation from Chinese into English

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 这是你自己的错,不要将工作的失败归咎于别人。 2. 你负责决定要还是不要它。

3. 中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家。

4. 移动电话正在成为21世纪一个主要的技术领域。 5. 我父亲听从医生的劝告,把烟戒了。

6. 目前,他们正展开调查,以弄清这次事故的原因。

7. 自从公司迁到这个地区以来,已有十几台电脑被窃,公司决定采取措施制止偷窃。 8. 假如你要把财产转让给他人,须使他成为合法产权人。

Section Four Writing

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in

a Job Interview. You should write at least 150 words. You should base your essay on the outline below:

1) 面试在求职过程中的作用;

2) 取得面试成功的因素:仪表 举止谈吐 能力 专业知识 自信 实事求是


3) 我认为最重要的因素。

Unit 6 Food

Section One Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions

or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)

and D).

Passage One

Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage:

Manhattan Island is the oldest and most important of the five boroughs that make up New York City. It is 21.7 kilometers long and 3.8 kilometers wide at its widest point. It contains New York‘s tallest buildings as well as some of the largest schools and colleges, and the most famous financial and theater districts in the United States. It has skyscrapers and Central Park, the old and the new, the best and the worst. It is like no other big city. It is unique.

To understand Manhattan, we must know something of its early history: its early days of Dutch colonists and English settlers; the waves of nineteenth-century European immigrants who arrived at its shores; the African-Americans who moved north after the Civil War; recent immigrants from China and other parts of Asia; and young people who go to New York from all over America. It is a mix of ethnic groups and cultures, successes and failures, hopes and fears. The United States is a nation of immigrants and no other city displays this fact as well as New York City. From Chinatown and Little Italy to Harlem, New York is a place where communities take pride in retaining their ethnicity. Most immigrants went to America with very little money. They were the poor and unhappy in their own countries. America gave them hope and a new beginning. Millions of immigrants have prospered in America.

On July 4, 1884, the people of France gave to the United States as a symbol of friendship, a statue sculptured by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. This statue was placed on an island in New York Harbor. It is 46 meters high and is the first sight immigrants see as they come into New York City by ship. It is known as the Statue of Liberty. On the statue is a poem written by Emma Lazarus. This poem sums up the American tradition of accepting people from other countries. It follows: Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

1. What is the first landmark people on incoming ships see as they enter New York Harbor? A) Chinatown. C) Harlem.

B) Central Park.

D) The Statue of Liberty.

2. Emma Lazarus‘ poem says that America is a place ________.

A) where poor and unfortunate people are welcome

B) where there is liberty for people coming from other parts of the world C) where there is garbage and litter on the shore D) where there is a big light people can get together 3. Manhattan is _________.

A) an island in the Pacific Ocean C) often called Litter Italy

B) a borough of New York City

D) another name for City of New York

4. Statue of Liberty is ________.

A) a gift from the people of France B) a huge statue in Central Park C) a symbol of justice

D) a chapter in the Constitution of the United States 5. New York City is ________.

A) the only big city with a Chinatown C) home to many ethnic groups

B) the largest city in the world D) the richest city on earth

Passage Two

Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage:

The camel is a slow-moving creature. But what it lacks in speed it gains in endurance. This veritable beast of burden can walk 30 miles a day carrying a load that weighs half a ton.

The kangaroo, with its long, muscular hind legs, is a marvel of fitness. Weighing about 200 pounds, it can thrust its heavy body into the air and clear a fence nine feet high. While airborne, this leaping athlete uses its thick tail as both a counterbalance and a steering wheel.

Never underestimate the strength of an insect. The tiny ant can move a burden 50 times its weight. And the brawny bee, when tied to a small load on wheels, is able to haul up to 300 times its own weight.

The elephant is a monument to muscles. Its trunk alone, which can do everything from pulling out a tree to delicately picking up a pin, contains about 70 times the number of muscles in your body.

One of the world‘s longest leapers is the flea: it can jump 13 inches — about 350 times its own length. For a person six feet tall, this would be like jumping approximately 2,000 feet, or seven football fields. No one yet has leaped even as much as 30 feet.

A seemingly inexhaustible jumper is the Oriental rat flea: it can jump 600 times an hour for three whole days without stopping.

The fastest muscle movement ever recorded belongs to the mighty midge. This tiny, agile insect can beat its wings 133,000 times a minute, about 100 times faster than a human can blink an eye — which takes all of one twenty fifth of a second.

By land, air or sea, birds are masters of motions. The ostrich outruns any animal on two legs, carrying its 300-pound body at 30 miles an hour. The flight of the Indian bird sometimes exceeds 100 mph. And the gentoo penguin, by at least one account, can swim 22 mph. At this speed, the penguin keeps pace with one of the fastest-swimming marine mammals, the dolphin. 6. It can be learned from the passage that ________.

A) the camel cannot cover 30 miles a day with a heavy load B) the kangaroo cannot jump high with its heavy body

C) the elephant‘s trunk is both flexible and mighty

D) the brawny bee has incredible strength when it is fastened to a tree 7. Which of the following figures is NOT correct?

A) The weight of a normal kangaroo is about 200 pounds. B) The flea is the world‘s greatest high jumper. C) No one can jump 30 feet so far.

D) The oriental rat flea can jump for three days nonstop.

8. The fastest muscle movement champion belongs to a kind of ________. A) marine mammal B) huge-tailed animal C) mighty beast D) small insect 9. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A) an animal‘s size decides its physical power B) human beings can hardly jump as high as fleas C) ostrich is kind of bird

D) the penguin swims faster than the dolphin

10. It seems that the author of this passage intends to ________. A) compare animals with human athletes

B) introduce some gifted animal athletes

C) show the underestimated strength of some animals D) demonstrate the law of ―survival of the fittest‖

Section Two Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: There are 12 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. ________, she was trying her best to save her child from severe illness. A) Frankly B) Apparently C) Directly

D) Specifically

2. Her remarks were considerate and very ________ to the situation.

A) appropriate B) apparent C) sensitive D) sensible

3. In some cultures, a man is ________ to speak to his mother-in-law. He must not look at her either. A) forbidden C) prohibited

B) prevented D) stopped

4. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are ________ or nauseating. A) disgusting B) sicking C) vomiting D) heartening

5. Such a diet is widely believed to offer ________ against a number of cancers. A) protection C) promotion

B) provision D) prediction

6. The food was fairly good and the proportions were ________ large to please the men. A) anciently B) sufficiently C) deficiently

D) efficiently

7. If you need advice, you have only to ________ the phone, or come to us. A) draw up B) pull up C) set up

D) pick up

8. Food likes and dislikes do not always seem ________ to nutrition.

A) tied B) bound C) associated D) related

9. Raw spinach (菠菜) is especially ________ because it contains many of the substances needed

for life and growth.

A) delicious B) pleasing C) nutritious D) tasteful

10. There is some evidence ________ some ancient Egyptians did not eat port. A) which B) where C) that

D) why B) support D) exploration B) taboo

D) customary

11. There is some ________ that some ancient Egyptians did not eat pork. A) evidence C) witness A) sacred C) holy

12. Death is still a ________ subject for many people.

Section Three Translation from Chinese into English

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 这就是我不愿意加入这个足球队的原因。

2. 因为海伦拒绝了他晚餐的邀请,约翰很失望。

3. 多亏了他的帮助,我在工作中取得了突破。(breakthrough) 4. 学生们都盼着假期去旅行。

5. 女性职员占这个公司的三分之一。

6. 这部电影很有意思,人人都对它感兴趣。(interested) 7. 科学家们指出,野生动物应得到合理保护。 8. 我正是在这个小山村里长大的。(it is … that)

Section Four Writing

Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Dining Customs in

China. You should write at least 150 words.

Unit 7 Culture

Section One Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 2 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions

or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)

and D).

Passage One

Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage:

Early in the development of agriculture, men discovered how to make alcoholic drinks from grapes and corn. The ancient Egyptians drank both wine and beer, and the Greeks carried on a lively trade in wine throughout the Mediterranean. The vines of grapes are all of a single species, Vitis vinifera, although there are hundreds of varieties adapted to different soils and climates. Wine is the fermented juice of fresh grapes. The juice of the wine grape contains sugar, and the yeast converts the sugar to alcohol, when there is no air present, by process called fermentation. Red wine is made from dark grapes, and white wine from white grapes or from dark grapes whose skins have been removed from the wine press at an early stage.

The most famous wine-growing countries are France, Germany and Italy. Wine was made in England in the Middle Ages, but the climate is not really suitable for grapevines. Wines must be drunk quickly once they are opened, otherwise bacteria will use the air to convert the alcohol to vinegar. The bacteria are killed by a higher alcohol content than is found in wine and that is why sherry and port, the specialties of Spain and Portugal, are fortified by the addition of spirits to make them last longer.

Beer is made from sprouting barley grains (malt), which is fermented with yeast to produce alcohol; hops are added for flavour. Ale, the most common drink in England in the Middle Ages, was also made from barley, but without hops; the ale of today is merely a type of beer. In Japan, beer is made from rice.

Spirits have a higher alcoholic content than beer and wine and are made by distillation from a base of grain or some other vegetable. Gin and Vodka can be distilled from a variety of ingredients, including potatoes; gin is flavoured with juniper berries. Scotch whisky is obtained from a base of fermented barley, and brandy from the distillation of wine. Rum is derived from sugar cane by fermentation of molasses, a by-product in refining sugar. Cider is made from apples. South American Indians make alcoholic drinks from cactus leaves and the shoots of certain palm trees.

1. The earliest alcoholic drinks were made from ________. A) rice and potatoes B) grapes and corn C) grains and barley D) apples and berries 2. The colour of the red wine comes mainly from ________. A) the juice of wine grapes

B) the juice of red grapes

C) the skin of wine grapes D) the skin of dark-coloured grapes 3. ―Fermentation‖ in the second paragraph refers to ________. A) a container to keep air from entering the wine B) a kind of yeast to change sugar into alcohol

C) a method to produce wine through chemical reactions D) a machine to obtain juice from grapes 4. The purpose of using hops is to ________.

