最新精编高中人教版必修五高中英语unit 3 life in the future pe

更新时间:2023-04-06 21:17:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Period 2 Reading

The General Idea of This Period

This is the second period of this unit. This period centers on the reading passage, which is about first impressions in the future. At the beginning of the period, the teacher can design some acti vities to draw the students’ attention to read. In order to attract the students’ attention, the teacher had better offer the students the opportunities to have a competition about preparing knowledge of future. Then the teacher can make full use of the pictures present in the text. Ask the students to predict what the passage may be mainly about. This step is designed to make for preparing for understanding the passage.

Reading skills are very important for senior students. For the first reading, we intend to cultivate Ss’ skimming ability and scanning ability. First ask the students to scan it and find out characters mentioned. Then let the students read fast to find out main idea of each paragraph. In order to stimulate Ss to take part in the class activity more actively, the teacher can organize a group competition to see which group can finish the task fastest and best. For the second reading, the students are expected to know some details about the passage. Later on, the teacher will present five statements for the students to judge and ask some questions. The third time is to read for study further information. This part is designed to get Ss into the habit of reading a passage as a whole, that is, to get the general idea. Another purpose of this part is to ask Ss to pay attention to the details.

To develop Ss’ further understanding ability, the teacher can design some questions, whose answers are beyond lines. So the teacher will help them to read between the lines, thus Ss can gradually get the ability to understand the writer’s implied meanings. In this

step, the teacher can also design the exercise of guessing the meaning of new words or phrases. The teacher asks Ss to read it again in order to make them think about the organization of the whole passage, and this method can help them not only in their understanding but also in writing a passage.

To consolidate the content of the passage, Ss are required to retell it according to main idea.In order to arouse the Ss interest; the teacher can hold a competition between

Teaching Important Points

Get the students to learn different reading skills, especially gist reading and

Teaching Difficulties

Know the mean

Teaching Aids


Three Dimensional Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims

Have a good understanding of the tex

Ability Aims

