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二、Yes?——Pardon——Yes,it is.

三、1手提包 2雨伞 3课桌 4桌子 5衬衫 6原谅 7手表 8外套 9连衣裙 10裙子

四、1.Is this your umbrella? 2.Is that your watch? 3.Is this his shirt? 4.Are they your classmates? Lesson3-4

二.Here is my ticket.—Here is your umbrella and your coat.—Sorry,sir.—No,it isn’t.—Yes,it is. 三.1.小汽车 2.房子3.套装4.学校5.教师6儿子7.女儿8.票9.号码10.公交车 四.1.This isn’t my watch. 2.That isn’t your suit. 3.This isn’t their school. Lesson5-6

二、Good morning.—This is Alice.—this is—How do you do? 三、DCBDDD

四、1.早上2.下午3.晚上4.学生5.瑞典的6.法国人7.德国人8.美国人9.英国人10.俄罗斯人 五、1.What’s your name?2.What make is it? 3.What colour is it? 4.What nationality is he? 5.What row are you in? Lesson7-8

二、What nationality are you?—I’m not.—What’s your job?—What’s your job? 三、ADCBCDC

四、1.I am a new student. 2.What nationality are you? 3..Mr. Blake is your teacher.

4.My coat and my umbrella,please. 5.Here is my ticket.

6.Alice is a new student. She is French. 7.What is your job? 五、1.Is she their daughter? 2.He isn’t our teacher. 3.Whose car is it? 4.is

5.Is he a policeman? he is. 6.his


二、1.an 2.an 3.an 4.an the 5.The 6.a

三、1 its 2 thin 3 long\\tall 4 dirty 5 hot 6 old 7 lazy 8 father 9 sister 10 his 四、1.I’m very well. 2.Nice to meet you,too. 3.Good morning. 4.She’s fine,thanks. Lesson11-12

二、1.His 2.your 3.you 4.my 5.Her 6.his 7.It 8.her 9.Steven’s 10.Hers

三、1.Whose car is it? 2.Is this your shirt? 3.He isn’t a policeman. 4.Whose boluse is that? Lesson13-14

二.1colour 2.可爱的3.连衣裙 4.到楼上 5.green 6.看 7.帽子 8.领带 9.衬衣 10.地毯 11.dog 12 连衣裙


四、 1-C 2-E 3-A 4-B 5-F 6-H 7-D 8-G


二、1.These are some black and grey shirts. 2.These are some green dresses. 3.My blouses are new. 4.We are teachers. 5.These are your cases. 三、

1.hat加is 2.a去掉 3.Are改成Is 4 ‘s 去掉

四、1.Your passports, 2.tourists 3.my tie 4.cute dog Lesson17-18

二、1.and meet 2.lazy 3.This is ,He 4.girls are

三、1.men 2.assistants 3.policemen 4.women 5.housewives 6.dresses 7.employees 8.offices 9.children 10 boys

四、1-B 2-H 3-D 4-C 5-A 6-E 7-F 8-G Lesson19-20

二、1.dirty 2.cold 3.thin 4.small 5.shut 6.heavy 7.old 8.old 9.short 10.tall 三、1.policeman—policemen 2.a —an 3.operater—operator 4.ice-cream—ice creams 5.What’s the matter? 6.Are—Is 7.child—children 8.an去掉 9.name—names Lesson21-22

二、1.me my 2.him his 3.us our 4.her her 5.them their 三、1.me 2.My 3.Her 4.They 5.our

四、1.What colour is your shirt? 2.Whose umbrella is it?

3.Those shirts are white. 4.What’s his job?\\What dose he do?

5.They aren’t teachers. 6.These are English cars. 7.This is Tom’s book. 五、Give me Which one The white one Yes,please. Here you are. 六、1.clean 2.empty 3.little 4.old 5.sharp

七、1.事情2.tired 3.which 4.红色的 5.现在 6.thirsty 7.孩子们 8.坐 9.雇员 10.busy 11懒的 12.meet 13.那些 14.年轻的 Lesson23-24

二、1.give给 2.glass杯子 3.some一些4.shelf架子,搁板 5.which哪一个 6.red红色的 7.matter事情 8.thirsty渴的 9.right对的,可以 10.down下面 三、1.us 2.my 3.they 4.him 5.ones 6.she 7.our 8.me9.those 10.this 四、1.Give me 2.Which 3.ones 4.These those Lesson25-26

二、1.厨房2.desk 3.电冰箱 4.left 5.带电的 6.right 7.炉子 8.middle 9.瓶子10.empty 11.房间 12.clean

三、1.There is a bottle on the table. 2.Is there a cup on the table? it is 3.There isn’t a book an the desk. 4.a The Lesson27-28

二、some any any any some

三、1.There aren’t any magazines on the desk. 2.Is there a stereo in the room? 3.The table isn’t near the window. 4.There are some forks on the table.

5.There isn’t a knife on the tin.

6.There are some housewives in the room. 7.There aren’t any books on the table.

四、1.any-some 2.is-are 3.some-any 4 in-on 5.cup前加a

五、1. is clean 2.is on 3.Where is 4.are some on 5.Mr. Smith’s 6.are knife They Lesson29-30

二、1.ar 2.en 3.em 4.ee 5es

三、Shut Turn on Open Turn on Put on Take off 综合测试一 一、



三、1.Put 2.sitting 3.me 4.knives 5.doing 6.dressing 7.running 8.your 9.do 10.making 四、1.Please turn on the stereo. 2.He is climbing the tree. 3.Tom is sitting in the garden. 4.The dog is running after the boy.

五、1.The girl isn’t turning on the tap. 2、Is Jack reading a magazine. 3.What are you doing? 4.They aren’t sitting under the tree.

5.Where is she? 6.He is opening the window. 7.Who is climbing the tree? 8.I am making the bed. Lesson33-34

二、1.wife妻子 2.cloud云 3.ship轮船 4.sky天空 5.shine照耀 6.family家庭 7.bridge桥 8.aeroplane飞机 9.under在···下面 10.fly飞 11.over在···之上 12.boat传 13.river河 14.look看 三、CDABC Lesson35-36

二、1.sitting 2.climbing 3.jumping 4.making 5.emptying 6.running 7.crying 8.washing 9.waiting 10.eating


四、1.swiming改成swimming 2.not 前+not 3.do改成doing 4.at 改成for 5.eatting改成eating 6.child后+is 7.makeing改成making

8.child改成children(are改成is) 9.Coming改成Come 10.puting改成putting Lesson37-38

二、1 hammer 2.favourite 3.hard 4.paint 5.bookcase

三、1.making 2.am going to wash 3.are going to do 4.is listening 5.is singing 6.is coming 7.aren’t going to wash 8.Are are 四、1for 2.for 3.to 4.to 5.at Lesson39-40

二、1.homework 2.dishes 3.flowers 4.drop 5.vase 6.listen 7.paint 8.careful 9.front 10.Turn on

三、1.Don’t do 2.Show 3.wait 4.drop 5.do 6.doing 7.Give 8.Be 9.put 10.listening

四、1.Don’t do that,please. 2.This book isn’t for me.

3.What are you going to do? 4.Is she shaving now? 5.What are they doing? 6.He is going to turn on the radio.

五、1.going to her 2.do with 3.Don’t put on 4.not going to send to 5.is going to do Lesson41-42

二、1.some改成any 2.is改成are 3.isn’t改成aren’t 4.are改成is 5.on改成for 6.Are 改成Is 7.wifes改成wives 8.their改成them 9.glass改成glasses 10.coffees改成coffee

三、1.a quarter of a pound of tea 2.a pound of sugar 3.half a pound of coffee 4.a piece of bread 5.a bottle of milk 四、AACBABADBC Lesson43-44 二、BDABC

三、1.Put on 2.Can in front of 3.make tea 4.What is 5.Is any 6.Where behind 四、1.in the kettle 2.behind the chair 3.in front of the building 4.hurry up 5.two housewives 6.five glasses 7.three boxes 8.four bookcases 9.of course 10.over there

五、1.Is there any coffee on the table?(题目的句号改问号) 2.I can see some cars. 3.There aren’t any books on the table. Lesson45-46


四、1.I can’t lift this table.

2.Are there any books on the desk? 3.He is reading this book. 4.Can he read the letter. 5.What are they doing?

五、1.type for 2.is terrible 3.in her

4.Can a minute 5.make cakes


二、1.said 2.greeted 3.found 4.enjoyed 5.smiled 6.arrived 7.cut 8.took 9.went 10.lost 11.gave 12.met 13.swam 14.saw 15.read 16.drank 17.spoke 18.found 19.was 20.did

三、1.knows 2.suddenly 3.understand 4.thirsty 5.hurriedly 6.pleasantly 7.carefully 8.slowly 四、DCABACBDCA

五、1.Last,went to 2.Suddenly saw near bus stop 3.did not understand spoke(can not understand speaks) 4.Then put into took out Lesson75-76

二、1.bought 2,、had 3、has 4、women 5、uncomfortable 6、meet 7、did 8、empties 9、wore 10、read 11、went 12、drank 13、swam 14、took 15、cut 16、type 17、washes 18、got 19、can’t 20、white 三、ABABC

四、1、in fashion 2、I’m afraid 3、the day before yesterday 4、very well lost his way 5、ourselves last night 6、Did buy bought the 7、had like a month ago 五、help please colour(color) size How much try take Lesson77-78


三、1.this morning 2.去肉店 3.I’m afraid 4.直到今天下午 5、appointment 6.看牙医 7.a month ago 8、在公交汽车站 9、terrible toothache 10、今年 四、DACBABDBBA

五、1.When did Tom lost his new pen? 2.Does he have any magazines? 3.My sister has some envelopes.

4.Are you doing your homework now? 5.His father doesn’t works at school. 6.He empties the basket every day. 7.He can’t come at 8 a.m.

8.He didn’t buy a new house last year.

六、1.can wait can’t 2.to see dentist 3.afraid can’t Lesson79-80

二、1.thing 2.potato 3.tomato 4.wine 5.vegetable 6.hope 7.need 8.shopping list 9.many 10.much

三、1、He hasn’t got much milk. 2.Have they got many bananas? 3.What are you doing? 4.What do you need?

5.She doesn’t often do some shopping on Sundays.

四、1.much or 2.you can come too 3.a lot of this week

