Youre supposed to shake hands.集体备课教案设计(模板)1

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学科:英语 主备人: 备课时间: 上课时间: 课题 Unit5 SectionA(1a-2d) 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: custom, bow, kiss, greet, be supposed to, 2)掌握be supposed to句型的用法。 学习目标与重难点 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 1. 学习一些见面礼仪,生活习俗和对时间的看法。 2. 了解西方国家的风土人情和习俗。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:be supposed to的用法 2. 教学难点:中西方人们见面礼仪的差别。 培养学生跨文化交际意识。 媒体运用 教学思路 整合点 PPT Whiteboard computer 利用多媒体播放各国初次见面的礼仪, 学习一些见面礼仪,生活习俗, 掌握be supposed to句型的用法 T: Do you know where Brazil/ the United States/ Japan/Mexico/Korea is? 导语S:… 精炼灵活紧扣学习目标 Unit 5 You’re supposed to shake hands. A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B:They’re supposed to bow .How about in the United States? 板书A: In the United States,they’re expected to shake hands. 设计 知识结构纲要化 准确恰当 具体明晰 恰当具体可测 课型 New 审核签字 序号 设计 T: Do you know what people do when they meet for the first time? S: … “幸福课堂”模式教学过程 一Before listening 1. Lead-in:通过图片导入本课所学的内容(different countries have different customs)。 2. 结合课前准备的情况,根据你对Brazil, the United States, Japan, Mexico, Korea 这些国家第一次见面礼仪的了解,完成1a 的搭配练习。 二While listening 1. 听1b录音,检查1a 的答案是否正确,改正错误答案。 2. 再听一遍录音, 完成下面的对话。 A: What are people _________ to do when they meet in your country, Rodrigo? B: Do you mean when friends meet for the first time? A: Yeah. B: In Mexico, we ______. A: What about in Brazil, Celia? C: Well, in Brazil, people sometimes ___. How about in Japan, Yoshi? What are people expected to do when they meet for the first time? A: We _______. D: And in Korea we also bow. Well, I guess in most Western countries we __________. 3. 跟读模仿语音语调。 4. Group work:分角色朗读对话 5. Pair work: 根据课堂准备和同伴交流你所感兴趣的国家的见面礼仪,可仿照下面的对话形式:A: What are people in … supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B: They’re supposed to …. 6.Workon2a.听2a录音,找出Maria的错误行为并用√ 标注出来。 7. 快速浏览2b中的句子,听2b录音,把句子中的信息补充完整。 8.Workon2b.再听一遍录音,完成对话。 9. Fill in the chart according to 2a & 2b. 研讨修改 Maria’s mistakes arrived late greeted others the wrong way wore the wrong clothes Maria was supposed to … 10. 学生跟读2d的对话录音,,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。 【课堂检测】 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. You should s__________ the bottle(瓶子)before pouring the orange juice. 2. If you want to go to the teacher’s office, you are supposed to k________ at the door before entering. 3. It’s good m___________ to say “hello” when you meet each other. 4. After exercising in the morning, I usually feel quite r___________. 5. Julie k___________ her mother good night before she went to bed. 二完成句子 1. 他们有相当宽松的规定。They have___________ ___________ rules. 2. 我们从未不提前打电话就拜访朋友家。 We never___________ ___________ a friend’s home without calling first. 3. 作为一名学生, 你应该努力学习。 As a student, you___________ ___________ ___________ study hard. 4. 你若晚到一会儿也不要紧。 It’s OK if you arrive___________ ___________ late. 5. 吃太多的油和盐对我们的健康不利。 ___________ too much oil and salt is bad___________ our health. 反思重建

