新核心大学英语2 Unit 4
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Unit 4 Information Security
Learning objectivesIn this unit you will: 1. learn about the life of hackers and the safety of the Internet; 2. familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit; 3. learn to use these words and expressions; 4. learn about types of journalistic reports and their features for a better understanding of news reports; 5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials; 6. learn to use the proper expressions and sentence structures to show agreement and disagreement.
Part I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart II Listening Strategies
Part III Extensive Listening Part IV Communication Skills
Part V Assessment Log
Part I Theme-Related Activities Section I Section II Interview Science Report
Section III Movie Clip
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Lead-in questions
Lead-in questions:1. Have you ever wondered how talented hackers do their job and how intriguing and fascinating their life is? 2. Have you ever been troubled by some hackers, for example, by their phishing emails or other hoaxes and scams?
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank
Word Bankmystic / m st k/ adj. modem / m dem/ n. 神秘的, 玄妙的 调制解调器
end up doingtestify / test fa / v.
〈非正〉(以……)结束; 最终 成为(变得)证明; 证实
fake /fe k/ adj.handle / hændl/ n.
假的, 冒充的(非正式)(人或地方的)称呼, 称号
geek /ɡi:k/ n.
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank
junket / d k t/ n. / pr ks m tli/ adv. assemble / semb l/ v line up weird /w d/ adj. mechanism / mek n z m/ n.
approx(approximately的简写) 近似地,大约装配, 组合 排成一行, 让……准备就绪 (非正式)十分奇怪的;奇异的 构造, 机制
payoff / pei f/ n.whimsical / w mz k l/ adj. fantasy / fænt si/ n.
结果, 报偿想入非非的;离奇的 想像, 幻想
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.1. Joe Grand’s first invention was _________. A. a computer game that sold well B. a software that can be used to hack into any computer C. a device that allows callers to dial out but prevents calling in D. a modem that made communication possible with his friends
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
2. The club was wanted by the US senate because ______. A. the government needed them to crack a code B. they hacked the government computer system C. they wanted to know the state of government computer security D. the government needed to attack their enemies’ computer systems 3. Terry Sandin and his team created ________. A. a robot B. a show for children C. a new security software D. a new software for hacking
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 1
4. Terry Sandin thinks his efforts paid off when ____
_____. A. he assembled a computer B. the software he designed became popular C. he successfully hacked others’ computer systems D. people, especially children liked the robot he made 5. Terry thinks he can help society by _______. A. teaching children how to make robot B. drawing out creativity in other people C. producing anti-virus software D. helping children overcome stage fright
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 2
Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following sentences.1. Joe Grand teamed up with a group of guys to start a little hackers’ club when ________________ . he was 15 years old 2. The club members communicated with each other over the computer on modems _____________________ . 3. Back ___________ , Joe Grand and the club members in early 2000 from the Loft were asked to _____________________ testify about the government’ s computer security __________________________ . 4. Unlike most inventors who put their ideas on paper, Terry keeps them all in his head . _________
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 2
5. Terry could see the whole thing assembled ___________ visually in his head are supposed to line up ____ and know how things ___________________.
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 3
Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the class.1. What unique personalities do you think hackers have? Do you think these personalities can be acquired after birth? 2. What role does creativity play in success? What needs to be done on parents’ part to nurture creativity in their children? 3. What attitudes should parents take towards kids’ whimsical inventions? 4. Tell about one thing you were proud of when you were a kid?
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section I 》Script
ScriptJoe Grand The first thing I built, I was about eight years old, and it was actually a device that you put into the telephone line and will still let you dial out with the phone line but for anybody calling in it would appear as a busy signal. So it was really good for telemarketers, but I wasn’t thinking about it like that when I was younger. It was really sort of a mischievous device so nobody can call in and call my parents. In 1992, when I was 15 years old, I joined a group of
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Word Bank
Word Bankhijack / ha d æk/ v. cyber / sa b / adj. 劫持, 绑架 计算机(网络)的;信息技术的
overseas / v si z/ adv. 在[向]海外; 在国外 gunpoint / ɡ np nt/ n. 枪口 assume / sju m/ v. wire / wa (r)/ v. impersonator / m p s ne t (r)/ n. breach /bri t / n. 假装 把(钱)电汇给(某人) 扮演者,模仿者 破坏, 违反
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Word Bank
violate / va le t/ v. jeopardy / d ep di/ n. con /k n/ v.
侵犯, 妨碍 危险 欺骗
scam /skæm/ n.
花招; 骗局
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Task 1
Task 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.
F ____ 1. Diane Solomon was hijacked on her flight to Los Angeles. (Her face, name and information about her friends were stolen.) F ____ 2. Someone assumed Solomon’s identity to open a bank account. (Her identity was used to open a Facebook account.) T ____ 3. Social engineering is a type of identity theft.
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Task 1
F ____ 4. One of Diane Solomon’s friends was cheated out of money by the hackers. (No one lost their money.) ____ 5. Diane Solomon thinks it was a worm-monitoring virus T she downloaded unconsciously that led to the disclosure of her information.
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Task 2
Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then give a short answer to each of the following questions.
1. Where was Diane Solomon when her friends called her? Running a race in downtown Los Angeles. __________________________________2. How did the hacker persuade Diana Solomon’s friends to wire money? The hacker sent an email as Diana Solomon saying she _____________________________________________ was in danger and needed money. ____________________________
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Task 2
3. According to Alice Tsujihara, why is social engineering so easy? So much information is available on the Internet. _______________________________________ 4. What can we infer about Diane Solomon from her response to the identity theft? She has a strong sense of responsibility. ________________________________ 5. What do authorities suggest people do to fight against identity theft? Change their password regularly, use anti-virus __________________________________________ software, keep their personal information secure. __________________________________________
Unit 4 》Part I 》Section II 》Task 3
Task 3 Watch the video clip again and make a twominute comment on the topic of the clip. Prepare to answer one or two questions raised by the class or your teacher after your presentation. For Reference:It is appalling that something which we have long believed can only bring us enormous benefits and convenience can also be an awful nuisance and potential a threat to our lives. Diane Solomon in the video clip did not anticipate the dangers of a cyber hacker violating her privacy. When she learned that a Facebook account had been created in her name and an email sent to her friends requesting money, she shut both down, protecting both her friends and herself.
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