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英语(闽教版){新}五年级下学期测试卷 姓名________ 一.用书写体正确抄写下面句子。(10%) 1. I went to Taiwan with my parents. 2. There are some tigers next to the lions. 3. She is going to hide the eggs. 4. We are going to have a Sports Day. 5. Who is the winner of 100-meter race? 二、选择填空(14%) 1、( ) I will _______high jump A、do B、doing 2、( )Would you like to come for a visit?________________ A、We’d love to B、Yes, we do 3、( )Wang Tao is __________100 meters race. A、doing B、 running 4、( )what’s the date today?____________ A、It’s Tuesday. B、It’s June 6 5、( )____________floor do you live on ? On the second floor. A、 What B、Which

6、( )What are you going to do? _________________- A、I’m going to hide the eggs. B、I’m hiding the eggs. 7. ( )I’m busy________ the cards. A. writing B. write 三、根据中文意思把单词补充完整(12%)

fl__ __ __ (楼层) cam__r__(照相机) f__ __ st(第一) homet__ __n(故乡) f__ __rth (第四) h__ __gry(饿的) 四、与图意内容相符填“T”,不符填“F”(15%) 1、

( ) There are some tigers next to the elephants.

2、( )She is going to color the eggs.

3、( )I’ going to take a camera with me.

4、( )Julia will do high jump.

5、( )January 1 is Christmas Day.


( ) 1. What’s the date today? A. I will ( ) 2. Which floor do you live on? B. It’s June 1.

( ) 3. How was your winter vacation? C.On the ninth floor.

( ) 4. What animals did you see? D.I visited the Great Wall. ( ) 5. Where are the kids? E.In the garden.

( ) 6. What’re you going to take with you? F. Pandas and tigers. ( ) 7. Who will do high jump? G. A camera. 六、将下列句子的序号填入图片下方括号内。(10%)

A. B. C. D. E. She is going to skate. They are looking for the eggs. He is not good at it. He is falling down I went to Australia in my winter vacation He is my neighbor; he lives on the fifteenth floor.

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( ) 七、将下列句子补充完整。(15%) do well good at see the bridge in three days busy with 1、He is trying to ______________(做好).

2、Mrs. King is________________(忙于)her Christmas tree. 3、I can _________________(看到桥)from the window.

4、My birthday will come_______________________(三天后)

5、He is falling down. He is not______________________(擅长) it. 八、阅读短文,判断正误。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(10%)

My name is Peter. Yesterday my sister and I went to the zoo by bike. We saw some pandas and monkey. I like pandas very much. I took a photo of the monkeys. Pandas live at Sichuan Province. They look lovely. My sister likes penguins. They are birds, but they cannot fly. She bought a book about pandas. We had a good time at the zoo.

( ) 1. They went to the zoo on foot. ( ) 2. I took a photo of the pandas.

( ) 3. Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly. ( ) 4.My sister likes pandas.

( ) 5.She bought a panda at the zoo.

