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一、 矿 物 代 号

Ab = Albite Ac = Acmite Act = Actinolite Ae = Aegirine Af = Alkali feldspar Alm = Almandine Als = Al2SiO5 mineral Am = Amphibole An = Anorthite And = Andalusite Andr = Andradite Anl = Analcite Ann = Annite

Ant = Anthophyllite

Ar = Aragonite Aug = Augite Bi = Biotite Brc = Brucite Cc = Calcite Ch = Chlorite Cld = Chloritoid Co=Corundum Coe = coesite

Cpx = Clinopyroxene Crd = Cordierite Crs = Crossite Cum = Cummingtonite Der = Deerite Di = Diapside Dia = Diamond Dol = Dolomite En = Enstatite Ep = Epidote F = Fluid(H2O) Fa = Fayalite Fo=Forsterite Fs = Ferrosilite Gl = Glaucophane Gra = Graphite Gro = Grossular Gt = Garnet Hb = Hornblende Hd = Hedenbergite Hu = Heulandite Hy = Hypersthene Ill = Illite Jd=Jadeite Jed=Jedrite Kao = Kaolinite Kf = K-feldspar


锥辉石 阳起石 霓石 碱性长石 铁铝榴石 Al2SiO5矿物 角闪石 钙长石 红柱石 钙铁榴石 方沸石 羟铁云母 直闪石 文石 普通辉石 黑云母 水镁石 方解石 绿泥石 硬绿泥石 刚玉 柯石英 单斜辉石 堇青石 青铝闪石 镁铁闪石 迪尔石 透辉石 金刚石 白云石 顽火辉石 绿帘石 流体(H2O) 铁橄榄石 镁橄榄石 铁辉石 蓝闪石 石墨 钙铝榴石 石榴石

普通角闪石 钙铁辉石 片沸石 紫苏辉石 伊利石 硬玉 铝直闪石 高岭石 钾长石

Kp = Kalinophilite

Ky = Kyanite L = Liquid = melt Lc=Leucite Lm = Laumontite Lw = Lawsonite Mar=Margarite Mc=Mica

Mgn = Magnesite Mi = Microcline Mm = Montmorillonite Ms = Muscovite Mt = Magnetite Ne = Nepherine Ol = Olivine Om =Omphacite

Opx = Orthophyroxene

Or = Orthoclase Pg = Paragonite Phl = Phlogopite Phn = Phengite Pie = Piemontite Pig = Pigeonite Pl = Plagioklase Prh = Prehnite

Prl = Pyrophyllite

Pu = Pumpellyite Px = Pyroxene Pyr = Pyrope Q = Quartz Rie = Riebeckite San = Sanidine Sps = Spessartine St = Staurolite Stp = Stilpnomelane Tc=Talc Tr=Tremolite Ts=Tschermakite V =Vapour

Ver=Vermiculite Wm = White mica Wo=Wollastonite Wr=Wairakite Se = Sericite Ser = Serpentine Sil = Sillimanite Sm=Smecite Sp = Spinel Wu=Wustite Zo = Zoisite



蓝晶石 液体 = 熔体 白榴石 浊沸石 硬柱石 珍珠云母 云母 菱镁矿 微斜长石 蒙脱石 白云母 磁铁矿 霞石 橄榄石 绿辉石 斜方辉石 正长石 钠云母 金云母 多硅白云母 红帘石 易变辉石 斜长石 葡萄石 叶腊石 绿纤石 辉石 镁铝榴石 石英 钠闪石 透长石 锰铝榴石 十字石 黑硬绿泥石 滑石


契尔马克分子 蒸汽 蛭石 白色云母 硅灰石 斜钙沸石 绢云母 蛇纹石 夕线石 蒙皂石 尖晶石 方铁矿 黝帘石

二、汉英对照岩石学名词索引 A A′KF 图(A′KF diagram)

ACF 图(ACF diagram)

AFC 模式(assimilation and fractional crystallization) AFM 图(AFM diagram)

A 型花岗岩(A-type granites) I 型花岗岩(I-type granites)

M 型花岗岩(M-type granites) P-T-t 轨迹(P-T-t path)

S 面(S-safaces 或 S-planes) S 型花岗岩(S-type granites)

阿波罗(Apollo) 阿尔卑斯型超基性岩体(Alpine-type ultrabasic rocks)



岸礁(shore reef)

暗拼岩(appinite) 暗色体(melanosome)

奥长花岗岩(tronndhjemite) B 白榴石响岩(leucite phonolite) 白榴岩(leucitite)

白片岩(white schist) 白云石化 (dolomitization)

斑点构造(spotted structure) 斑脱岩(bentonite)

斑杂构造 (taxitic structure)

斑状变晶结构(porphyroblastic texture)

斑状结构(porphyritic texture)

板块(plate) 板劈理(slaty cleavage)

板岩(slate) 板状等粒结构(equant tabular texture)

板状构造(slaty structure) 板状交错层(plate cross-bedding)

半晶质结构(hemicrystalline texture) 半自形变晶(hypidioblastic)

半自形晶粒状结构(hypidiomorphic-granular texture)

包含结构(poikilitic texture)

包卷层理(convoluted structure) 包卷构造(convoluted structure)

雹痕(hail print)

堡礁(barrier reef)






变晶鲕 (metacrystal ooid) 变晶结构(blastic texture)

变晶系(crystalloblastic series) 变嵌晶(poikilolblast)

变形(deformation) 变形带(deformation band)

变形结构(deformation texture)

变形双晶(deformation twins)

变形纹(deformation lamellae)

变余构造(palimpsest structure)

变余结构(palimpsest texture)


变质带(metamorphic zone)

变质反应(metamorphic reaction)。

变质分异(metamorphic differentiation)

变质构造(metamorphic structure) 变质级(metamorphic grade)

变质结构(metamorphic texture)

变质结晶作用(metamorphic crystallization)

变质相(metamorphic facies)

变质相系(metamoprhic facies series)

变质岩 (metamorphic rocks)

变质岩岩屑砂岩(metamorphic fragment sandstone)

变质作用 P/T 比类型(P/T ratio type of metamorphism)

标准矿物(normative minerals)

表鲕 (superficial ooid)


宾汉塑性流(bingham plastic flow)


冰川(glacier) 冰筏(ice raft) 冰碛物(till) 冰山(iceberg) 波痕构造(ripple mark) 波状层理(wavy bedding) 波状交错层(wavy cross-bedding) 波状消光(undulose extinction) 玻基安山岩(hyalo-andesite) 玻基斑状结构(vitrophyric texture ) 玻基玄武岩(vitrobasalt) 玻璃质结构(hyaline texture) 玻璃质碎屑结构(vitriclastic texture) 玻屑(glass shards)

补偿深度(carbonate compensation depth,简记为 CCD) 不等粒结构(heterogranular texture) 不等粒结构(inequigranular or seriate texture) 不连续反应(discontinuous reaction) 不平衡结构(disequilibrium texture)

部分熔融 (partial melting) 部分熔融结构 (partially melted texture)


残积物(residual sediments) 残缕结构(helicitic texture) 残余构造(relict structure) 残余结构(relict texture)

槽状交错层(trough cross-bedding) 层(条带)状混合岩(stromatite) 层礁(stratigraphic reef) 层理(bedding) 层流 (laminar flow) 层系(set) 层系组(coset)

层状构造或带状构造( layered structure, stromatic structure)层状侵入体(layered intrusions) 长石砂岩(feldspar sandstone)

长石石英砂岩(feldspathic quartz sandstone) 长石岩屑砂岩(feldspar lithic sandstone) 长英质(quartz-feldspathic)

超变质作用(ultrametamorphism) 超高压(ultrahigh-pressure) 超基性岩(ultrabasic rocks)

超基性岩包体(ultrabasic rock inclusion ) 超临界状态(super-critical state) 超糜棱岩(ultramylonite) 超碎裂岩(ultracataclasite) 沉积构造(sedimentary structure) 沉积混杂岩(diamictite) 沉积物(deposits) 沉积学(sedimentology)

沉积岩 (sedimentary rocks) 沉积作用(广义)(sedimentation) 沉积作用(狭义)(deposition) 沉凝灰岩(tuffite)

成分层(compositional layering) 成分成熟度(compositional maturity)

成分-共生图解(composition-paragenesis diagram) 成核(nucleation)

成岩格子(petrogenetic grid) 成岩作用 (diagenesis) 充填样式(packing style)

冲击变质作用(impact metamorphism) 冲刷构造(scour structure) 冲刷痕(scour marks)

冲洗交错层(swash cross-bedding) 初糜棱岩(protomylonite) 初始熔融 (incipient melting) 雏晶(crystallite) 穿时的(diachronous) 垂向序列(vertical succession) 次变石榴石 (kelyphite)

次生沉积构造(secondary sedimentary structure) 次生石英岩(secondary quartzite) 次要元素 (minor elements)。 粗安岩(trachy-andesite) 粗安岩(tristante)

粗晶 (macrocrystal) 粗砾岩(cobble conglomerate)


粗粒(coarse grained)

粗粒结构(coarse grained texture ) 粗粒杂砂岩(course wacke) 粗面岩(trachyte) 粗砂岩(coarse sandstone) 粗尾粒序(coarse-tail grading)

粗玄结构(间粒结构)(intergranular texture) 粗玄岩(dolerite) 脆性流(brittle flow) 脆性行为(brittle behavior)


大理岩(marble) 大气空落(air fall)

大洋盆地玄武岩(oceanic basalts)

大洋中脊玄武岩(Mid-Ocean ridge basalts: MORBS)带状侵入体(zoned intrusions)

单成分砾岩(oligomict conglomerate) 单成分粘土岩(monogenic claystone) 弹性行为(elastic behavior) 淡色英云闪长岩(leucotonalite)

岛弧 (island arc) 岛屿结构(island texture) 等变线(isograd)

等厚环边胶结物 (isopachous cement) 等化学变质作用(isochemical metamorphism) 等粒结构(equigranular texture) 等粒结构(homogranular texture) 等量体(equivalent) 等色岩(shonkinete) 底劈作用(diapirism) 底涌流(base surge) 底载荷(bed load) 地盾(shield)

地幔不相容元素(mantle incompatible elements) 地幔相容元素(mantle compatible elements) 地面涌流(ground surge) 地热梯度(geothermal gradient)

地外变质作用(extraterrestrial metamorphism) 递增变质(progressive metamorphism)

点礁(patch reef)

叠层构造(stromatolitic structure) 叠层石灰岩 (stromatolitic limestone) 叠瓦构造(imbricated structure) 碟状构造(dish structure)

顶峰变质条件(peak metamorphic conditions) 顶蚀作用(stoping): 定向充填(oriented packing) 定向构造(directional structure) 定向压力(directed pressure)

动力变质作用(dynamic metamorphism) 动态重结晶 (dynamic recrystallization) 断层岩(fault rock)

堆积后的晶体(postcumulus crystals) 堆晶(cumulus crystals) 堆晶结构(cumulate texture): 盾形火山(shielled volcano) 惰性组分(inert components


鲕粒 (ooid)

二长花岗岩(monzonite granite) 二长岩(monzonite)


反应边(reaction rim) 反应边结构(reaction rim texture) 反应等变线(reaction isograd) 反应结构(reaction texture) 泛流玄武岩(flood basalt) 放射虫岩(radiolarite) 放射鲕 (radial ooid) 霏细结构(felsitic texture) 沸石相 (zeolite facies)

分离结晶作用(fractional crystallization) 分离作用(fractionation) 分凝(segregation) 分选度(sorting) 分选作用(sorting) 分异作用(differentiation ) 粉砂岩(siltstone)


粪团粒(fecal pellet) 风暴流(storm current)

风成交错层(wind-dune cross-bedding) 缝合线(stylolites) 浮岩(pumice) 俯冲作用(subduction) 负鲕 (negative ooid) 负荷压力(lithostatic pressure) 复变质岩(polymetamorphic rock) 复成分砾岩(polymict conglomerate) 复成分粘土岩(polygenic claystone) 复鲕 (compound ooid) 副变质岩(parametamorphite)

富集地幔 (fertile mantle) 富集型地幔(enriched mantle) 富集型洋中脊玄武岩( E-MORB ) 富铁岩(iron-rich rocks)


钙硅酸盐角岩(calc-silicate hornfels) 钙硅酸盐粒岩(calc-silicate fels) 钙碱性系列(calc-alkiline series) 钙质(calcareous)

钙质长石砂岩(calcareous feldspathic arenite)干酪根(kerogen) 橄榄安粗岩(mugaerite) 橄榄粗安岩(mugeariite)。 港湾结构(embayed texture)

高地(月球上的) (high land) 高岭石粘土岩(kaolinitic clayston) 高铝玄武岩(high-alumina basalt) 高热变质作用(pyrometamorphism) 高原玄武岩(plateau basalt ) 根痕构造(root traces) 更长环斑花岗岩(rapakivite) 共生分析(paragenesis analysis) 共生相标志(syngenetic facies indicator) 共轴增生 (syntaxial overgrowth) 构造(structure)

构造超压(tectonic overpressure)

构造角砾岩(tectonic breccia) 构造砾岩(tectonic conglomerate) 孤立组分(indifferent components) 古成体(paleosome)

古登堡不连续面(Gutenberg Continuity) 固定组分(fixed components) 固结 solidified 固溶体分解曲线(solvus) 冠状体(corona) 硅板岩(lydite) 硅华(geyserite) 硅化 (silification)

硅镁质盆地(ensimatic basin) 硅藻软泥(diatomaceous ooze) 硅藻岩(diatomite)

硅质岩(siliceous rocks 或 silicastone) 过渡型洋中脊玄武岩(T-MORB) 过渡性支撑(transitional support) 过钾质 (perpotassic)

过滤分异或压滤分异作用(filter pressing) 过剩组分(excess components)


骸晶(skeleton crystal)

海绿石石英砂岩(glauconitic quartzarenite) 海绵岩(spangolite)

含磷岩(phospho-rus-bearing rocks) 核形石 (oncolite) 黑曜岩(obsidian)

黑云母安山岩(biotite- andesite) 横交结构(diablastic texture) 后成合晶(symplectite) 弧内盆地 (intra-arc basin) 花斑结构(graphophyric texture) 花斑岩(granophyre) 花岗斑岩(granite-porphyry)

花岗变晶多边形结构(granoblastic-polygonal texture) 花岗变晶多缝合结构(granoblastic-polysutured texture) 花岗变晶结构(granoblastic texture)



花岗闪长岩(granodiorite) 花岗细晶岩(granite-aplite): 花岗岩(granite)

花岗岩化作用(granitization) 花岗岩类(granitoid rocks) 滑动反应(sliding reaction) 滑石菱镁岩(listvenite)

化学沉积分异(chemical sediment differentiation) 化学成分( chemistry composition) 还原色(reduced colour) 环带结构(zoned texture) 环礁(atoll)

环状超镁铁杂岩体(ring ultramafic complexes) 缓流(tranguil flow) 黄长岩(melilitite): 黄铁绢英岩(beresite) 黄土(loess) 煌斑岩 (lamprophyre) 恢复(recovery)

辉长结构 (gabbro texture) 辉长闪长岩(gabbro-diorite) 辉长岩(gabbro) 辉绿结构(ophitic texture) 辉绿岩(diabase)

辉石安山岩(pyroxene -andesite) 辉石角岩(pyroxene-hornfels)

辉石角岩相 (pyroxene-hornfels facies) 会聚 (convergent) 混合(mixing) 混合水(mixed water)

混合水白云岩(dorag dolostone) 混合岩 (migmatite) 混合岩化作用(migmatization) 混染(assimilation) 混杂堆积 (melage) 混杂岩(melange) 混杂岩浆(hybrid magma) 混杂作用(hybridization)

活动大陆边缘 (active continent margins)

活动组分(mobile components)

火成岩 (igneous rocks) 火山尘(dust) 火山弹(bomb) 火山灰(ash)

火山角砾岩(volcanic breccia)

火山口沉陷作用(cauldron subsidence): 火山砾(lapillus)

火山砾角砾岩(lapilli stone) 火山碎屑流(pyroclastic flow) 火山碎屑岩(pyroclastic rocks) 火山岩块(block)

火山岩岩屑砂岩(volcanic fragment sandstone)


机械沉积分异(mechanical sediment differentiation) 机械双晶(mechanical twins) 基底式胶结 (basal cementation) 基体(substrate) 基性(basic)

基性岩类(basic rocks) 基质(matrix)

基质支撑(matrix-support) 极粗砂岩(very coarse sandstone) 极细砂岩(very fine sandstone) 急流(torrent flow)

集块熔岩(agglomelate lava) 集块岩(agglomerate) 挤入构造(diapirs)

脊盖处熔体分凝作用(ridge crest segregation) 继承矿物(inherital minerals) 加大边结构 (enlargement texture)

钾镁煌斑岩 (lamproite) 钾玄岩系列 (shoshonite association) 假等变线(false isograd) 假晶 (pseudocrystal) 假晶(crystal pseudomorph) 假塑性流(pseudo-plastic flow) 假团粒(pseudopeloid) 假象(pseudomorph)


假玄武玻璃 (pseudotachylite) 碱流岩(pantellerite) 碱性粗面岩(alkali trachyte)

碱性橄榄玄武岩(alkali olivine basalt ) 碱性花岗岩(alkali-granite) 碱性辉长岩(alkali gabbro) 碱性流纹岩(soda liparite) 碱性岩(alkaline rocks) 碱玄岩(tephrite) 浆源(juvenile)

交叉结构(dicussate texture) 交错层理(cross-bedding) 交代 (replacement)

交代变质作用(metasomatic metamorphism) 交代作用(metasomatism 或 replacement) 交换反应(exchange reaction) 交面线理(intersecton lineation) 交生结构(intergrovoth texture) 胶结类型 (cementation type) 胶结物(cements)

胶结物的世代(cement generation) 胶结作用 (cementation) 礁盖(reef cap) 礁核(reef core) 礁后(back reef) 礁前(fore reef) 礁屑(reef debris) 礁翼(reef flank) 角砾熔岩(breccia lava) 角砾状构造(breccia structure) 角砾状混合岩(agmatite) 角闪安山岩(hornblende-andesite) 角闪岩(amphibolite) 角闪岩相 (amphibolite facies) 角岩 (hornfels)

接触-交代变质作用(contact-metasomatic metamorphism)接触-热变质作用(contact-thermal metamorphism) 接触式胶结 (contact cementation) 接触晕(contact aureole)


结构成熟度(textural maturity) 结构倒转(texture reverse) 结核(concretion,nodule)

结晶分异作用(fractional crystallization) 结晶结构(crystalline texture) 金伯利岩 (kimberlite)

近基序列(proximal succession) 进变质(prograde metamorphism) 进化岩浆 (evolved magma) 晶洞构造(晶腺构造) (druse structure) 晶格优选方位(lattice preferred orientation) 晶痕(crystal print)

晶界塑性变形(intercrystalline plastic deformation) 晶内塑性变形(intracrystalline plastic deformation) 晶屑(mineral shards) 净砂岩(arenite)

净转移反应(net-transfer reaction) 静水压力(hydrostatic pressure) 静态重结晶 (static recrystalizaion) 局部变质作用(local metamorphism) 局部平衡(local equilibrium)

巨晶 (megacrystal) 巨砾岩(boulder conglomerate) 巨型行星(giant planets) 聚沉作用(flocculation)

均匀层理(homogeneous bedding)


卡特曼型,(Katmain-type) 科马提岩(komatiite) 颗粒(grain) 颗粒灰岩(packstone) 颗粒结构(grained texture) 颗粒流(grain flow) 颗粒泥晶灰岩(wackestone) 颗粒支撑(grain-support) 可容纳空间(accomondation) 孔隙(pores)

孔隙式胶结 (porous cementation)


孔兹岩(khondalite) 苦橄岩(picrite) 块体流(mass flow) 块状层理(massive bedding 块状构造(massive structure)

矿物共生、矿物共生组合(mineral paragenesis) 矿物线理(mineral lineation) 矿物相律(mineralogical phase rule) 矿物组合(mineral assemblage)

亏损地幔 (barren mantle, depleted mantle or anfertile mantle)

流纹构造(rhyolitic structure) 流纹岩(rhyolite 或 liparite) 流状构造(fluxion structure) 硫化物障(sulfide barirer) 榴辉岩(eclogite)

榴辉岩相 (eclogite facies) 瘤状构造(nodular structure) 陆源碎屑(terrigenous detrital) 铝质岩(aluminous rocks) 扩散(diffusion) 扩散流动(diffusive flow) 扩散作用(diffusion)

扩张中心 (spreading center)


拉斑玄武岩(tholeiitic basalt) 拉斑玄武岩系列(tholeiitic series) 拉伸线理(stretching lineation) 蓝片岩(blueschist)

蓝片岩相 (blueschist facies)

浪成交错层(wave-ripple cross-bedding) 浪基面(wave base)

类质同象组分(isomorphic components) 沥青质页岩(bituminous shale) 粒度(grain size)

粒序层理(grading bedding) 粒岩或××岩(fels or rock)

粒状镶嵌结构(equant mosaic texture) 连续反应(continuous reaction) 亮晶胶结物 (sparry cement) 鬣刺结构(spinifex texture)

临界矿物组合(critical mineral assemblage) 磷块岩(phosphorite) 磷质岩(phosphatic rocks)

鳞片变晶结构(lepidoblastic texture) 流动分异(flow differentiation) 流动构造 (flowed structure) 流体超压(fluid overpressure) 流体压力(fluid pressure)


绿帘-角闪岩相 (epidote-amphibolite facies) 绿片岩(greenschist)

绿片岩相 (greenschist facies) 绿岩(greenstone)



麻粒岩相 (granulite facies)

埋藏变质作用(burial metamorphism) 麦镁奇岩(meymechite) 脉体(vein material) 脉状层理(flaser bedding) 毛细管浓缩(capillary concentration) 镁质(magnesian)

蒙脱石粘土岩 (montmorillonitic clayston) 糜棱结构(mylonitic texture) 糜棱岩(mylonite)

密度 (density,代号ρ) 密度流(density current) 面理(foliation) 磨蚀作用(abrasion)

莫霍洛维奇不连续面 (Mohorovicic Continuity) 母岩浆(parent magma)


内聚性(cohesion) 内碎屑(intraclast) 钠长斑岩(albitophyre)

钠长-绿帘角岩(albite-epidote hornfels)

钠长-绿帘角岩相 (albite-epidote hornfels facies) 耐熔残留体(restite)


泥灰岩(marlite) 泥晶化(micritization) 泥晶灰岩(mudstone) 泥晶颗粒灰岩(grainstone) 泥晶套(micritic envelope) 泥裂(desiccation crack) 泥裂(mudcrack) 泥流(mud flow) 泥石流(debris flow) 泥岩(mudstone) 泥页岩(mudshale) 泥质(pelitic)

泥质岩(argillaceous rocks 或 mudrocks)泥状结构(muddy texture)

霓辉正长岩(aegirine-augite syenite) 霓霞岩(ijolite)

鸟眼构造(birdseye structure) 凝灰岩(tuff) 凝结剂(floculant) 凝块石(clot)

牛顿流体(Newtonian flow) 扭折(kinking)

扭折带 (kink band)


爬升波状层理(climbing wavy bedding)

派生岩浆 (derivative magma) 配分粒序(distribution grading) 喷发作用(eruption) 喷溢(effusions) 片理(schistosity) 片麻理(gneissosity) 片麻岩(gneiss)

片麻状构造(gneissose structure) 片岩(schist)

片状构造(schistose structure) 偏心鲕 (eccentric ooid) 偏应力(deviatoric stress)

平衡浮力高度 (the level of neutral buoyancy) 平均应力(mean stress)

平行层理(parallel bedding) 破火山口(caldera)。

葡萄石-绿纤石相 (prehnite-pumpellyte facies) 普林尼型(Plinian-type)

普通角闪石角岩(hornblende -hornfels) 普通角闪石角岩相 (hornblende hornfels facies) 蹼状构造(spreite structure)


气孔构造(fumarolic Structure) 气体搬运作用(vapor transport) 气体流(gas flow) 千枚岩(phyllite)

千枚状构造(phyllitic structure) 千糜岩(phylonite) 牵引流(tractive current) 牵引毯(tractive carpet) 潜穴(burrows) 浅成相(epizone)

浅理成岩作用 (shallow buried diagenesis) 浅色体(leucosome)

嵌晶结构 (poikilotopic texture) 嵌状变晶结构(poikiloblastic texture ) 侵出(extrusions)

侵蚀基准面(base level of erosion) 侵位机制(emplacement mechanics) 丘状交错岩(hummocky cross-bedding) 球粒结构(spherulitic texture) 球状构造(orbicular structure)

区域变质作用(regional metamorphism)

区域动热变质作用(regional dynamothermal metamorphism) 区域静力变质作用(regional static metamorphism) 屈服强度(yield strength,代号σ0) 去白云石化 (dedolomitization) 全晶质结构(holocrystalline texture) 泉华(sinter) 裙礁(apron reef)


热峰条件(thermal peak conditions) 热扰动(thermal disturbance)


热松弛(thermal relaxation) 溶度积(solubility product) 溶解度(solubility) 溶蚀 (corrosion)

熔结集块岩(welded agglomelate) 熔结角砾岩(welded breccia)

熔结凝灰岩(welded tuff 或 ignimbrite) 熔离作用(liquid immiscibility) 熔蚀结构(resorption texture ) 蠕虫结构(myrmekitic texture) 软流圈 (asthenosphere)


萨勃哈(Shbkha) 三联点 (triple junction) 筛积物(sieve deposits) 筛状结构(sieve texture) 闪长玢岩(diorite-porphyrite) 闪长岩(diorite)

上飘纹理(up-drift Lamination) 蛇绿岩(ophiolite)

蛇绿岩套 (ophiolite suit) 蛇纹岩(serpentinite) 深成相(catazone)

深埋成岩作用(deep buried diagenesis) 深熔(anatexis) 渗滤粉砂 (vadose silt) 渗透(infiltration) 生长(growth)

生痕构造(lebensspuren structure) 生物层(biostrome) 生物骨架灰岩 (framestone) 生物骨架结构(skeletal texture) 生物骨架结构(skeleton texture) 生物礁(organic reef) 生物丘(bioherm)

生物扰动构造(bioturbation structure) 生物碎屑(bioclast) 绳状熔岩(pahoehoe lava), 石膏岩(gypsum salinite)


石灰岩角砾岩(limestone breccia) 石龙岩(shilongite)

石铁陨石(stone-iron meteorite) 石英斑岩(quartz-porphyry) 石英二长岩 (adamellite) 石英二长岩(quartz-monzonite) 石英角斑岩(quartz-keratophyre) 石英砂岩(quartz sandstone) 石英闪长岩(quartz-diorite) 石英岩(quartzite)

石英岩砾岩(quartzitic conglomerate) 石英正长岩(quartz-syenite) 石陨石 (stone meteorite)

视地热梯度(apparent geothermal gradient) 束状结构(sheaf texture)

双变质带(paired metamorphic belts) 双晶(twinning)

双扩散对流(double diffusion convection) 水动力(hydrodynamic force)

水化作用(hydration) 水平层理(horizontal bedding)

瞬时地热梯度(trancient geothermal gradient) 丝带结构(ribbon texture) 斯通博利型(Strombolian-type) 似斑状结构(porphyaceous texture) 似团粒(peloid) 松脂岩(Pitchstone) 塑性流动(plastic flow) 塑性行为(plastic behavior) 酸碱度(acidity-alkalinity) 碎斑(porphyroclast)

碎斑结构(porphyroclastic texture) 碎裂结构(Cataclastic texture) 碎裂流动(cataclastic flow) 碎裂岩(cataclasite) 碎屑结构(detrital texture) 碎屑流(debris flow) 燧石(chert)


燧石铁建造(cherty iron formation) 缩聚作用(condensation)


它生沉积岩(allogenic rocks) 它生矿物(allogenic minerals) 它形变晶(allotrioblastic)

它形粒状结构(xenomorphic granular texture) 微量元素(trance elements) 微球粒(microspherolites) 围岩蚀变(country rock alteration) 伟晶岩(pegmatite) 位错(dislocation)

文象结构(graphic texture) 纹层(lamina) 塔礁(pinnacle reef) 碳酸岩类(carbonatite) 碳酸盐障(carbonate barrier) 填隙结构(interstitic texture)

条带状构造(banded structure, banding) 条纹结构(perthitic texture) 铁燧岩(taconite)

铁陨石(iron meteorite) 铁质泥晶岩(femicrites)

铁质石英砂岩(ferruginous quartzarenite) 铁质岩(ironstone) 同化混染作用(assimilation) 同生作用 (syndiagenesis) 同心鲕 (concentric ooid) 同源(cognate)

透长岩相 (sanidinite facies) 透镜状层理(lenticular bedding) 团粒 (pellet)

退变质(retrograde metamorphism) 退化变质(retrogressive metamorphism)



外缓冲组分(externally buffered components)完全活动组分(perfectly mobile components 晚期成岩作用(late diagenesis) 微晶(micrite) 微晶(microlites) 微晶闪长岩(microdiorite) 微粒 (micrograined)

微粒结构(microgranular texture) 微亮晶(microspar)

紊流 (turbulent flow)

稳态地热梯度(steady-state geothermal gradient) 乌尔加若型( Vuocanian-type)

无定向构造 (nondirectional structure )


夕卡岩(skarn) 稀土元素 (REE)

席状岩墙群 (sheeted dike complex) 细碧岩(spilite) 细层(lamina) 细晶岩(aplite)

细砾岩(granule conglomerate) 细粒 (fine grained)

细粒长石石英净砂岩(fine feldspathic quartzarenite) 细粒化作用(fining)

细粒结构(fine grained texture ) 细砂岩(fine sandstone) 霞石响岩(nepheline phonolite) 霞石岩(nephelinite) 夏威夷型(Hawaiian-type) 夏威夷岩(hawaiite)

纤状变晶结构(nematoblastic texture) 线理(lineation)

镶嵌结构(mosaic texture) )

镶嵌式胶结 (mosaic cementation) 响岩(phonolite)

楔状交错层(wedge cross-bedding) 斜长花岗岩(plagioclase granite) 斜长流纹岩(plagioclase rhyolite) 斜长岩(anorthosite)

鞋带状砂岩(shoestring sandstone) 泄水构造(water escape structure)


泄水管构造(water escape tube) 新成体(neosome)

新月型胶结 (meniscus cementation) 形态优选方位(dimensional preferred orientation) 杏仁构造(amygdaloidal structure)。 絮凝作用(flocculation) 悬挂式胶结 (pendant cementation) 选择性吸附(selective absorption) 雪球结构(snowball texture) 循环反应(cyclic reaction)


压力裾(pressure fringe) 压力影(pressure shadow) 压溶 (pressure solution) 压实作用(compaction) 亚颗粒(subgrain) 岩鞍(phacolith) 岩床(sill) 岩斗(funnel) 岩盖(laccolith): 岩基(batholith):

岩浆 (magma) 岩浆的分凝(magma segregation) 岩浆的分异作用(magma differentiation) 岩浆的混合作用(magma mixing)

岩浆的上升与侵位(magma ascent and intrusion) 岩浆的演化(modification of magma) 岩浆运移 (magma movements) 岩浆作用(magmatism)。

岩理学 (petrogenesis) 岩盆(lopolith): 岩墙(dike )

岩墙扩展作用(dike propagation)

岩石构造组合 (petrotectonic assemblage) 岩石圈 (lithosphere) 岩石学 (petrology) 岩栓(bysmalith) 岩相学(petrography) 岩屑(lithic shards )

岩屑长石砂岩(lithic feldspar sandstone) 岩屑砂岩(lithic sandstone)

岩屑石英砂岩(lithic quartz sandstone) 岩屑杂砂岩(lithic wacke) 岩汁(ichor) 岩枝(Apophysis), 岩株(Stock): 盐类岩(salinastones) 盐岩(salinites)

眼球状构造(augen structure) 眼球状混合岩(opthalmite)

洋岛玄武岩(ocean-island basalts(OIBS))。 洋底变质作用(ocean floor metamorphism)

洋(中)脊玄武岩 (Mid-Ocean Ridge basalt (MORB)) 氧化-还原电位(redox potential)

氧化-还原界面(oxidation-reduction boundary) 氧化色(oxidized colour) 野外 P-T 曲线(field P-T curve)

野外变质梯度(metamorphic field gradient) 页理(fissile) 页岩(shale) 液化(fluidization) 液体流(fluid flow)

伊利石结晶度(illite crystallinity) 伊利石粘土岩 (illitic clayston) 异化粒(allochem)

异化学变质作用(allochemical metamorphism) 异源( accidental) 阴影 (ghost)

印迹(printing traces) 印模(casts, Molds) 英安岩(dacite) 英云闪长岩(tonalite) 硬砂岩(gray wacke)

硬柱石-钠长石-绿泥石相 (lawsonite-albite-chlorite facies) 优先成核(preferential nucleation) 优选方位(preferred orientation) 油页岩(oil shale)

有效惰性组分(virtual inert components)


黝方石响岩(nosean phonolite) 宇宙尘(cosmic dusts)

羽状交错层(herringbone cross-bedding)

雨痕(raindrop print)

原生沉积构造(primary sedimentary structure)

原生粒状结构(protogranular texture) 原生岩浆(primary magma)

原始地幔 (primary mantle ) 原始岩浆(primitive magma)

原岩(protolith) 圆度(roundness)

源区岩石(source rocks) 远基序列(distal succession)


云染状(星云状、阴影状)构造(nebulitic structure)云染状混合岩(nebulite)



陨石(meteorite) 晕长石(peristerite)

韵律层理(rhythmic bedding) Z 杂砂岩(wacke) 杂岩(complex)

杂质组分(impure components) 再沉积作用(redeposition)

早期成岩作用 (early diagenesis) 藻包壳(algal coating)

藻碧玉(algal jasper)

藻鲕(algal ooid)

藻礁(algal reef)

藻团(algal lump) 藻团粒(algal pellet)

藻席(algal mat) 造山变质作用(orogenic metamorphism)

增生堆晶结构(adcumulate texture) 渣状熔岩(aa lava)

粘度 (viscosity,代号η) 粘结灰岩 (bindstone)

粘结结构(binding texture) 粘土页岩(clayshale)

障积灰岩 (bafflestone) 障积结构(baffle texture)


真等变线(true isograd)

真鲕 (true ooid)

枕状构造(pillow structure)

蒸发泵吸(evaporative pumping)

蒸发矿物(evaporite mineral)


正变质岩(orthometamorphite) 正长斑岩(syeniteporphyry)

正长辉长岩(orthoclase gabbro) 正长岩(syenite)

正常型洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB) 正堆晶结构(orthocumulate texture)

支撑类型(supporting style)

直线滑移(translation gliding)

指示矿物带(index mineral zone)

栉壳状结构 (ctenoid texture)

滞留颗粒(lag grains)


中砾岩(pebble conglomerate)

中粒(medium grained)

中粒长石杂砂岩(medium arkose)

中粒结构(medium grained texture ) 中色体(mesosome)

中砂岩(medium sandstone) 中深成相 (mesozone)

中推积结构(mesocumulate texture)


重力分异(gravitational separation)

重力流(gravity flow )

重力式胶结 (gravity cementation)

皱纹线理(crenulation lineation)

主要元素(main elements)

柱状节理构造 (columnar joint structure)

铸模(casts, Molds)


铸模孔 (mold pore)

砖红土(laterite 或 Latosol)

转换断层 (transform fault) 准同生(penecontemporaneous) 浊流(turbidity current) 紫苏花岗岩(charnockite) 自生沉积岩(authigenic rocks) 自生矿物(authigenic minerals) 自形变晶(idioblastic)

自形粒状结构(euhedral-granular texture) 自悬浮(autosuspension)

组分差异活动性(differential mobility of components)


