
更新时间:2023-11-13 12:53:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Reading One


Being honest

Here is a story that ever happened in the city of New York.

On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. People were quickly going home for the weekend. In this case, many of them slowed down their paces and put some money in the hat of the young man.

The next day, the young artist came again, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Different from the day before, he took out a piece of paper and laid it on the ground and put some stones on it. Then he adjusted (调整) the violin and began playing. It seemed more pleasant to listen to. Before long, the young man was surrounded with people, who were all attracted by the words on the paper. It said, ―Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim it soon.‖

Seening this, it caused a great excitement and people wondered what it could be. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and rushed through the crowd into the violinist and grabbed his shoulders, ―yes, it‘s you. You should come here. I know you are an honest man.‖

―Are you Mr. George Sang?‖ asked he violinist.

The man nodded. The violinist asked, ―Did you lose anything?‖ ―Lottery (彩票). It‘s a lottery.‖ Said the man.

The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Snag‘s name was seen. ―Is it?‖ he asked. George nodded and seized the lottery ticket and kissed it, and he danced with the violinist.

Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us. If we bear ourselves in a dishonest way, we may succeed temporarily. However, from long-term view, we will be a loser.

诚 实






那人连连点头。小提琴家又问,―您丢了什么东西吗? 那位先生说,―彩票,彩票。‖


在人的一生中,我们会得到许多,也会失去许多,但诚实应始终陪伴着我们。如果我们以不诚实的方式为人处世,也许能获得暂时的成功,但从长远来看,我们终是失败者。 精读精析

Passage 1

Our town is in the eastern part of our country. Once a year, we elect a girl to show how beautiful and great our town is. All the girls are eager to get this position in an effort to become popular.

It was not an easy choice this year, since there were eight girls to choose from. The elder judge finally decided that either Sara or May would get the position. Both girls were beautiful with extraordinary appearance. Besides, they had a good education and cared about how pollution had a bad effect on the earth. Most important, both girls got up early to eat eggs at their breakfast. Eggs were important to people of the east because our economy depended mainly on the production of eggs.

―Either girl will win,‖ my father said. ―But someone will cry in the end.‖ ―Either will be fine,‖ I said. ―They are both great girls.‖

The final round was held at the east edge of our town. Sara lived nearby so she did not need to get up early to arrive. However, she was the first person there. ―You know what they say about the early bird,‖ she said with a smile.

However, May arrived fifteen minutes late to the competition. ―It‘s the taxi driver‘s fault,‖ she said. ―I told him to head east, but he was in one ear and thought I said Bread Cheese.‖ You know, Bread Cheese was the name of our neighboring town.

I thought May would certainly lose because she was late, but to my surprise, she turned out to be this year‘s winner. The judges liked her answer to their last question, ―If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?‖ Sara had replied, ―World peace.‖ May, on the other hand, said, ―Better market to have our eggs sell well.‖ 测一测:

1. Why was it difficult to make a choice this year? ( ) A. The girls just looked alike.

B. People had to choose from eight girls. C. All the girls wanted to get the position. D. The judges couldn‘t agree with each other.

2. In the passage the underlined sentence ―You know what they say about the early bird‖ means ( )

A. she liked the early bird very much B. she was sure that she would succeed

C. she lived nearby, so she should get there early

D. she wanted to show off her good language knowledge 3. Why was May chosen in the end? ( ) A. Because her answer was cleverer and exact.

B. Because she gave a different answer from Sara‘s.

C. Because she looked more beautiful than the other girl. D. Because her answer was more practical than the other girl.

4. According to the passage, which of the following maps is correct? ( )

our country our town the site for final round Bread Cheese



1. in an effort to do sth 努力/试图做某事

The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money. 公司为节省资金谴散了150名工人。

2. care about 关心,在乎

I don‘t care about whether it rains. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢。 3. turn out 结果;……地发展

Despite our worries, everything turned out well. 尽管我们都很担心,结果一切都很顺利。 析一析

1. B 事实细节题。今年有8个女孩,而她们都很优秀。不是A答案长得相像,也不是因为所有的女孩都要获奖(C答案),可以说每届参赛者都想获奖。

2. B 推理题。英语有句谚语―早起的鸟儿有虫吃‖(The early bird catches the worm),这位女孩这样用early bird 来比喻自己,显示了她必胜的信心。

3. D 推理题。因为我们市的经济主要靠鸡蛋的生产,所以她的回答―我想更好的鸡蛋销售市场‖比另一个女孩―我想要世界和平‖更实际。 4. C 推理题。从第五段可知。

Passage 2

If you are planning to learn a foreign language, here are some general tips about language learning you can benefit from.

Try to set aside some time every day for your studies. when your brain is at its most receptive. It‘s better to study for 30minutes every day than for 3 hours once a week. If you can spare two or three hours a day, break them up into some periods to avoid brain overload. Go over each lesson several times, perhaps once in the morning, once in the evening and once several days later. Give your brain time to digest the material, but make sure the gaps between periods of study are not too long or you will forget most of what you‘re trying to learn.

Make sure you‘re comfortable with the bases of the language before learning the more advanced knowledge. It will take you a little time to get used to the pronunciation and spelling of a new language, but without a solid understanding of these, you‘ll find it very difficult to learn more.

Setting reasonable targets is a good way to motivate yourself. You could set yourself a time limit of aim for a certain level of proficiency.

Once you have mastered the basics of the language, learn to apply them to the things that interest you. In this way you are more likely to remember the words, phrases and grammatical constructions you meet.

You will find that at times you‘re making fairly rapid progress, while at other times you seem to be standing still or even going backwards. This is normal when learning a language, so don‘t be discouraged.

Making mistakes in a foreign language is nothing to worry about. What matters is getting your message across, not whether you use all the right words, tenses, cases, etc. If you cannot think of the exact words, try using other ones.

I do hope these tips can help improve your learning of a foreign language. 测一测

1. How many tips does the writer give about learning languages in this passage? ( ) A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Nine.

2. The underlined word ―overload‖ (in Paragraph 2) has the most similar meaning to ―( )‖.

A. tiredness B. relaxation C. excitement D. absence

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the writer‘s opinion? ( ) A. You should learn the language as long as possible every time. B. You‘d better set a goal when you want to reach a certain level. C. You‘d better not make mistakes while using the language. D. You must try to be making progress all the time.

4. The last two tips of learning a language are mainly about ( ). A. the things you should worry about when you meet with difficulties B. the things you needn,t worry about when you meet with difficulties C. the reasons why we make mistakes while trying to apply it D. the reasons why we make little or no progress while learning it 记一记

1. set … aside (为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间)

I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises. 我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体。

2. receptive adj. able or quick to receive new ideas, suggestions. 3. break … up 击碎、打碎、分开某事物

Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可以分为分句。 4. digest v take (information) in mentally; fully understand.

5. motivate v stimulate the interest of (sb); cause to want to do sth. 6. get (sth)across. (使某事)传播或为人理解。

He is not very good at getting his ideas across. 他不善于表达思想。 析一析

1. C 事实细节题。2-8段每一段都是一个小建议。

2. A 词义猜测题。从单词overload 本身(over;过分,load:装载)和上下文可猜出。 3. B 推理判断题。此题强调对第2、5、8、7的再次理解。

4. B 推理判断题。最后两个小提示是告诉我们学外语的时候可能遇到的麻烦:一是进步缓慢,一是犯错误,但都不要担心,因为这是正常的。

Passage 3

Pennsylvania potato growers have voted to increase funding for a producer-financed research program that will help improve potato quality, production and profitability, Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff said.

The members voted to increase the Pennsylvania Potato Research Program‘s annual assessment from $4-per-acre (英亩) to $5-per-acre.

―This investment in research will help growers remain competitive and produce more

high-quality potatoes,‖ Wolff said. ―Thanks to this program, potato growers will have new information on production techniques, allowing them to generate higher yields (产量) and enjoy greater economic benefits.‖

Wolff, a member of the panel (评判小组), said the new fee will take effect on July 1, 2007. The Department of Agriculture has administrative responsibility for the program and has listed the results of the referendum (公民投票)in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Affected growers have been informed, in accordance with the law.

For 2007, potato research includes a $24,249 grant (补助金)from Penn state University‘s germplasma evaluation program to develop more weather and disease resistant potatoes and a $2,000 Cornell University grant to continue developing new varieties for Pennsylvania potato chip growers.

Pennsylvania harvested 11,000 acres of potatoes in 2005, valued at more than $31 million. Erie, Schuylkill and Cambria counties lead Pennsylvania in potato production. The Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act of 1968 established the Pennsylvania Potato Research Program. 测一测

1. Which of the following is NOT true about the Pennsylvania Potato Research Program? ( )

A. It has existed for less than a century.

B. It helps to produce better and more potatoes. C. It has brought more money to potato growers.

D. It is completely owned and financed by the government.

2. How much did Pennsylvania potato growers most probably fund the research program in 2005?

A. $31,000,000 B. $44,000 C. $55,000 D. $23,000 3. According to Wolff, ( ).

A. most potato growers have voted against the new fee B. the new fee will be decided by Wolff

C. the new fee won‘t officially start until July 1, 2007

D. the results of the referendum will be announced on July 1, 2007 4. What is probably the best title for the passage?( ) A. Improve Pennsylvania Potato Industry B. Lead Pennsylvania in Potato Production C. Potatoes More Resistant to Diseases D. Potato Research Funding Increases 记一记

1. annual adj. happening or done once every year.

2. assessment n. an amount that has been calculated and that must be paid. 3. generate V to produce or create sth. 4. take effect 开始起作用,见效

The new law takes effect from tomorrow. 新法令明日起生效。 5. in accordance with 依照,依据

We acted in accordance with my parents, wishes. 我们遵照我父母的意愿行事。 6. resistance adj not affected by sth; able to resist sth. 析一析

is sharing it with others.‖ It‘s so true. Friends and mates allow us to savor(品味)our success and our joys, comfort us in our challenging moments, and provide a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves. I‘ve always looked at friends as the family we choose. They enrich our lives. As Robert Louis Steven once said, ―A friend is a present which you give yourself.‖

To be a good friend or partner, it‘s important to be a good listener. Hear what your friend or mate has to say first rather than jump to conclusions or get defensive. Sometimes it is useful to be their mirror, for when they hear their words repeated back to them,it can help them to realize that what they said was not exactly what they meant to say.

Patience, compassion(同情;怜悯)and empathy are also important traits in being a good friend or partner. you know the old golden rule: ―care for others the way you would like them to care for you.‖ The support of a friend during a tough time could make the difference between success and failure. Encouragement and confidence are priceless gifts that can help change a person‘s life. Take care, though, with whom you choose to have close relationships for they can have a tremendous impact on (对……有影响)your self-esteem and life path. As someone once told me, ―The attitudes of your friends are like the buttons on an elevator. They will either take you up or down.‖





Passage 1

My Favorite Sneaker


Personally, I like Adidas better. Especially the plain, white, (very) low-tops that were great before. Eminem made everybody buy them so they‘d look like him. I‘d like to buy another pair of them, but I can‘t find them in any conventional (常规的)shoe stores. Justin:

I‘ve actually bought the same pair of sneakers (New Balance M991) three times in a row now. Besides, my favorite pair of sneakers would have to be one of the earlier Jordan models. Hasan:

I love finding small less know sneakers. Not a fan of Nikes ($100\\pair). Here is a pair of $30 (at Marshall‘s) Merrell light camping shoes I‘ve worn almost daily for a year. Andy:

I currently have two pairs of Adidas Stan Smith, which are even cleaner than the Superstar. Had Stan‘s for several years now, very comfortable, and they just look better than the older they

get! Darice:

Here in the Netherlands the old school Nikes are back. These are from the 80‘s I guess, so the Nike Air Darwin came after that. Maybe they are next in line to be sold again. Personally I‘m more for Puma, Adidas and Skechers. All these shoes have lasted me a year without looking old and worn. Right now I have my eye on the new Adidas with Goodyear platform. Really expensive but very classy (时髦的). Brian:

Just last night I bought a pair of Vans TNT sneakers online. Pretty expensive ($75), but I like the way they look, and it‘s really hard for me to find shoes that I don‘t hate. I got them from Zappos.com, and they were kind enough to upgrade my shipping for free. 测一测

1. According to the passage, Eminem is mostly likely to be A. a good doctor B. a sport star C. a shop assistant D. a coal miner 2. From the passage we know wears the cheapest sneakers.

A. Brian B. Darice C. Hasan D. Stephen 3. like the same brand of sneakers.

A. Justin and Hasan B. Darice and Brian C. Hasan and Andy D. Stephen and Andy 4. According to the passage, Brian A. bought a pair of sneakers online B. considered the sneakers he bought cheap C. got a pair of sneakers for free D. didn‘t like sneakers at all 记一记:

1. personally 就我来说,就我而言

Personally, I don‘t like him at all.就我而言,我一点都不喜欢他。 2. in a row 一个接一个地,连续不断地

This is the third Sunday in a row that it‘s rained.这是接连着的第三个星期天下雨了。 3. the old school 有灯似观点的一批人、学派

I don‘t belong to the old school that favours radical change. 我不属于激进派。 析一析

1. B 判断推理题。Stephen 谈到Adidas 不错, 又说Eminem 让每个人都去买。一个营业员不会有这么大的能耐,只有明显做广告的时候,才会这样。故选B。 2. C 事实细节题。几个人在说价钱的时候只有Hasan说到鞋价时候最低。 3. D 事实细节题,实际上Stephen、Andy、Darice 三个人都喜欢Adidas. 4. A事实细节题。从文中最后一部分可以看出。

Passage 2

When Cato‘s barking didn‘t stir Jerrica Seals, the recently-adopted dog tried nibbling (轻咬)on the teenager‘s leg, to get the girl out of her burning home.

No one was hurt, Fort Myers firefighters responded at about 7 a.m.

―(Seals)called me screaming,‖ said Leticia Vega, 36, the sister of Seals, boyfriend Javier Garcia, 23, who owns the home. She said the dog woke her up barking,jumped on the bed and bit her on the leg.

Vega also said that Garcia‘s brother Gabriel brought Chato home several weeks ago after the animal wandered onto a Lehigh Acres construction site. Since then Chato had been mostly

quiet--- until it mattered. ―He doesn‘t usually bark. He‘s really friendly.‖

Five people live in the Garcia home. That was neighbor Janice Hamilton‘s main concern when she looked out of her window Friday and saw the flames. ―I just threw my pants on to run outside and make sure they knew how many people lives there,‖ Hamilton said. ―It was scary.‖

Possibly, the fire started because of an inadequate extension cord(电缆) used on a window air conditioner, Deputy fire chief Steve Clyatt said.

More than half of the home was burned down, Clyatt said, There is extensive smoke and water damage in the remainder of the structure, he said. Estimates for repair costs were unavailable.

―I‘d say it‘s unlikely they will recover this, but I‘ve been surprised before,‖ Clyatt said. 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The owner of the house. B. The possible cause of the fire C. The person who called the firefighters. D. The relationship between Seals and vega.

2. What does the underlined word ―they‖ in Paragraph 5 probably refer to ? A. The firefighters B. Vega and her brother

C. Other neighbors D. Hamilton‘s family members

3. What does Clyatt mean by saying the underlined words at the end of the passage? A. It‘s a wonder that Seals survived the fire. B. The house was badly damaged. C. Chato is a very clever dog.

D. Such a had fire was seldom seen.

4. Choose the best title for the passage. A. Dog Saves Teen Girl from House Fire B. Janice Hamilton Helps Save Neighbors C. Family Needs Help Due to House Fire D. Firefighters Put Out House Fire 记一记:

1. throw sth on 匆匆穿上

She just threw on the first skirt she found.她找到一件裙子就匆忙穿上。 2. inadequate adj not good enough.

3. remainder n the remaining people, things or time. 析一析:

本文出现的人名较多,显得有点复杂,但读者做题时要有一个把握:房子里5个人,邻居Janice Hamilton, 警官Clyatt.

1. C 事实细节题。房子主人是Javier Garcia ,起火原因是空调电缆功能不足,Vega是Leals


2. A 推理题。邻居Hamilton 一出来看到大火,就担心消防人员不知房里到底住了多少个

人,要确保消防人员救出了所有人。 3. B 推理题。

4. A 主旨大意题。这是一则新闻报道,主要报道一场大火,狗设法弄醒房子里的人。

Passage 3


Hannah's Gold

Hannah Teter looks like a typical teenager, not someone you would expect to see in a

luxurious hotel. But that's exactly where she was, transformed from a small-town girl with big dreams to a gold-medal snowboarder getting the big-time \

Ever since her incredible performance in the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino, Italy, Hannah has been showered with attention. She's done countless interviews, appearing on shows like Jimmy Kimmel and David Letterman. It's a long way from Belmont, Vermont, with its population of 421 people.

\during a break at the World Congress of Sport, a major conference about the business of sports being held in New York City. While her life has definitely changed in the last few weeks, one thing remains the same—her positive attitude. \like an ordinary snowboard girl . . . People ask me, 'So has your head gotten any bigger?' but I don't feel like it's gotten any bigger. I still feel normal.\

What's the biggest lesson that Hannah has learned through her unbelievable success? \grew up in Vermont,\snowboarding, but it's so much more than that. This is an opportunity to get out there and maybe make a change in the world.\

And it looks like she is doing just that. She is starting a sugar brand named \Gold,\the profits will go to World Vision, an international charity that helps everyone from orphans in Asia to AIDS victims in Africa. \about what I've done,\ 1. Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word ―incredible‖. 2. What kind of person is Hannah Teter according to the passage? (回答词数不超过8个)

3. How does Hannah make a change in the world after becoming a gold-medal snowboarder?\(回答词数不超过6个)


1. luxurious adj. very comfortable; containing expensive and enjoyable things.

2. transform v to completely change the appearance or character of sth, especially so

that it is better.

3. incredible adj impossible or very difficult to believe. 参考答案: 1. unbelievable.

2. She is an ordinary snowboarder with great success.

3. She helps orphans and AIDS victims. / She makes profits for World Vision.

Reading Four


Friends are so very, very special

Friends teach us some of of life‘s most important lessons. They teach us about love. They search with us for life‘s meaning. They think out loud with us and give us their approval and judgment. They help us to have faith. By their example. They teach us about truth and honesty. About living. About confidence and favors. They sense when we‘re lonely and need acceptance.

Friends make us feel at home. We know where we stand with them and where they stand with us. They let us be ourselves and love us even when we are not the most lovable.

Friends don‘t abandon us when the going gets tough. They are there with us wherever we are, whenever we need them. They give us the opportunity to find out more about ourselves, so we‘ll know what to try to change and what to accept. Friends validate us.

Friends are not afraid to take a chance on us, to defend us, to take a stand for us. They are not embarrassed to tell us how much our friendship to them; they do not care how silly they may sound when they share these feelings with us.

Friends are like special gifts to us that we never discard or outgrow. No one can ever take their place. They are always welcome in the rooms of our heart. Theirs are the memories that never fade.

Friends are special … so very, very special. Thank you for being a special friend to me.

-------Donna Fargo









Passage 1

It has been said before, but experiencing it myself has made me want to say it again: a smile can cross all language barriers.

I recently moved from Canada to a small city in South Korea to work as an English teacher. My first few weeks in Chinhae were challenging. I knew only one fluent English speaker other than myself —— my employer. So having left my family and friends far away on a different continent and having moved to a city in which I was the only foreign English teacher, I felt a bit shaken.

At the grocery stores, I could not read the food packages and certainly did not know how to ask for help. . Such little frustrations began to add up and I soon felt homesick and tired. I longed for some familiar sounds, anything familiar!

A. show he grew up B. show he missed his father C. bring her mother a surprise D. make Christmas merry 3. The writer hid the coat under his sweater in order to A. imagine the space taken up under the Christmas tree B. feel the strong feeling to his mother on Christmas C. give his mother a big surprise on Christmas Day D. keep the new coat tidy and orderly in the box 4. what can be the best title of this passage?

A. A Merry Christmas B. Christmas of the Coat C. A Deep Green Coat D. Mother‘s Merry Christmas 记一记:

1. shattered adj disturbed, shocked or completely destroyed 2. slip sth on 穿上(大衣,鞋)(尤指迅速且容易地球 Slip a shawl on round one‘s shoulders 披上披肩 3. think twice 考虑再三

You should think twice before you make a decision. 你得仔细考虑后再作决定。 4. glimpse at 瞥一眼

He glimpsed at himself in the mirror and laughed. 他照了一下镜子就大笑起来了。 5. gratitude n being grateful; thankfulness 析一析:

1. C 推理判断题。衣服太贵了,母亲不舍得买,但她又太喜欢这件衣服了,所以走之前又


2. D 推理判断题。作者扮演圣诞老人是为了让大家都开心起来。买礼物是想给妈妈一个惊


3. C 推理判断题。此题要求读者对全文有一个正确的理解,尤其注重A项的混淆性,A项偷换概念。 4. B 主旨大意题。―圣诞节的上衣‖照顾了全文以给母亲偷偷地买一件大衣作圣诞礼物为引子,这个标题很直观、简洁。

Passage 3


Celebrate Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day—a time of year when special attention is paid to environmental issues. It is an important day to the people of my home state of Oregon. Oregon is filled with thick green forests, and its residents are often actively involved in preserving its natural beauty.

I recently had the chance to interview Michael Carrier, Oregon's National Resource Policy Director, about the significance of Earth Day in our state. \鲈鱼) are very important to Oregon,\He explained that Oregon is devoted to maintaining its salmon population, and has issued special license plates with a salmon design. The plates have raised more than $2 million for the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD). According to Carrier, the OPRD invests thousands of dollars every year in numerous projects designed to improve salmon life, such as restoring streams to make them

fish-friendly. When I asked about how kids could help the environment, Carrier responded that it is important for us to learn about environmental issues, and to keep up with new developments. He also suggested another way that young people can set to work. \

Oregon will host several activities to celebrate Earth Day this year. The Oregon Gardens is the site for an educational event for environmental activists and community leaders. Many Oregonians will get in on the Earth Day action by volunteering to help clean up part of their communities. For some places, like the Oregon Zoo, Earth Day is every day, with special programs that encourage people to recycle throughout the year.

Remember—you can do your part to help the environment. So this Earth Day, get out of the house, sign up for some earth-friendly activities, and have fun!

1. Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word ―preserving‖. 2. In order to improve salmon life, the OPRD invests much every year. What‘s the result of the efforts? (回答词数不超过8个)

3. What does the author advise children do to celebrate this Earth Day? (回答词数不超过6个) 记一记:

1. be involved in 参与,作为一部分, 有关联

He has become actively involved in politics since he graduated from college. 大学毕业后他一直积极地参与政治。 2. be devoted to 献身于,致力于

She is devoted to her career. 她全力倾注于自己的事业。 3. according to 据…所报道 据…所说

According to Mick, It‘s a great movie. 据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。 4. be designed to 为…而(设计,制造)

The programmer is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。 5. keep up with 跟上,熟悉,了解

She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 她喜欢赶时尚。 参考答案: 1. maintaining

2. Make streams better for fish to live in.

3. Take part in some earth-friendly activities.

Reading Eleven



The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, the same air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves. Others breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make a magnificent life for themselves.

Opportunity is the same way. It is everywhere. Opportunity is so freely available that we

take it for granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success. Opportunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value. So many people are so anxious to ―get in‖ on a ―ground floor opportunity‖, as if the opportunity will do all the work. That‘s impossible.

Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. It takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however. You must make use of that opportunity. That‘s not up to the opportunity. That‘s up to you. It doesn‘t matter what ―floor‖ the opportunity is on. What matters is what you do with it.




正如你需要呼吸一样,你需要机会才能成功。然而成功靠的不仅仅是唾手可得的机会。你必须利用机会。成功并不取决于机会,而是取决于你。重要的是并不是你在哪一个阶段遇见机会,而是面对机会你是如何把握的。 精读精析

Passage 1

Engineer — Highway/Roadway Wanted Company: Synerfac Technical Staffing Description

Work directly for a large, prominent(卓越的)and growing Northern New Jersey area Engineering Firm.

Engineer —— Highway/Roadway Requirements

A Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering is required and a related Masters is a plus. Familiarity with AASHTO and ITE design standards is highly desirable.

Knowledge of AutoCAD, LDD and Civil Design, Microstation and SoftDesk civil software are a plus. Candidates will possess strong communication skills. 2~4 years working experience.

Job type: Full-Time Employee Pay:$50k ~$60k/year (k=One thousand dollars) Contact us by dialing telephone 67522289/67523342 or applying online Software salesmen Wanted Company: Judge Group, Inc. Description

A fast growing(646%in the last 3 years)endpoint security solutions provider is seeking highly talented sales candidate to fulfill a desirable outside sales role. This is an expansion position and was added due to overflow of business in the NYC market. This position requires a hunter mentality and only proven sales candidates should apply.

Pay: Base salary ranges from 75k to 85k a year and at plan candidates should expect a total pay of $250k a year. Requirements

Job type: Full-Time Employee, 3~5 years of enterprise sales at decision maker level. Must live

within city limits of NYC.

Contact us by dialing mobile phone 12567903338 or sending emails to mgp@judgegroup.com Registered Nurse Wanted Company: Genesis HealthCare Description

Welcome to Genesis HealthCare! We‘re setting the standard for clinical (临床的)excellence and responsiveness(敏感度)in meeting the unique needs of every resident and patient in our care. We‘re focused on becoming the recognized leader in clinical quality and customer satisfaction in every market we serve. Requirements

Full-time job employee Pay:$78 k to 85k/year

Apply online today, if you are a graduate of an approved School of Nursing with a current state Registered Nurse license in desired state of interest.

Contact us by dialing phone 34286679/34286630 or sending emails to office 01@genesis.com 测一测

1. Those who work for Judge Group, Inc. as software salesmen can be paid at most a year.

A. $85K B. $250k C. $75K D.$325K

2. Which of the jobs wanted above particularly requires strong communication skills? A. Registered Nurse B. Software Sales

C. Engineer—Highway/Roadway D. Registered Nurse &Software Sales.

3. If you are a university graduate, you must contact the company you apply to by . A. calling 12567903338 B. dialing telephone 67522289 C. sending emails to mgp@judgegroup.com D. sending emails to office 01@genesis.com 4. Where do you most probably find the passage?

A. on TV B. over the radio C. in a book D. on the internet 记一记

1. civil engineering n. 土木工程 2. plus n. positive quality; advantage 析一析:

1. B 事实细节题。在software salesmen wanted 这一部分中pay 这一栏有陈述。 2. C 事实细节题。第一部分Requirements 中可找出答案。 3. D 细节题。见最后一部分。

4. D 主旨大意题。文中是三则不同职业的招聘广告,最有可能在网上看到。

Passage 2

In 1891, a man named James Nesmith was teaching physical education at a school in Springfield. One long, cold winter, he had to create a game for 18 young men to play indoors. So the Canadian-born Naismith wrote some rules.

Rule number one. ―The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.‖ Two : ―The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands(never with the fist)‖.

In all, there were 13 rules—the original rules of basketball. James Naismith is recognized as the inventor of basketball.

The National Association of Basketball Coaches established the Naismith Memorial

Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States in 1949. It opened in 1968 at Springfield College. A new, larger building opened in 1985. And four years ago, the Hall of Fame moved into a newer building, just south of its former home. The new building increased the size by almost one hundred percent.

Honors ring in Basketball Hall of Fame.

The Basketball Hall of Fame is a museum and entertainment center. It combines history with technology . And it tried to capture the energy and excitement of the game. In the Center Court area, for example, visitors can play interactive games of basketball and take part in skill competitions.

The Hall of Fame explores basketball at every level of the game. Visitors learn about professional basketball in the United States and other countries. They learn about women‘s teams and how the game is played at the college level. They also learn about basketball for disabled people.

The Hall of Fame honors the best players, teams, coaches and officials in basketball. Earlier this month, six more honorees joined the more than 250 people in the Hall of Fame. The six new members are Geno Auriemma, Charles Barkley, Joe dumars, Sandro Gamba, David Gavitt and Dominique Wilkins. 测一测

1. James Naismith is considered to be the forerunner of basketball mainly because . A. he discovered the first basketball B. he created the earliest basketball games C. he set up the Basketball Hall of Fame D. he organized the earliest basket ball games 2. From the passage, we can infer that . A. the Hall of Fame only honors the best basketball players

B. James Naismith was employed as a coach in the Hall of Fame C. visitors can compete with the professional players in the hall D. a variety of basketball game are developed by the Hall of Fame 3. James Naismith made some rules in order to . A. organize an indoor basketball game B. improve physical education at school

C. train his students for the Hall of Fame D. invent the game of basketball for the young 4. The passage talks mainly about .

A. the Basketball Hall of Fame B. the first basketball games

C. the original 13 basketball rules D. the players in the Hall of Fame 记一记:

1. be recognized as 被认为是;被认可为

she is generally recognized as a nuisance. 大家都很讨厌她。 2. ring v surround sh/sth

3. interactive adj acting together or co-operative 析一析:

1. B 推理题。文中前三段提到James Naismith 首创了篮球的运动规则,是篮球运动的创始人。

2. D 事实细节题。最后一段第一句指出the Hall of Fame 授予最佳运动员,运动队,教练

和官员荣誉,故排除A;文中从未提到James Naismith 被聘为教练去掉B;第七段说参观者可以了解职业篮球,而不是跟职业运动员打球,排除C。D答案可以从六,七两段看出。

check your e-mail every day.

Don‘t reply to somebody as soon as they leave a text message just because you can. It may be fun at first, but it soon gets annoying. 测一测:

1.The passage is mainly about . A. problems with technology B. improvements of our life with technology

C. the important roles technology plays in our everyday life D. major changes which will be likely to happen to technology

2. The writer quoted(引用)what a citizen in ancient Rome said at the beginning of the story in order to . A. share a truth about life.

B. tell us what life was like long time ago

C. make people wonder what causes such a thing to happen

D. point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same 3. Why did the family choose to spend some time in a 1940s house? Because . A. they liked to live simple lives

B. they were curious about how people lived without modern inventions C. they were troubled by modern inventions

D. living in a different time would be a lot of fun for them

4. What do you think the underlined word ―available‖in the first suggestion offered by the writer mean?

A. Busy on line B. Free C. Be able to D. Be found by others 记一记:

1.speed up (使某事物)加速

The train soon speeded up. 火车很快就加速了。 2. picture. v form a mental image of sth; imagine sth.

3. materialistic adj of materialism 物质享乐主义的,唯物主义的

a materialistic person 一味追求物质享受的人 析一析:

1. A 主旨大意题。整篇文章都是在讲技术的进步给人类带来的不便。 2.A 推理判断题。篇首引用了公元50年罗马人的话―生活速度在加快,每个人都不舒服‖


3.B 细节题。第六段指出―…to see what life was like…‖故选B。

4.D 词义猜测题。available本义―可利用的,可得到的‖在此处之意为:随时都找得到的,随叫随到的。

Passage 3


The world‘s first subway was built in London in 1863. At the time, the government was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in the city of London. The poor areas of the city were so crowded with people that it was almost impossible for horse carriages (the taxis

of those days ) to get around . The city officials were interested in trying to make it possible for workers to live outside of London and travel easily to work each day . If people had a cheap and convenient way that they could depend on to get to and from work, they would relocate their homes outside of the city. This would help ease the pressure of too many people living in the poor parts of London. From these problems, the idea of the London Underground, the first subway system, was born .

The plans for building the Underground met with several problems and delays, but the first track was finally opened in January 1863. A steam train pulled the cars along the first underground track which was six kilometers (3.7 miles ) long. About 30,000 people got on the subway the first day . Riders were treated to comfortable seats (standing up while the train was moving was not al- lowed ) and pleasant decorations inside each of the cars. However, the smoke from the engine soon filled the air in the tunnels with ash and soot, as well as chemical gases. Fans had to be put in the tunnels later to keep the air clean enough for people to breathe. Even with its problems, riding the Underground did become popular. It carried nine million riders in its first year.

Modern subways have come a long way since the early days of the London Underground. Today there are 94 large underground rapid transit systems around the world. The busiest of these subway systems is the Tokyo Metro which opened in 1927. This efficient subway has two billion riders per year, and ―pushers ‖ work on the platforms during busy traffic hours to help push riders onto trains. At times, subway cars have been packed with up to 300 people! Shopping malls built in high traffic stations where riders move from one train to another have also helped the popularity of subways in Tokyo. Stations like the famous Ginza Sugo Eki Ginza Consolidated Station include underground department store, supermarkets, restaurants, and specialty shops. Shoppers never have to go above ground! 1.What is the best title for this passage?(Please answer within 10 words)

________________________________________________________________________ 2.What doesn't \never have to go above ground!\within 10 words)

________________________________________________________________________ 3.What problems led the British government to build the London Underground? (Please answer within 10 words)

________________________________________________________________________ 4.Which sentence can be replaced by the following?

Although there were such problems,people loved to take subways.

________________________________________________________________________ 5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

________________________________________________________________________ 记一记:

1. be crowded with 挤满了

I n spring the place is crowded with skiers. 春季这地方满是滑雪的人。 2. get around 传播,各处走动

She gets around with the help of a stick. 她挂着拐杖四处走动。 3. relocate v to move to a new place 4. meet with 遭遇

Her proposal met with resistance from the Left. 她的建议遭到了左翼的抵制。 5. soot n black powder that is produced when wood, coal, etc is burnt 6. up to 到达(某数量,程度等) The temperature went up to 35℃ 气温上升到了35℃ 参考答案:

1. Subway then and now.

2. Shoppers can buy what they want in underground malls. 3. Overcrowding and traffic jams.

4. Even with its problems, riding the Underground did become popular.

5. 如果人们有了一个能够用来上下班、又便宜、又方便的方式,他们就愿意在城市外面重新安家了。

Reading Nine


Home Sweet Home

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home! A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there,

Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere, Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!

There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!

I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,

And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,

As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door,

Through the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more. Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!

There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!

An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain; Oh, give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again! The birds singing gaily, that came at my call-

Give me them, and the peace of mind, dearer than all! Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!

There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!



无论家是多么简陋,没有地方比得上它! 好似从空而降的魔力,使我们在家觉得圣洁 就是找遍全世界,也找不到像这样的地方, 家啊!家啊!甜蜜的家啊!



便想起母亲正惦念着她的孩子, 当她从茅舍门口遥望明月时,

穿过冬忍树丛,浓郁树香再也不能安慰我的心灵。 家啊!家啊!甜蜜的家啊!


对一个离乡背井的游子,再华丽的光辉,也是徒然闪烁; 一栋矮檐茅舍!


赐给它们-还有心灵的平静,这些胜过一切! 家啊!家啊!甜蜜的家啊!



Passage 1

Subway officials are looking into setting up a series of strip(条形)lights to create animation on walls along metro lines in Shanghai, which can be used for advertising or simply to make long journeys a little less boring. While a feasibility (可行性)study is still being conducted on the plan, subway officials have already said they expect to set up a trial program using a section of runnel along Metro Line 2 by the year‘s end.

A ―cartoon‖ wall will create a pleasant mood during the otherwise dull journey. The system will work like a moving book, where still images are printed on the top corner of pages and create what looks to be a moving image when the pages are turned over quickly. Still images would be created with lights along the subway tunnel. As the train moves quickly past the related images, it will create the illusion of moving animation. As subway trains in the city run at an average speed of 35 kilometers an hour, a 15-second animation using the technology would require around 300 still pictures formed by some 30,000 strip lights. The system could also be used to play public service announcements of commercial advertisements.

Subway managers expect the animation to be warmly welcomed on long subway lines, including two under-construction lines that will stretch for more than 100 kilometers. Those two lines—Metro Line 11 and Line 9—will take up two hours to travel from one end to the other.

Subway officials are also considering plans to install wireless internet signals in the subway trains to help passengers kill time. 测一测

1. Why will the still images look moving?

A. Because the still images can come back to life. B. Because the subway trains move quickly. C. Because the images can come out of the wall. D. Because the images are electronically controlled.

2. If a passenger spends 20 minutes on a subway train, he has gone past still pictures. A. 1,200 B. 24,000 C. 15,000 D. 9,000 3. The underlined word ―illusion‖(in paragraph 2)means . A. a false idea or feeling B. a deep impression C. a clear appearance D. a real vision

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. A feasibility study is still being conducted on the plan.

B. A ―cartoon wall‖ will be tried out along Metro Line 2 by the year‘s end. C. Metro Line 10 and Line 11 are sill under construction.

D. Wireless internet signals are likely to be installed in the subway trains to help passengers kill time. 记一记:

1. animation n a film/movie in which drawings of people and animals seem to move 2. metro n. an underground train system 3. kill time 消磨时间打发时光

We killed time playing cards. 我们打纸牌消磨时间。

4. install v to fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used. 析一析:

1. B 细节题。文中第2段最后一句可知。

2.B 推理判断题。第3段说15秒的动画需要300张静止的图片,则1秒需20张,20分


3. A 词义猜测题。图片本来是静止的,但随着地铁的高速前进,就产生了运动的假象。 4. C 细节题。文中只提到地铁11和地铁9在建设之中,根本未提及地铁10。

Passage 2

Actually, individual human beings have survived under conditions which they themselves would have called impossible, We see this over and over again in the face of natural disasters and also in the face of man-made disasters. But the point here is that the whole broad range of people has survived over the ages under more varied conditions than any one person comes across in a lifetime.

We must distinguish, then between what a person can do and what people can do. Each person has her limits, and they are, necessarily, narrower than those of her species as a whole. What one human being cannot do, some other human beings somewhere—a distant brother or sister—can do. This diversity, these variations among us, are what make the human race viable—a species that can continue to live and to avoid extinction (灭绝望)。

―Cherish diversity!‖ might well be our belief. Both as scientists and as human beings, we must value—actually cherish—the differences among individuals. This is not because we want to become tolerant (容忍)of differences among people, though, of course, we do! Nor do we value diversity because such vast variety is interesting, though, of course, it is ! We must cherish diversity because it is necessary to our very survival. The variations among us (sometimes large and sometimes small, sometimes obvious and sometimes almost impossible to see) increase the chances that the human race, as a whole, will be able to adapt to almost anything that might happen. 测一测

1. We can know from the passage that . A. an individual can survive under almost any condition

