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1、长短句结合 2、用简单地道句型搭配

It pays to pass the CET-4 通过四级有好处/回报 It pays to be honest 诚实是有回报的 3、避免书中很多的表达

The net is creasingly popular 网络越来越流行

In my opinion =in my eyes=personally =on my personal level =from my perspective

College students =university students =students of universities and colleges

I am interested in pop music =pop music appeals to me Each coin has two sides =everthing cuts both ways English is very important =english is intensely important =english matters much for us With the development of economy =as the economy advances at a fast pace

English plays an incresingly important role in our lives In short =in a word =simply put 简而言之

Simply put ,it pays to attend graduate school(研究生院)

Simply put ,he believes women cannot be too thin 越...越好,再..也不为过

Simply put ,it pays to cultivate (培养)the innovative (创新)spirit among students of colleges and universities

On college campus across the nation (全国各地),playing online games is intensely popular 4、词汇、语法、句型多样化

Younger folks in the Ivory Tower 大学生(象牙塔中年青人)motorcar =auto =automobile =car =vehicle 汽车 Motorcycle 摩托车

E-books =electronic books =digital books =digitalized books =paperless books

Online courses =web courses =internet courses =web-based courses 网络课程

Sign up for an optional course =register for an optional course 注册 Green campus =an environment-friendly campus

It pays to maintain a positive mental attitude (心态)when facing adverse situation(逆境)

=In other words /put in another way ,remaining optimistic in adversities pays off



A growing number of (越来越多的)college students are hopelessly addicted to (沉溺于)matters unrelated to their studies ,a worring trend that should spark (引起)public attention

We are supposed to be (应该)full aware of the fact that if we continue to harm the environment we are found to (一定会)pay dearly/heavily for it

As an ancient (古老的)land (国家)enjoying a splendid (灿烂的)civilization (文明)spanning (跨越)over 5000 years ,china currently falls behind advanced countries on many fronts(在许多方面)

It pays to foster (培养)the cooperative spirit on many fronts Thanks to advances in technology and economy,a variety of/a diversity of digital products,from mobile phone to digital camera,are intensely popualr on the chinese mainland Economy n.

Digital products (数码产品)=digital items=digital devices(装置) =these machines

Recent years have witnessed /seen the growing popularity of the topic of a green campus

The past couple of years have seen the growing popularity of social networking sites (社会网络站点,社会人脉网站)

The past of decades have seen the fast-paced (快速的=fast)development of the nation’s economy

I doubt that she married him for money 我怀疑她结婚不是为了钱 Doubt 怀疑后面内容不是这样

Suspected cases of bird flu 禽流感的疑似病例 There is no doubt that ...=It is beyond doubt that ... There is no doubt that this reform is aimed at sharpening the competitive edge(刀锋)(增强竟争力)of the students in the tough (严峻的)job market

It is beyond doubt that far too many college students fail to be aware that achieving/striking a balance (达成平衡)between entertainment and studies matters much

Undoubtedly ,what you do on campus will have profund impact on (深远影响)you in the days ahead (将来)Private/public company 上市公司

He bought /purchased/acquired (收购)this public company In the black 盈利

With the nation’s economy still in the red ,a growing number of college graduates find it increasingly hard to land decent job Loving your country means more than words 爱国不仅仅是只说不做

On my personal level ,effective measures should be taken to crack down on (打击)piracy (盗版) Privacy 隐私

On my personal level,effective measures should be taken to reverse the trend (扭转趋势)

On my personal level ,effective measures should be taken to educate college students in intensely important/intense importance of studies 我们应该采取措施来教育大学生学习是非常重要的 To start with =in the first place

We ,college students ,should get actively involved in this campaign (积极参加)

We ,college students ,are supposed to (应该做)take the leading role in (起带头作用)fighting against (与什么作斗争)this evil trend (不好的趋势)

Only by (doing) sth can we do sth 只有通某物/做某事,我们才能够做什么

Only by taking concrete moves (采取具体行动)can we enjoy the pollution-free (没有污染的)environment

Only by making painstaking efforts (付出艰苦的努力)can we climb social ladder (社会阶梯)higher “Let The Bullets Fly ”让子弹飞 Bull 公牛

Hot pot =huoguo ,or hot pot 火锅


It is not uncommon that ...某事非常常见

It is not uncommon that far too many chinese students fail to focus on details

It is not uncommon that far too many chinese students fail to place a high value on learning chinese ,their mother tongue The bulk of =the majority of

The bulk of chinese take pride in country’s abundant natural resources Infant 婴儿

While my command of English isn’t outstanding ,I am doing all in my powers to improve it

While Romney won the first debate ,I favor Obma instead/rather than/over him

Romney is narrowing the gap 缩小差距 You deserve it 你应该获得/你活该 Dig into 仔细探究某物 Litter 杂物,垃圾

Traditionally ,chinese education stresses mechanical thinking over creativity

传统上来说,中国教育强调机械性学习而还是强调创造力 Concrete moves ,therefore ,should be taken to address (应对,解决)

the problem

In an effort to =in order to 为了

In an effort to reverse the trend ,the government has pumped a wealth of (大量)resources into (泵,注入)this campaign(运动)

In an effort to relieve /ease /lower my parent’s financial burden,I am taking some part-time (兼任)jobs in my leisure hours Launch a campaign 发起运动

Personally,the government should launch a campaign to crack down on the illegal manufacturers (不法厂商) Be designed to do sth =be aimed at doing sth Awaken sb to the crucial importance of sth 提醒某人某事重要性,唤醒某人某事极端重要性

The government should awaken people across the nation to the crucial importance of respecting intellectual property rights (知识产权)

The government should awaken people across the nation to the crucial importance of respecting senior citizens (尊重老年人) The government should awaken people across the nation to the crucial importance of placing a high value on the environmental protection

The shrinking population (减少的人口)is responsible for (导致

什么的原因)this trend Account for 解释说明某物

In their leisure hours,they speed/consume a good portion of time getting activity involved in serving as volunteers

It is virtually impossible for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事几乎不可能

It is virtually impossible for you to land (找到)a decent job (体面的工作)without superb (出色的)professional knowledge and an outstanding command of English (出色的英语水平) Nothing new 很常见,绝非先见

Devoting a good portion of leisure time (大量时间)to (奉献)learning is nothing new among my fellow studens (我的同学) Setting a grand (宏大)goal but not taking concrete moves is nothing new among my peers (同侪) Be capable of 能够做某事

For too many chinese are incapable of thinking indepently and critically

Others ,however ,are supportive of (应该)this campaign Others ,however ,see a different picture(看法不一),claiming it pays to devote much time to taking optional courses Generate 形成,造成,引起

Sth concerns sb 某事引起某人担扰,使某人关注

How (引导主语从句)to reverse the trend concerns folks from every walk of life (from all walks of life )

As the pillar (栋梁)of our society ,we,college students ,should shoulder (承担)more responsibility to respect intellectual property rights

As the pillar of our society ,we,college students should take the leading role in serving as volunteers in the earthquake-stricken area(地震灾区) Strive to 奋斗,争取

I am striving to earn more money to relieve my parents’ financial load(负担) Folks from all walks of life should strive to play a part (起什么作用)in building a pollution-free society

Our courses focus on teaching the students how to sharpen their edge (增强竟争力)when taking the interview(seeking jobs ,hunting jobs )

Last but definitely not the least ,people focusing on immediate benefits (眼前利益)are bound to pay dearly for it

Last but definitely not the least ,our lack of attention on this issue is mostly responsible for it (什么的主要原因)

It is my hope that in my college days (大学时代)I could gradually move myself beyond (摆脱)my dependence on parents

In the hope of 以什么希望,怀着什么的希望

I am doing all in my power to earn credits (获得学分)in the hope of graduating earlier

We sincerely hope that ... 我们真诚的希望..

We sincerely hope that you could lend me your support (支持我)in the election for class president (班长)

I sincerely hope that you could do everything you can (尽最大努力)to promote the environmental awareness (环保意识)among your fellow students

Gain growing popularity 越来越受欢迎

He ,with his superb performance ,is gaining growing popularity on campus

Thanks to giant leaps (巨大的进步)in technology ,cloud computing (云计算)is gaining growing popularity across the world If you are the one (非诚勿扰),a TV reality show,is gaining growing popularity on the chinese mainland(大陆) Complex 情节

Sina weibo,the chinese clone (克隆)of Twitter,is gaining enormous (巨大的)popularity among net citizens (网民) Net citizens =netizens =net users 网民 Enable sb to do sth 使某人能够干某事

The net enables us to communicate with each other in ways (以什

么方式)that were beyond our imagination 过去是我们无法想像的 This technology enables netizens to surf the net (冲浪)with less restrictions (限制) Far outweigh 远远超过

The strengths of the net far outweigh its weaknesses

The virtual world (虚拟世界)has generated (形成)far much more (多得多)positive impacts on us than negative ones As sb put it ,” ” 正如某人所说

As Kobe Bryant (科比),a legendary (传奇)figure (人物)of NBA,put it “It is the teamwork spirit (团队精神)that helps Lakers (胡人)weather hard/bad/harsh times all these years As confucius (孔子)put it ,.... Taste success 取得成功

MoYan ultimately (最后)taste success

High achievers (高成就)are equipped with (拥有)a wealth of personal qualities (许多个人素质)that others lack A series of =a string of 一系列

School authorities (学校当局)attribute a string of suicides to our lack of attention on the students’ psychological /mental health (心理健康)

He stays far ahead of (遥遥领先) his fellow studensts on many fronts thanks to his painstaking efforts over the past four years

Emerge 出现 Surface 表面,出现 Matters much 非常重要

It pays to translate your words into actions 别光说不做 Attach growing importance to (doing) sth 越来越重视某物 After having suffered some major setbacks (遭受重大挫折)in his career ,he attachs growing importance to execution (执行力) Exe 可执行文件 Excute 执行

Chief executive officer 首席执行官 As a consequence, ..... 结果 ..... I would argue that +.... 我认为

I would argue that at current stage (现阶段)studies matter much more than entertainment

Be intimately tied with =be closely linked to 与某物有密切联系 Whether you could taste success is closely linked to/is intimately tied with whether you have a strong will (坚强的意志) I couldn’t care less about it 我一点也不关心 I couldn’t care more about it 我太关心了

This movie couldn’t be worse /better 太糟糕了/太好看了 Specific 反意思词为 general Not simply ... But ...

Push up =drive up 推动某物上升

To be more specific (更具体地说),our excessive (过度的)exploitation (开发)of natural resources not only costs us dearly in the short run (短期看来)but may generate profound (形成深远的)negative impacts on future generations The post-90s generation 90后 Turn around 扭转

All parties involved in this pressing issue (所有设计到这个紧迫问题的各方)are supposed to stop paying lip service (停止只说不做) Curb the prevalent (流行的)trend 厄制趋势(常指不好的意思)

Curb piracy 厄制盗版 Wage 工资,发起运动

Governments at all levels (各级政府)are supposed to wage (发起)a massive (大规模)campaign to bring the soaring (高飞的)commodity (商品)prices under control 控制飙升的商品价格

I harbor (心怀,海港)a sincere hope that our combined/joint efforts would pay off (would bear fruits ) Bear the cost 承担成本

Bear the consequence 承担后果

People from all walks of life should combine their efforts (合作,

一起)to build our society into a harmouious one (和谐社会) A green campus is a harmonious one

