外研版小学英语六年级上册Module 7Unit 1 I dont believe it教学

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外研版小学英语六年级上册Module 7 Unit 1 I don’t believe it!

一、教学目标 1. 知识目标

(1)学生通过听音、跟读等形式,能够听、说、读、写以下单词believe, get ,frightened ,DVD, come out of, lucky, bamboo, its, body, together


(3)学生能够熟练掌握一般现在时态的句子,如:They love bamboo. The snake can use its body to dance.

2. 能力目标





四、教学重难点: 1、掌握四会词.



多媒体课件、点读笔、卡片等。 八、教学过程 Step1.Greetings.

T:Hello,boys and girls. Today we are going to learn Englishtogether.随机教学单词together .

T: I will divide you into two groups.

One is together, another is lucky. 教单词lucky. If you can answer my questions, I will give you stickers. Then let’s see which group will be the winner.

Step2.Warm up Watch and answer.

(老师拿出一个DVD光盘,T: Look, what is it? It’s a DVD. Do you want to watch? Now let’s watch and listen to the DVD. 播放关于动物歌曲的DVD光盘。)

Question: What’s the DVD about? Step3. Leading in 1. Watch and guessing.

(教师出示许多动物的图片,全班复习,随机教授新词snake. ok,now let’s play a guessing game about animals. Puzzle 1课件播放“guess”.Puzzle 1 ,2, ——fish. pandas.

2. Look and learn the new words.

(教师出示幻灯片“pandas”。 They love bamboo.”教学新词”“bamboo”now I’ll tell you a secret: pandas eat for twelve hours a day. Do you believe it? 引出课题“Module 7 Unit1 I don’t believe it!” Animals are so interesting. Well, let’s guess the last puzzle.

出示最后一篇puzzle,学习句子:The snake can use its body to dance.教学新词its ,body.

Step4.New lesson (幻灯片展示,图文) 1. Watch and answer.


2.带着问题学习课文Picture 1

(1)T: listen, read and underline the answers.


(2) Check the answers. (3)同法教学 Picture 2,

随机教学新词come out of , flute, get frightened 后,再让学生做题。 (4)Picture 3 (教法同上) 3. Listen and read vividly.跟读一遍

4. Our reading time:Read correctly(正确地) Read with emotion (有感情地) Read with emotion and action(动作) 4. Let’s show. Step 5 Practise

1. Retell the dialogue in your little group. (尝试根据图片与句子在小组中分角色复述对话。) 2. Show time.

Step 6 Summary: What have we learnt from this dialogue? (根据黑板板书,简要小结课文的主要内容。) Step 7 Extension

Talk about your favorite animals . (1)Look and listen.

(老师先示范,再提供几种动物让学生从中选来说,当然也可以说自己喜欢的其他动物。The more sentence you can say the more point you can get.要求:至少要说4句,说得越多得分越多。)

(2)Talk with your partner ,then show. Step 8: Homework:

1. Read the dialogue in Module 7 Unit 1. 2.Write your favorite animal.(最少要写4句话)

