Festivals, holidays and celebrations

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Festivals, holidays and celebrations


一、单元话题教学及教学思路 本单元的话题是“节假日活动”。《英语课程标准》对这一话题的总的要求是:1)了解英语国家的重要的节假日、庆祝方式及他们所具有的文化内涵。2)能与他人就这一话题进行一般的交流。3)提高文化意识,在英语的实际运用中,能较好的表情达意。4)使学生乐意接触并了解异国文化。5)能加深了解我国民族文化的内涵,增强祖国意识。

根据“新课标”对这一话题的具体要求,本书把其分为两个子级即Level 4和Level 5.见下表

一级话题 Festivals, holidays and celebrations Level 4 Personal celebrations: Birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc. 二级话题 Level 5 Cultural festivals: Spring Festival, New Year’s Day, Christmas, etc.


Level 4

本单元第一个(Level 4)二级话题是 Personal celebrations. 根据“课标”对这一部分的要求,我们可以从“听”“说”“读”“写”四个方面更具体的说明应达到的目标。 听:

基本要求:能听懂有关生日话题中常见的词汇和简单的语句。 较高要求:能听懂有关个人庆典活动的语段并能做出相应的反应。 说:

基本要求:语音语调基本正确,能就个人庆典这一话题进行简单的交流。 较高要求:能够用正确的语音语调描述自己或他人在活动中的经历。 读:

基本要求:能读懂以生日话题为主的小故事。 较高要求:能读懂请柬、邀请信、便条等应用文。 写:

基本要求:能写出有关生日庆典的一些词汇及简单的语句。 较高要求:能根据实际情况写请柬、感谢信等。 O“任务性”学习

以生日为话题,进而学会谈论graduation, anniversary等。 A:----Happy birthday!

---Thank you.


B: ----Here’s a present for you.

----Oh, how nice! I like it very much. Thank you. C:----Where did you graduate?

-----Oh, from No. 49 Middle School. O 学习能力


通过节日话题的学习,同学们对英语产生更大的兴趣,能够总结相关的常见的语句并能创造性的运用这些语句。 O语言知识

掌握与生日、周年纪念日相关的词汇。学会问候、告别、感谢、邀请、祝贺、喜不喜欢等 二、“新课标”教学与传统外语教学的比照:

从传统的教学方面看,教师过多重视语音、语法、词汇等知识方面的传授,追求讲清楚,只关注学生学习内容本身。而新课标教学,非常重视能力的培养。要求在教学中为学生创造使用知识的情景,把知识转化为进行交际的能力。教师不仅关注学生学习什么还关注学生的学习方法、学习能力。总而言之,“新课标”教学就是要提高学生的英语综合运用能力。 三、专业知识说明:

初步了解英语的基本句式,并建立起英语时态与动词变化之间的基本联系。对一般现在时、一般过去时及一般将来时有进一步的认识。 四 解决重点、难点的教学思路和方法

本级的话题是personal celebrations.教学的重点应放在:让学生了解西方人在生日庆典、周年纪念日等这类活动中一般的行为习惯。加深对中西文化的理解,让同学们对异域文化产生更大的兴趣,从而提高学习英语的内动力。

本级话题的难点是:如何让同学们来根据真实的情况来争确运用这一级话题所涉及的语言句式。解决这一重点、难点的教学思路和方法是:从语言训练方面来看,应联系学生的实际,在课堂上尽量为学生创设情景,让学生在一个一个的虚拟的mini 情景中进行语言的反复练习。从文化知识的角度看,可以通过个种活动(语言训练)让同学亲身体验出中西文化在这方面的差异,最终达到得体地运用相关的英语语句的目的。

五 关于学生学习过程中可能出现的问题

本单元的内容主要是学生进行口语练习,练习口语表达的能力。很可能同学们忽视写的能力 所以,在这一阶段,要注意培养他们良好的写的习惯。 教学活动设计

一、教与学的一般流程图 学习过程和教学步骤: 5.认知结构重6.根据线索提取1.2.3. 建与改组 知识 注激选 4.新信息进入意活择 5、对复习与记忆 6、提供提取知识的线索 原有知识网络 与源性 知知6.技能在新的 预 知 4、阐明新旧知识关系, 5.变式练习,识 促进理解 识转化为技能 期 识 情境中应用 1、引起注意与告知目标 5、引起学生反映, 6、提供技能应用的

2、提示学生回忆原有知识 提供反馈与纠正, 情景,促进迁移


3、呈献有组织的信息 提供指导 二、常规教学活动设计:

1)本级话题的词汇教学如:birthday, cake, candles, present, wish 等 A通过图片或卡片(一面是图一面是英语或一面是英语一面是汉语) 例一(在教学中最常用的方法)

老师指着一幅图或卡片领读的方式学习 “cake” “present”等词汇。 例二

老师在前面展示某一词的卡片(如present)请一名或两名同学到讲台前,面相同学们通过其他同学们对这一词的描述猜测此词。(主要用于复习词汇) 例三

B 运用图片或多媒体展示生日场景

老师:What do we need to have a birthday party? What have you seen? 学生可能说出:a big birthday cake, delicious food, many people 等。 C 通过游戏

如:说出与生日有关的三个词汇;生日词汇接龙(可以个体也可以以小组的形式) 2)本级话题的语句教学

A) 通过小组活动来学习生日话题的语句(表演的形式)。 B) 听录音学习本级话题的语句。 三、“任务型”教学活动设计。 A)

1. 活动名称:调查填表

2. 活动目的:学习有关生日的日常话语;培养学生关爱他人,珍视友情亲请。 3. 活动过程:

a. 教师说明此项任务如何去完成。 b. 发调查表

c. 同学们自由去调查,教室内的任何一个人,时间应控制在5分钟左右 d. 班内交流,(在此过程中,要给以鼓励性评价) 附:调查表形式仅供参考。

Name Birthday Present expected his\\her wish Parents’ Birthday 4.教师的角色:

a. 此项活动的参与者,是学生中的一员 b. 是此项活动的组织者,控制者 c. 是学生学习的帮助者 d. 评价者之一 5知识的运用:

What is your name, please?

When is your birthday? Could you tell me? What’s your favorite present?


What do you wish for on your birthday? Could you tell me your wish?

Do you know your parents’ birthdays? B.

1. 活动名称:快乐的周末

2. 活动目的:学会谈论周末通常做的事情;

练习“What do you usually do on weekend?”

What is your favorite thing/What do you feel like doing

3.活动步骤: a. 分发表格

b. 教师说明如何去完成此项任务 c. 个人活动:填表,核实

d. 小组活动:向本组汇报采访结果,然后评论谁的周末过的最好

e. 全班活动:各组派代表向全班汇报,由全班评论周末过的最好的同学 4.教师的角色:参与者,组织者和评价者之一。 5.语言知识的运用:

____What do you usually do on weekends? ____I usually watch TV.

____Why do you like watch TV? ____Because it is interesting.

____What do you feel like doing most? ____Playing football.

Names Activities you guess Activities he/she does Something else 注:此项任务还可以在同学完成前两项之后,互相交换,由其他组的同学核实,以猜中的准确

率高的一组为获胜者。 C

1. 任务名称:母亲节的礼物

2. 活动目的:学习用英语写贺卡的格式及习惯用语。向母亲表述自己的感激之情。 3. 活动步骤:

任务1 a.教师布置任务:每组设计庆祝方案


任务2 c.每位同学为自己的母亲设计并制作一张母亲节的贺卡。 d.将贺卡亲自送给母亲

4. 教师的角色:组织者,辅助者,评价者之一。 5.知识运用:

Mother’s day

Please accept my best wishes to you. Thank you for all you have done for me. I will …



1. 生日

1) Birth 出生

在英美等国,孩子出生是一件家庭大事,一般由孩子父亲尽快通知附近的亲属,而亲属或亲友也会来探望产妇和孩子。孩子出身后,无论是新教天主教或是犹太教,都有洗礼的仪式。按英国的国教传统,还要为出生的孩子找教父和教母,在宗教信仰方面给孩子以帮助。 2) birthday 生日

在英美等国,每个人的生日,尤其是儿童的生日,都是件大事,一般都要有庆祝活动。庆祝活动包括举行家庭晚餐或者邀请亲戚朋友来聚会,前来参加聚会的亲崩好友都应该给过生日的人一点礼物。过去在21岁生日时,年轻人被承认为成年人,并会得到一把门钥匙作为新身份的象征。但英国以及大部分西方国家以把这个年龄提前到了18岁。一般来说,英国人在成年后每十年过一次生日,单到了七十岁以后每年过一次,因为说不定活不到下一个生日,如果能活到100岁,还会收到女王地私人祝贺电报。 3) birthday card 生日贺卡


生日贺卡,表示良好祝愿。生日贺卡可以从商店买到,上面印有祝词,如Happy Birthday; Wishing you many happy returns of the day.等。 4) birthday gift 生日礼物

参加生日庆祝会的客人一般应该给过生的人带去一份礼品大都一块大的蛋糕,也可以是其他的东西。这要根据送礼人和收礼人的关系的远近,送礼人的社会地位和境遇以及收礼人的年龄而定。生日礼品一般要在庆祝会上当着送礼人的面拆开,并当即向送礼人表示感谢。 5) birthday party 生日庆祝会



6) Happy Birthday To You 〈〈祝你生日快乐〉〉



尽管这首歌曲在世界上广为流行,但它是版权所有品。原属美国白桦树公司,但由于该公司缺乏资金保护和监视这受歌曲的版权,便于1988年12月将这受歌曲的版权卖给世界上最大的音乐公司——沃纳-查普尔公司。若在电视、电影或音乐厅由专业歌手演唱此歌,就必须向版权所有者支付稿酬。所以在电视或电影的生日宴会上很少听到这首歌曲。这首歌曲的版权有效期到2010年才结束。但是在非赢利性的个人演唱,则无需付稿酬。 2..Mother’s Day (母亲节)




在这一天儿女们通常向自己的母亲献礼品和卡片,学校里也举行各种活动,以使儿女们认识到母亲为自己付出的心血和牺牲。 3.Father’s Day (父亲节)

1909年,华盛顿洲洲长宣布六月的第三个星期日为父亲节。1916年,这项宣布得到伍得罗威尔逊地认可。1924年,卡尔文柯立芝总统是它成为一个全国性的节日,以使“在父子间建立更亲密的关系,并是父亲铭记自己应尽的全部责任”。 父亲节的节花是红百玫瑰。在这一天,父亲尽情享受悠闲的生活。子女将给父亲送来贺卡和礼物。

〖配套题目例举〗 一、教学例题例句


1.让同学们总结与生日有关的词汇(如:birthday, cake, friends, party等) 2让同学们总结表示祝愿或祝贺的常见语句及应答。 如:A: Have a good day/time/trip/journey.

Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wises to you. Happy New Year! Happy birthday.

B: Tank you. You,too. The same to you. 3.创设情景进行口语训练

如: 打电话邀请对方参加生日party 让同学们说或写一句祝福父母的话 4.一分钟问卷



Junior English for China Book 2A人民教育出版社 Unit 3 Lesson 9

I. Teaching objectives:

1) Students can use such phrases and sentences

Are you free tomorrow?

Would you like…/which would you like, this one or that one? On Mid-autumn Day Come over

2) Students know how to make comparisons.

3) Students get further understanding of eastern and western cultures. II. Teaching Steps

1) talk about the picture

(Show a picture of a bright round moon in the sky and a man looking far into the distance,

with “ Alone as a guest on foreign soil, twice homesick am I on every festival” beside it)

T: Class, shall we talk about the picture? Ok, let’s begin.


(Students can talk about it freely. Students may have many excellent thoughts about the picture in class. Teacher should try to appreciate them. During their talking, one of the students may ask, “How to say 中秋节?”or “How to say 月饼?” etc. Teacher should write them down, and read them after the talking. Learn the text

a. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

T: Well, students, you have done a good job. Yes, The picture is about our traditional festival Mid-autumn Festival. Now here’s a dialogue. It’s also about Mid-autumn Festival. Do you want to listen to it? OK, But before we listen to it, here’re two questions 1)What do they usually eat on Mid-autumn Day? 2) Who does Han Mei invite to her home for the festival? Now let’s listen to it and try to answer the questions. (After listening, check the answers) b. Read and act

Read after the tape and then read in pairs Two or three pairs act it out

2) work in groups

T:I believe all of you have got some information about Mid-autumn Day and Thanksgiving Day. (Note: Before this class, Teacher has already asked students to collect information about Thanksgiving Day) Now let’s share what you have got. Here are some charts for each group. Please work in groups and fill it in. (also show the chart on the screen or draw it on the blackboard) Date Country What to eat What to do Why to celebrate it Mid-autumn Festival Thanksgiving Day (While students are filling in the charts, Teacher go around them and help them. After all the groups finish it)

T: Well done, I’m glad you know much about the festivals. Now please choose one pair in your group and make a dialogue according to what you have written down. One is a native speaker, the other is a foreigner, and try to introduce the festival to the foreigner. Act it out in 5 minutes (Teacher makes some encouraging comments after each group finishes it)

3) Learn how to make comparisons

T: We have just compared the two festivals. Now let’s learn how to use comparative degrees to make comparisons. Class, please look at the two students here. (Note: The last pair who just made the dialogue is left in the front)

Li Ming is tall, isn’t he? Yes, but Wang Wei is taller than Li Ming.

(write the words “tall” “taller” on the blackborad or show them on the screen. Then use as many words as possible to compare persons or things such as fat, thin, clever, heavy, light etc.)

a. Ask students to sum up the rules for the comparative degrees. b. Students practice using it in pairs.

4) Ask students to sum up what they have learned in this class. 5) Homework

a. preview lesson 10


b. work in groups of three, make comparisons and write down a few sentences.


教师给学生足够的时间,学生是课堂的主人。让学生课前搜集资料,将课堂教学延伸到课外,提高了学生学习的自主性。学生通过亲身体验、思维、归纳等,能力得到了提高。 建议:教学各个环节应更加流畅一些。



1. A. America B. England C. China D. Canada 2. A. fifteen B. sixteen C.eighteen D. seventeen 3. A. I had a good time in Beijing B. I’ll go to Beijing again

C. Beijing is very beautiful. D. I like Beijing better than my hometown. 4. A.They are having a party B. They are having a lesson C. They are having a meeting D. They are having a match. 5. A.The boy will soon graduate B. The teacher beat the boy C. The boy doesn’t like to study at school.

D. The teacher and the boy have some problem between them. 二、 听句子选出正确答语(每小题2分)

6.A. Thank you B. You’re too polite C. All right D. The same to you 7. A.What did you do B. You don’t have to say sorry C.That’s all right D. Only a few minutes. It’s nothing

8. A. Sorry, I’m not John B. Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number. C. Yes, please call later. D. Pardon? Who are you?

9. A. The same to you B. Thank you C.You’re welcome D.Don’t be too polite. 10. A. No, thank you. I’ve had enough B. Just a little, please. C. I’d like to D. I prefer meat to fish 三.听对话和问题完成下列问题(每小题3分)

11.A. In a shop B. At home C. At the party D. In a school 12. A. His father B. his uncle C. His mother D. His aunt 13. A. 58 yuan B.100 yuan C. 158 yuan D.90 yuan 14 A. They will go to school B. They will go shopping C. They will take a bus D. They will go to see Goomi

15. A. Li lei’s B. Goomi’s C. Wang Bing’s D. Somebody else’s 四.择正确答案(每小题2分)

1) 词汇与语法部分

16.Everthing went well_______the party. A. In B. at C. on D. with

17. What do you usually do________weekends? A. at B.on C.in D.either A or B

18. You should ________ a wish before blowing out the candles. A. do B. make C.have D. come true 19. Let’s drink_________our friendship.


A.for B.to C. with D. on 20. -----Happy anniversary! -------__________.

A. Thank you B. Thank you. And the same to you

五. C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you for saying so.


21. When English people meet,they often begin their conversation with__________.

A. marriage B. age C. weather D.salary

22. When a guest present his/her gift to you,how should you response?

A. Leave it somewhere and lead the guest to dinner B. Open it before the guest and express your thanks C. Don’t open it until all the guests have left. D. Look at it secretly and see what it is.

23.When you present a gift to an American, what should you say?

A. Here’s something little for you. It’s not very good. B. Thank you.It’s beautiful. I like it.

C. Here’s a present for you. I hope you like it.

D. I really don’t know what you like,so I just bought this for you.

24. If you have accepted an invitation as a guest to someone’s home,you should get there_________.

A. a few minutes before the fixed time B. at the fixed time,or ten minutes after that C. at te fixed time, or a few minutes before tat D. around the fixed time 25. Which of these is considered not good in the West?

A. The conversation distance between two people is at least two or three feet.

B. People often ave small talks about weather,sports,clothing,food,etc at social gatherings. C. As a guest you should leave some food on your plate to show that you’re full. D. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 六.阅读理解

The New Blue Dress

When spring came to the city of Cleveland, It didn’t change Gates Avenue. The people living on the pretty streets near Gates Avenue were making gardens, painting their houses, etc. Everything seemed to be changing. But Gates Avenue continued to look dirty and ugly.

Gates Avenue was a short street. But it seemed long because it was so ugly and dirty. Most of the families who lived there had very little money and they were used to this kind of environment(环境)。 Most of the little girls in the school near Gates Avenue wore pretty new clothes that spring. But the little girl from Gates Avenue wore the same dirty dress that she had worn all winter. It was probably the only dress she owned.

Her teacher sighed(叹息). The little girl was so nice! She always worked hard in school; she was always polite And friendly. But her face was dirty and her hair was untidy.

One day the teacher said, “Will you wash your face before you came to school tomorrow? Please do that for me.” The teacher could see that the girl was very pretty under the dirt. The next morning the child’s pretty face was washed. Her hair was clean and tidy, too. Before the little girl went home that afternoon, the teacher said, “Now, dear, please ask you mother to wash your dress.”

But the little girl continued to wear the dirty dress. “Her mother is perhaps not interested in her,”


the teacher thought. So she bought a bright blue dress and gave it to the little girl. The child took the present eagerly(急切). And hurried home as fast as she could.

The next morning she came to school in the new blue dress, and she was clean and tidy.

She told the teacher, “My mother was surprised when she saw me this morning in my new dress. My father wasn’t at home: he went had gone to work. But he will see me at supper this evening.”

When her father saw her in the new blue dress, he was surprised to find that he had a pretty little girl. When the father sat down to eat supper, he was even more surprised to find a cloth on the table. The family had never used a table-cloth before. “What is the cloth for?” he asked. “ We are going to be more tidy here,” his wife said. “It isn’t nice to have a house dirty and untidy when our daughter is so clean.” After supper the mother started to wash the floors. Her husband watched for a little while without saying anything. Then he went outside into the back yard and began to repair the fence. The next morning, with the family’s help, he started to dig for a garden.

During the next week, the men lived around watched what the little girl’s family was doing. Then they started to paint their houses in ten years--------- 判断正误(每小题3分)

26.Gates Avenue was a long street.

27. People living on Gates Avenue were all very poor.

28.The girl put on the new dress as soon as the teacher gave it to her. 29.It was the blue new dress that changed the avenue.

30.People living on Gates Avenue were not liked by others 找出发生变化前后有关的描述或词语并加以对比(10分)

31.变化前________________________________________________________________________________ 32.变化后________________________________________________________________________________ 七.续写结尾(20分)

What would happen next about the above story? Please write your ending down.



1.The custom of sending greeting cards came from England. 2. Will you come to my “sweet sixteen” party? 3. I quite enjoyed my stay in Beijing.

4. Please make a wish before blowing the candles.

5.If the teacher doesn’t say sorry to me, I’ll leave school. II.听句子选择正确答语

6. Please give my best wishes to your parents. 7.I’m sorry I’m late.

8. Hello, this is Li Ming. May I speak to John please? 9. Happy birthday!

10. Help yourself to some fish. 听对话和问题选择正确答案

请听第一段对话完成11、12、13小题 W: What can I do for you?

M: Yes, please. I would like a birthday cake. Tomorrow is my aunt’s birthday. W: Good! Which one? This small one is cheap, and it’s nice, too.


活动目的:培养口头表达能力;培养合作精神;培养自信和应变能力 活动形式:小组合作课下准备,课上小组辩论 活动步骤:

1) 教师布置任务:5——6人为一组,两组同时抽签来决定正方与反方

题目:Many young people like to celebrate western festivals. What do you think of this ?

2) 小组课下准备

3)课上正方和反方辩论或陈述理由 4)全班其他同学及老师进行评判 说明:



April Fool’s Day 英国的愚人节


慌慌张张的跑来告诉他们的父母:“厨房里着火啦。”或者“我的床上有条蛇。”如果他们的父母不假思索的冲出去解救,那他们就成了“愚人节傻瓜”(April Fool)。











愚人节有一些典型的恶作剧,需要你在那天格外注意: ——把时间倒拨1小时 ——把盐放在糖瓶里



感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)







感恩节时,人们喜爱的另一种食品是爆玉米花(pop corn)这也起源于第一个感恩节。那时欧洲移民第一次见到当地的印第安人吃一种百茸茸的小花朵的东西,感到十分吃惊。印第安人跳舞时,还把一串串爆玉米花当作珠子一样戴在脖子上。从此,爆米花成为感恩节餐桌上一道受人喜爱的食品。 万圣节前夜(Halloween) 万圣节(All Saints’ Day)在每年的11月1日,又称鬼节。罗马天主教于835年将11月1日定为“万圣节”,纪念宗教的先驱者。10月31日晚便称为“万圣节前夜”。





万圣节常做的游戏是用鞋子算命。参加游戏的每一个人都要轮流脱下自己的鞋子,把鞋子往上抛,鞋子落下的状态能预示你的未来。 复活节(Easter)



Christmas Day

The winter holiday season is the most festive time of the year in western countries. Many families go away for the holidays, but those who stay home have fun, too. There are many parties to celebrate the birth of


Christ and the arrival of the New Year.

In America, The spirit of Christmas arrives about a month before the holiday itself. Late in November, the street lights and store windows are decorated with traditional Christmas colors of red and green. Santa Claus, shepherd and angel scenes appear in shop windows. Winter scenes with snowmen, sleighs, skaters, skiers decorate cards and windows.

The manufacture and sale of Christmas items is big business. Stores depend on Christmas shoppers for about one-fourth of their annual sales. Smart shoppers buy their gifts far in advance, before the Christmas rush makes shopping a chore.

Although Americans enjoy the commercial friendliness of Christmas, the most beautiful and meaningful parts of the holiday occur at home. Many families gather around the tree and open their gifts. Then they sit down to enjoy a traditional Christmas Dinner----turkey or ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables, and cranberry sauce. Dessert is usually fruit cake, plum pudding, or apple pie.

Most of the Christmas customs which Americans enjoy today are variations of traditions brought here by European immigrants. Here are some of the most popular customs:

Exchanging Gifts. The first Christmas gifts were those that the Three Wise Men brought to the infant Jesus. In the United States,It is customary to exchange gifts with the family members and close friends. Both children and adults get Christmas presents, although children usually get many more’

Receiving toys from Santa Claus. Many American children believe that on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus(a fat, cheerful man who wears a red suit, red hat and long white beard) slides down their chimney to bring them gifts. According to the story, Santa Claus flies through the air in a sleigh pulled by the eight reindeer. Several days or weeks before Christmas, children tell Santa Claus what toys they want by writing him letters or visiting him in a local department store. Then, on Christmas Eve, many youngsters lie awake listening for Santa and his sleigh.

Where did this legend come from? Santa Claus is the American name for St. Nicholas, a generous fourth-century bishop who lived in what is now Turkey. It was his custom to go out at night and bring gifts to the poor. After his death, his fame spread throughout Europe. Dutch immigrants brought the idea of St. Nicholas to the United States, where the name was mispronounced and finally changed to Santa Claus. Then in the early 1800s American artists and authors changed St. Nick’s appearance and created the fat man in red that we know today. Santa’s sleigh and reindeer came from an old Norse legend. So today’s Santa Claus is really a blend of several different cultures.

Hanging a stocking near the chimney. As is Great Britain, American children hang stockings by the fireplace, hoping that Santa will fill them with candy and toys.

Decorating the home with evergreens. This winter custom began in ancient times. Branches of evergreens were thought to bring good luck and guarantee the return of spring.

Germans of the 16th century probably started the custom of decorating trees. In the 19th century, the idea spread through Europe and America. Now, at Christmas time, decorated trees stand in about two-thirds of American homes. The modern American tree is usually covered with colored balls and strings of colored light.

In ancient time, a branch of mistletoe was hung over doorways for good luck. Today the custom continues, but now it is for fun. Anyone standing under the mistletoe is likely to be kissed.

Singing Christmas carols. In the early days of the Christian Church, the bishops sang carols on Christmas Day. Now, everyone sings them. Christmas carols on the radio, on TV, in church, and in school all help fill the winter air with beautiful music. Copying an old English custom, many Americans join with friends and walk from house to house singing the traditional songs of Christmas.


Sending Christmas cards. This custom began in London in 1843 and came to the United States in 1875. Today, most Americans send dozens of Christmas cards or season’s greetings to relatives, friends, and business associates.

The Spring Festival(春节)

It falls on the first day of the first lunar month. People follow many national and local customs. They paste spring poems with lucky words on the door. They eat delicious food with symbolic values. For example, chicken for good luck. They exchange greetings with friends and relatives. New Year’s Day(元旦)

It is on the first day of the year. It marks the beginning of a new year. On this day, people enjoy a paid day-off. There will be parties everywhere, in parks, dancing halls and universities. The Lantern Festival/Yuanxiaojie(元宵节)

It comes on the 15th of the first lunar month. It marks the end of the Spring Festival. It is also called “Yuanxiaojie”. Why is called “Yuanxiaojie”? Because it is the first round-moon nigt in the year.On this day, people eat sweet dumplings for good luck. Special activities include the display of lanterns and riddle solving.

Tomb-Sweeping Day/Qingming(清明节)

It falls on April 4th or 5th . In Chinese it means “clear and bright”. It is a day for the living to show love and respect to dead driends,relatives and ancestors. People will sweep the tombs, put meat,vegetables, wine in front of the tombs. Besides, they burn paper money for the dead to use in afterlife. The Dragon Boat Festival/The Duanwu Festival(端午节)

It’s on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. What do people celebrate this festival for? It is the occasion to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in ancient China. People mourned Qu Yuan’s death and every year they throw bamboo tubes filled with rice into the river as a sacrifice offered to him. This is supposed to be the beginning of the custom of rowing dragon boats and eating Zongzi on this day. The Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

It is on the 15th of the eighth lunar month. It is a tradition for Chinese to eat moon cakes during this festival. People gaze at the “Lady in the Moon” and eat moon cakes for the family reunion and appiness. The Double-ninth Festival(重阳节)

It’s on the 9th of September in the Chinese lunar calendar. It’s the Elder People’s Day of China. Respecting the old is a fine tradition of the Chinese people.On this day many people will go climbing. We have a famous poem describing this festival. It goes like this: Alone as a guest on a foreign land, Twice homesick am I on every festival.

Afar I imagine my brothers’re mountains climbing, They, with dogwood spray in hand, find me missing.


1.节日与月份:What’s on January first? It’s New Year’s Day.

National Day is on October first.

2猜节日练习:如:It’s the most important day for Westerners. It falls in December.(Christmas) It’s a traditional festival in China. It has something to do with the moon.

(The Mid-autumn Day)



A Dumpling is a must for Spring Festival.

__________is a must for____________________.

Food: Festivals: Moon cake(Yue Bing) : Lantern Festival

Rice Dumpling(Zong Zi) Mid-Autumn Festival Sweet rice dumpling(Yuan Xiao) Dragon Boat Festival Turkey Thanksgiving Day Coloured eggs Easter

B. People eat chicken for good luck.

People eat___________________for___________________ Food: Its meaning: Fish wealth Noodles long life

Sweet rice dumplings family reunion and happiness Moon cake happiness C.People may visit friends and relatives during Spring Festival.

People may_______________________during Spring Festival.

让学生说出替代的一些活动,如:cook/eat delicious food; enjoy family reunion; exchange greetings; go sightseeing; setoff fireworks; play cards/computer games; go on the Internet等等。


Junior English for China Book Three

Teaching objectives:

1. get to know something about Christmas 2. can talk about it in English

3. get to know the Christmas spirit “be ready to help others” 4. reading comprehension ----get the main idea of the test 5. be able to use some words and phrases in the test Teaching steps:

1. Warming up (老师通过多媒体展示关于圣诞节的一幅画,画中白雪皑皑,可爱的雪人,一栋温


T: Who’s this? (拿出一个圣诞老人模型) (Students may answer “This is Father Christmas.) T: Is he very old? (Students may answer, “Yes”)

T: Why do you think so? (Students may answer, “ Because he has a white beard)

T: (这时老师指着圣诞老人手中拿着一个铃铛) What’s in his hand? (Students may answer, “A bell” )

T: That’s right(然后老师摇响铃铛)

T: When you hear the bell, do you remember a famous song about Christmas when father Christmas

comes? (Students may say. “Jingle Bell” Because this is very popular song with students. And it is a very famous English song)

T: Great! That’s (点击课件,插放这首歌曲) Now let’s sing this song together. 2) Talking and reporting


T: Now, class, talk to each other in groups of four. What do you know about Christmas Day. And

then I would like you to tell the class. Is four minutes enough for to talk about it? Ok, let’s begin.

(students begin to talk about it in groups. Teachers go among them to look here ad there to

make sure the talking go on smoothly. After four or five minutes)

T: Now, Class. Time is up. Which group would like to be the first to share your ideas with us? (Each group reports what they know about Christmas) 4) Dealing with the text

T: Well, Students. All of you have done a good job. I’m quite proud of you. You have known quite a lot about Christmas. Now, let’s deal with our passage. It’s also about Christmas. First, please read the first paragraph and answer the following questions: 1. How do they sing on Christmas Day? 2. Why do they do that?

(Students can get the answers after reading the part: 1. they get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs. 2. They do that for fun and to bring the spirit of Christmas to everyone.)

T: do you know what the spirit of Christmas is? (Students may not be able to answer it) Please

read the rest of the text, you will get the answer. (After reading , they get the answer


T: Good . This word comes from “generous”. It means one is always ready to give. What kind of man do you think Father Christmas is? (Students may answer, “Generous, kind-hearted, loving, etc)

T: Shall we deal with the text again? This time you’ll work in groups to solve the problems you have about the text. Will you please help each other to solve them? If you can’t, I can give a hand. Ok. Let’s begin. (Teacher goes around class and help those who have any problems.) 5) Additional material for listening

T: ( After solving the problems with the text) Who is like Father Christmas in your family? (Students may answer: My mother)

T: Yes. Mother cares for the whole family. She gives what she can to us. So in our society, some people

would love to give, just like Father Christmas and your mother and father, while some others would just want to take. Have you ever heard of the story Give or Take? Please listen :

(listen to the tape: Tom was a selfish old man. One day, he fell into a river while he was walking on

the bank. He cried for help, and a young man heard him. He went over to the old man and said, “Give me your hand and let me help you.” Tom refused to do so. The young man thought for a while and said,“Take my hand and I’ll pull you out.” Then Tom held out his hand quickly and he was saved by the young man.) (after listening to it)

T: What we learn from the story? (Students may answer: Tome was too selfish. He only wanted to take) You’re so clever! If he hadn’t given his hand to the young man, he would have been dead. We must learn

to give. I’m sure you have heard of the Chinese saying: . And if you give, you will get one day. I hope you can learn the spirit of Generosity from Father Christmas and always be ready to help others. If everyone does this, we’ll have 50 Father Christmas in our class.


There is a task for to do after class. 任务名称:谁言寸草心,报得三春晖






1)课下对10名同学进行调查。 调查内容


对比父母为子女所做的事情以及子女为父母所做的事情。今后打算怎么做 2) 填写表格

My Mother\\Father Name Height Occupation Favorite color 语言知识运用:

date of birth, place of birth, favorite food/color/drink/sport/… When is your parent’s birthday? Where was he/she born?

Where does he/she work? What things did you do for them?

Have you done anything for your parents recently? What will you do for your parents in the future? 案例分析

老师运用多媒体、音乐、实物、语言描述等手段,激发学生的学习兴趣与激情。课堂教学丰富多彩,内容具有趣味性。本课体现了教师和学生共同开发课程资源。 本课例通过圣诞节的话题引出“圣诞精神”,进而对学生进行“乐善好施助人为乐”的教育。

Weight Blood type Favorite food Hobbies Date of birth Place of birth His/her friends Motto What will I do for them 〖学习过程评价〗


1.A. December 25th B. November 25th C. October 26th 2.A. We have something to do this afternoon. B. We are free this afternoon.

C. We will be very happy this afternoon.

3. A. Mary had an accident. B. I was not pleased C. Half an hour was too long 4. A. He likes to take a plane B. He often travels by plane C. Please go to the airport at seven

5. A. I want to have a rest B. I don’t like to dance with you. C. I’m a poor dancer. II.听句子选择适当的答语(每小题1分)

6. A. April 1 B. Monday C. Excuse me, I’m not sure.

7.A. No, you can’t. B. I’m sorry,I can’t dance. C. You’re welcome. 8. A. Yes,please. B. No,please don’t. C. You’d better not.

9. A. Thank you. And the same to you. B. You too! C.Good luck. 10. A. It’s about 200 meters from here. B. You can take bus No.42. C. don’t ask me.I’m a stranger here.


III 听对话和问题选择正确答案(每小题2分)

11.A.New Year’s Day B. Thanksgiving Day C. April Fool’s Day 12.A .watching TV B. listening to the radio C. quarreling

13.A. She is talking on the phone. B. She is sleeping C. She is playing online games 14.A. On a street B. On a bus C. In a taxi

15. A. The woman B. The man C. Neither of them

IV 根据你所听到的对话及提出问题从所给的A、B、C 三个中选出正确答案(每小题2分) 16 A. One B. Two C. Three 17.A. June 13 B. June 30 C. July 13

18.A. One single room B. Two single rooms C. Two double rooms 19.A. 120 yuan B. 240 yuan C. 360 yuan 20.A Joyce B. Lee C. Joyce Lee 笔试部分

V. 单词拼写(每小题2分)

21._______ (圣诞节)is the most important festival in the West world . 22. Do you know how Americans ____________(庆祝) Fourth of July.

23. Many people feel even more _________(累) after a seven-day holiday. 24. Let’s drink to our ________(友谊).

25.__________(母亲)Day falls on the second Sunday in May. VI. 选择题(每小题2分) 1)汇语法部分

26.May I ______you a happy New Year.

A. hope B. wish C.expect D.want

27. Labor Day in fact means that people have a day____________. A. on B. on C.off D.away

28. It is_________to laugh at people when they are in trouble.

A. a bad manner B. bad manner C. bad manners D. the bad manner 29. Please give my best_________to your parents. A.wish B. wishes C. hope D. hopes

30. It will be great____________the evening of Independence Day watching fireworks with friends. A. spending B. taking C. paying D. costing 2)文化知识部分

31. Which of these festivals is a typical(典型的)American holiday?

A.Christmas B.Thanksgiving Day C.April Fool’s Day D.St. Valentine’s Day 根据下面的一组对话,请确定他们在谈论的节日 32.( ) ---Trick or treat?

----Oh,What frightening clothes! Please take a lot of candy,

and don’t play any tricks on me.

33( )----Today’s the day. I’m going to send Linda this card and tell her how I feel. -----If you can get a kiss,she’ll be yours for ever. 34.( )----How many eggs did the Bunny leave at your house?

----I found eight. They were blue and yellow and pink and green.

35( )----I was hoping you could give me a ride to school this morning,but I see you’ve got a flat



-----How can that be? The tires were fine last night. Oh, I know what you mean. A. April Fool’s Day B. Easter C. Valentine’s Day D. Halloween VI.阅读理解(每小题2分)


假如你准备在元旦这一天送给你的朋友Kate, Tom, Betty, Sophia, Jane每人一本书作为新年礼物。 下面A---E分别介绍了五本书的内容。请根据你朋友的各自需求,选出他们所喜欢的书,并将 其标号填入题前括号内

A. This book will help you understand how to stay well and avoid disease. You’ll learn some things

that you might use at home to stop illness from cold.

B Do you want to know how much food you should eat every day? Do you want to make a good plan about your meals? If so,please read this book. From this book you will know about safe ways to lose weight and how many calories you need each day.

C. You’ll get useful information about how to prevent common accidents from this book. It’s about safety both indoors and outdoors. Community safety is especially introduced in this book.

D. This book will tell you something about how to keep healthy by taking exercise. You’ll not only learn

the importance of taking exercise, but also the ways to take exercise.

E.You’ll know why people need health insurance by reading this book. You can also know how to choose health insurance and how to use insurance to pay for your health care. ( )36. Kate wants to keep thinner and healthier.

( )37. Tom is collecting information about how to prevent electrical fire. ( )38. Betty is trying to advise her mother to do some sport. ( )39. Sophia has to know some ways to prevent common cold ( )40. Jane is studying health insurance.


Every country in the world celebrate New Year, but not every one does it in the same way. The countries of American and those in Europe welcome the New Year on January the first. This practice began with the Roman ruler. Julius Caesar changed the date of the New Year from the first of March to the first day of January. In the Middle East, New Year is when spring begins. People in china celebrate it on the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon. The spring Festival usually comes between January 21 and February 19. Rosh Hashanah which is the Jewish New Year, comes at the end of summer. The Hindus in India celebrate the first day of each season, so they have four New Years.

In all these countries, these is a practice of making noise, People made noise in ancient times to drive away the devil spirits from house to house with drums and bamboo sticks. Young people in America stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve, to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year’s Eve and when the New Year comes, all ring bells, blow whistles, blow horns, sing, and kiss each other. Questions

41 People all over the world ________celebrate the New Year, but______is the same. A. do not all; blowing whistles and horns hard

B. do the same things but not to; blowing whistles and horns C. do not do the same things to; making much noise D. do the same things to; making much noise 42.Chinese calendar was made___________.


A.According to the theory of the sun circling B. according to the theory of moon circling

C. by an ancient scientist, named Zhang Heng D. by the people who wanted to celebrate New Year

43.The countries all over the world have one New Year except_____.

A. The Indians B. The Hindus C. The Romans D. The people in the Middle East 44.It was long ago that people used to_________ on New Year’s Day to ________. A.make noise; enjoy themselves

B. make noise; drive the devil spirits out of their houses C. make noise; stop themselves falling asleep D.light fireworks; make the night beautiful

45.In the United States, young people usually do not sleep until very late so as to_________. A. watch a big clock B. make great noise C. send off the old year and welcome the New Year D. do nothing but eat VII.写作(15分)



1. Christmas Day falls on December 25. 2. Shall we go to a movie this afternoon?

3. I waited for Mary for al an hour, but she didn’t turn up.

4. Xiao Li’s flight will arrive at 7:00. Please go and meet him then. 5. I think I’ll sit out the next dance. 6. What day is it today?

7. May I ask you for a dance?

8. Would you mind my smoking ere? 9. A merry Christmas and a happy 2006. 10. Excuse me, where is the washroom?

11. A: That turkey smells good! When’s dinner?

B: Be patient. Aunt will arrive any minute with te salad and pumpkin pies. A: I can hardly wait.

Q: Which festival are they talking about?

12. A: Mum, may I change the channel to CCTV5? There is sports news at twelve.

B: No. News 30 Minutes will be on soon. Q: What are they doing now?

13. A:Come on Judy. Hang up. You’ve been on for over an hour. I’m expecting an important call.

B: Okay, I’ll get off. Q: What’s Judy doing

14. A: Am I ok for the church?

B: No. We only go as far as the park, but you can walk from there. A: How much further is it?

B: It’s quite a way yet,but I’ll tell you in good time. Q: Where are they talking? 15. A: Happy New Year!


B: Thank you very much. You,too. A: Are you going anywere?

B: I thought about going to my sister’s. How about you? A: I’ll just stay at hone. Q: Who will not go out?

IV. A: The Great Wall Hotel. Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to book rooms for three days. A: When will you arrive?

B: We’ll arrive next Tuesday. It’s July 13. A: Yes, Madam. Single or double? B: Two single rooms. A: All right.

B: How much will that be? A: 120 yuan a night. B: OK.

A: May I have your name ,please?

B: Joyce Lee. J-O-Y-C-E, Joyce. L-E-E, Lee. A: Thank you, Mrs. Lee. Goodbye.

B: Bye.

Q16 How many nights will the woman stay at the hotel? Q17 When will she arrive at the hotel? Q18 What kind of room does she want? Q19 How much should she pay for a night? Q20 What is her first name?

1---5ABBCA 6---10BBCAA 11---15BAABB 16---20CCBAA 21---25(略) 26---30BCCBA 31---35BDCBA 36---40BCDAE 41---45CBBBC 作文(略)

三、 能力素养评价

(见Level 4)



传统课程教学强调的是学生对教科书内容的记忆与内化。教师把“教学大纲”“教课书”“教参”作为授课的唯一标准所以在教学中教科书的知识占绝对主导地位,而“新课标”教材的出现 为课堂知识结构来源的多样化创造了条件,它是一个有待开发的资源库,如何利用这个资源要靠教师充分发挥自己的创造性。教师不再知识传授教科书上的指示,教师的个人知识也将成为构建学生知识结构的 一部分。学生不再是被动的接受知识而是通过师生互动和生生互动产生新知识。课本知识、教师个人知识及师生互动产生的新知识将成为课堂知识结构的骨架,“新课标”教材为教师的成长和发展提供了一个非常好的平台。







“发现法”是学生在教师的指导下,根据所学的内容,结合教师所提供的一些问题和提示,积极思考和探索,司机发现并掌握知识,从而解决问题。 这种教学方法可以充分发挥学生的主体作用,培养学生自我发现问题,解决问题,从而学会学习。 2. 运用“任务型”教学法的一点认识



