三年级上英语教案-Unit 3 My friends新译林版

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Unit 3 My Friends Period 2

Content of courses:

Part A Let’s talk

Let’s guess

Teaching aims:

1,Knowledge goal:

(1)Enable students to listen to, saying, this class

complete sentences. “I have a new friend.”“What’s his/her name? His/her name is ”.

(2) Students can understand the meaning of words “photo”and“Chinese”.

(3)Can read dialogue.

2、Ability to target:

(1)Can describe the appearance about of your friends.

(2)When used correctly “She/he is ,She/he has ”,Able to communicate knowledge flexibly.

3、Emotional goals:

(1)Education students, cherish and love of friendship


Stimulate students' interest in learning English, and make students to build up the confidence

to learn English.

(3)To cultivate students' ability of cooperation and communication.

Important point:

What’s his name? His name is What’s her name? Her name is

Difficult point:

She/he is She/he has 运用。

Teaching tools: photos , John and his mother’s headgear , CAT , prize Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warm up and revision

1 Greeting.

T: Good morning/afternoon. Boys and girls. Ss:

T: How are you? Ss:


2 Revision

(1)Teacher say, students do.

T: Touch your eye. Ss : eye , eye.

(2)Chant: CAT

Tall , tall , tall , make yourself tall.


Step 2 Presentation and practice

Teaching important sentences

1 Teacher take out pictures ,say:Look ,I have many friends. then ask:

Who is she/he?

Ss: She is Chen Jie/Sarah .He is John/Mike .

2 Teacher ask: What’

s his/her name? Lead in new contents. Teacher points a student, ask: Who is she? Ss: She is WangLan. Teacher ask

again: What’s his/her name?

Ss:She is WangLan.(师在此,首次可告诉学生,She is WangLan),Then, teacher point another

student, such as above to ask and answer with sentences above.

[设计目的:通过问、答,操练已掌握的旧知识,利用熟悉的人物头饰以及教室内的学生当课堂道具,自然、轻松、有趣地导出新知识,也就是本课的重点知识内容——What’s his name? His name is What’s her name? Her name is .针对课堂内的学生进行问、答,在无任务、无压力、无意识的情况下,学会重点句型,并且完成了课堂的教学目标,更从潜意识改变学生“学英语就是读背”的传统观念,从潜意识喜欢英语、想学英语、爱学英语]

3 Teaching important. a 师领读

b 师生角色扮演

c 生生分组朗读

d 整体朗读

[设计目的:通过“读”多形式的读,彻底巩固掌握本课重点句型。因为在上一环节,学生在情景中无意识地学习了句型What’s his name? His name is What’s her name? Her name is .

在此基础上老师可不必过多教读,只起到纠正、指正其错误发音的作用,] 4 Practice important sentences.

(1)Teacher point a student ask: What’s his/her name? Ss

(2)Students ask and answer.

(3)Chant practice.

(4)Sing to practice.

[设计目的:通过师与生,生与生之间的“问、答”,Chant, sing多种活动形式来操练任务句型,达到人人会读,人人会说,人人会答,最终能自然交流的能力目标。]

Teaching new words

1 Show a student’s photo.Teacher say: I have a friend,too. A boy or girl?Ss:

A girl.Teacher ask:

What’s her name? Ss:Her name is WangLan.Teacher point photo say: This is WangLan’s photo.

2 Teacher knock the photo,say:a photo. Teaching “photo”

3 Teater point photo ask:Is she a English girl? Ss:No,She is a Chinese girl. Teacher say:Yes,She

is my Chinese friend.Teaching:Chinese.

4 Point photo or take out headgear prictice:Chinese friend.

[设计目的:利用熟悉人的照片,由已掌握的知识对人物进行简单的问答和描述后,导出新单词photo,进行学说,再由这张照片顺理成章地导出Chinese friend.用一张照片的展示贯穿着:句型操练——新单词学说——人物简单描述——掌握



Teaching dialogue

1 Watch CAT

2 Read after CAT

3 Teacher teach reading

4 Ss read it together

5 Act dialogue


Step 3Consolidation

Make new dialogues.

Play a game: listen and guess.


Step 4 Homework

Listen and act dialogues

Blackboard design:

Unit 3 My Friends

What’s his name? His name is What’s her name? Her name is

Photo Chinese

