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CPU 中央处理单元

Arithmetic-logic unit 算术逻辑单元 Plug and play 随插随用

Graphical user interface 图形用户界面 Source program 目标程序 Compiler 源程序

And object-oriented programming language 面向对象的程序语言 Machine language 机器语言

Data Definition Language(DDL)数据定义语言 Data Manipulation language(DML)数据处理语言 Structured query language(SQL)结构化程序语言 Geographic 地理的 UML 统一资源定位器 HTTP 超文本传输协议 FTP 文件传输协议 LAN 局域网 WAN 广域网 MAN 城域网 Bridge 网桥 Router 路由器 Topology 拓扑结构

ISO/OSI国际标准化组织/开放系统互连参考模型 DBMS 数据库管理系统 翻译

1、 the motherboard is the communications web for the entire computer system 主板是整个计算机系统的沟通网

2、 a computer is fast and accurate system that is organized to accept, store, and process data, and produce result under the direction of

a stored program计算机室快速而精准的系统,它用来接收、存储和处理数据,并在已存储的程序指引下输出结果 3、 common paragraph formats include line spacing, margins, alignment, and indentation 常用的段落格式包括行距、间距、对齐和


4、 so we can say machine language is the language made up of binary-coded instructions that is used directly by the computer 所以我

们可以说,机器语言是一种二进制代码指令所组成的、由计算机直接使用的语言。 5、 by data manipulation, we mean 数据处理的意思,是指:

The retrieval of information stored in the database对数据库中信息进行检索 The insertion of new information into the database向数据库中插入新信息 The deletion of information from database从数据库中删除信息

The modification of information stored in the data base 修改数据库中存储的信息 6、there are three principal topologies used in LANs; bus ; rings; and star 解答

1 、How many categories can computer hardware be divided into?

Computer hardware can be divided into four categories :CPU(中央处理器), Storage devices(存储设备),input devices(输入设备),output devices(输出设备). 2 、Do you know the main types of memory ? what are they?

There are three well-known types of memory chips :random-access memory(RAM)(随机存储器),read-only memory (ROM)(只读存储器),and complementary metal-oxide semiconductor(CMOS)(互补金属氧化半导体). 3、 What is software ?how many kinds is it divided into?

A computer must be supplied with instructions so that it knows how to perform tasks .these instructions are called software. computer software can generally be divided into two basic kinds: system software and application software. 4 、Do you know the main kinds of system software ? what are they?

System software is made up of four kinds of programs :operating system (操作系统),utilities(实用程序),device drivers(设备驱动程序)and language translators(语言翻译器).

5 、what language is the only language that a computer can identify and carry out directly?

Machine language(机器语言) is the only language that a computer can identify and carry out directly . 6 、what can a database simply be defined as?(你可以简单的定义一个数据库吗?)

A database can simply be defined as a structured set of data.(数据库可以简单界定为一个结构话的数据集)

7 、must the valve stored in the key fields for each record in a table be unique?( 必须存储在关键领域为每个表中的记录阀门是独一无二的吗?) Yes , it must.

8 、what is network? Please briefly list the main types of networks based on the scale.( 请简要表的基础上规模的网络的主要类型.) A computer network connects computers together .through the network ,users can share hardware ,software and data, as well as electronically communication with each other .based on the scale or geographical range ,network can be classified as three types :PAN(个人局域网),LAN(局域网),CAN(控制器局域网),MAN(城域网) and WAN(广域网) 9 、what are the common Internet protocols?( 常见的网络协议是什么?)

Internet protocols commonly include : TCP(Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议),IP(Internet Protocol网络之间互连的协议),HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议) 10 、What does ISO/OSI refer to ?( 什么是ISO / OSI参考)

ISO/OSI refer to International Standardization Organization/ Open System Interconnect Reference Model

