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1. Frankly speaking, I always regard you as my best friend, _________ I place entire trust.(2016南京盐城一模,21) A. who B. that C. on whom D. in whom

2. Have you heard of such an experiment _________ wine experts were fooled into thinking a cheap bottle of wine was an

exceptional one with the labels changed?(2016南京学情调研, 23) A. as C. that D. which B. where

3. They arrived at the border between Kenya and Tanzania at 2 pm, _________ lies a national nature reserve.(2016南通

一调, 28) A. what B. which D. when C. where

4. Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means _________ we arrive at

that goal.(2016苏州调研, 24) A. in which B. with which D. to which C. by which

5. I have to remind myself that some birds are not meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly

away, the part of you _________ knows it was an offence to lock them up does feel happy.(2016无锡期末卷,24 )

B. who C. where D. when A. that

6. Press Enter and the application from will be displayed on the screen _________ your address could be changed.(2016


B. which C. that D. as A.where

7. The WFP has launched a new app called ShareTheMeal, _________ potential, people believe, is enormous as it allows

smartphone users to make donations with a simple tap on their phone.(2016泰州一模,27)

B. that C. where D. which A.whose

8. Many university graduates wish to be offered a job _________ they can find an opportunity to experience the

excitement of it.(2016镇江期末卷, 25)

B. why D. what A. which C. where

9. The door was open, from _________ he could see everything outside.(2016常州期末卷,27 )

B. after which C. behind it A. which D. where

10. The two-story building has turned into a tea-house, among _________ previous owners were many well-known actors

and actresses.(2016苏北四市期末调研, 23)

B. which C. what D. whom A. whose

11. In history, the Romany split into different groups and developed their own language, _________ there are now

approximately sixty varieties.(2016苏北四市一模, 21)

C. by whom D. of whom A. by which B. of which

12. It wasn’t easy having my friends talk about their freshman years _________ I wasn’t a part of.(2016南京、盐城、徐

州、连云港二模, 31)

B. when D. what A. whom C. that

13. There is no greatness _________ simplicity, goodness and truth are absent.(2016南京三模, 30)

B. until D. because A. though C. where

14. I want to work at home on a Tuesday but _________ it turns out, sometimes it’s a Wednesday or as a Thursday.(2016

南京三模, 35)

B. that C. when D. since A. as

15. Youth is a period of our life _________ we see no limit to our hopes and wishes.(2016苏锡常镇一模, 30)

B. that C. what A. where D. when

16. In September of 2016, the G20 summit will be held in Hangzhou, _________ theme is to stress innovation, reform and

development.(2016苏锡常镇二模, 30)

B. which C. when A. where D. whose


17. Last fall, I went to the US as an exchange student. I’ll never forget my homestay there _________ I became a real DIY

enthusiast.(2016南通、扬州、泰州、淮安二模, 21)

C. that D. which A.where B.when

18. There has been positive reaction to the proposal of helping the disabled, the impact _________ will be lasting

especially for younger ones.(2016南杨泰三模, 29)

B. on whom D. of whom A. on which C. of which

19. Giving is a universal opportunity _________ regardless of your age, profession, religion, and background, you have the

capacity to create change.(2016盐城三模, 30)

B. that D. which A. when C. where

20. The year of 2016 is the beginning of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, _________ ecological civilization is an important part.

(2016徐州、宿迁、连云港模拟, 25)

B. in which C. for which D. on which A. of which

21. The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under _________ shade you do not expect to sit.(2016徐州考前信息卷, 23)

B. its C. that A. which D. whose

22. Recent college graduates are facing a most competitive global market _________ just doesn’t seem to have room for

their career ambitions.(2016南师大附中模拟, 27)

C. where D. what A.as B.which

23. Martin Luther King, Jr. put it that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means ________ we arrive at

that goal.(2016扬州中学4月质检, 27) A. that B. where D. with which C. by which

24. Sometimes we all get the feeling that we aren’t making the progress ________ we want in life.(2016海门中学4月适

应性训练, 24)

B. where C. when A. what D. that

25. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators ________ kids can discover the secret about

performing arts.(2016前黄中学二模, 29)

B. which D. what A. whose C. where

26. There are some policy decisions ________, I think, the courts in a case can, if necessary, interfere.(2016盐城中学二模,


B. when D. on which A. that C. with which

27. Your senses become alert and you suddenly find the answer to a problem ________ solution has long escaped you as a

brilliant thought crosses your mind.(2016盐城高三第一学期期中卷, 30) A. which B. that D. when C. whose

28. Research suggests that children ________ parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.(2016镇江高三第

一学期期中卷, 31) A. whose B. who C. that D. which

29. I admire my English teacher. I can remember very few occasions ________ previous owners were many well-known

actors and actresses.(2016宜兴一模, 25) A. when B. where C. which D. that

30. My uncle retired in 2014, ________ he has been devoting his time to drawing. A. at which C. when D. after that B. since when

31. A learning process ________ a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role

model occurs early in the life of a social animal.

B. which C. when D. as A. where

32. The extremely competitive work environment, ________ now includes growing numbers of well-educated females, is

having a negative impact on birth rates. A. when C. where D. what B. that


33. We must strive to create the economic framework ________ record numbers of jobs will once again become available. A. in that C. to which D. to that B. where

34. The phrase “a sacred cow” is an allusion(典故)to the Hindu religion, ________ cows are considered very special and

treated with great respect. A. where B. which C. that D. why


