Module 9商务英语 初级

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9.1 The future 9.2 Meetings

Overview9.1 Business topic: The future Reading: Press release Grammar: The future & The first conditional Reading: Strategies for the future Listening: A strategy meeting 9.2 Business skills: Meetings Reading: tropical storm hits Poland Listening: Crisis meeting Grammar: will + time clauses Speaking: Brainstorming Listening: Crisis strategy Vocabulary: Collocations with meeting Writing: Letter of apology 9.3 Exam spotlight: Reading Test Part Four/Five

Words & expressions

Prototype 原型,样本 Norm 标准 Exhaust emission 废气排放 Hybrid 杂交,混血儿 Electricity generation plant 发电厂 Car-oriented lifestyle以车为 主的生活方式 Trial version试用品 Tram 有轨电车 Occupant 占有者

Solar panel 太阳能电池板 Joint venture 合资企业 Withdraw 撤离,退出 Stabilize使稳定 Mutual benefit互惠 Foreign exchange transaction外汇业务 Low cost electricity低价电 Viable可行的 With a view to 着眼于 With regard to关于

9.1 Reading: Press releaseGreen Environmental Protection Volunteer Green Party 一个环境保护者政党 Green Christmas

绿色圣诞,风行欧洲的节日新主张。在圣诞节呼吁大 家少用一张包装纸,减少贺卡的使用量,主动回收废 弃的圣诞树等,一点一滴为环保做贡献。 Green collar

绿领一族是一种新的社会阶层,他们崇尚无公害的有 机食物,偏爱天然材质的衣服,同时理性地选择家居 住房,忠实于生活本质的回归,倡导更合理,更绿色 自然的消费与生活。

9.1 Reading: Press releaseDo you know anything about the hydrogen engine? E.g. Hybrid cars Match the definitions in Ex. 1

1.D 2.G 3.H 4.F 5.E 6.B 7.A 8.C

Read the first paragraph to do Ex. 2.


Continue reading. Meanwhile, underline the words which help you understand the correct answers to Ex. 3.1. B 2. B 3.C 4.B

Grammar: the future 1the expressions of future1. will for predictions表预测 Filling your tank with hydrogen will soon be the norm. 2. will for offers表提议 I will ask him to call you. 3. Will for promises表许诺 I’ll do it later. 4. be doing最近安排好要进行的动作 Are you coming to tomorrow’s meeting?

Grammar: the future 25. going to表示计划或意图,以及能看见或有证

据表明这个动作一定会发生的未来She is going to look for a new job in the summer. Consumers are more aware of the environment these days and they are going to demand green alternatives. 6. be to表计划,只用于肯定句 和疑问句 John and Mary are to be married in October. When is the wedding to be? 7. be about to表即将 The meeting is about to begin.

PEST分析 1PEST分析指宏观环境的分析,宏观环境又称一 般环境,是指影响一切行业和企业的各种宏观 力量

,包括Political政治,Economic经济, Technological技术和Social社会。其扩展变形形 式有: PESTLE / PESTELPolitical, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental


Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal, Ethical

PEST分析 2


Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, International, Environmental, Demographic Social, Legal, Economic, Political, Technological



也TOWS称分析法,道斯矩阵,即态势分 析法,20世纪80年代初由美国旧金山大学 的管理学教授韦里克提出,经常被用于企 业战略制定,竞争对手分析等场合,包括 企业的Strength优势,Weakness劣势, Opportunity机会和Threats威胁,以帮助企 业把资源和行动聚集在自己的强项和有最 多机会的地方。

Porter’s five forces analysis

波特五力分析是哈佛商学院的迈克尔 波 特于1979年提出的,用于竞争战略的分 析,可以有效地分析客户的竞争环境。五 力分别是:供应商的讨价还价能力,购买 者的讨价还价能力,潜在竞争者进入的能 力,替代品的替代能力,行业内竞争者现 在的竞争能力。五种力量的不同组合变化 最终影响行业利润潜力的变化。

Strategies for the future

Ex. 1

1E 2A 3C 4F 5D 6B

Ex. 3Ex. 4 Ex. 5

B2 4 1 3 1A 2B 3A 4B

Reading: tropical storm hits Poland

Please read the news item out loud in the style of a newsreader, then answer the question.The storm killed 6 people, injured several dozen, left up to a million people without electricity, damaged public buildings and homes.

Check any unknown words from the screen.

Words & expressions

Tropical 热带的 Hurricane 飓风 Crane operator 起重机驾 驶员 Road and rail links 公路 铁路线 Disrupt 使中断 Emergency team 紧急救 援队 Key sector 关键部门 Subsidiary 子公司

Allegation 指控 Financial malpractice 财 务舞弊 Salmonella 沙门氏菌 Poultry industry 家禽业 Point of contact 联络人 Podcast 播客 Specialist catering magazine 专业餐饮杂志 Blog (weblog)博客 Lamb shop 小羊排

Listening: Crisis meetingNight shift 夜班 Evacuate 疏散


Power generator发电 机 Set priorities 按优先级 排序 Damage assessment 损失评估 Coordinate 配合

Marek, Jonathan, a small team

Grammar: will + time clausesIf we do that, the damage will be limited. We will switch on the electricity when we receive the order. As soon as we get an up-to-date weather forecast, we’ll decide when to go hiking. I’ll let you know before I go on holiday. I’ll have to stay at the station until the strike ends.

BrainstormingPut these problems from trivial to lifethreatening. Sit around and discuss as many ideas as possib

le to find a solution to the most serious problem. Ask a secretary to record each idea. Choose the best solution.

Listening: Crisis strategyThink of some bad news which may affect a company. Do Ex. 1






Students listen and check the answers c, a, b, d in Ex. 2. Play the recording again to do Ex. 4.1 crisis plan 2 effectively 3 situation 4 team 5 spokesperson 6 audiences

Vocabulary: Collocations with meeting1 board, crisis, departmental, team 2 attend, arrange, chair, hold, miss, run 3 agenda, action points, chair, chairperson, minutes

minutes, attend, agenda, miss, arrange

Make a crisis communication plan 1Collect information about the situation and make sure you know the relevant facts: who bought the food? Who supplied it? Did the food poisoning originate in your restaurant? Decide who will be responsible for handling the crisis: you, the manager, your business partner.

Make a crisis communication plan 2Appoint a spokesperson who will be the point of contact between the Crisis Team and the media: yourself, your business partner, your lawyer, etc. Identify your key audiences: customers and competitors in this case. Choose the best way to address your audience: a press release, an apology letter, new publicity, etc.

