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第一章 名词


1. ________ is a well-informed man.He can tell you anything you want to know.

A.This John?s old friend B.That?s John?s old friend C.This old friend of John D. This old friend of John?s

答案为D。译文:约翰的这位老朋友是一位信息灵通人士,他能告诉你想知道的一切。 点津:

双重所有格,所修饰的名词可以和不定代词this, that, these, those等连用,表示某种感情色彩。例如:

That silly uncle of yours had told me the same joke five times. 你的那位傻叔叔把同一个笑话给我讲了5遍。 These remarks of yours are of great value to us. 你的这些话对我们来说很有帮助。 2. Mary is an old friend of __________.

A. my sister?s B.my sister C.my sisters D.my sister?s ones 答案为A。译文:玛丽是我姐姐的一位老朋友。 点津:

双重所有格所修饰的名词可以和不定冠词a以及any, some, no, few, several 等表示数量的词连用,表示部分概念,但不可以和定冠词the 连用。例如: It was no fault of the doctor?s. 那不是医生的错。

Have you ever read any books of Dicken?s. 你读过狄更斯的什么书么?

He read some plays of Shakespeare?s. 他读过莎士比亚的几个剧本。

3. We hope that your government should pay more attention to ________.

A.the livelihood of the poor B.the poor livelihood C.the poor?s livelihood D. the livelihood poor

答案为A。译文:我们希望政府应该多关注穷人的生计。 点津:


Do you know the opinion of the committee appointed a few days ago? 你知道委员会几天前提出的建议么?

4. Her house is within______ from the police station.

A.a stone?s throw B. a throw of a stone C.stone?s throw D. the stone?s throw 答案为A。译文:她的房子距离警察局只有一箭之遥。 点津:

在有些固定搭配中必须用“-?s”所有格。例如: A bird?s eye view 鸟瞰 a stone?s throw一箭之遥 A hair?s breath间不容发

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At one?s wits? end不知所措

In one?s mind?s eye在某人的心中 At arm?s length疏远

At one?s finger?s ends了如指掌 To one?s heart?s content尽情地

另外复合名词地所有格一般是在词尾加“-?s”。 例如 The editor-in-chief?s office总编室

the go-between?s words中间人的话 my sisiter-in-law?s father我嫂子的父亲。 5. The man in blue is _______ father.

A. John and Mary B. John and Mary?s C. John?s and Mary?s D. John?s and Mary 答案为B。译文:穿蓝衣服的那个人是约翰和玛丽的父亲。 点津:


6. Every one in the little town knows that _____ are leaving for New York next Tuesday.

A. the Smith B. the Smiths C. the Smith?s D. the Smiths?s 答案为B。译文:全镇人都知道史密斯一家人,下周二要到纽约去。 点津:

谓语动词中有are,所以主语影视表示复数的名词。The Smiths意为“史密斯的一家人” 7. Only last month did I call at _________.

A. the Smith B. the Smith?s C. the Smiths D. Smith 答案为B。译文:只是上个月我才去看了史密斯先生。 点津:

Call at 拜访某个地方;call on拜访某人。The Smiths意为“史密斯的一家人”, The Smith?s意为“史密斯的家”, The Smiths?意为“史密斯一家的住处”。? 8. Some _______ from the countryside want to find jobs in the city.

A. youth B. youths C.a youth D. the youth 答案为B。译文:一些从农村来的年轻人想在城里找工作。 点津:

某些不可数名词表示物质或抽象概念时,是不可数名词,但表示这类或具体事物时就是可数名词。常这样用的词如下: Beauty 美 a beauty 一个美人 Glass玻璃 a glass一个玻璃杯 Ice冰two ices两杯冰激凌 Iron铁an iron一个熨斗

Metal金属a rare metal一种稀有金属 Tea茶 three teas 三杯茶

Youth青春a youth 一个青年。

9. _______ can get a better view of the game than the participant.

A. Lookers-on B. Look-on C. Looker-on D. Lookers-ons 10. When you are at ____ end, you should not lose your heard. A.wit?s B.dead C. your wits? D.extreme 11. Our teacher gave me______________.

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A. an advice B. the advice C. many advice D. much advice 12. Recently, he has lost all his _______.

A. wage and saving at card B. wages and saving at card C. wages and savings at cards D. wage and savings at card

13. _________ was wonderful so that it attracted all the students in the class.

A. The teachers performance B. That performance of the teachers? C. That performance of the teachers D.The performance of the teachers? 14. They bought ______ for the living room.

A. some new furniture B. some new furnitures C. many new furniture D. much new furnitures

15. Although I?m inferior to you, you sholdn?t put on ______ with me. A. faces B.airs C.air D. face

16. Although the town had been attacked by the storm several tiems, _____was done A. a few damages B. few damages C. little damage D. a little damages 17. Though he was in college, he was still fond of reading_________

A. stories of chldren B. children stories C. children?s stories D.childrens? stories 18. Would you like to have a cup of tea and __ with me?

A.two piece of toast B. two pieces of toasts C. two toasts D.two pieces of toast 19. Mr. Wang has a _________ daughter.

A.three-years-old B.three years? old C. three-year-old D. three-yearsold 20. No country can afford to neglect________.

A. an education B. educations C. education D. the education 21. He invited all his ________ to join in his wedding party.

A.comrade-in-arms B.comrades-in-arm Ccomrade-in-arms D.comrades-ins-arms 22. One of the most surprising things is that _____ may come from petroleum. A. much of tomorrow?s food B. muchof tomorrow food C. much of the food of tomorrow D.many of tomorrow?s food 23. ______ telephoned this morning.

A. My father?s friend B. A friend of my fathe C.A friend of my father?s D. My father friend 24. ____ is too much ofr a little boy to carry.

A. A bike?s weight B. Bikes? weight C. The weight of a bike D. The weights of bikes 25. The news of victory___spreading far and wide.

A. have been B. are C. were D.is 26. The Chinese people _________a great people.

A.are B.is C.can be D.has been

27. These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you ________ you need. A. all the information B.all of information C. all the informations D. all of the informations

28. That magnificent _____ temple was constructed by the Chinese.

A.eight-centuries-old B. old-eight-century C.eight-century?s-old D.eight-century-old 29. Could you please tell me the ____ for Biology 457 and Chemisty 610? A. room?s numbers B. room numbers C. rooms numbers D.numbers of rooms

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30. The Niagara Falls _______ great fame in the world.

A.enjoy B.enjoys C. is D.are 答案:

9-13 ACDCB 14-18 ABCCD 19-23 CCCAC 24-28 CDAAD 29-30 BA

第二章 形容词和副词


1. There is ____________________________________.

A. men more interlligent than Mary B. more interlligent men than Mary C. interlligent men more than Mary D. more than Mary interlligent men 答案为A。译文:有比Mary 更聪明的男人。 点津:

当More than 比较的是不同类别的单复数可数名词时,比较结构通常置于所修饰的名词之后。

2. Of all things in the world, life and love are ______.

A.very much precious B.more than precious C.the precious D. the most precious 3. It is safe to say that no to her major nation has ____ record of its history.

A. such comprehensive a B. so a comprehensive C.so comprehensive a D. such comprehensive

4. The American dream does not come to those who fall_________.

A.sleeping B.sleep C.asleep D. slept

5. At last we found the exhausted animal lying there_________.

A. sick B.to be sick C.in sick D. to be sickening

6. We are taught that a business letter should be written in formal style_______ personal one.

A. better than B.rather than C.less than D. other than

7. Thomas said that he was late because he was caught in a traffic jam. That was a ____story.

A.an only B.a single C.likely D. liking

8. Tom?s very spoilt and always demanding attention; I expect it?s becuaste he?s _____child

A.an only B.a single C.a lonely D. an alone

9. It is our ___policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.

A.consistent B.continuious C.considerate D. continual 10. Mary has bought a _______ carpet.

A.Chinese beautiful green B. green beautiful Chinese C. beautiful green Chinese D. Chinese green beautiful

11. They want to know about the sea life,___________________________.

A.deep in ocean B. deeply in the ocean C.deep in the ocean D. in the ocean deeply 12. The nearest garage to the office was ________ and we got there safely.

A. at 100 yards away B. about 100 yards far C.about 100yards away D.about 100 yards far 13. I couldn?t find _______, and so I took this one.

A. a coat enough large B. a large enough coat C. an enough large coat D. a large coat enough 14. The plicemen here _____ very busy.

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A.nearly always are B.always are nearly C. are always neraly D.are nearly always 15. Iran is one of the world?s leading____ oil producers.

A.raw B.crude C. rough D.primitive 16. Throw away these things, they are totally _______.

A.valuable B.invaluable C.lvalueless D.priceless 17. They are performing experiments with a dozen _______ monkeys. A.living B.alive C.lively D.live 18. They regard these men as their ___ enemises

A. death B.dead C.deadly D.deadlines

19. All the key words in the article are printed in ___ type so as to attract readers? attention A.dark B.dense C.black D.bold 20. _______ are waiting for the result of ______.

A. The concerned people … the present talk B. The people concerned … the talk present C. The concerned people … the talk present D. The people concerned… the present talk 21. He is ___ but not ___ as you

A.so wise … so diligent B. wiser … so diligent C.wiser… less diligent D. more wise … as diligent 22. In his time he enjoyed a reputation_____.

A. as great as Mozart, if not greater than B. as great as, if not greater than, Mozart C. as great, if not greater, as Mozart D. greater, if not greater as Mozart 23. “How much is this book?”” The new edition is ___ expensive than the old one.” A.fewer B.more much C.less D.a little 24. You will have to practice __ tiems before yo ucna do it. A.many more B.more many C.much more D. more several

25. If this kind of fish becomes ______, future generations may never taste it at all. A.minimum B.short C.seldom D.scarce

26. When electricity was first invented, people refused to believe such a thing ___________. A. possible B.possibly C. impossible D.impossibly 27. Of the two houses the family prefers________.

A. the most isolated one B. the more isolated one C. the one isolated more D.the isolated one more 28. Harry treats his secretary badly.\

“Yes. He seems to think that she?s the ___person in the office. A.least important B.lesser important C.less important D.not most important

29. All factors considered, the opnion is tha the net cost of goods produced will be ____. A.many higher B.about same C.lowest D.somewhat higher 30. “We walked twenty miles today.””I never guessed you could have walked ______ far”. A. as B. thus C.that D. such 答案:

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1 - 5 A D C C A 6 -10 B C B A C 11-15 C C B D B 16-20 C A C D D 21-25 B B C A D 25-30 A B A D C

第三章 情态动词

练习三 练习

1. He was afraid what he had done a disastrous effect on his career.

A. could be B. can have C. shall have D. might have

2. The car plunged into the river. The driver get out but the passengers were drowned.

A. was able to B. succeeded to C.could D. might

3. When he was at school, he early and take a walk before breakfast.

A. would rise B. should rise C. shall rise D. used to rising 4. Susan and I can go to the lecture . A. but neither can Charles B. and so Charles can C. but Charles can?t D. and Charles can also

5. “That must be a mistake.” “No, it a mistake.”

A. must not be B. needn?t be C. can?t be D. would not be 6. I the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.

A. rather would not have B. would rather not have C. would rather D. would not rather had

7. I would go to visit them but I think they are anxious to see me.

A. haven?t B. didn?t C. wouldn?t D. don?t 8. Since it is already midnight, we .

A. had better leave B. ought to have left C. should take leave D. might as well leave

9. You pay the money, but you do so at once.

A. must … needn?t B. need … need C. needn?t … must D. must … must 10. Everyone do his best for the modernization of his country.

A. can B. may C. should D. had to

11. An ambulance was waiting in the street. Somebody hurt or killed.

A. should have been B. should C. must have been D. should have not been 12. to you like that?

A. How dared he spoke B. How dares he speak C. How dare he speak D. How dares he to speak

13. I would have come sooner, but I that you were waiting.

A. don?t know B. hasn?t know C. didn?t know D. haven?t known 14. You that if you don?t want to.

A. don?t need do B. needn?t do C. need to have done D. don?t need to 15. You her in her office last Friday; she?s been out of town for two weeks.

A. need?t have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can?t have seen 16. Would you sooner I my paper tomorrow morning?

A. handed in B. will have handed in C. hand in D. will hand in

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17. I in the kitchen when you phoned.

A. must have been B. must be C. can be D. could have been 18. “Martin was taking pictures of wild animals.”

“Oh, no. He killed.”

A. might be B. might have been C. must be D. would probably be

19. Professor Wang be in Beijing because I saw him in the library only a few minutes ago.

A. must not B. can?t C. may not D. should not

20. “I know she was in because I heard her radio, but she didn?t open the door.” “She the


A. mustn?t have heard B. may not have heard C. needn?t have heard D. can?t have heard

21. “Must I answer all the questions?” “No, you answer them all; it will be sufficient if you

do four of them.”

A. mustn?t B. shouldn?t C. don?t D. needn?t

22. Mary got up early, but she so, because she had no work to do that morning.

A. can not have done B. must not have done C. shouldn?t have done D. needn?t have done

23. She catch the bus every morning, but now she rides with her fiance.

A. used to B. is used to C. use to D. was used to 24. It?s wonderful that you have achieved so much in these years.

A. may B. can C. should D. would 25. I can?t find Mrs. Fox in her office; she for home.

A. might have started B. might start C. may be starting D. may start 26. If Jackie is as sick as you say, she see a doctor.

A. better B. had better C. had rather D. would rather 27. “Tom graduated from college at a ver young age.”

“He have been an outstanding student.”

A. must B. could C. should D. might 28. You the look on his face when he won the prize.

A. should have seen B. would have seen C. must see D. can be seeing 29. “When should I get my ticket?”

“You your ticket last month.”

A. should get B. had got C. should have gotten D. ought to get 30. “Did you criticize him for his mistakes?” “Yes, but it.”

A. I?d rather not have done B. I?d better not do C. I?d not rather D. I?d rather not doing 答案:

1 - 5 D A A C C 6 -10 B D D A C 11-15 C C C B D 16-20 A A B B D 21-25 D D A C A 25-30 B A A C A

第四章 时态


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1. Everything on the earth ______ all the time.

A.is changed B.is changing C.has changed D. has been changed 2. Electiongs _____ every four years and Congress meets once a year.

A.are taken place B.are to be taken place C.took place D. take place 3. Will you come and join us when we _________- a farewell party?

A.will give B.give C. gave D. have given

4. We should start early to make certain that we all ____ there on time.

A.get B.should get C.will get D. got 5. It has been abiut 7 years since they __________.

A.got married B.got marry C.get married D. have married 6. By the time the course ends ________ a lot about Britian.

A.we?ll learnt B.we are learning C.we have learnt D. we?ll have learnt 7. What __________ do with the house?

A.are you about to B.will you be going to C.are you going to D. have you been to 8. The book of Fairy Tales I edited _______soon.

A. is appearing B.is to appear C. is about to appear D. shall appear 9. When I returned home from a long journey, I found my house ____________.

A. was broken into B. had been broken into C. had broken into D. is broken into 10. He will come to call on you the moment he ___ his work.

A.finishes B.had finished C.will finish D. finished 11. By good fortune, the leak _________no damage yet.

A. would do B. had done C. did D. has done 12. He left home in 1970 and ________ heard of since.

A. hadn?t been B. wasn?t C. not has been D. has not been 13. They ________ than he called.

A. had no sooner returned B. had hardly returned C. had hardly returned D. had hardly returned

14. We had hardly sat down when she _________ plates of food for us

A.had brought B.brought C. has brought D. was bringing

15. Henry would rather that his grirl friend ________ in the same department as he does.

A.works B. had worked C. worked D. has been worked 16. He fulfilled the plan earlier than he __.

A.was expected B.would expected C.expectee D. had expected 17. Jim would rather that Jill ________ to class yesterday.

A.went B.goes C.had gone D. would 18. We ________ the old winter in the past 2 years.

A.would have B. had C.have had D. have been having 19. Your mother __ for you everywhere. Where have been?

A. has looked B. has been looking C. looked D. was looking 20. How long ago ___ p;aying football?

A.have you stopped B.did you stop C.would you stop D. were you stopping 21. Until then, his family________from him for six months.

A.didn?t hear B.hasn?t been hearing C.hasn?t heard D. hadn?t heard

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22. I will take so steps until the director______________.

A.arrives B.would arrive C.will arrive D. could arrive 23. You ______________ that book for ages. P;ease stop and hve a rest.

A. have been reading B.have read C.are reading D. read 24. She ______________when that young man dived in and saved her.

A.drowned B.was drowning C.was going to drown D. had drowned 25. When I was in the city, I visited the university where I______________.

A.had studied B.studied C.did study D. was studying 26. He ___________ TV when I dropped in last night.

A.was watching B.had watched C.watched D. have been watching

27. My train arrives in New York at eight o?clock tonight. The plane I would lke to take from here

_____by then.

A.would leave B. will have left C.has left D. had left

28. We have sometimes accidents on this line,but no accidents __________ since last winter.

A. have occured B. are occurring C. occur D. occurring 29. He used to have a lot of money but he______________________any more.

A. couldn?t have B. doesn?t have C. didn?t have D. hasn?t have 30. When he _________ a new word in reading he ___________ consult the dictionary.

A. comes across… likes to B. cames across… likes to C. has come across… likes to D. comes across… liked to 答案:

1 - 5 B D B A A 6 -10 D C B B A 11-15 D D C B C 16-20 D C D B B 21-25 D A A B A 26-30 A B A B A

第五章 语态


1. A great deal of research___________ into the possible causes of cancer in recent years.

A.has been done B.will be done C.was done D. is done 2. By the end of last year the railway ___________.

A. was being completed B.would be completed C.had completed D.had been completed 3. Those who have applied for the post _____ in the office

A. are being interview B. are interviewing C.interviewing D. to be inteviewing 4. The bridge _________ at the moment, so we had to take another way.

A.had been repaired B. was repaired C. would have been repaired D. was being repaired 5. He said such a thing _______ to happen.

A. ought to be not allowed B. ought not to be allowing C. ought not to have allowed D. ought not to be allowed 6. She told me that her proposal ___________.

A. needed to take into consideration B. needed to be taken into consideration C. needed to be taking into consideration D. needed to have taken into consideration 7. The professor was profound and eloquent and ________ with enthusiasm.

A. was always listened B. was always listened to

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C. always was listened D. always listened to

8. By the time the author comes back from abroad, the books_______.

A. will have published B. will have been published C. will be published D. have been published 9. I wondered __ to come to the party.

A. should he been asked B. if he is asked C. if he should have been asked D. if he should ask

10. Some form of physical education _____ by all people and nations.

A. has been practiced B. practiced C.which practiced D. have been practiced 11. The pressure of water in the pipe ____ to the electric potential.

A. has compared B. might compare C. may be compared D. will be compared 12. The electric wires in a house _ with some kind of insulation.

A. are covered B. were covered C. is covered D. will been covered

13. by signing this application, I ask that an account _____ for me an da credit card issued as I


A.be opened B. is opened C. opens D. will be opened

14. I found that m cheating in yesterday?s English test ____________ reported to my parents that

very evening.

A.was B.had been C. had D. was being 15. When the fire broken out, ________.

A. the house had empties B. the house had emptied C. the house was made empty D. the house became emptying

16. By promoting more even(平等的,相等的) incmoe distribution in a developing country, a

lower birth rate would _______.

A.be achieved B. achieved C. achieve D. be achieving 17. The children _________________ many times not to go near the lake.

A. have told B. told C. have been told D. were being told 18. Besides ____, he had to pay back all the money he had received from bribes.

A. jailing B. being jailed C. jto be jailed D. jailed 19. There are problems with nuclear energy that have yet _____.

A. to solved B. to be solved C. been solved D. being solved 20. Your hair wants _______,you?d better have it ___ tomorrow.

A. cutting…done B. cutting…to be done C. being cut…to be done D. to be cut…to be done

21. She can never keep still while herphotograph is ________.

A. bring taken B. taking C. being taking D. took

22. I should very much like to have gone to the party but I ______________.

A. am not invited B. shall not being invited C. am not being invited D. was not invited

23. I don?t remember _________ a chance to try thismethod.

A. having been given B. to have been given C. having given D. to have given 24. We could ask someone to do the work privately without it _______.

A. know B. be known C. being known D. to be known

25. He had spread his sails and pursued hi sway, thingking that none besides those who ___ were

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left alive.

A. had taken up B.had been taken up C.took up D. were taken up 26. ___________, wood will soon burst into a flame.

A. Heating B. When heating C. Being heated D. When heated 27. The story of John implies that love ___ from responsibility.

A. cannot be separat B. cannot be separated

C. cannot being separated D. cannot be separated itself 28. He looked at the room in dismay when he found it ___ into.

A. had broken B. had been broken C. broke D. was broken 29. My picture _________ until next week.

A.won?t develop B.aren?t developing C.don?t develop D. won?t be developed 30. The noise of desks __ could be heard out in the street.

A.opened and closed B.to be opened and closed C.being opened and closed D. having been opened and closed 答案:

1 - 5 A D A D D 6 -10 B B B C A 11-15 C A A A C 16-20 A C B B A 21-25 A D A C B 26-30 D B B D C

第六章 状语从句


1. The ship changed its course there was a strom.

A. because B. con the condition of C. when D. for

2. Anyone can borrow books from this library he keeps them clean and returns them in


A. even if B. unless C. so that D. as long as

3. We had to put the meeting off so many comrades were absent.

A. unless B. since C. though D. far as

4. you understand this rule, you?ll have no further difficulty.

A. While B. Once C. Though D. Unless 5. The old woman has loved Tom he were her son.

A. as though B. as C. because D. if

6. she is lawfully old enough to get married, I don?t see how her parents can stop her.

A. If B. Although C. Until D. Seeing that

7. So quickly are science and technology advancing is a possibility today may be a reality


A. that B. what C. if what D. that what

8. sunlight falls on the leaves of plants it is transformed into chemical energy.

A. As if B. If C. When D. Until

9. The girl didn?t go to bed her parents came home.

A. when B. as C. unless D. until

10. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning; the behavior of animal depends

mainly on instinct.

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A. whereas B. so C. unless D. that

11. You should leave the cage immediately you wish to be killed by the bear.

A. lest B. if C. for fear that D. unless

12. The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan

would have as the amount of money borrowed.

A. as the same value B. the save value C. value as the same D. the value is the same 13. She shut the window she might keep the insects out.

A. in order that B. since C. till D. because

14. The parents did not allow their son to swim in the sea he might have accident some


A. for fear that B. in case C. besides that D. and that

15. It is a gripping story and one can?t put it down one has finished reading it.

A. after B. when C. unless D. until

16. They agreed to rent the house the roof should be repaired.

A. when B. as soon as C. on condition that D. unless

17. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you advertisements shouing happy,

balanced families.

A. are often seeing B. often see C. will often see D. have often seen

18. America will never again have as a nation the speirt of adventure it did before the west

was settled.

A. so B. as C. when D. for

19. Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe it provides the building blocks

from which the other elements are produced.

A. so that B. but that C. in that D. provided that 20. We?ll never give in they may do or say.

A. although that B. whatever C. no matter how D. despite

21. She always takes careful notes in class she may review them from time to time.

A. as B. so that C. rather than D. because of

22. It would be difficult for a man of his social position, ,to rise up in the world in that


A. charming and having capability B. even with charm and so capable C. however charming and capable D. though charming and capable is he 23. this kind of disease can cause great harm to the cattle.

A. It occurs to where ti is B. Occurring where C. Where does it occur D. Where it occurs

24. He married he loved her but because he was indebted to her.

A. because not B. not because C. because D. though

25. I am convinced that the more a job challenges, ______________________.

A. the well it will bring out one?s true self B. the best it will bring out one?s true self C. one?s true self will it bring out D. the more it will bring out one?s true self 26. The thief hid himself in the chimney someone should catch him in the act.

A. when B. but that C. lest D. where

27. We eat we may live but some people seem to live they may eat.

A. lest … so that B. in case … for fear C. though … in case D. so that … in order that

第 12 页 共 34 页

28. I think our boat can pass that treacherous water cautiously handled.

A. with B. if C. lest D. until

29. we can make laws protect certain animals, we are frequently in capable of controlling

the environment.

A. However B. Provided that C. While D. Whatever 30. there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.

A. While B. Ever sine C. Provided that D. As soon as 答案:

1 - 5 A D B B A 6 -10 D D C D A 11-15 D B A A D 16-20 C C B C B 21-25 B C D B D 25-30 C D B C C

第七章 名词性从句


1. It is during his apre time _______ Answeaon has been studying a course in history.

A.when B. that C. which D. what

答案为B。译文:安德森正式利用业余时间在学习历史。 That 在此引导强调句。

2. ______ some mammals came to live in the sea is not known.

A.That B.What C.How D. Since

答案为C。 译文:还不清楚有些不如动物怎么会在海里生存。 How引导主语从句,并在从句中作方式状语。

3. They believed that land did not belong to people but _____people belong to land.

A.that B.when C.where D. how

答案为A。 译文:他们认为土地不属于人类但是人类属于土地。 在非正式文体中,由that引导的宾语从句,从属连词that常省略。但是如果由两个that 分句同时作句子的宾语时,第2个that通常不能省略,以免引起歧义。


I don?t think that you two have met before.

I don?t suppose that anyone will object to the plan.

4. I have no doubt_____ we shall be able to do sth for you.

A.that B.if C.what D. whether

答案为A。 译文:我们能为你做些事,对这一点我们毫不怀疑。 在由doubt,doubtful后的宾语从句中,如果主句为肯定句,宾语从句的连接词常用whether或if;在否定句或疑问句中,宾语从句,的连接词要用that。 5. He has not changed at all ______ that he is no longer so talkative.

A.but B.except C.despite D. apart 答案为B。 译文:出了不在健谈之外,他没有多大变化。

That通常不能跟在介词后面作宾语,但是在介词in,except,save,besides 和but 之后可以跟that从句,但多看作固定用法;in that (因为,在……方面),except that(除了……。。。),but that (要不是……),save that (除了……),besides that (除了……),

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6. You can?t imagine______________.

A. what did wew have awful weather B.what weather awful did we have C.what awful weather we did have D.what awful weather had we. 答案为C。 译文:你无法想象我们会遇到一个怎么可怕的天气。

That宾语从句之气引导作用,在句中不作人和成分;wh-宾语从句不进其一大作用,而且在宾语从句中作一定的成分。要注意wh-宾语从句不能倒装语序,要用正常语序。 7. Reading is to the mind ______ food is to the body.

A.what B.that C.which D. where

答案为A。 译文:读书对于人的思想就好比事物对人的身体一样。 Wh-疑问词引导的从句作this is 和that is 的表语时,他们通常不含有译文意义二是分别表现具体的地点时间方式等,例如

That is why he was late for an hour.那就是他迟到一小时的原因。

That is where the great man once lived.那就是这位伟人曾经居住过的地方。

8. The mere fact ________ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean

that it will not occur.

A.what B.which C. taht D. why

答案为C。 译文:多数人认为太哦起核战争是疯狂之举,单凭这并不意味着核战争不会发生。

同位语从句常用that引导,that只起引导作用,在句中 不作人和成分,同位语从句用于对名词作进一步解释,具体说明名词的实际内容。这些常见的名词有:fact(事实), idea(想法), hope(希望), conclusion(结论), evidence(证据), opinion(意见), problem(想法), understanding(认识)等。

They had to face the fact that the nearest gas station is thirty miles away. 他们不得不面对这个事实———最近的加油站也在30英里以外。 I have no idea how soom they are coming. 我不知道他们多久回来。

9. We could see the water quite clearly from_________.

A. that we lived B.we lived C.where we lived D. where we lived in

10. Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ____ will happen to her private life.

A.that B.what C.it D.this

11. I have made it clear ___ I will never go back on my word.

A.when B.where C.that D. however

12. I knew nothing about his journey _ he was likely to be away for three months.

A.if B.in that C.except that D. which

13. Although _______ happened in this developed country sounds like miracle, it may occur in

some other places.

A. it B. which C.how D.what

14. Contrary to the opinion o fhte members, the president should appoint _ he thinks can do the

job the most adequately.

A.who B.whom C. how D. what

15. The reason why coal is still a vey valuable source of power is ___ atomic power is not

available in sufficient quantity.

A. because B. that C.as D. for 16. It is because English is very useful ___________.

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A. why we study it hard B. what we study hard C. that we study it hard D. which we study hard

17. We all thought ___________ that the football match should have been put off.

A. it a pity B. it pity C.what a pity D. a pity is 18. Even the mountains here are no longer ______ they used to be.

A. the same B. which C. that D. what

19. From _____ I know of him I should say that he is unreliable.

A what B. that C.how D. that which 20. It _______ she will be here.

A. seems like that. B. doesn?t seem likely that C.doesn?t seem like that D.likes that

21. Advertising is distinguished form other forms of communication ____ the advertiser pays

for the message to be delivered.

A.in order that B. in that C.in which D. in the way

22. ________ his extravagant expendings have far gone beyond his lawful income has laid

himself open to police?s suspicion.

A. Where. B.That C.As D. since 23. He will tell us _ he thinks of your arrangement.

A.whether B.how C.what D. that 24. ____ one can succeed depends on _ hard he works.

A.That…how B.That… however C. Whether… how D. Whether… however 25. I don?t care __ she will apologize to me or not.

A.htat B.when C.what D. if 26. _____ that you found in the room last week?

A.What it was B.What was it C.It was what D. Was it what 27. The true value of life is not in __, but __________.

A. which we get… what we give B. what we get… what we give C.which do we get… which do we give D. how we get… that we give 28. He ignored other people?s advice ________________.

A.he should give up gambling B.which he should give up gambling C. that he give up gambling D. that he he must give up gambling 29. _____ is no reason for discharging her.

A. Because she was a few minutes late B.Owing to a few minutes being late C. The fact that she was a few minutes late D. Being a few minutes late 30. ___ the 1500?s _ the first Furopean explored the coast of California.

A. It was not until … then B. It is not until … when C. It was until … that D. It was not until … that

31. _______ as much as one-fourth of all timber harvested is not used.

A. that is estimated B. I t is estimated that C. There is estimates D. I t estimates that 32. “Is there any particular dessert you would like to have?”

“____ you select is all right with me.”

A.Whatever B.Which C.That D. whichever 33. I am sure that ______________you said is wrong.

第 15 页 共 34 页

A.what B.how C.which D. this

34. With the development of computers, it is _ man hs suddenly become a millionaire of the


A.that B. as if C. why D. as 35. They went through the problem __ with dust.

A. if the moon balnketed B. If the moon was blanketed

C. Whether the moon blanketed D. Whether the moon was blanketed 36. breaks the law deserves a fine.

A. Who B. However he C. Whoever D. No matter who 37. I doubt the company will make any profit at all this year.

A. that B. when C. since D. whether

38. A hinge joint is permits the forward and backward movement of a door.

A. that B. one C. something which D. what 答案:

1 - 5 C B C C D 6 -10 D B C A D 11-15 A B B B C 16-20 C D B B C 21-25 C D B A A 25-30 B D C D D

八 定语从句


1. Everything_______ remains ca be divided between you.

A.that B.what C.which D.whose 答案为A.译文:剩下的东西可以在你们两人之间分。

当先行词是all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much, none,few等不定代词时,引导定语从句的关系代词通常用that.

2. You are the very man ______ I have been looking for.

A.who B.whom C.which D.that

答案为D.当先行词被no,very, some, any, only, very, much等限定词修饰时,定语从句常用that引导。另外,在下列情况下,也常用关系代词that. 1)当并列的两个先行词分别表示人和物时

2)主句是以who 或which开头的特殊疑问句时,定语从句只能用that引导 3)当关系代词在从句中作表语时

4)当定语从句为there be 句型时,作定语从句主语的广西代词只能为that,但经常可以省略。

3. There is no material____ deform more or less under the action of force.

A.but will B.but will not C.whichever will D.which will 答案为A。译文:各种材料在力的作用下,多少会有些变形。

But是具有否定意义的关系代词,代替人或物,相当于“that(或which/who)…not”,用于no 之后。

4. He spoke confidently,_____ impressed me most.

A.so that B.that C.in which D. which 答案为D。译文他说话非常自信,拿给我留下了很深的印象


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5. This size of the audience,__________ was well over twenty thousand.

A.whom we had expected B. as we had expected C. what we had expected D. we had expected that 答案为 译文:正如我们所预料的那样,观众人数达两千多人。

As作关系代词引导的定语从句,其位置比较里拿过活,可放在句首,句中或句尾,as既可指代整个主句的意思又可指代句中的某一部分内容。 6. This is not such a good engine_____ I expected to be

A.which B.what C.as D.like 答案为C。译文:这并不是像我想象那样好的发动机。

先行词前有such 修饰,所以要用关系代词as,as在定语从句中作表语。 7. The goals ____ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him

A.after which B.for which C.with which D. at which 答案为B。译文:他一生为之奋斗的目标在他看来似乎已经不再重要。 关系代词which代替先行词the goals,因goals 通常与几次for搭配使用,所以应选for,for the goals 意为“为了这样的目的”

8. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ______were


A. as results B.which results C. over D. the results of which

答案为D。 译文:曾经对那个地区新生儿死亡率进行过调查,其结果令人吃惊。

从上下文推断,关系代词代替的是先行词survey,survey与result指见的一种所属关系,所以应用表示所属关系代词whose 或of which. 练习

1. The highest temperature in any furnace on earth is about 10,000℃.

A. what we can get B. we can get C. which we can get it D. that we can get it 2. When Alva was nine years old he read a school book about science, containing some

experiments ____________ at home.

A.which can be done B.that could do C.that could be done D.which could do 3. The time will surely come ___ ordinary people could perate computers as well.

A.when B.while C.as D. on which

4. We went to the industrial exhibiton, __ we saw two man-made satellites.

A.where B.there C.when D. in that place

5. ____________is generally accepted, economical growth is determined by the smooth

development of production.

A. What B. That C. Now that D. As

6. This room had but a single window, ____________ were kept closed when it was not in use.

A.which its shutters B.its shutters of which C.which shutters D. the shutters of which

7. He is the man _ I supposed was capable of doing such a thing.

A.who B.to whom C.it D. whcih

8. He had a large collection of books, _ are written in foreign languages.

A.many in which B.many of which C.many D. many ones of which 9. The atate ______ oil or water is commonly in is a liquid state.

A.in that B.which C. in which D. what

10. She was very patient towards the children, _______ her husband seldom was.

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A.that B.who C.which D. so that

11. _________ is mentioned above; a lot of work has been done to create man-made materials.

A.that B.which C.As D. if

12. With the introduction of the electronic computer, there are no complicated problem _______

can be solved.

A.that B. which C.as D.but

13. There was a teapot fashioned like china duck, out of _ poen mouth the tea was supposed to


A.which B.its C.that D. whose

14. The man, _______ is parked in front of our house, is a famous physician in this town.

A.the red car of which B.of whom the red car C.who?s red car D. whose red car 15. Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, _ it will be completely furnished.

A by that time. B.by the time C.by which time D. by some time 16. Beijing, ___ we spent last spring, is one of the most beautiful cities in China.

A.which B.that C.where D. when

17. The foot and the ankle are the parts of the body system___________.

A.that aid in walking B.that walking C.aid in walking D. walking 18. Enlgish words are not always spelled _____.

A.the way they sound B.the way how they sound C.the way they are sounding D. as they are sounding 19. The machine is such _ I have never seen before.

A.what B.as C.when D. where

20. To avoid the various foolish opnions _____ mankind is prone, no superhuman genius is


A.with which B.of which C.to which D.from which 21. The stoy of his upbringing is shocking ____________.

A.to all who read it B. to all that read it C. to all who reads it D. to all which read it 22. Peas _____________ lose much of hteir flavor

A. which overcooked B. have been overcooked

C. which they have been overcooked D. which have been overcooked 23. Collecting shells was a hobby________.

A. which he found real pleaing to him B. pursuing which he got much pleasure C. That gave him a lot of pleasure doing D. That gave him a great deal of pleasure

24. The itme will come _________ man can fly _______ he likes in the universe.

A. how… where B. when… wherever C. where… where D. what… which 25. I understand that the governor is considering a new proposal ___________.

A.which would eliminate unnecessary writing in government

B.who wants to cur down on the amount of writing in government C. that would eliminate unnecessary writing in government

D. to cuase that the amount of papers written I government offices will be reduced 26. I sent invitations to sixty people, ________ have replied.

A.of whom only twentyof these B. of whom only twenty

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C. only twenty of these whom D. only twenty who

27. This is the air-conditioner __________ we have had so much trouble

A.at which B.of which C.to which D. with which 28. We have not fixed the date __ we shall strt our holidays.

A.how B.where C.which D. when

29. He tried to get out of the business, _________ he found impossible.

A. B. C. D. when

30. The microscope is a very useful instrument ________ scientists can see things that are too

small to be seen with the naked eye.

A.in which B.through which C.with which D. from which 答案:

1 - 5 BCAAD 6 -10 DABBC 11-15 CDDDC 16-20 CAABC 21-25 BDDBC 26-30 BDDBC

九 虚拟语气


1. If I hadn?t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ______ now.

A.wouldn?t be smiling B.won?t smile C.couldn?t have smiled D. didn?t smile


从句是对过去事实的虚拟假设,所以用过去完成时;主句是对现在事实的虚拟假设,所以用“would +be+现在分词”。当条件从句中,谓语动词的动作与主句中谓语动词的动作发生在不同时间时,应使用错综时间条件句。

2. _______, we could not have finished the work on time.

A.If they do not help us. B.Was it not for their help C.Should they offer to help us D. But for their help


有时虚拟语气还可用but for, without ,under, with, in the absence of 等介词短语引导。 3. But that he came to help me, I ________.

A.can?t but succeed B.could not have succeeded C.douldn?t succeed D. didn?t succeeded 答案为B。译文:要不是他来帮我,我就不可能成功。 连词but tha (要不是)引导的虚拟语气结构,从句部分是陈述语气,主句部分是虚拟语气。 此外,分词短语或不定式短语也可引导暗含虚拟条件句。

4. As Commander-in-chief of the armed forces, I have directed hat all measures_____ for our


A. had been taken B. be taken C.would be taken D. to be taken 答案为B。译文:我作为武装部队的总司令命令采取一切措施进行防御。 在某些表示建议、命令、要求、年万年个等的动词后的宾语从句中要求用虚拟语气结构,其形式为:“谓语动词原型或should + 动词原形”

5. It is essential that these application forms ____ back as early as possible.

A.must be sent B.are sent C.will be sent D.be sent 答案为D。译文:这些申请表尽快寄出是绝对必要的。

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主语从句中的虚拟语气形式为:It is +引起的虚拟的形容词或过去分词+that主语从句(谓语动词原形should +动词原形)

6. Jack wishes that he _________ business instead of history when he was in university.

A.studied B.had been studying C.study D. had studied 答案为D。译文:杰克宁愿在大学学的是商务而不是历史。


1.表示与现在情况相反的愿望:wish+主语+动词过去式(be用were) 2.表示与过去情况相反的愿望:wish+主语+had +过去分词 3.表示与将来情况相反的愿望:wish+主语+would +动词原形 7. I would rather I ____ to the party yesterday evening.

A.no go B.not go C.had not gone D. wouldn?t gone 答案为C。译文: 要是我昨天晚上没有去参加那个晚会就好了。

“would rather, would sooner, would just as soon, might as well和would perfect” 后面跟虚

拟语气,表示愿望,意为“宁愿”、“但愿”。其形式为: 1.“would rather (would sooner …)+主语+谓语动词过去时”表示现在或将来的愿望。 2.“would rather (would sooner …)+主语+谓语动词过去完成时”表示过去的愿望。 would rather 等短语后面也可以直接跟动词。 其后谓语动词用动词原型表示现在或将来

的愿望。涌现在完成是表示过去的愿望。例如: I?d rather go now. 我宁愿现在就走

They would rather not have been to the party. 他们宁愿没去参加那次晚会。

8. “You are very selfish. It is high time you ______ htat you are not the most important person in

the world,”Edgar said to this boss angrily.

A.realized B.realize C.have realized D. should realize 答案为A。 译文艾得加怒气冲冲地对老板说:“你太自私了。你也该想象你到底有什么了不起。”

It is (high/about)time (that)…后面跟虚拟语气,通常要用过去时。有时也用“should+动词原形”,意为“该是…的时候了” It is time we went to school.

It is time that the boy go to school.

1. If Peter had enough money, he on the trip to Los Angeles.

A.had gone B.would go C.went D.would have gone 2. ______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A.Was he leaving B.Were he to leave C.If he leaves D. If he is leaving 3. He did his homework carefully for fear that he __.

A.made a mistake B.makes a mistake C.make a mistake D. would make a mistake 4. I would have asked him to attend your gathering but I _________ his address.

A. didn?t know B.hadn?t know C. don?t know D. wouldn?t known 5. Every attention must be paid to him, lest he ________ that he is inferior to my other guests.

A.would feel B.feels C.felt D. feel

6. The stubborn young man did not follow the radvice that he _ on his behavior since he refused

to believe he had done anything wrong.

A.reflect B.had reflected C.would reflect D. must reflect

7. Most insurance agents would rather you _ anything about collecting calims until they

第 20 页 共 34 页

A. she had fellen B. had she fellen C. she had fell D. had she fell 11. Not only ________ the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.

A.the computer can memorize B. can the computer memorize C. do the computer memorize D. can memorize the computer 12. __________ when everyone has to think for himself.

A There comes a time. B. Here comes a time C.There a time goes D. A time comes here 13. __________ but he also proved himself a good athlete.

A. He showed himself not only a good student B. He showed not only himself a good student C. Not only he showed himself a good student D. Not only did he show himself a good student

14. ____________, he would have been able to pass the exam.

A. If he studied more B. Had he studied more C. studying more D. If he were studying more 15. ________ no air or water, there would be no life in the world.

A. There was B. There were C.Is there D. Were there 16. ______________ did we ask here no to be late for school.

A.Never B.Often C.So D. Nor

17. ________________ who had arrested him three times for drug-taking.

A. Before the George stood the policeman B. Before the policeman George stood C. Before the policeman stood George D. Before the policeman stood the George

18. Among these books _______ a dictionary that his father gave him as a birthday.

Ahave included B. has included C.is included D. are included

19. Importatn _______ his discovery was, it was regarded asa matter of no account in his time.

A although. B.to C.as D. for

20. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and ____.

A.Florida also B.Florida too C.Florida is as well D. so does Florida 21. I seldom watch television,_______________.

A. so does my daughter B. my daughter is too C. my daughter doesn?t too D. nor does my daughter

22. No sooner _ than he realized the he would have remained silent.

A.had the words been spoken B. the words has spoken C. the words had been spoken D. the words spoken 23. __________that this region was so rich in natural resources.

A.Little he knew B.Little he had known C.Little did he know D.Little he did know

24. Not until the mid-nineteenth century ____ achieve recognition.

A. hadEl Greco?s work B. El Greco?s work C. did El Greco?s work D. El Greco?s work did 25. He was told under no circumstances _ the computer

A. he may use B. he use may C.may he use D. may use 26. Nowere in the world ______________________________.

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A.travellers can buy so much beauty with so little money as in Hawai B. no one can buy so much beauty for so little money as in Hawai C. so much beauty can be bought for so little money as in Hawai D. can travellers buy so much beauty for so little money as in Hawai 27. Never before in similar circumstances _____________________.

A. a British Prime Minister had refused to step down B. did a British Prime Minister had refused to step down C. a British Prime Minister did had refused to step down D. had a British Prime Minister refused to step down 28. I can?t imagine a time when ___ to solve.

A. no problems there will be B. no problems will there be C. there no problems will be D. there will be no problems 29. Abody weighs _____ from the surface of the Earth.

A. less the father it gets B. the father it gets, the less C. less than of a teacher D. less than it , The father it gets

30. Heat does not travel by convection in solid, because the solid does not move, _____________.

A.as does a liquid B.so a liquid does C.so does a liquid D. so is a liquid 答案:

1 - 5 BBDAB 6 -10 BCBAB 11-15 BADBD 16-20 BACCD 21-25 DACCC 26-30 DDDAA

十二 一致关系


1. The public _____ generous in their contributions to the earthquake vitims.

A. is B. are C. was D. has been


从句中的theire 来判断,the public 在此表示个体,所以谓语动词应用复数形式。 2. Cattle _____ in the field.

A. grazes B. is grazing C. was grazing D. are grazing 答案:为D。译文:牛在地里吃草。

有些集合名词,如: folk, people, police, youth, militia,cattle, poultry 等表示有相同的个体组成的集体,作主语时, 总是跟复数动词形式。 3. Theree-fourths of the buildings______.

A.was destroyed B. is destroyed C. were destroyed D. has been destroyed 答案为C。 译文四分之三的建筑物被毁坏了。

在“分数或百分数+of”结构中,如果of 后面的部分为复数,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式;如果of 后面的部分为单数或不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词则用单数形式。

4. Tom is the only one of the staff members who _______ to be promoted.

A. is going B. are going C. has been going D. have been going 答案为A译文:汤姆是唯一一名将要受到提拔的工作人员。

在“one of +复数名词或代词+定语从句”结构中,分局中的谓语动词用复数形式,

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当one 之前有the only 等词修饰时, 分句中的谓语动词用单数形式。

5. If law and order ______ not preserved, neither the citizen nor his property is safe.

A. is B. was C. are D. were


当and连接的并列主语在意义上指同一人、同一物、同一事或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数。在本题law and order指同一事。

6. That they were wrong in the matters___ now clear to us.

A. was B. is C. are D. were


其它单个名词性从句作主语,其谓语动词要用单数形式。但是当两个有and 并列的名词性从句作主语,并表示两将事情是,其谓语动词用复数形式。 7. There ________ one or two things I?d like to do tonight.

A. is B. has been C. have been D. are



谓语动词在习惯上一般萃取单数形式,再者里主要是旧金原则再起作用。 8. In that country, the rich _______richer, the poor _____ poorer.

A. becomes ... becomes B. are … is C. become … become D. is … is 答案为C。 译文:那个国家富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷。


形容词同定冠词the 连用表示某类事物作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 9. The magaer or his assistant _ going to attend the meeting.

A.were B.are C.is D. has

10. Two weeks __________ enough for us to finish the task. A.has B. are C.is D.were

11. Her politics ___ neither conservative no liveral. A. are B.has been C.was D. is 12. A round and a square table __ in the shop window.

A.was exhibiting B.was exhibited C.were exhibiting D. were exhibited 13. When he got to the fair, what were left behind _ then empty bottles. A.was B.were C.just D. only

14. There is always a possibility that the fection will return, but so far there been no signs of


A. has B.have C.are D.had

15. George is the only one of the brightest students who _ graduated from New York


A.is B.have C.has D. are

16. Hard work and plain living __ characteristics of the working class.

A.were B.is C.has been D. are

17. Athough the first part of the book is easy, the rest ________.

A.are difficult B.has proved difficult

C.is supposed difficult D. have been found difficult 18. Every policeman and fireman _ on the alert A.was B.were C.have been D. are

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19. Since the Chernobyl nuclear explosion the public _ great concern over the safety of

nucler poxer plants.

A.has shown B.showed C.shows D.is shown 20. Ten percent of the workers in this city _______ now on strike.

A.is B.are C.is to be D. are to be 21. Sevral of the cups in the set ___________ in delivery.

A.were smashed B.was smashing C.was smashed D. were smashing 22. Bacon and scrambled eggs _ the standard American breakfast.

A.is B.are C.is to be D. are to be

23. In cold climate, the wood-frame dwelling, properly built and insulated, _____ warmest

type of home.

A.and the B.the C.is the D.where it is

24. The growth of part-tie and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining

schemes ___________________ more women to take advantage of employment opportunities.

A.allow B. allows C. allowing D. have allowed

25. Televiosn is one of the great advances in methods of communication that _ made in the

19th century.

A.was B.were C.are D.has been

26. The office staff ___ gathered to hear the president speak. A. will B. are C.was D. has been

27. The suxiliary police ________ to report for duty at the headquarters immediately.

A.are required B. required C.is required D. will require 28. Mathematics as well as physics always _______ me a lot of headaches. A.has caused B. are causing C. cause D. causes

29. Not only you and I but peter, the top student in our grade _ not able to solve the problem. A.are B. were C.is D.am

30. Plenty of fruits, eggs, and begetables _________ needed for health.

A.are B.is C.is being D. have


1 - 5 BDCAA 6 -10 BACCC 11-15 ADBBC 16-20 DBAAB 21-25 AACBB 25-30 BADCA

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