
更新时间:2023-04-28 10:04:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Ann and her mother went shopping. Ann needed a good, strong pair of shoes, 1 thought. But Ann disagreed. She, however, needed a pair of fashionable(时髦的) one, one 2 will be the talk of the town.

After 3 five shops, Ann began to feel impatient. Then in the next shop, a shop assistant presented her a pair of black leather(皮革) shoes. Just what her mother wanted her to 4 . Ann, however, could not believe her mother would really make her wear these shoes. What was worse, they fit her 5 !Her mother was happy for they had finally got the shoes that she wanted for Ann and they could go home.

The journey home 6 endless to Ann. She got angry while her mother carried on about how important

7 was to have a good pair of sensible footwear. But Ann felt awful and she feared what her friends would say

8 they saw them.

That night, Ann stayed and kept in her room, even when one of her friends 9 her over for dinner. The next day, she still sadly made her way out to school and felt that everybody in the street was staring(盯着) at her shoes. She had 10 felt more uncomfortable. If only the ground could cover her whole.

1.A.her father B.her uncle C.her brother D.her mother

2.A.that B.who C.whose D. his

3.A.seeing B.visiting C.trying D.treating

4.A.wear B.put C.have D.know

5.A.badly B.perfectly C.generally D.slowly

6.A.sounded B.became C.seemed D.turned

7.A.it B.one C.that D.which

8.A.if B.when C.since D.because

9.A.made B.asked C.invited D.ordered

10.A.always B.often C.sometimes D.never


Passage 1

When we mention Eskimos, we immediately think of men, women and children living in a world of freezing snow, covered from head to toe in fur. The igloo is what we commonly connect the Eskimos with. It is the round ice house made of solid blocks of ice. Eskimos are considered to always live in such houses. That is not true. Igloo is simply the Eskimo word for house. However, they do not always live in the ice house. The ice houses are houses for a short time that the Eskimos build to provide them with shelter(庇护所) during their hunting trips. Their permanent houses are also shaped in the same way but are made of wood, skin of seals(海豹皮) and whale bones.

Eskimos live in cold environments, mostly near the ocean. The Eskimos' main food is fish. However, they also eat the meat of animals living in cold climates like the walrus(海象), seals and polar bears. These animals not only provide them with food but also other things that help the Eskimos live through the cold conditions in which they live. Eskimos wear clothes made from the skins of animals. They wear shoes made of seal skin. Their fur clothing is usually made of polar bear or fox fur.

During the bitter winter, the Eskimos stay indoors for many days. They are creative people and they use the time to create beautiful art like miniature(微型的) boots and sculptures(雕塑). They also use the animal skins they have to create artistic things like masks(面具).

1.What is the igloo made of?

A.Wood. B.Animal fur.

C.Animal skins. D.Ice.

2.What does the underlined word “permanent” mean in Chinese?



3.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A.Eskimos live on fish.

B.Eskimos live mostly near the ocean.

C.How some animals help Eskimos live through the cold conditions.

D.Seal skin is water proof.

4.From the last paragraph, we can know that the Eskimos are ________.

A.brave B.helpful

C.kind D.creative

Passage 2

Peter was a friendly boy. He made friends very easily because of his cheerful nature. His sister, Sally, on the other hand, was the opposite. She did not make friends easily. However, she did have a few friends that she loved dearly.

Peter would boast about his huge number of friends and make fun of Sally for having only a few friends. Their mother was not happy with Peter's attitude and behavior. She said to both of them, “Knowing a lot of people does not mean that they are all your friends. You will only know whether they are really your friends when you are in trou ble.” Peter disagreed. So his mother asked him and Sally to carry out an experiment.

The next day, Peter and Sally both went to school looking sad. Their friends asked them what the matter was. They said that their family was having some money problems and that they had no money to spend that day. Immediately, all Sally's friends gathered around her and comforted her. They offered her their lunch and even wanted to give her some money. Peter, on the other hand, was only surrounded by two or three boys. The rest of the boys who knew him went off without offering any help.

Peter felt ashamed. His mother was right. Only the few boys who stayed to help were his true friends. Sally was lucky because all her friends offered to help her. Peter had learnt his lesson. It was better to have a few true friends than a lot of fairweather friends.

5.Peter made friends easily because ________.

A.he was a cheerful boy

B.he was a boy with good manners

C.he was a clever boy

D.he was a handsome boy

6.Sally was a girl that ________.

A.looked like her brother

B.was different from her brother

C.liked her brother

D.often made fun of her brother

7.Peter's friends ________.

A.were the same as Sally's friends

B.comforted Peter

C.mostly the ones who stopped being friends when he was in trouble

D.were ready to help others

8.Their mother ________.

A.liked Peter better

B.liked Sally better

C.wanted them to check who were their true friends

D.didn't like them to make friends


假定你是李华,你们班在讨论未来的职业,老师让大家以My dream job为题写篇英语短文,要点如下:1.理想的职业是医生,因为医生救死扶伤,尤其是人类遇到新型病毒挑战时更是需要;






My dream job











Ⅱ.1~4 DACD5~8 ABCC

Ⅲ.My dream job

My dream job is a doctor, because doctors can save lives, and they are especially important when humans face challenges from unknown viruses. The COVID19 pandemic this year let people realize the important role that doctors play in protecting people from dangerous diseases. They are true heroes, and that is why I want to be one of them. Being a doctor is not easy, and requires a lot of scientific knowledge and years of practice. But I am good at biology and chemistry, which is a good start. I will continue to work hard to achieve my dream.

