
更新时间:2023-05-07 06:58:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



1. How can we stop him from smoking?

How can we ______ him ______ smoking?

2. I want to know who is going to take charge of this project.

I wander who is going to be_____ _____ this project.

3. The old lady was surprised at the great changes in our city.

The old lady was ____ ____ the great changes in our city.

4. Mr. Wang took us to visit the new school.

Mr. Wang ____ us _____ the new school.

5. Wang Hai likes playing football. I like playing football, too.

____ Wang Hai _____ I _____ playing football.

Wang Hai likes playing football. ____ ____ I.

____ ____ Wang Hai ____ ___ I ____ playing football.

6. Mr. Gray didn’t go to Beijing yesterday. His wife didn’t go there, eithe r.____ Mr. Gray ____ his wife ____ to Beijing yesterday.

Mr. Gray didn’t go to Beijing yesterday. ____ ____ his wife.

7. Jack managed to swim across the river last6 Friday.

Jack ____ in ____ across the river last Friday.

8. Writing the world-famous works cost his whole life.

He ____ his whole life ____ ____ the world-famous works.

9. We are pleased that Tom told us the truth.

We are pleased ____ Tom’s _____.

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10. It will take Lee Hua half an hour to get the answer to the maths problem.It will take Lee Hua half an hour to ____ ____ the maths problem.

11. I don’t know when we will start.

I ____ ___ ___ when we will start.

12. I didn’t catch the first bus this morning.

I ____ ____ ____ catch the first bus this morning.

I ____ ____ catch the first bus this morning.

13. This classroom is as large as ours.

This classroom is ____ ____ ____ ____ ours.

14. We didn’t need chemistry teachers last term.

We were ____ ____ ____ of chemistry teachers last term.

15. Mary’s brother has stopped smoking.

Mary’s brother has ____ ____ smoking.

16. We haven’t decided where to have the meeting.

We haven’t decided ____ the ___ to have the meeting.117. The oranges are soexpensive that neither of us can buy any.

The oranges are too expensive ____ ____ of us to buy.

18. I will say sorry to Mr. Lee for being late.

I will ____ ____ Mr. Lee for being late.

19. Since everyone is here, let’s begin our class.

____ ____ everyone is here, let’s begin our class.

20. Cheng Ying has a nice watch.

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Cheng Ying ____ a nice watch.

Cheng Ying is the ____ ____ the nice watch.

Cheng Ying has a nice watch ____ ____ ____.

The nice watch ____ ____ Cheng Ying.

21. Everybody in our class did his best to help her as she was very poor in herstudies.

Everybody in our class did ___ ___ ___ to help her ____ her


22. We are given the freedom to wear anything we want to school.We are ____ to wear ____ we want to school.

23. Peter didn’t have supper and hurried to the night school by bike tonight.Peter ____to the night school ________having supper


24. The story happened in a small village.

The story ____ ____ in a small village.

25. If she doesn’t spend more time on studying, she will never have goodgrades.

____she ____more time on studying,she will never have good


26. Tom likes watching TV better than listening to the radio.

Tom _____ watching TV ____ listening to the radio.

27. He spent three hundred yuan buying the new bike.

The new bike ____ ____ three hundred yuan .

He ____ three hundred yuan ____ the new bike.

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28. Guangzhou lies in the south of China.

Guangzhou ____ ____ in the south of China.

29. Smoking is bad for your health.

Smoking is ____ ____ your health.

30. He went to bed after he had finished his homework.

He ____ go to bed _____ he had finished his homework.

31. My brother enjoys sports and recreation.

My brother ____ ____ ____ sports and recreation.232. To his great joy, he methis old friend in the street.

____ ___ ___ ___ meet his old friend in the street.

33. How do you like the performance?

___ do you ___ ___ the performance?

34. He will say goodbye to his uncle at the airport tomorrow.

He will ____ his uncle ____ at the airport tomorrow.

35. Have you prepared for your maths exam?

Have you ____ _____ for your maths exam?

36. Wang Fang hasn’t received a letter from herparents for a long time.Wang Fang’s parents haven’t ____ ____ her for a long time.

37. He got up early and went to school on foot.

He ____ ____ get up early and ____ to school.

38. We all enjoyed the dinner and the beautiful evening, too.

We all enjoyed the dinner and the beautiful evening ____ ____.

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39. Tom was very interested in science when he was an eight-year-old boy.Tom ____ great ____ in science ____ the ____ of eight.

40. The green apple is too hard for your granny to eat.

The green apple is ____ hard ____ your granny ____ eat it.

The green apple isn’t ____ ____ ____ your granny to eat.

41. Which camp are you going to sign up for?

Which camp are you going to ____ ____?

42. The teacher told the girl not to worry.

The teacher told the girl to ____ ____ ____.

43. You must review English tonight.

You must ____ ____ English tonight.

44. You mustn’t throw the waste paper on the floor.

You ____ ___ ____ throw the waste paper on the floor.

45. Would you like me to tell you about it?

_____ ____ tell you about it?

46. They had a wonderful time in the park last Sunday.

They _____ _____ in the park last Sunday.

47. We have different sizes of sports shoes.

48. He left Nanjing two years ago.

He ____ ____ ____ from Nanjing ____ two years.

49. He didn’t tell usanything about it.

He ____ us ____ about it.

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50. You aren’t allowed to throw waste paper on the ground.3____ ____ wastepaper on the ground.

51. I don’t know which oranges to choose.

I don’t know _____ oranges ____ ____ choose.

52. Shall we take the escalator to the first floor now?

What ____ ____ the escalator to the first floor now?

53. He got up even earlier so that he could catch the first bus.

He got up even earlier ____ ____ ____ catch the first bus.

55. Shall we have our class meeting this afternoon?

_____ have our class meeting this afternoon, ____ ____?

56. Will you play games with us?

_____ play games with us, ____ ____?

57. I haven’t finished reading the book, so I will renew it.

I will renew the book ____ I ____ finished reading it.

58. He doesn’t learn Japanese now.

He ____ ___ ___ ____Japanese.

59. The dirty water will be cleaned so that it will not pollute the river nearby.The dirty water will be cleaned ____ ____ ____ ____ pollute

the river nearby.

60. If you work harder, you’ll hake more progress.

____ ____, _____ you’ll make more progress.

The ____ you work, the _____ progress you’ll make.

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61. The customer was pleased with the waiter’s good service, so he left a tip.A tip _______to the waiter _________his good


Tom doesn’t know ____ ____ _____ ____.

63. Smoking is harmful not only to others but also to myself.

Smoking is harmful to myself ____ ____ ____ to others.

64. There are forty students in our class. Twenty are boys, the others are girls.There are forty students in our class. Twenty are boys, ____ ____are girls.

65. He didn’t play football. He went to see the film.

He went to see the film ____ ____ _____ football.

66. They didn’t miss the 7:45 train last Sunday.

They ____ ____ catch the 7:45 train last Sunday.

67.There are twenty classes in our school.There are twenty classes in

their4school, too.

There are ____ ____ classes in our school ____ in theirs.

68. It is fine today.

____ ____ ____ it is today!

69. They didn’t stop climbing though they were allvery tired.

They ____ ____ though they were all very tired.

70. To answer this question is difficult for me.

____ difficult ____ me ____ answer this question.

71. Betty won’t agree with me, I think.

I _____ think Betty _____ agree with me.

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72. A plane goes faster than a taxi.

A taxi ____ go ____ fast _____ a plane.

73. Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her.Mary is often praised ____ her hard _____.

74. There is something wrong with his bike.

____ ____ ____ ____ his bike.

75. The doctor didn’t start the operation until the room was bright enough.The doctor started ____ _____ there was ____ ____ in the


76. Alice borrowed a bike from Jane yesterday.

Jane ____ a bike ____ Alice yesterday.

77. She is so kind.

That’s ____ ________ her.

78. Nothing is in the box. There is only a card.

There is ____ ____ a card in the box.

79. His father is teacher. His mother is a teacher, too.

His ____ are ____ teachers.

____ of his ____ are teachers.

80. I want to speak to her after school.

I want to ____ ____ ____ ____ her after school.

81. John is as old as Tom.

John is the ____ ____ ____ Tom.

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John and Tom were ____ in the ____ ____.

82. How do you like Mr. Wang’s garden?

____ do you ____ ____ Mr. Wang’s garden?

____ _____ Mr. Wang’s garden?

____ Mr. Wang’s garden _____?

83. We are going to take part in the game.5We are going to ____ ___ the game.

84. I’ve booked a table for eight at that restaurant ahead of time.

I’ve booked a table for eight at that restaurant ____ ____.

85. They will go to see Mr. Lee if they are free tomorrow.

They will ____ Mr. Lee if they ____ ____ tomorrow.

86. Millions of people died in the last war.

Millions of people ____ ____ ____ in the last war.

87. Can you pass me a knife?

Would you ____ ____ me a knife?

88. This bike is 400 yuan. That bike is 500 yuan.

That bike is ____ ____ than his one.

This bike is ____ ____ than that one.

89. My father joined the Party ten years ago.

My father ____ ____ ____ Party member for ten years.

My father ____ ____ ____ the Party for ten years.

90. His brother bought a new bike a month ago.

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His brother ____ ____ a new bike for a month.

91. Terry is more diligent than any other student in her class.

____ all the ____, the ____ ____ student is Terry.

92. Mary and Jane didn’t go to bed until midnight, talking about their future.Mary and Jane ____ ____ until midnight, talking about their future.

93. Bell had a keen desire to help the deaf.

Bell ____ ____ to help the deaf.

94. My father went to Japan in 1996 and 1998.

My father ____ already ____ to Japan ____.

95. All of us get up early in the morning.

____ of us gets up ____ in the morning.

96. Switzerland has many mountains regions. They are excellent for skiing.Switzerland has many mountains regions_____ _____ excellent forskiing.

97. The DVD has taken the place of VCD in my home town.

The DVD ____ ____ _____ instead of VCD in my home town.

98. After a quick breakfast, Mary left in a hurry.

After a quick breakfast, Mary ____ ____.

99. The boy asked his mother,“Does water freeze at 0oC?”

The boy asked his mother ____ water _____ at 0oC.

100.In some states of America,children must stay in school until they aresixteen.6In some states of America, children ____ ____ school until theyare sixteen.


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1. How can we stop him from smoking?

How can we prevent him fromsmoking?

2. I want to know who is going to take charge of this project.

I wander who is going to be responsible forthis project.

3. The old lady was surprised at the great changes in our city.

The old lady was amazed atthe great changes in our city.

4. Mr. Wang took us to visit the new school.

Mr. Wang showed us around the new school.

5. Wang Hai likes playing football. I like playing football, too.

Both Wang Hai and I likeplaying football.

Wang Hai likes playing football.So doI.

Not only Wang Hai but also I likeplaying football.

6. Mr. Gray didn’t go to Beijing yesterday. His wife didn’t go there, either.Neither Mr. Gray nor his wife wentto Beijing yesterday.

Mr. Gray didn’t go to Beijing yesterday.Neither/Nor didhis wife.

7. Jack managed to swim across the river last6 Friday.

Jack succeed in swimming across the river last Friday.

8. Writing the world-famous works cost his whole life.

He spent his whole life in writingthe world-famous works.

9. We are pleased that Tom told us the truth.

We are pleased with Tom’s ho nesty.

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10. It will take Lee Hua half an hour to get the answer to the maths problem.It will take Lee Hua half an hour to work outthe maths problem.

11. I don’t know when we will start.

I have no ideawhen we will start.

12. I didn’t catch the first bus this morning.

I wasn’t able tocatch the first bus this morning.

I failed tocatch the first bus this morning.

13. This classroom is as large as ours.

This classroom is the same size asours.

14. We didn’t needchemistry teachers last term.

We were in no needof ch emistry teachers last term.715. Mary’s brother hasstopped smoking.

Mary’s brother has given upsmoking.

16. We haven’t decided where to have the meeting.

We haven’t decided on the placeto have the meeting.

17. The oranges are so expensive that neither of us can buy any.

The oranges are too expensive for eitherof us to buy.

18. I will say sorry to Mr. Lee for being late.

I will apologize toMr. Lee for being late.

19. Since everyone is here, let’s begin ourclass.

Now that everyone is here, let’s begin our clas s.

20. Cheng Ying has a nice watch.

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Cheng Ying ownsa nice watch.

Cheng Ying is the owner ofthe nice watch.

Cheng Ying has a nice watch of her own.

The nice watch belongs toCheng Ying.

21. Everybody in our class did his best to help her as she was very poor in herstudies.

Everybody in our class did what he could to help her withher studies.

22. We are given the freedom to wear anything we want to school.

We are free to wear whateverwe want to school.

23. Peter didn’t have supper and hurried to the night scho ol by bike tonight.Peter rode to the night school hurriedly withouthaving supper tonight.

24. The story happened in a small village.

The story took placein a small village.

25. If she doesn’t spend more time on studying, she will never have goodgrades.

Unless she spendsmore time on studying, she will never have good grades.

26. Tom likes watching TV better than listening to the radio.

Tom prefers watching TV tolistening to the radio.

27. He spent three hundred yuan buying the new bike.

The new bike cost himthree hundred yuan .

He paid three hundred yuan forthe new bike.

28. Guangzhou lies in the south of China.

Guangzhou is locatedin the south of China.

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29. Smoking is bad for your health.

Smoking is harmful toyour health.

30. He went to bed after he had finished his homework.

He didn’t go to bed untilhe had finished his homework.

31. My brother enjoys sports and recreation.8My brother is interested insportsand recreation.

32. To his great joy, he met his old friend in the street.

He was happy tomeet his old friend in the street.

33. How do you like the performance?

What do you think ofthe performance?

34. He will say goodbye to his uncle at the airport tomorrow.

He will see his uncle off at the airport tomorrow.

35. Have you prepared for your maths exam?

Have you got readyfor your maths exam?

36. Wang Fang hasn’t received a letter from her parents for a long time.Wang Fang’s parents haven’t written toher for a long time.

37. He got up early and went to school on foot.

He used get up early and walkedto school.

38. We all enjoyed the dinner and the beautiful evening, too.

We all enjoyed the dinner and the beautiful evening as well.

39. Tom was very interested in science when he was an eight-year-old boy.Tom showed great interest in science at the ageof eight.

40. The green apple is too hard for your granny to eat.

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The green apple is so hard that your granny can’t eat it.

The green apple isn’t soft enough for your granny to eat.

41. Which camp are you going to sign up for?

Which camp are you going to enter for?

42. The teacher told the girl not to worry.

The teacher told the girl to take it easy.

43. You must review English tonight.

You must go overEnglish tonight.

44. You mustn’t throw the waste paper on the floor.

You aren’t allowed tothrow the waste paper on t he floor.

45. Would you like me to tell you about it?

Shall Itell you about it?

46. They had a wonderful time in the park last Sunday.

They enjoyed themselvesin the park last Sunday.

47. We have different sizes of sports shoes.

48. He left Nanjing two years ago.

He has been away from Nanjing fortwo years.

49. He didn’t tell us anything about it.

He told us nothingabout it.950. You aren’t allowed to throw waste paper on theground.

Don’t litterwaste paper on the ground.

51. I don’t know which oranges to c hoose.

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I don’t know which oranges I shouldchoose.

52. Shall we take the escalator to the first floor now?

What about takingthe escalator to the first floor now?

53. He got up even earlier so that he could catch the first bus.

He got up even earlier in order tocatch the first bus.

55. Shall we have our class meeting this afternoon?

Let’shave our class meeting this afternoon,shall we?

56. Will you play games with us?

Pleaseplay games with us,will you?

57. I haven’t finished reading the book, so I will renew it.

I will renew the book because I haven’tfinished reading it.

58. He doesn’t learn Japanese now.

He has given up learningJapanese.

59. The dirty water will be cleaned so that it will not pollute the river nearby.The dirty water will be cleaned so as not topollute the river nearby.

60. If you work harder, you’ll hake more progress.

Work harder,and you’ll make more progress.

The harder you work, the more progress you’ll make.

61. The customer was pleased with the waiter’s good service, so he left a tip.A tip was left to the waiter because of his good service.

63. Smoking is harmful not only to others but also to myself.

Smoking is harmful to myself as well asto others.

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64. There are forty students in our class. Twenty are boys, the others are girls.There are forty students in our class. Twenty are boys,the restare girls.

65. He didn’t play football. He went to see the film.

He went to see the film instead of playingfootball.

66. They didn’t miss the 7:45 train last Sunday.

They managed tocatch the 7:45 train last Sunday.

67.There are twenty classes in our school.There are twenty classes in theirschool, too.

There are as many classes in our school asin theirs.


68. It is fine today.

What fine weatherit is today!

69. They didn’t stop climbing though they were all very tired.

They kept climbingthough they were all very tired.

70. To answer this question is difficult for me.

It’s difficult for me toanswer this question.

71. Bettywon’t agree with me, I think.

I don’t think Betty willagree with me.

72. A plane goes faster than a taxi.

A taxi doesn’t go as/so fast asa plane.

73. Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her.Mary is often praised for her hard work.

74. There is something wrong with his bike.

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Something is wrong withhis bike.

75. The doc tor didn’t start the operation until the room was bright enough.The doctor started operating when there was enough lightin the room.

76. Alice borrowed a bike from Jane yesterday.

Jane lent a bike toAlice yesterday.

77. She is so kind.

That’s very kind ofher.

78. Nothing is in the box. There is only a card.

There is nothing but/excepta card in the box.

79. His father is teacher. His mother is a teacher, too.

His parents are bothteachers.

Both of his parentsare teachers.

80. I want to speak to her after school.

I want to have a word/talk withher after school.

81. John is as old as Tom.

John is the same age as Tom.

John and Tom were born/both in the same year.

82. How do youlike Mr. Wang’s garden?

What do you think of Mr. Wang’s garden?

What about Mr. Wang’s garden?

What’s Mr. Wang’s garden like?

83. We are going to take part in the game.

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We are going to join inthe game.

84. I’ve booked a table for eight at that restaurant ahead of time.I’ve booked a table for eight at that restaurant in advance.


85. They will go to see Mr. Lee if they are free tomorrow.

They will visit Mr. Lee if they have time / aren’t busytomorrow.

86. Millions of people died in the last war.

Millions of people lost their livesin the last war.

87. Can you pass me a knife?

Would you mind passingme a knife?

88. This bike is 400 yuan. That bike is 500 yuan.

That bike is more expensivethan his one.

This bike is much cheaperthan that one.

89. My father joined the Party ten years ago.

My father has been aParty member for ten years.

My father has been inthe Party for ten years.

90. His brother bought a new bike a month ago.

His brother has hada new bike for a month.

91. Terry is more diligent than any other student in her class.

Of all the students, themost diligentstudent is Terry.

92. Mary and Jane didn’t go to bed until midnight, talking about their future.Mary and Jane stayed upuntil midnight, talking about their future.

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93. Bell had a keen desire to help the deaf.

Bell was eagerto help the deaf.

94. My father went to Japan in 1996 and 1998.

My father has already been to Japan twice.

95. All of us get up early in the morning.

None of us gets up latein the morning.

96. Switzerland has many mountains regions. They are excellent for

skiing.Switzerland has many mountains regions that/which areexcellent for skiing.

97. The DVD has taken the place of VCD in my home town.

The DVD has been usedinstead of VCD in my home town.

98. After a quick breakfast, Mary left in a hurry.

After a quick breakfast, Mary hurried off / left hurriedly / hurried away.

99. The boy asked his mother,“Does water freeze at 0oC?”

The boy asked his mother if water freezesat 0oC.

100.In some states of America,children must stay in school until they aresixteen.

In some states of America, children mustn’t/can’t leave school until they aresixteen.


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