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Unit 2 单元测试卷

得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题88分)




( A )1.A.



( B )2.A. B.


( A )3.A. B.


( C )4.A. B.


( B )5.A. B.





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( B )6.What day is it today?

A.It's Friday. B.It's Saturday. C.It's Sunday. ( C )7.What does Grace want to give her mother?

A.A pair of gloves. B.A pair of pants. C.A pair of shoes. 听第7段对话,回答第8、9小题。 ( A )8.What festival are they celebrating?

A.Thanksgiving. B.New Year's Day. C.Mid-Autumn Festival. ( B )9.What do Americans celebrate at the festival?

A.A new year. B.The harvest. C.The bright full moon.

听第8段对话,回答第10、11小题。 ( C )10.What did the girl go to Thailand for?

A.On business. B.Visiting a friend. C.On vacation. ( C )11.When does the Water Festival end?

A.On April 13. B.On April 14. C.On April 15. 听第9段对话,回答第12、13、14小题。 ( A )12.What did the girl do on New Year's Day? A.She had a special meal together with her family. B.She did some shopping with her parents. C.She washed her clothes.

( B )13.Who bought new clothes for the girl?

A.Her grandmother. B.Her mother. C.Her aunt. ( B )14.What's the boy's resolution? A.He will work harder at school.

B.He will help his parents do housework. C.He will read more books.

听第10段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。 ( B )15.Which country did Kate visit last month? A.America. B.Australia. C.Canada. ( C )16.How long did she stay there?

A.For two years. B.For two months. C.For two weeks. ( A )17.How was her trip?

A.Very nice. B.Not good. C.Just so-so. 听第11段对话,回答第18、19、20小题。 ( C )18.Where did Helen go for her vacation? A.Beijing. B.Hangzhou. C.Hainan. ( B )19.What did Helen think of the traffic there?

A.It was excellent. B.It was awful. C.It wasn't bad. ( A )20.Why did Helen go shopping every day? A.Because the fruits were nice there. B.Because she had nothing to do there.

C.Because she wanted to buy some books there.



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( A )21.What's the name of the festival?

A.Friendship Day. B.Thanksgiving Day. C.Christmas Day. ( B )22.Where did the festival start?

A.In Japan. B.In the USA. C.In China. ( A )23.When do people have the festival?

A.On the first Sunday of August. B.On the first Sunday of May. C.On Sunday every month.

( C )24.Who should people show love to? A.Parents. B.Teachers. C.Friends.

( C )25.How do people have the festival?

A.In only one way. B.In the same way. C.In many different ways.


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( B )26.My cousin was born ________ the evening of July 3rd.

A.in B.on C.at D.from

( D )27.—What do you think of our new teacher,Mrs Li? —She is ________ to us.We all love her.

A.strict B.angry C.serious D.kind

( C )28.Mother told me sound ________ slower than light. A.traveled B.travel C.travels D.traveling

( C )29.He refused ________ part in the sports meeting yesterday. A.takes B.taking C.to take D.took

( A )30.The cat ________ on the kitchen floor when I came in.A.was lying B.was laying C.lied D.lay


( B )31.—I wonder ________ she will come to the party or not. —I think she will.

A.if B.whether C.that D.when

( C )32.We bought Lucy an e-dictionary and ________ she worked harder than before. A.for example B.compared with C.as a result D.in fact

( C )33.—Excuse me,could you please tell me ________? —Yes,there is a bookstore on Main Street. A.do you go to the bookstore B.is there a bookstore near here C.if there is a bookstore near here

D.that it takes 20 minutes to get to the bookstore ( C )34.________ fine weather it is today!

A.What a B.How a C.What D.How

( D )35.—I am going to the USA to spend my holidays next month. —________

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A.Yes,that's true. B.No,not at all. C.Don't waste time. D.Sounds like fun.


从A、B、C、D中选出一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。 On Mother's Day,after my children arrived home from school,the doorbell rang.I went to answer it,and there stood two clean-faced,tall,smiling __36__.They held two of __37__ flowers I have ever seen.They said to me,“Do you __38__ us?You often fed us cookies!They were so __39__.We wanted to come back and thank you and say __40__ because you were like a mom to us!” I couldn't help __41__ and thanked them.

I __42__ the old days.At that time,I didn't have __43__ money or big house and I was a single mom with three young __44__ of my own.

The two boys were a bit older __45__ my children.They always visited my yard,but they __46__ cared about the fact that their faces were dirty.Every day they enjoyed themselves with my __47__ girls and one small boy.

I spent a lot of time __48__ healthy cookies.The two boys played __49__ in my yard,and they were quite happy to share food,books,games.But then,for a time,they didn't visit us.I wanted to know __50__ in their lives,and hoped for the best.

But now they came back and thanked me.This is the best gift I have ever received from two young boys.

( A )36.A.boys B.girls C.students D.characters ( D )37.A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.much beautiful D.the most beautiful

( B )38.A.receive B.remember C.forget D.refuse ( D )39.A.expensive B.natural C.simple D.delicious ( C )40.A.Happy Teachers' Day B.Happy New Year C.Happy Mother's Day D.Merry Christmas

( D )41.A.jumping B.laughing C.shouting D.crying ( D )42.A.forgot B.reminded C.recalled D.rememberd ( C )43.A.many B.a few C.much D.a little

( B )44.A.sons B.children C.daughters D.sisters ( C )45.A.over B.then C.than D.before ( A )46.A.never B.always C.often D.quite ( D )47.A.five B.four C.three D.two

( D )48.A.bake B.baked C.to bake D.baking ( B )49.A.quickly B.happily C.sadly D.strongly ( A )50.A.what happened B.what is happening C.what will happen D.what happens 四、阅读理解(共两节,满分38分)

第一节 阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共14小题;每小题2分,满分28分)


Spain(西班牙) is famous for its tomato festival,called La Tomatina.It happens in a small town Bunol on the last Wednesday of August every year.During the festival there are all kinds of

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activities,but the most exciting part is the tomato fight.It takes place at the end of long celebration(庆祝).You are encouraged to throw tomatoes in the fight.There're many stories about how the festival began.One of the stories goes that during the 1940's,some friends started a tomato fight,while another story is about a local band.Anyway,everyone in Bunol seems to have a different story.Before the tomato fight,there are parades(游行),musical bands,street parties and so on.

On the day of the fight,shopkeepers cover their windows and doors in order to keep away from the tomato fight.At the same time,thousands of tourists and local people come to the town square together.Then large trucks(卡车) full of tomatoes arrive.From the back of the large trucks,many people start to throw tomatoes at others.Then the crowds fight back,throwing the tomatoes at anything and anyone.Soon the streets are in the sea of red tomato juice.

Everyone is supposed to obey a small number of rules: You must squash(压烂) the tomato before throwing it and you are allowed to throw nothing but tomatoes.

It is usually over in less than half an hour.Everyone then sets off to the river to clear up.Sounds like fun!

( B )51.The most exciting activity of the festival is ________. A.eating traditional food B.the tomato fight C.street parties D.the talent show ( D )52.On the fight day,________.

A.the streets will be in the sea of yellow orange juice B.people can throw everything

C.shopkeepers open their doors to watch people fight D.lots of tourists and local people take part in the fight

[来源:]( C )53.The best title of the passage can be ________. A.Travel in Spain B.The History of Spain

C.The Tomato Festival in Spain D.Rules of the Tomato Festival ( C )54.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A.The festival happens on the last Wednesday of August every year. B.On the fight day,shopkeepers cover their windows and doors. C.The fight day usually lasts less than an hour.

D.Everyone is supposed to obey some rules on the fight day.


The Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China but also in other parts of the world.The traditional holiday is the most important to Chinese both home and abroad. United Kingdom Celebrations for Spring Festival in the UK started in 1980,with the first evening party held in 2002.Every New Year,people get together and have a lot of activities.They sing songs,dance to music,share photos with friends or enjoy films in a cinema. United States Spring Festival has become a key time for Chinese living or working in the US.They join in a large 5 / 9


evening party to welcome the traditional New Year.It is a good chance for people to build a circle of friends and feel that they are not alone because they share the same culture and values. Australia The Chinese New Year will be welcomed with three weeks of celebrations across Australia.Many people come to Sydney's Chinatown or Little Bourke in Melbourne.They enjoy fireworks,lion dances,dragon boat races and many other traditional activities.The celebrations are also a bridge towards better understanding between Chinese and non-Chinese. Singapore The family dinner on New Year's Eve is an important tradition for Chinese whether they were born in Singapore or moved there from China.They place traditional food on a table as an act of remembering their past.Then the whole family enjoy their dinner together.They usually hold it at home because having it in a restaurant takes away the meaning of the tradition. ( B )55.Celebrations for Spring Festival in the UK started in ________. A.1890 B.1980 C.2000 D.2002

( A )56.At Spring Festival,American Chinese join in a large evening party to ________. A.say hello to the new year B.refuse a good chance C.tell others they are alone D.share different cultures

( C )57.Chinese in Australia enjoy the following activities except ________. A.fireworks B.lion dances C.bridges D.dragon boat races

( D )58.In Singapore,Chinese families don't hold the new year dinner in a restaurant but at

[来源学+科+网Z+X+X+K]home because ________.

A.they were born in Singapore

B.they moved there from other places C.the restaurant is far away

D.they want to keep Chinese tradition

( D )59.After reading the passage above,we might say ________. A.all parts of the world celebrate Spring Festival B.the Chinese New Year is celebrated only in China

C.celebrations for Spring Festival are just held in four foreign countries D.Chinese across the world have a strong feeling towards Spring Festival



On December 24,kids around the world waited for Santa Claus(圣诞老人).They thought that the fat,white-bearded man would bring them gifts.But do you know that some people would rather keep Santa out of the door?

Last month,10 doctoral(博士的) students from Tsinghua,Peking and Renmin Universities said Santa Claus wasn't welcome in China.

“Foreign holidays like Christmas are now very popular in China,while fewer and fewer people celebrate traditional Chinese festivals like the Dragon Boat Festival,” said the students in a public letter.

They asked people to stop sending Christmas cards and giving gifts to their children.Instead,

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they said,Chinese should spend more time on traditional festivals.

They have lots of support.In Hunan,several people went out on the street on Christmas Day.They made poems and wrote Chinese calligraphy(书法).

“Rather than spending money on Christmas,we should care more about our own culture,”said one of them.

But others have different ideas.“Celebrations of foreign holidays help us know more about foreign cultures.It is good for us to make friends,”said Liu Yang,a 14-year-old boy from Shanghai.

Sun Long,13,from Beijing,sees the celebration as a way to make people happier and closer.“My school held a big party on Christmas Day.We played games and shared gifts with each other.I think we have got closer,” he said.

( C )60.Why did some people not like Santa Claus?Because ________.

A.he was fat and white-bearded B.he was kind

C.he stopped some Chinese from caring more about their own culture D.he had lots of presents but usually stayed out of the door

( A )61.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Some college students want Chinese people to pay more attention to traditional Chinese festivals.

B.All students are interested in foreign holidays.

C.More students want to stop spending more time on Chinese cultures. D.Fewer people like the Dragon Boat Festival.

( D )62.What did people do in China after the 10 students' letter came out? A.They stopped sending Christmas cards and giving gifts to their children. B.They made poems and wrote Chinese calligraphy. C.Few of them cared more about their own culture. D.Many of them supported the students' idea.

( C )63.What did a student called Sun Long think of foreign holidays? A.It was good to make friends.

B.It was helpful to know more about cultures. C.It was a happy time to relax and get closer. D.It was a good time to get gifts.

( B )64.The best title for this passage is “________”. A.Santa Claus B.A Public Letter

C.Foreign Holidays D.Celebration of Christmas

第二节 阅读还原题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(提示:每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项)

Have you ever studied abroad?Maybe it is an amazing experience,especially when you come to Australia as an foreign high school student.65.__B__There are many festivals in Australia.66.__E__ Each year,the summer holidays at every high school last about two months from the beginning of December to February,which covers the Christmas time.Since it is a long

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holiday,most foreign students in Australia love to fly back to their home countries to spend the time with their families and friends,but a few students still stay in Australia during the holiday to get part-time jobs.67.__F__ Students often take part in another major social activity.68.__D__ The summer in Australia is from December to February,so going to the beach in December is very popular among Australians.

69.__C__ It actually combines “Good Friday”and “Easter Monday”.Almost every shop closes on Good Friday.And people usually go to see Easter Show.

The Chinese New Year is not a public holiday in Australia,so every Chinese student still has to go to school to study and do his or her normal duties.

A.The biggest festival in my country is the Spring Festival. B.You can have a lot of fun there,especially on holidays. C.Easter in March is another important holiday in the year. D.They go to the beach to have fun in the sunshine. E.The most important one is Christmas.

F.It is quite easy to find a part-time job at Christmas.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题32分)



Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for 70.centuries (century).There are many traditional folk stories 71.about this festival.However,most people think that the story of Chang'e is the most 72.touching (touch).It tells that after Hou Yi shot down the nine suns,a goddess gave 73.him (he) magic medicine to thank him.Hou Yi planned 74.to_drink (drink) it with his wife,Chang'e.But 75.a bad man,Pang Meng,tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was out.Chang'e 76.was (is) ready to give it to him and then drank it all.She became very light and 77.flew (fly) up to the moon.Hou Yi was so sad and missed her very much.At night,he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.He 78.quickly (quick) laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.How he wished 79.that she could come back! After this,people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes that carry their wishes to the families they love and miss.

六、完成句子(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分) 根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。

80.在万圣节,孩子们可以把自己装扮成鬼或者黑猫。 (dress) On Halloween,little kids can dress_up_as ghosts or black cats. 81.如果你不给东西,孩子们会耍你。(play)

The children will play_a_trick_on you if you don't give them anything.

82.斯克鲁奇决定改变自己的生活,并且答应做一个好人。 (promise) Scrooge decided to change his life and promised_to_be a good person. 83.昨天妈妈在桌子上摆放了很多水果来招待我的同学。(lay)

Yesterday Mom laid_out lots of fruit on the table to treat my classmates. 84.昨天我的生日晚会以唱歌结束。(end) My birthday party ended_up_singing yesterday. 85.这本书使我想起了我的英语老师。(remind) This book reminded_me_of my English teacher.

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He doesn't mind putting_on weight because he keeps exercising every day. 七、书面表达(满分15分)

学校来了几名外国友人参加中外文化交流活动,校长请你写一封书面邀请函,邀请他们参加下个月当地举行的端午节活动。 要点提示:1.Time of the festival; 2.Activities during the festival; 3.Your invitation to them。

要求:1.词数不少于80词;2.语句通顺、意思连贯。 Dear_friends,

Welcome to our school.Next month will be one of the most traditional Chinese festivals—the Dragon Boat Festival.It falls on the lunar calendar of 5th,May.This festival is to show our respect to a famous poet,Qu Yuan.We will have dragon boat races and dragon dance on that day.We also eat a kind of traditional food zongzi.

I hope all of you can come and join us that day.We will be very glad to have you there.We are looking forward to your coming.

Yours, Li_Yan_

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