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GRE考试真题是大家备考的一个风向标,所以掌握真题是非常有必要的。下面,小编精心整理了2015年9月20日GRE填空真题及答案,帮助大家更好地备考,快来围观吧。 填空题

1. Burke is often on slippery ground when it comes to her primary sources; especially ______ is the mode by which she gathered her oral evidence. (A) crucial (B) passable (C) dubious (D) laudable (E) ingenious 答案:C

2. Although grandiose urban railroad stations are often viewed as glorious monuments to their cities, they in fact ______ the cities by enabling the migration of city dwellers to the suburbs.

(A) invigorate (B) enlarge (C) enfeeble

(D) delineate (E) overshadow 答案:C

3. In the solar system, collisions among the planets are among the most_____ processes shaping surfaces: many a picture of the planets in it show that a proliferation of impact craters happened in the last 4 to 5 billion years. A. cataclysmic B. pervasive C. misleading D. clairvoyant E. vivacious 答案:E

4. Many innovative photographers were delighted to find in instant photography a mode that encouraged them to stop viewing photographers as____ and start viewing it as something they could handle with spontaneity, even derision. A. sacrosanct B. ephemeral C. malleable

D. sacrilegious E. evanescent


5. Unlike some mammals--cows and sheep, for instance--that are notably____, lions have a wide range of facial expressions. A. tame B. reticent C. impassive D. rampant E. rapacious


6. Researchers in University of Maryland discover that many people subconsciously think that in assessment of others competence and warmth are (i)____: when they feel someone is highly capable, they will assert that he or she must have a tendency to be (ii)______.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A. clearly interconnected D. passive

B. inversely related E. nonchalant C. physically paralyzed F. unfeeling


7. Recent scholarship has questioned the (i)____ of tropical forests around the world. Archaeologists have shown, for example, that the largest contiguous tract of what was thought to be virgin rain forest in the southern Amazon had been transformed into a cultural parkland before European contact, and many of the forest islands in West Africa’s savanna forest transition zone are (ii)_____ as well. Blank (i) Blank (ii) A. diversity D. isolated B. naturalness E. endangered C. sustainability F. anthropogenic


8. One way to predict the effect of global climate change on an ecosystem is to extrapolate current trend in global change factors into the future. A (i)________of this method is that its predictions (ii)________ actual observations but the method also makes the questionable assumption that the future will resemble the present.

Blank (i) Blank (ii) A. virtue D. dispense with B. drawback E. derive from C. peculiarity F. improve upon



