人教版高一英语(必修2) 第五单元教学设计

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Teaching Content (教学内容)

(全日制普通中学教科书(必修)人教版高一英语 (必修2 ) 第五单元“音乐”的阅读部分《并非乐队的乐队》) 课文教学: THE BAND THAT WASN’T.

2. The basic theory of teaching plan (教学设计的理论依据)

根据《高中英语新课程标准》的要求,英语教师在课堂教学中必须以学生为主体,教师在教学中起主导作用。为此,我采用任务型教学方式设计本课的教学,为学生提供任务,以便引导学生带着自主学习的愿望,在与其他同学交流与合作的过程中完成学习任务。教学由图片开始,引入本课阅读文,让学生通过快速阅读和细读等活动,按照教材要求理解课文。此外,本设计还注意到阅读活动由整体入手,步步推进,由浅入深、由易到难的自然教学结构。 3. The analysis of student (学生分析)


4. The analysis of textbook (教材分析)

本课是高一英语第3单元的第一课时,课文内容包括介绍不同类型音乐的一些知识和一篇关于“门基”乐队特殊成长历程(从“失败”,电视选秀,到一支流行乐队的诞生)的文章。课文“THE BAND THAT WASN’T.”,由“读前”、“阅读”和“读后”三个过程组成。我在教学中将教师对语言点和语法知识的简单传授改变为学生在任务完成过程中的小组合作和探究性学习,从而扩大课堂的语料输入量及学生的语言输出量。

5. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计(三维目标)

Learning objectives for knowledge (知识目标)

(1) Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions. (让学生学习并掌握重要的新单词、短语)

1) Important words (重点单词):

roll, folk, jazz, musician, pretend, attach, form, passer-by, earn, instrument, performance, pub, cash, studio, millionaire, actor, rely, broadcast, humorous, familiar, attractive

2) Important phrases (重点词组):

dream of, to be honest, attach?to?, in cash, play jokes on, rely on, get familiar with, or so, break up

(2) Let students learn about different types of music (让学生学习不同种类的音乐风格)

Learning objectives for language skills能力目标

(1) Enable students to learn to talk about different kinds of music. (使学生学会谈论不同种类的音乐风格)

(2) Improve the students’ reading ability through reading about bands. (通过阅读提高学生的阅读理解能力。)

Learning objectives for Affection 情感目标

(1) Arouse students’ great interest in music and bands .(激发学生对音乐、乐队的兴趣)

6. Teaching Important Points (教学重点)

(1) Learn the words and phrases listed above. (学习上列单词和短语) (2) Let students to learn different reading skills.. (让学生学习不同的阅读技巧)

7. Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点)

(1) To improve the students’ reading skills and reading strategies. (怎样提高学生的阅读理解能力和阅读策略)

(2) To help the students understand the implied meaning of the passage.

(怎样帮助学生更好地理解这篇课文的内涵意义) 8. Teaching Methods (教学方法)

(1) Task-based approach to interesting learning. (任务型学习法) (2) Skimming for the general idea of the passage. (略读策略 ) (3) Scanning for the detailed information. (细读策略) 9. Teaching Aids: (教学辅助手段)

1. A blackboard (黑板) 2. A tape-recorder (录音机)

3. A projector and a computer for multimedia (投影仪、多媒体) 10. Teaching procedures (教学程序) Step I Warming up(6 minutes) (热身,6分钟)

(1) Warming-up through introductions

T: Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. 教师活动:老师问学生 Can you talk about different kinds of music? 学生活动:Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures. (描述你在图片中所看到的音乐风格)

(音乐风格:Classical music,Country music Rock ‘n’ Roll, Folk music, Jazz, Rap, Choral, Orchestra)


(2) Warming up by listening

T:Hi, everyone. Do you like listening to music? Please listen to the music and look at the pictures on Page 33 (播放音乐)

学生活动:Look at the pictures & listen to some music to guess which music matches with which picture. (把听到的音乐风格和每幅图片连起来)

设计意图:通过播放不同的音乐让学生辨别出不同的音乐风格。 (3) Warming up by discussing

I’m sure you really enjoy the beautiful music, right? What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel? Why do you like to listen to music? Let’s discuss these questions in small groups. Try to share your opinions with one another.

教师活动:让学生在小组中自由谈论自己所喜欢的音乐。 学生活动:在小组中和同伴们分享自己喜欢的音乐和喜欢的理由。


Step II Pre-reading (8 minutes) (读前,8分钟)

(1) Thinking and saying

T: Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you can.


设计目的:以提问的方式让学生说到一些乐队的名称,从而让学生了解到不同的乐队,为下面学习“门基”乐队做好铺垫。 (1) Listening, talking and sharing

T:Let’s listen to some pieces of music from different bands. Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates which band you like best. Why? Then the group leader is to stand up and share the group idea with the class. 学生活动:在小组中谈论自己喜欢的乐队并说明喜欢的理由。

T:Do you know anything about “The Monkees”? “The Monkees”: a band that was first popular in the 1960s in America. Unlike most bands of the time, the Monkees were not formed by its members but rather by TV producers. They were a fictional band in the TV show of the same name. The band was composed of Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones, and Peter Tork. All the members had some musical experience. Let’s come to the reading --- The Band That Wasn’t and find more about them.

设计意图:通过让学生谈论自己喜欢的乐队,从而引出今天的主题---------“门基”乐队。 Step III. While-reading (16minutes) (阅读,16分钟) (1) Fast reading (4minutes) (快速阅读,6分钟) 教师活动:Skim the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph. 学生活动:学生分组合作,快速浏览课文,了解课文大意。 设计意图:训练学生快速阅读,归纳各段落的中心意思的能力。 参考答案:(教师用投影仪展示) Paragraph1: How do people get to form a band? Paragraph2: Most musicians meet and form a band. Paragraph3: One band started as a TV show. Paragraph4: “The Monkees” became even more popular than “The Beatles”. (2) Careful reading (10minutes) (细读,10分钟) 教师活动:要求学生认真阅读课文,寻找相关信息: Read the text again to complete the tables, which list how people formed a band and how The Monkees was formed by the TV organizers and became a real band. 教师活动:教师用投影仪展示出下面问题: 1) How do people get to form a band? Members Reason Places Forms Results 2) How was the Monkees formed and became a real band? beginning of the band

A. washedB. wash C. washing D. to wash 2011年

(浙江)14. Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ______ for words. A. lose B. lostC. to lose D. having lost 2010年

(山东29). The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ______ for a meal to be cooked.

A. laid B. laying C. to lay D. being laid

(四川10) ________ many times, he finally understood it. A. Told B. Telling

C. Having told D. Having been told

(重庆25) Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, with his old one. A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared

