2022人教版九年级英语Unit 14单元测试卷4

更新时间:2023-04-15 09:05:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Class: Name: Marks:(满分120分)




A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换画线部分的选项。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)

( )1. All the people work hard to improve their standard of living.

( )2. The villagers will forget the accident as time passes.

( )3. Mike was slowly catching up with the runners ahead of him.

( )4. It’s our task to keep our classroom clean.

B. 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(共17小题,每小题1分;计17分)( )5. — We are so lucky to have so many caring teachers.

— Yes, they are really lovely. I am thankful them what they have done for me.

A. to; for

B. for; to

C. with; about

( )6. — I have left my food in the classroom.

—Don’t worry. You can share some of .

A. our

B. ourselves

C. ours

( )7. — We should all hold on to our dreams.

— Yes. A life without a dream is like a bird without , which can’t fly.

A. water

B. wings

C. clouds

( )8. — Daddy, can you fix the toy car for me?

— Well, you can do it yourself. Read these carefully first.

A. invitations

B. instruments

C. instructions

( )9. — Do you think I can pass the test?

—Of course. Why don’t you just your abilities?

A. stick to

B. believe in

C. show up

( )10. — Well, it is time to .

— So it is. Otherwise, we may miss the train.

A. set out

B. set up

C. set in

( )11. —we send some thank-you cards to our teachers?

— What a good idea!

A. Do

B. Shall

C. Must

( )12. —It’s impossible for us to avoid the difficulties.

— I agree. But they if we try.

A. need overcome

B. need be overcome

C. can be overcome

( )13. — Could you offer me some advice on how to improve my spoken English?

— Well, the key is as often as possible.

A. to practice

B. to practicing

C. practices

( )14. —You’ve raised so much money. What will it be used for?

—It’ll be used to build a new Hope School in the poor area to help those poor children who are for knowledge.

A. good

B. thirsty

C. famous

( )15. she just smiled. Then she started to laugh.

A. So far

B. In the end

C. First of all

( )16. — Did you get the job?

—No. I didn’t know how to make the interviewer believe I had the ability it well.

A. to do

B. do

C. doing

( )17. When I look at my childhood, I realize it was the happiest time for me.

A. up

B. down

C. back

( )18. — Hey, James. Do you still remember me in the camp in Qingdao?

— Of course I do. You were so careful and always remembered a map.

A. seeing; to take

B. seeing; to taking

C. to see; to take

( )19. — Tom along with his parents to Hong Kong on holiday, right?

— I think so. They must be having fun in Hong Kong now.

A. has gone

B. have gone

C. has been

( )20. — The show you have been looking forward to this weekend.

— Yeah. And I have got the ticket.

A. taking place

B. will take place

C. being taken place

( )21. —I must congratulate you that you have got another “A”.

— Thank you, .

A. but never mind

B. and I have poor luck though

C. but more effort is needed

C. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内选出适当的选项补全对话,并将选项的编号字母依次填在横线上。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)

(N-Nancy; L-Lucy)

N: You look upset, Lucy. 22

L:Nothing much. I just don’t want to say goodbye to my lovely teachers and classmates.

N:23 You’ve spent three years together.

L: I don’t know if I can meet them again in the future.

N:24 With the help of the Internet, you can talk with them every day.

L:25 Anyway, I will miss them so much.

N: Just enjoy your last few days with them here.

22. 23. 24. 25.



Eve is excited to go to her first Dylan Wyman concert in New York. Dylan Wyman is Eve’s favorite 26 . In fact, Eve tells her mother Jeannine that Dylan Wyman is her favorite person!

When they are about halfway to New York, Jeannine hears a frightening 27 . “Oh, no,” she says when 28 that they have a flat tire (爆裂的轮胎).

Jeannine pulls the car over and climbs out. Sure enough, their right rear tire is completely flat. She opens the trunk (后备箱) to get the jack (千斤顶) and the spare tire. Traffic continues to whiz by at seventy miles per hour.

“Mom, are we going to die?” Eve asks. She is really 29 .

“Don’t worry, honey. I’ll be 30 ,” Jeannine says as she starts to jack up the car.

“Wow, Mom, how do you know how to do this?” Eve is surprised at her mother’s secret talent.

Then Jeannine 31 the flat tire.

“Wow, Mom, how do you know how to do that?” Eve asks in wonder.

Jeannine just 32 . Then she puts the spare tire on. Eve says, “Mom, who are you?”

The whole tire change takes only 10 minutes. They both climb back into the car and Jeannine says, “I’m so sorry, honey, 33 we can’t drive all the way to Albany on this spare tire. We’re going to have to 34 and buy a new tire. We might be late for your 35 .”

“That’s okay, Mom,” Eve says. “You’re my favorite person now!”

( )26. A. teacher B. singer C. friend

( )27. A. noise B. voice C. thought

( )28. A. realizing B. receiving C. reviewing

( )29. A. happy B. tired C. scared

( )30. A. free B. quick C. busy

( )31. A. takes on B. takes in C. takes off

( )32. A. laughs B. cries C. speaks

( )33. A. so B. unless C. but

( )34. A. keep B. stop C. wait

( )35. A. party B. concert C. work


For years, Warner Bros, with help from author J. K. Rowling, has made Harry Potter come alive on the big screen. And now, you can 36 Harry’s magical (魔法的) world in real life, too.

A theme park about Harry Potter has been 37 in Florida. At first, the park designers thought it would be unreal(不现实的) to bring Harry Potter to life, 38 they worked closely with the Harry Potter filmmakers and with Rowling. They wanted to make sure the world they created in films and in the books could come together in the 39 .

They have finished building the park recently. Entering the park, 40 will be greeted by the high walls of Hogwarts Castle. The wonderful shops and streets are just like scenes right out of the 41 .

You’ve read about some of the magical snacks in the books, and you’ve seen them in th e movies. Now in the park, you can 42 them.

While traveling 43 the park, you can also meet some exciting 44 . At the shops, visitors will find everything they need. Do you want to 45 some souvenirs? A visit to Zonko’s Joke Shop can s olve this problem right away.

This park is really another world of wonder.

( )36. A. walk B. experience C. read

( )37. A. bought B. built C. visited

( )38. A. but B. though C. so

( )39. A. park B. shop C. restaurant

( )40. A. authors B. actors C. visitors

( )41. A. plays B. movies C. magazines

( )42. A. boil B. taste C. hear

( )43. A. across B. through C. on

( )44. A. shops B. books C. films

( )45. A. buy B. sell C. borrow



Do you mind sharing your test scores with others?

On May 16, Guo Ruiting, 14, from Shenzhen Foreign Language School, had a big debate (辩

论) with her classmates on this topic.

Guo believed that making the scores public would make students study harder. At first, she explained many theories(理论) that she had collected from the Internet. But they were too difficult to understand. So she was easily beaten back by her opponent (对方) Du Xiaoshe.

“Making the results of our tests public is bad for us,” said Du. He came to this conclusion (结论) after he failed his history exam one month ago. He thought it was just an accident. But he felt so hurt when his parents got a list of his marks. It also showed the marks of all the other students in his class.

H is experience seemed to have got many students’ support. But Guo’s team didn’t give up.

“Don’t you forget the time when we all worked harder after knowing the average mark of Class 2?” asked Guo. “We’d have never been so good if we didn’t know how far we w ere behind. So it’s good to know others’ marks,” said Guo.

These words encouraged Du. He partly agreed with Guo’s team. He thought it was good to show the average mark of each class but not inpidual (个人的) marks. This is the perfect way to respect their privacy (隐私) and make them work hard as well.

Such a conclusion won most of the students’ hearts.

“Sometimes we need to compromise (折中), both in a debate and in our life,” added Du. ( )46. In the report, students debated whether teachers should tell paren ts about students’ marks.

( )47. Guo Ruiting must have collected some information on the Internet before the debate. ( )48. Du Xiaoshe’s accident was that he failed in an exam.

( )49. Both Guo and Du agreed that it was good to know other students’ ma rks.

( )50. The report might be taken from a travel magazine.



On the streets and lanes of China, we see increasing numbers of foreigners. Have you ever wondered what brings foreigners to China and what they do while they are here? Gao Weiwei, a Chinese American and media worker, tells you: What do foreigners get up to in China?

Xia Yuan, a beautiful girl from the Ukraine (乌克兰), works in the Beijing Emirates Town Office. She studied Chinese for two years before she came to China, and she now speaks Mandarin quite well. She wants to find a handsome Chinese boy as a boyfriend. She is still studying Chinese at present.

Ding Luo, Italian, is the general manager of Alcatel in China. Some years ago he lived in Chengdu, and he often went to the poorer areas of Sichuan to help the kids, donating computers, clothes and schoolbags to them. He sometimes ate at street stalls (摊位). In those days there were fewer foreigners, and the stall owners made him very welcome.

Foreigners have all sorts of jobs in China: foreign students, volunteers who work in the poorest areas in China, ordinary workers, bosses, English teachers … But it seems that it’s not

easy for a foreigner to become a Chinese citizen (公民) or get a Chinese Green Card.

Many foreigners love Chinese culture. They travel around or make short visits, taking lots of photos in China. Some often speak no Chinese. But more and more foreigners in China now speak fluent (流利的) Chinese and marry Chinese partners. Dashan, a foreigner who does speak Chinese with fluency and has married a Chinese girl, has been a well-known figure for several years. He now acts as a bridge for cultural communication between Canada and China.

( )51. Where does Xia Yuan live now?

A. In the Ukraine.

B. In China.

C. In Italy.

( )52. Ding Luo donated the following things to kids of the poorer areas of Sichuan EXCEPT .

A. bookstalls

B. clothes

C. schoolbags

( )53. What seems hard for a foreigner to do in China?

A. To travel around.

B. To marry a Chinese partner.

C. To get a Chinese Green Card.

( )54. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Dashan?

A. He speaks no Chinese.

B. He now works for cultural communication between Canada and China.

C. He has married a Canadian girl.

( )55. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. What foreigners do in China.

B. It’s not easy for foreigners to work in China.

C. More and more foreigners love to live in China.


Jack and Lydia are on holiday in France with their friends, Mike and Anna. Mike loves to visit historical buildings. Jack agrees to sightsee some historical buildings with him. Lydia and Anna decide to shop in the city. “See you boys when we get back!” the girls shout.

In the village Jack and Mike see a beautiful old church, but when they enter the church, a service is already in progress.

“Shh! Just sit quietly so that we don’t stand out. And act like the others!” Mike says in a low voice.

Since they don’t really know French, Jack and Mike quietly sit down. During the service, they stand, kneel (跪) and sit to follow what the rest of the crowd do. “I hope we blend in (十分协调) and don’t look like tourists!” Mike tells Jack.

At one point, the priest (牧师) makes an announcement and the man who sits next to Jack and Mike stands up. “We should stand up, too!” Jack whispers to Mike. So, Jack and Mike stand up with the man. Suddenly, all the people started laughing!

After the service, Jack and Mike go to the priest, who speaks English. “What’s so funny?” Jack asks. With a smile on his face the priest says, “Well, boys, there is a newborn baby, and it’s tradition to ask the father to stand up.”

Jack and Mike look at each other and Mike shakes his head. He smiles and says, “I guess we should unders tand what people do before we act like the others!”

( )56. Where do Mike and Jack visit an old church?

A. In the village.

B. In a town.

C. At the mall.

( )57. Why does Mike tell Jack to act like the others?

A. Because they don’t speak Fre nch.

B. Because they don’t want to look different.

C. Because they don’t know the priest.

( )58. What does the underlined word “whisper” mean?

A. shout

B. say in a low voice

C. speak loudly

( )59. Why does the man stand up when the priest makes an announcement?

A. Because he is the priest’s friend.

B. Because he strongly agrees with the priest.

C. Because he is the father of a newborn baby.

( )60. Which can be the BEST title for the passage?

A. Four friends

B. Act like the others

C. A day in church



A: Are you free this weekend, Christopher??

B: I have to work on 1 all day!

A: What about Sunday?

B: Yes, that’s my only day 2 until Thursday.

A: OK, well, my friends and I are planning 3 going to the beach on Sunday. We plan to leave around noon. Do you want to 4 with us?

B: 5 be fantastic! Which beach are you going to?

A:It’s a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city.

B: What should I 6 with me?

A:Nothing at all. We’ve got enough things. Do you like 7 ?

B: I’ve actually 8 tried. Do you have a surfboard?

A:We’ve got a few. I can teach you 9 to surf on Sunday. It’ll be fun!

B:I can’t 10 ! It sounds like we’re going to have a great time.


The following are skills to memorize the English words.

Keep a vocabulary notebook. When you learn a new word, add it to 1 notebook, and write down a sentence. In this way, it will help you remember how to 2 it.

Use learners’ dictionaries.The 3 provide simple definitions(定义) and sample sentences to help you learn new words.

Choose words that are important to you. When you study those topics and words that you are 4 in, you can remember them better.

Group words by topic to remember them better.It is 5 to remember words when they are in groups.

Use new words in your daily life as 6 as possible.The best way to remember words is to use them.

Learn synonyms (同义词) and antonyms (反义词). When you learn a new 7 , you can learn synonyms and antonyms at the same time. For example, “big” and “8 ” are synonyms. In this way, you can expand your vocabulary.

Learn prefixes. Prefixes are small groups of letters that you put in front of words to give them 9 meanings. For example, dis- is a prefix to give words a negative 10 . “Like” and “dislike” are antonyms.


A. 补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的编号字母依次填入题号后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)About 10 years ago, when I was a student at university, I worked in the shop at my University’s Museum of Natural History. One day while working at the cash register (收银处) in the gift shop, (1)

As I looked at this girl, I saw that she was seated on the chair. (2) She was wearing a little white dress with red dots (圆点).

As the couple wheeled her up to me, I was looking down at the cash register. I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼). As I took the money from her grandparents, (3)

All of a sudden her disability disappeared. All I saw was this beautiful girl, (4) She brought me from being a poor, unhappy university student into her world of smiles, love and warmth.

That was 10 years ago. I’m a successful businessman now. Whenever I am down and thinking about the troubles of the world, (5)

B. 完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。将答案按编号依次填入表格内的题号后。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)

A pair of twin sisters, Ma Donghan and Ma Dongxin, studying at Tsinghua University, became very famous on the Internet after Ma Donghan showed people her daily schedule (进度表) during an exam for a top scholarship.

Ma Donghan was a top student in her class for three years in a row and scored over 95 in many subjects. She said that she began to make a daily schedule during the second term at university. At that time, she found the university life was very hard and she faced many unexpected difficulties. “I felt I had too many things to do, and that I couldn’t do everything well,” she said. So she learned how to use time from her sister and made a schedule for herself. The schedule showed that she planned her daily activities by the hour, including having classes, tasks in learning, and social activities. A review of each day was also included.

The twin sisters won Tsinghua University’s special scholarship in 2011 when they were 22 years old, and only five students can get it every year. They also won many prizes in sports, writing and hosting. When people asked her to talk about her learning experience, she always said, “You need to depend on yourself, not others.”

Now, people call the twin sisters “Tsinghua twin sister study overlords (学霸)” on the Internet. And they both decided to stay at Tsinghua University to get their PhD degrees.

Tsinghua twin sister study overlords




1. 蒂姆是澳大利亚一家大公司的一名工程师;

2. 蒂姆已经参观了那儿的很多地方。刚刚买了一辆澳大利亚小轿车,并去过澳大利亚中部的一座小城市艾利斯普林斯(Alice Springs);

3. 这个周末蒂姆要去达尔文市(Darwin)参观,然后从那儿飞往佩斯市(Perth)。他对这次旅行感到很兴奋。



1-5 BDACA 6-10 CBCBA 11-15 BCABC 16-20 ACAAB

21-25 CBDAC 26-30 BAACB 31-35 CACBB

36-40 BBCAC 41-45 BBBAA 46-50 BAABB

51-55 BACBA 56-60 ABBCB


一. 1. Saturday 2. off 3. on 4. come

5. That’ll

6. bring

7. surfing

8. never

9. how 10. wait

二. 1. your 2. use 3. dictionaries 4. interested

5. easier

6. much

7. word

8. large

9. different 10. meaning

三、A. 1-5 ECFAD

B. 1. 25 2. daily schedule 3. hard

4. the second term

5. by the hour

6. review

7. the age of 22 8. writing

9. depend on ourselves 10. PhD degrees

四. One possible version:

I have just received an e-mail from my brother, Tim. He is now in Australia. He has been working as an engineer in a big company for nearly half a year.

He has already visited a great number of different places there. He has just bought an Australian car and has been to Alice Springs, a small town in the center of Australia.

This weekend he is visiting Darwin and flying to Perth from there. He feels really excited about this trip.

