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1. Earthquakes

1.the panic brought about by earthquakes

2.earthquakes may occur anywhere at any time

3.A worldwide earthquake warning network has notbeen put into use

4.is of some help

5.getting prepared and handling the possible destruction beforehand

2. The accuracy of scientific 1. timekeeping methods 2. more precise

3. Scientific research

4. Atomic clocks will be important in space flight 5. A Peacetime Use of the Atom

3. In communities north of Denver 1. A huge financial problem has arisen 2. They pooled their effors to help solve it 3. unthinkable

4. To see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the problem 5. keep people properly informed of the crisis 4. Very high waves are destructive 1. rarely 2. is liable to lessen

3. influences the power of high waves 4. variable

5. A submarine commander navigating his vessel at a depth of 700 feet will not be affected by araging surface storm 5. In Western countries…the installment plan 1.More than 10 percent American families buy things on installments

2. the buyer has to pay extra money as interest 3. He will stop owning the item he has bought 4. people develop a good abit of saving money 5. ensure that people can pay for what they buy 6. The idea of a fish

1. the torpedo’s electric cells have a shape with six sides 2. to complete the circuit , you have to touch the fish in two places

3. the mass of thefish decides the intensity of electric power it generates

4. compared with those in he torpedo ,the working system of electric plates in the eel is more direct and efficient 5. Electric Fish

7. The making of glass is a very old industry 1. light signals

2. light must first be changed into electrical signals and then 3. Light-wave communication has been for civil use of about 30 4. glass fibres are less expensive

5. The ues of glass fibres to carry telephone messages is an interesting new development

8. Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writter 1. warn young people of the hardships that a successful writer has to experience

2.The chances for a writer to become successful are small 3. He hadn’t seen a change for the better 4. who regret giving up their career halfway

5. the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reached 9. If it were only necessary to decide

1. the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students 2.broken

3. In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field

4. sufficient attention should be given to basic knowledge 5. Balance in Education

10. We all know that DNA

1. they are beyond doubt of common ancestry

2. each Individual carries a unique record of who he is and how he is related to others

3. offering assistance m working out genealogy-related problems 4. we can find the truth from their genetic markers

5. An adopted child generally lacks enough information to prove his identity

11. Cars of 2050 will travel

1. will use columns of air instead of wheels 2. It will be influenced by weather conditions 3. it travels a few inches above the ground 4. Over waterfalls

5. create new traffic problems 12. To the Editor:

1. Possibly, but more information is needed 2. he can then raise the tenant’s rent

3. An amount equal to the rent increases in tax exemptions 4. their applications are not processed quickly 5.clear 13. In primitive societies sick

1.dirty 2.to cause the spirits discomfort 3. functioned in curing some diseases 4. reasons unknown to the witch doctor

5. Superstition is an ignorant person’s explanation of things he cannot understand

14. We find that bright children

1. approving 2. prevented from advancing 3. total personality

4. Pupil also learn how to partcipate in teaching activities 5. argue for teaching bright and not so bright children in the same class

15. Man’s first real invention…the wheel 1.both B and C(all transportation depends on it every machine depends on it)

2.simple 3.there were no wheels in nature 4. slice of log

5. rolling the dead body of an animal on logs

16. There is no denying it: Boys think differently from girls 1.the brain differences between boys and girls

2. Female babies are more sensitive to a mother’s voice 3.manipulating three-dimensional space

4.both A and B (in the right \\lefe hemisphere)

5. their spatial sense is not so highly developed as men’s 17. Grandma Moses

1.Grandma Moses:A Biographical Sketch 2.keep active

3.Most of her pictures are concerned about rural life 4.farming 5.noticed

18. By 1970,tigers according to a World Wildlife Fund 1.protect tigers from being killed

2.the tiger is not an efficient hunter as is commonly described 3.expands as the tiger grows up 4.has been carried too far 5.to have a matter-of-fact attitude towards Project Tiger 19. Sporting activites…hunting behavior 1.have actually developed from hunting 2.our forefathers changing into farmers was the result of social development

3.co-operating hunters 4.hunting

5.Sporting activities satisfy the desire of modern man to exercise hunting skills which his forefathers developed for 20. Computers may one day

1.giant 2.They could be launched into space directly 3.could be made to adjust their angles 4.save energy and deal with emergencies 5.give an objective account of the mirrors 21. Henry Ford was born in 1863 1.a car with bicycle wheels

2.to build a car many people would have enough money to buy 3.after his car won an important race 4.at a meat-packing factory

5.a good way to build modern cars

22. Oceanography has been defined 1.a business aspect

2.the company which proposed to lay undersea cable 3.to measure the depth of the two oceans 4.challenged

5.the beginning of oceanography

23. Demands for…wildlife in Britain 1.certain species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe need protecting

2.he has presenting the park with a diploma for its achievements

3.certain areas of countryside should be left undisturbed by man

4.should be regarded as a place where nature is protected

5.most nature reserves set up today are mainly for human recreation

24. Imagine reading…science experiment 1.whether it is moral to experiment on people without letting them know 2.mixed 5.favorable 3.Radioactive chemicals can cause bodily cells to grow wildly out of control

4.require to protect people’s right not to be tested without permission

25. Under the 1944 Act, primary and secondary 1.Scotland had to be responsible for its secondary and primary education

2.children under the age of 15 must go to school 3.placed children into different secondary schools 4.most children began to go into comprehensive 5.it limited school enrollment to a certain district

26. “…We are not about to enter the Information Age 1.70million 2.one who has never learnt to read 3.the urgency of computer education 4.how to use computers

5.Those who want to use computers should know how computers operate

27. Many young people want to become pop stars 1.fail to reach the top 2.is important to them 3.buy the things they need

4.travel around the country 5.have quite a hard life 28. It seems to shine unchangingly(Sun spot)

1.might have a strong influence on the weather patterns 2.They are actually black holes in the sun

3.thinks he has discovered a new possibility in the link between the sun spots and the weather on the Earth 4.it is sure that the energy sent out by the sun will drop when more sun spots appear 5.Magnetism and the Sun Spots

29. The interview is an important

1.make yourself stand out as the right person for the job 2.should not speak ill of him 3.keep up your confidence

4.when you have been offered the job 5.to make your strengths understood 30. The cowboy is the hero 1.courage and adventure 2.to take care of cattle

3.the railroad towns hundred miles away 4.keeping an eye on cattle thieves 5.they liked their way of life

31. There are two kinds of memory:short-term 1.how students remember English vocabulary by short-term memory

2.Henning gave a separate test on vocabulary to his students

3.advanced students remember words by their meaning 4.the student experimented on 5.short-term memory 32. Although no one is certain

1.continued migrating 2.there were too many birds 3.To test the relationship between daylight and migration 4.longer days cause changes in the bodies of birds 5.exact reasons for migration are not known 33. Death comes quickly in the mountains

1.they fail to realize how dangerous avalanches can be 2.typical of conditions resulting in avalanches 3.the ice between different sections of snow melts 4.measures are taken to prevent serious avalanches 5.they stay on the offieially approved slopes

34. About 70million Americans…lose weight 1.To work hard 2.both A and B(they want to look attractive/keep fit)

3.Americans need losing weight 4.diet books are not always effective

5.there is not a sure way of losing weight as yet 35. Washington Irving

1.a great writer who was successful in his own country and other parts in the world

2.Irving’s work was not only popular, but also of high literary quality

3.He spent very little time working as a lawyer 4.Becaues his parents were not aristocratic 5.It had almost no effect on his life

36. Without a blood supply organs deteriorate 1.worsen 2.brain is more delicate than most organs 3.Kidney may be damaged when frozen to an extremely low degree 4.Cornea

5.keeps blood cells alive very long in subzero temperatures 37. When a consumer finds that an item

50. Honda Motor Co., Japan’s 1.show some written proof of the purchase to the store 1.environmental pollution

2.the store manager

2.Not all Accord models produced so far are on the list of recall 3.explaining exactly what it wrong with the item 3.its low price but high quality

4.meet the standard of

4.dealer 5.Defective Part to Be Replaced Free 5.how to make an effective complaint about a faulty item 51. Would you quit your Job…money?

38. Modern mass-production methods 1.he had become rich enough to enjoy the rest of his life without 1.the price of the goods should drop

having to work

2.increased demand led to mass production 2.people derive great satisfaction from the challenges of work 3.competition among manufactuers 3.deeply absorbed 4.Fowler found working more 4.independently of each other

enjoyable than vacationing

5.both A and B(as much as they like,better quality 5.conquering tough work is a satisfying experience merchandise)

52. Harriet Beecher Stowe…Uncle Tom’s Cabin 39. The translator must…target language 1.nobody knew that it would be a very popular book 1.a language the translator is proficient in 2.the Bible 3.they thought slavery was good 2.pay attention to other’s opinions 4.she witnessed the evils of the slavery system 3.get well acquainted with his subject 5.said it as a kind of joke

4.keep pace with the times

5.The ability to speak the languages he translates 40. Money laundering 1.the US Mafia

2.global markets are liberalized and exchange controls are deregulated

3.Owing to the constant effort all over the world,the phenomenon of money laundering 4.unreal

5.It is thought that the key to putting an end to money laundering is banks’publicity

41. After inventing dynamite…Alfred Nobel 1.1901

2.To recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity 3.Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commermorate Nobel’s invention 4.Science 5.103

42. In a society…United States or Canada 1.the United States is a country of multiculture

2.Independent thinking adapts them to a disciplined society 3.is the combination of Western and Oriental methods

4.different educational systems reflect culture of the societies 5.the differences in methods of education between Orient and West

43. Dear would,Aboy starts school today

1.a mother 2.the process of knowing this world 3.devil 4.break his faith 5. optimistically

44. If women are mercilessly exploited

1.by constantly changing the fashions in women’s chothing 2.a waste of time 3.comfort

4.New fashions in clothing are created for the c ommercial exploitation of women

5.men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion 45. The producers of instant coffee

1.instant coffee should have a good market because of its obvious advantages

2.the reason why people resisted instant coffee 3.fifty women

4.hard-working woman drinking instant coffee

5.Advertising does not always assure favorable sales results 46. There are places in the world…much longer 1.Person who is 100 or more years old 2.don’t have a placid state of mind

3.their food are not as polluted as those in industrialized society 4.there is no retirement age the aged must observe 5.A large extended family

47. If you’re finding it tough to land a job 1.a positive experience 2.specific 3.you can learn from them 4.always keep an optimistic spirit 5.Job-hunting strategies

48. People who question or even…The poets 1.we can draw many lessons from it 2.human nature does not change easily

3.they recorded the life of ancient people in their poems 4.we can know how much development we have made 5.Past human experiences can be used to serve the present 49. One of the most authoritative voices 1.Disapproving 2.Customer-appeal 3.advertisers 4.alter its image 5.Advertising and Manufacturers

