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剑桥雅思8作文范文Test1Task1 ................................................................................................. 2 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test1Task2 ................................................................................................. 4 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test2Task1 ................................................................................................. 8 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test2Task2 ............................................................................................... 10 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test3Task1 ............................................................................................... 14 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test3Task2 ............................................................................................... 16 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test4Task1 ............................................................................................... 20 剑桥雅思8作文范文Test4Task2 ............................................................................................... 21


题目分析,包括回答中需要涉及的要点、对比以及考生可能对题目产生的错 误理解。 要点

1. 这个饼形图表现了导致土地退化的三个主要原因。 2. 表格中列举的三个地区土地退化的原因各有不同


1. 第二个表格中列举的数字是某种原因导致的退化的土地在所有退化土地中所占的比例,而不是在所有土地(包括退化的土地和建议的写作结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构。

介绍部分应该把题目用自己的话重写一遍。最好用一段描述饼形图,另起一段描述图表。 可以直接引用图表中的数据(切记这些数据是退化土地面积的比例),或者指出相对的比例 (见参考范文)。最后应该有一个简短的结论。 参考范文:

The pie chart and table show how land around the world was degraded during the 1990s –the former on a worldwide scale and the latter in three different regions.

Worldwide, over-grazing was the biggest cause of land degradation (35%), with deforestation causing 30% and over-cultivation causing slightly less (28%). Other factors caused 7% of land degradation.

The table shows that, during the 1990s, 23% of the land in Europe was degraded, more than in Oceania (13%) and far more than in North America (5%). In Oceania, over-grazing was primarily responsible for land degradation, with deforestation accounting for far less and none caused through over-cultivation. In North America, over-cultivation was the main reason, with about a third of land degradation being caused by over-grazing and very little being caused by deforestation. In Europe, deforestation was responsible for about 40% of the land degradation, over-cultivation about 30% and over-grazing about 20%.

To summarise, land degradation was due to three main factors and these factors differed in proportion in different regions.(168 words)

饼形图和图表反映了 20 世纪 90 年代全世界土地的退化情况——前者是针对世界范围, 后者是针对三个不同的区域。

世界范围内,过度畜牧是土地退化的最主要原因(占 35%),滥砍滥伐占了 30%,过 度开垦相对影响较小(28%)。其他导致土地退化的原因占了 7%。

图表反映出,20 世纪 90 年代,欧洲有 23% 的土地退化了,高于大洋洲(13%),并且远超过北美(5%)。在大洋洲,过度畜牧是土地退化的主要原因,其次是滥砍滥伐,相对 较少,没有过度开垦的行为。在北美,过度开垦是主要原因,有三分之一的土地退化受过 度畜牧的影响,极少部分是因为滥砍滥伐造成的。在欧洲,因滥砍滥伐导致的土地退化占 40%,过度开垦占 30%,过度畜牧占 20%。


参考范文中的词汇及结构分析,以及考生可能犯的错误。 1. 引言部分指出饼形图和图表中的信息有何种不同。

2. 在正文第一段,作者使用“cause”和“causing”两个词,显示了作者根据语法要求可使用不同词性的同根词的能力。

3. 正文第二段第一句简略阐述了图表信息。正文第二段,作者运用对比性词语(primarily, ?far less, main, very little),用以说明各种原因在土地退化上所起的不同影响。 4. 在描述欧洲的土地退化状况时,作者换成更数学化的描述方法。


题目分析,包括写作中需要涉及的要点以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理解。 1. 需要关注双方的观点。

2. 由于答案不可能是仅靠父母或学校就能教育孩子们成为一名优秀的社会成员,因此,选择陈述双方的观点会更容易些。

3.“优秀的社会成员”并没有界定。但是,考生不必阐释出自己对其的定义。 建议的回答结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构。

这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两到三个段落,每段阐述一个要点。考生可以选择三个及以上的段落,如果他们的文章超过 300 个单词的话。建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与题目意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提及反方的观点。考生写文章时要尽量避免观点过于极端,最好不要建议仅由父母或仅由学校承担教育孩子成 为优秀的社会成员的重任。

两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文 1——建议是学校

Some people believe parents should teach their children to be good members of society, but I and others think school is the main place for this to be taught.

The main reason why I think schools should primarily be responsible for teaching children to be good members of society is that children spend more time at school with teachers than with their parents. The children are also in a formal learning environment. This combination provides more opportunities for teachers to show children how to behave as good members of society. The teachers can also ensure that all the children have the same chance to learn the same things about being good members of society.

If parents are made more responsible for teaching their children to be good members of society, then many parents might find they do not have the time for this. Parents have many responsibilities such as work and taking care of the home. Of course, many parents will naturally prefer to do other things with their children, such as having fun and visiting places of interest. In addition, some parents might not be as experienced as teachers at teaching children, so the children might not learn as well as at school.

There will always be plenty of parents who have the time, willingness and ability to teach their children to be good members of society. However, many more will find it difficult and need extra help. Some will ask other parents or consult books or websites. I do not think there is anything wrong with this, but we should not assume that all parents will do it.

In summary, I think parents will often teach their children to be good members of society, but this should mainly be done at schools. (294 words)

一些人认为父母应该教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员,但我和另外一些人认为,学校应 该是承担这种教育的地方。

我认为学校应该首要承担教育孩子成为栋梁之才的主要原因是,孩子们在学校和老师 待的时间比与他们和父母待的时间长。此外,孩子们是在正式的学习环境下成长的。这两 点证明老师有更多的机会教给孩子们如何成为栋梁之才。同时,老师也能确保所有的孩子 有均等的学习机会,去学习成为优秀的社会成员的相同的知识。

如果让父母来承担教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员的主要责任,那么就会有很多父母发 现自己并没有时间来做这件事。父母承担着诸如工作和照顾家庭的责任。当然了,很多父 母自然更愿意为孩子做些其他的事情,比如陪孩子出去玩、游览名胜古迹等。除此之外, 一些父母可能不像老师那么经验丰富,所以孩子可能没有在学校学习得效果好。

常常是很多父母有时间、意愿和能力教育他们的孩子成为优秀的社会成员。但是,还 有很多父母会觉得做起来有困难,需要他人的帮助。有些父母会咨询其他父母,或求助于 书籍、网站。我不觉得这样做有什么问题,但是我们不能想当然的认为所有的父母都做得到。

总的来说,我觉得父母会常常教育孩子们成为优秀的社会成员,但这种教育主要还是 要学校来做。

参考范文 2——建议是父母

I think that the main responsibility for teaching children to be good members of society lies with parents rather than schools and shall outline my reasons in this essay.

I think that most parents know their children well enough to be able to teach them to be good members of society. At school, children are often in large classes and therefore do not receive so much individual attention. When teaching children to be good members of society, I think that this individual attention is important, because some will have learnt about membership of society and others not. The parents will generally know this and be able to fill any missing gaps in their child’s knowledge.

Secondly, parents and their children will probably spend more time together in a variety of social situations, whereas teachers and their students spend most of their time together in the classroom. The variety of social situations gives the parents more teaching opportunities, for example while shopping, at public events and at family gatherings. Of course, these opportunities give children the chance to learn to be good members of society from other adults, not only from their parents.

Thirdly, I believe that schools and teachers should focus on academic subjects. There is often little enough time for these at schools, so making parents responsible for non- academic things, such as teaching children to become good members of society is a good idea. However, there will be opportunities for teachers to point out in class how children can be good members of society, for example when teaching children about the environment.

To conclude, I think there are clear advantages in having both parents and schools teach children how to be good members of society, but parents should take most of the responsibility.

(294 words)

我认为教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员主要责任在父母,而非学校。我会在下面这篇文 章中阐释理由。

我认为大部分父母都非常了解自己的孩子,进而有能力教育他们成为优秀的社会成员。 在学校里,孩子们常常上的是大课,因此并不是每个孩子都能受到很多关注。在教育孩子 成为优秀的社会成员时,我觉得对个人的关注很重要,因为有些会学着融入社会,有些则 不会。父母一般都对此有所了解,并能填补孩子的知识空白。

其次,父母和孩子会有更多机会一起参加各式各样的社交场合,而老师和学生却大部 分时间都是在教室里度过。各式各样的社交场合使得父母有更多的教育机会,例如,逛街、 公共场合、家庭聚会。当然,这些机会能使孩子向其他成人学习着成为优秀的社会成员, 而不仅仅是向父母学习。

再次,我认为学校和老师应该是专注于学术性科目教学,学校给学生进行社会教育的 也就少之又少。因此,家长更有责任教授一些非学术性的东西,比如,教育孩子成为优秀 的社会成员就是个不错的主意。但是,在课堂上,老师还是可以谈论如何使孩子们成为优 秀的社会成员,例如教给孩子们认识社会环境。

总而言之,我认为在教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员方面,父母和学校都能参与进来是 最好不过的,但是父母应该承担主要责任。


1. 在介绍部分,作者均提到了各自的观点。其实没必要写出来,但这种做法却在中国的考 生中很常见。如果你要这样做,切记在写结论时不要使用同一词汇。

2. 两名作者在介绍部分都使用了“main”一词,为了说明他们并不认为责任仅在于学校或 父母。

3.在第一篇作文中,作者注意使用短小精悍的句子,比如 :The children are also in a formal learning environment. 使用过长的有语法错误的句子会使读者感到迷惑不解。

4.第一篇文章写道“This provides more opportunities for teachers ...”,以说明其他人也能 教育孩子。这样的用词避免了文章观点过于极端。

5.在第一篇作文正文第二三段中,作者对反方观点进行辩驳——父母应该教育孩子成为优 秀的社会成员,包括了其中存在的弊端,以及如何避免这些问题。

6. 注意使用对比性的语言——“the children might not learn as well as at school”。 7. 第二篇作文正文第二段最后一句,作者指出我们都有(部分)责任教育孩子成为优秀的 社会成员。

8. 第二位作者阐述的第三个理由对话题进行拓展,主要是说他 / 她认为学校应该做什么。 注意使用“should focus on”,而不是“should only”或相类似过于极端的词。

9. 第二篇文章正文第三段,作者指出老师也能教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员,并且举例证明。 从而使得文章全面客观,不会给人片面极端的感觉。


题目分析,包括回答中需要涉及的要点、对比以及考生可能对题目产生的错 误理解。 WRITING 要点

1. 其中两个代表薪资水平,两个代表基础设施配备,第五个代表保险(财务方面)。 2. 不同的方面代表不同的趋向。?

3. 文章应该提及所有出现的数字。(包含 15 组数字)


考生可能产生的错误理解和问题 1. 应使用过去完成时。?

2. 数字用百分比表达,不必写出总额数。


介绍部分应该把题目用自己的话重写一遍。正文主体部分可以有三种写作样式。可以将正 文划分为 5 段(每段描述一个条目),或者分为 3 段(每段按照薪资水平,基础设施配备和 保险来描述一个饼形图)。对大部分考生而言,每段描述一个饼形图的写作样式或许会比较 容易,但是如果选择此种样式,切忌数字重复出现。最后应该有一个简短的评论,要特别 突出 1-2 个关键点。

参考范文?The pie charts show how a school spent money, in percentage terms, in the years 1981, 1991and 2001, across five categories.

The majority of spending in each year was on salaries. Teachers’ salaries accounted for 40% of spending in 1981. This increased to 50% in 1991, but dropped to 45% in 2001. Salaries for other workers accounted for 28% of spending in 1981, 22% in 1991 and 15% in 2001, demonstrating a constant fall.

Spending on resources such as books and on furniture and equipment took up 30% of

spending in 1981 – 15% each. By 1991, spending on resources had risen to 20% whilst spending on furniture and equipment had fallen dramatically to only 5%. By 2001, spending on resources had more than halved (in percentage terms) to 9% whereas spending on furniture and equipment had risen relatively substantially to 23%.

Finally, spending on insurance rose from 2% in 1981 to 3% in 1991 and thereafter to a more significant 9% of the total in 2001.

In summary, relative spending in all five categories changed a lot, with spending on teachers’ salaries being the largest portion. (187 words)

列出的饼形图从五个方面说明了,1981,1991 和 2001 年,一所学校如何消费以及各项支 出的百分比。

每年,大部分的支出是在薪资方面。1981 年,全体教师的薪资总计占 40%。1991 年,该 项支出增长到 50%,但是 2001 年降至 45%。1981 年,其它员工的薪资占支出的 28%,1991 年占 22%,2001 年占 15%,其所占比例不断下降。

1981 年像书籍这类物资以及家具和设施的花费占了总花费的 30%,其中两方面各占 15%。截止到 1991 年,物资类花费增长至 20%,而家具和设施类的花费则骤降,仅占 5%。 截止到 2001 年,物资类花费降低了一半以上,占 9%,相对而言,家具和设施类的花费却大幅 上涨至 23%。

最后,保险类花费从 1981 年的 2% 上涨至 1991 年的 3%,此后,2001 年,更明显的上涨 了 9%。




1. 介绍部分阐述了作者明白数据所指的均是所占比例,并非总额数。? 2. 主体段落起始,作者就阐明大部分资金的去向。?

3. 作者使用了同义词——“account for”和“take up”,“rise”和“increase”,“drop”和“fall”。 4. 注意使用过去完成时——“By 1991, spending on resources had risen to ...”。? 5. 注意使用对比性词组——“more than halved”。



题目分析,包括写作中需要涉及的要点以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理 解。 1.罗列正反双方的论点并不是必需的,但是,一篇好作文至少要提及反方观点。


3. 多数考生会谈论电脑与网络,但是,鉴于题目没有界定科技一词,因此其它有趣的例子 亦可选为谈论话题。

建议的回答结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两到三个段落,每段阐述一个要点。 建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与题目意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提及相反 的观点。考生应该注意,不能把这篇作文写成完全同意或者完全反对题目说法的文章。


两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文 1——不同意题目的说法

In this essay, I shall say why I believe technology has had largely negative effects on the way people interact with each other.

The main technology that people use to create relationships nowadays is the Internet. This can be used in a variety of ways, notably by joining social networking sites or dating sites. It often seems that such websites encourage people to form friendships based on little information and on information which may not be true. For example, a website might recommend that two people become friends on the basis of the fact that they both like a particular film. The suggestion is that the people both like this film, therefore they both like the same films generally and/or have the same interests. If the information provided by website users is false (for example gender or age), a face-to-face friendship is very unlikely and the‘friendship’ is likely to remain online only.

I think that television has also affected the types of relationships people make, by dramatising certain types of relationships (for example on soap operas), and suggesting that these are the ones that are important in the real world and/or that these are the relationships people should copy. Some people seem to think that they must make their lives as dramatic as those depicted on

television, otherwise their lives will be dull. The constant need for drama can certainly have an effect on a person’s relationships with others.

To conclude, I think that technology has provided people with new ways to form relationships, but that the results have usually been negative, particularly compared to face- to-face communication and relationship creation. (271 words)


现今,人们用以建立人际关系的主要技术方式是通过因特网。因特网的用途体现在多方 面,特别反映在社交网站和相亲网站。类似网站却常常看似是鼓励人们在知之甚少,甚至虚 假的个人信息的情况下去交友。例如,一个网站会依据双方都是某一特定电影的粉丝这一事 实,就建议两个人交友。这种建议是因为两人都喜欢这部电影,进而就说他们都喜欢同一类 别的电影,或者有相同的兴趣爱好。一旦网站使用者提供的个人信息是错误的(比如性别、年 龄),那么他们就不可能见面成为朋友,这种“友情”仅存在于网络上。

我认为电视也对人们建立起的关系产生影响,它夸大了特定类型的人际关系(例如电视 连续剧),并且表示这种关系在现实世界中非常重要,或者表示这种关系是人们应该去学习模仿的。

好像有些人认为他们一定要让自己的生活像电视剧里演的那样夸张,不然生活就会乏 味无趣。戏剧化的需求必定会对一个人与他人的关系产生影响。

总而言之,我认为,科技给人们提供了建立人际关系的新方式,但结果却通常是反面的, 尤其是与面对面交流建立人际关系的方式相比。


参考范文 2——同意题目的说法

I think that technology has largely affected types of relationships between people in a positive way and shall outline my reasons in this essay.

Most importantly, in my opinion, technology has enabled people to stay in contact with each other more closely. People can use the Internet and mobile phones to speak to each other and send

information to each other. Moreover, this information can be in the form of pictures or videos. Thus, even if people are far from each other, they can feel close. In the modern world, where people often live and work or study in different places – even different countries – to those where their family members are, this is very important to people. In this way, technology helps people to maintain existing relationships.

Secondly, technology has allowed people to become friends with others who they would normally not be able to make friends with. In the past, people might have had pen friends in other countries, but now, thanks to social networking websites, people can easily connect with those who have similar interests. It is true that these relationships might not be very strong, but they can develop if the friends use them as the basis for forming closer friendships, for example if they visit each others’ countries. The fact that most of the relationships created on social networking sites are not strong does not mean that such sites are worthless.

In conclusion, I am generally positive about the effects technology has had on relationships of different types, because it helps people to make friends and to maintain relationships. (263 words)

我认为科技对人与人之间的人际关系起着很大的积极的影响,我会在下文阐释我的理 由。

最重要的一点,我认为科技使人们相互之间交流更密切。通过因特网和手机,人们能够 彼此通话,彼此传递信息。此外,信息的形式可以是图片,可以是影像。因此,即使彼此远隔 千里,仍会近距离的感知彼此。在当今社会,人们一般在不同的地方居住,工作或学习,甚至 是在不同的国家,对于那些家庭成员相隔千里的人,科技对他们来说很重要。就此而言,科技 能帮助人们维护现有的人际关系。

其次,科技使人们有机会与通常情况下交不到的朋友建立友谊。过去,人们可能会与其 他国家的人做笔友,而现在,多亏了社交网站,人们很容易就能联系到与自己有相似兴趣爱好 的人。确实,这种关系可能不会很稳固,但是朋友可以以此为基础,发展为更亲密的友谊,比 如说互访彼此的国家。在社交网站上建立的大部分人际关系确实不稳固,但这并不能说明这 样的网站一文不值。

综上所述,我认为科技对不同类型的人际关系起着积极作用,因为它能帮助人们交到朋 友并维系友谊。



1. 在介绍部分,作者用了“largely negative”和“largely affected”,这表明文中有反方的观点。 2. 第一篇作文正文第一段展示的是,作者如何将一项已经改变人们交流方式的科技变成了 一个特例。这段以说明相互交流可能建立不起人际关系作结。

3. 作者使用“suggest”和“seem”这样的词语来表明他 / 她所表达的观点,而并非确切的 事实。

4. 第二篇作文正文第一段讨论一般情况下的科技,还提及了特殊场合下的科技。文章提到 科技能维护人际关系,而不仅仅是建立新的人际关系。并将其与正文第二段作比。 5. 第二篇作文正文第二段最后一句提到了反方观点,并与之进行了辩驳。



1. 作对比会非常困难,因为两张图表的流程是完全不同的。

2. 所有需要用到的名词已经给出,但是考生也可将这些名词转化为动词(如 :crusher- crush, grinder-grind, mixer-mix)。



由于两张图表中的流程非常清楚,不应该会出现对图表产生误解的问题。 建议采用的回答结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构。

介绍部分应该包括对原文提示的改写。正文部分应有两个段落,即每个段落各写一张图。 最后,考生需要写出一个简短的结论,但是要注意,不要用与开头段落或是原文提示相同 的词语。


参考范文?The diagram on the left illustrates the process by which cement is made whilst the diagram on the right shows us how concrete is made.

We can clearly see that the first stage in cement production is to put two substances – limestone and clay – through a crusher to create a powder. This powder then goes through a mixer and is then heated in a rotating heater. Once the powder has gone through the mixer and heater, it is ground and the cement is packed into bags.

The diagram on the right hand side tells us that concrete is a mixture of four ingredients in differing proportions. Cement makes up 15% of the mixture, water constitutes 10%, sand 25%, and gravel (i.e. small stones) 50%. These ingredients are mixed in a rotating concrete mixer to make concrete.

In summary, the production of cement and the production of concrete appear to be fairly simple processes. (153 words)


我们可以从图中清晰地看见水泥生产的第一个步骤是将石灰石和粘土放入破碎机中磨 成粉末。接着这些粉末进入到搅拌机里进行混合,然后在回转预热器中进行预热。粉末一旦 进入搅拌机和预热器,将被磨碎,水泥就此生产完成,之后便可以装入袋中。

从右边的图可以看出,混凝土是由四种原料按照不同的比例混合而成的,其中水泥占 15%,水占 10%,沙子占 25%,沙砾占(如小碎石)50%。这些原料在一个旋转的混凝土搅拌 机中混合而成混凝土。




1. 作者使用的是现在时,因为这是描述一个流程最好的时态。注意文中主动与被动的结合 使用。

2. 作者运用一些词和词组来描述流程中的步骤,如第一个步骤(the first stage),接着 (then),一旦(once)。

3. 作者将一些名词转变为动词的形式(如 heat),甚至还转变为其他形式的名词(如 mixer — mixture)。正确使用词语的各种形式在口语和写作中是很有用的技能。

4. 作者使用了同义词,如“make up”和“constitute”。



题目分析,包括写作中需要涉及的要点以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理 解。

1. 问题问的是提高汽油的价格是否是“最佳的”办法,而非是否是“唯一的”办法。这一 点在第二个问题(其他可能的措施)里得到了强调。

2. 没有必要对两种观点(支持的和反对的)都进行详细的讨论,但是一篇好的文章会涉及 到两种观点。

3. 机动车数量的下降也会减少污染,因此,一些论点可以同时运用到减少机动车数量问题 和减少污染上。


作文需要一个简短的介绍部分和一个简短的结论。正文应该有两个或三个段落,每段分别 阐述一个点。至少要有一个段落讨论汽油的价格,一个段落讨论其他的方法。考生可以写 更多的段落,特别是如果作文字数超过 300 字的话。建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与考 生意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提及相反的观点。考生应尽量避免得出过于极 端的结论,比如只有一种方法可以减轻污染和交通堵塞。



参考范文 1——提高汽油价格不是解决日益增长的交通和污染问题的最佳方法

I disagree with the idea that increasing petrol prices is the best way to deal with traffic and pollution.

First of all, if petrol prices are increased, this will most likely lead to less petrol being used. This will make environmentalists happy, but it will also increase the cost of anything that uses petrol in its production or in transport – in other words, everything from plastic bags to computers. This is likely to lead to slower economic growth as less is bought and produced. Of course, there will be less traffic and there will be less pollution, but I do not think that the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.

I think that traffic problems can be dealt with by making drivers pay more to use certain roads at certain times. This has been very effective in London, where there is a charge for cars to use roads in the centre of London during working hours. As a result, traffic and pollution have decreased without harming the local economy.

Pollution could also be reduced by encouraging people to use energy more efficiently. The

government could use and advertise campaign to show people that wasting energy by, for example, leaving electrical items on when they are not being used results in more pollution from electricity generation. In a similar way, the government could inform people about the financial benefits of insulating their homes.

To conclude, I believe that a rise in petrol prices would reduce pollution, but cause economic problems. Therefore, I think there are better alternative solutions available. (258 words)

我不认为提高汽油的价格是处理交通和污染问题的最佳方法。 首先,汽油价格的上涨最有可能会降低汽油的使用。这会使得环境保护者兴高采烈,但 是也将提升任何在生产中或运输中使用到汽油的东西的费用,换句话说,包括从塑料袋到电 脑在内的一切。这很可能会导致经济增长速度的放缓,因为人们购买和生产的东西少了。当 然,机动车数量和污染也将减少,但是我认为这种做法弊大于利。

我认为交通问题可以通过在某些时间段让司机在某些路段缴纳更多的路费来解决。这 种方法在伦敦非常管用,在上班时段,开车通过伦敦市中心的路段要缴纳一定的费用。这样 一来,在不损害当地经济的情况下,机动车数量和污染都减少了。

鼓励人们更有效率地使用能源也可以减少污染。政府可以向公众宣传一些这样的活动, 例如:不在使用中的电子产品仍处于开启状态会造成能源的浪费,而这种浪费所产生的污染 比发电时还多。与此类似的,政府应该告知公众绝缘房屋所能带来的财政利益。 结论是我认为汽油价格的上涨会减少污染,但是也会产生不少经济上的问题。因此,我 认为会有其他更好的办法可以解决这个问题。


参考范文 2——提高汽油价格是解决日益增长的交通和污染问题的最佳方法

In this essay, I shall say why I believe that increasing petrol prices is the best way to reduce traffic and pollution problems and suggest other measures that might be effective.

If the price of petrol is increased, it is likely that people will try to use less of it. This should see a reduction in car use and therefore less pollution. Some people claim that this will have negative effects on the economy, but I disagree. People will almost certainly use less petrol in cases where using it is not very economic. For example, most drivers use their vehicles for short journeys which they could easily make on foot. It is these journeys that they are likely to stop making by car, not essential ones for their private lives or for work.

Another way of reducing traffic problems is to only allow certain cars to use the roads on given days. This method was used effectively in Beijing during the Olympic Games, reducing both traffic problems and pollution without any significant negative effects on the local economy. However, for a scheme like this to be successful, there needs to be a good public transport system. Pollution can also be reduced by using other forms of energy generation. If we use these, we can make our economy better in the long term by investing in the technologies of the future. We will

also improve the health of the population through having less pollution.

To summarise, I think that increasing petrol prices is the best way of reducing traffic and pollution problems and that there are other good ways of achieving this. (271 words)

通过本文,我将阐述为什么我认为提高汽油的价格是减少机动车数量和污染的最佳途 径。此外,我还将提出其他切实可行的措施。

如果汽油价格上涨的话,汽油使用量很可能会减少,汽车的使用也会随之降低,从而使得 污染的减少。一些人表示这种做法对经济会产生消极的影响,但是我却不这样认为。当使用 汽油不那么经济实惠时,人们必将会减少使用量。例如:大多数人短途也会开车去,然而这 种短程完全可以通过步行来实现;正是这种短程的目的地,人们很可能不再开车前往,而不 是那些个人生活或者工作中必须开车的路程。

另外一种减少交通问题的方法是在特定的日子只允许某些车上路。北京奥运会时使用 过这种方法,并且效果不错,在减少交通问题和污染问题的同时,也没有对当地经济产生任何 严重的消极影响。然而,如果要想这种方案获得成功的话,良好的公共交通系统是必不可少 的。 使用其他形式的能源发电也可以减少污染。如果我们这样做的话,就可以通过对未来的 技术进行投资使经济从长期来看更为良好。污染少了,我们也可以提高人民的健康水平。

总的来说,我认为提高油价是减少机动车数量和污染的最佳方式,当然,也有其他好的方 法来解决这个问题。



1. 第一篇文章在正文第一段提到了提高汽油价格的优缺点。要注意单词“likely”,提示了 可能的结果。

2. 两位作者均提到了广为人知的其他方法(更有效地使用汽油以及使用其他能源),或者是 已经获得成功的具体例子(北京和伦敦解决交通问题使用的方法)。

3. 第一位作者在文章主体部分的第三段中列举了具体的例子来说明人们通常是如何浪费能 源的。

4. 第二位作者在文章主体部分的第一段中并不只是提到更高的汽油价格将会减少使用汽油 的人数,他 / 她还指出人们将可能如何减少使用汽油(交通工具的使用)。这样组织观点 可以使论点更有说服力。

5. 在主体部分的第二段中,第二位作者特别提出了要想获得成功的所需的主要条件,说明 作


6. 在主体部分的第三段中,第二位作者还写了与减少污染相关的论点和由此带来的额外的 好处,让文章的内容更加丰富。

7. 要注意两位作者均使用了高级词汇和词组,例如 :“insulating their homes”(绝缘房屋), “investing in the technologies of the future”(对未来的技术进行投资)。



题目分析,包括回答中需要涉及的要点、对比以及考生可能对题目产生的错误理解。 要点

1. 运输的货物数量增长是因四种方式运输共同引起的。 2. 分别描述每条线路——不要对每年的数字进行比较。 3. 描述所有的变化会让文章篇幅过长,所以有必要概而论之。但是需突出其中变化较为显著的。


介绍部分应该把题目用自己的话重写一遍。正文应该分段描述每种运输方式。各段可以任 意顺序排列,但是要具有逻辑性,比如 :从最常用到最不常用。最后应该有一个简短的结 论,指出运输货物增长的数量。



The line chart shows how many million tonnes of goods were transported in the UK between1974 and 2002.

The quantity of goods transported by road was 70 million tonnes in 1974. By 1995, this had risen to 80 million tonnes. There was a sharp rise to 95 million tonnes in 1999, with a slight rise thereafter.

The quantity of goods transported by water remained at about 40 million tonnes between 1974 and 1978. Then there was a great increase to almost 60 million tonnes by 1982. This level remained for over a decade, but in the 1990s there was a decrease to about 50 million tonnes in 1998. There was a big increase to 65 million tonnes in 2002.

The quantity of goods transported by rail gradually fell from 40 million tonnes in 1974 to less than 30 million tonnes in 1995. By 1999, the quantity was at 40 million tonnes again and increased slightly by 2002.

In 1974, the quantity of goods transported by pipeline was 5 million tonnes. By 1981, this had tripled. For over a decade this increased slightly, but by 1995 the amount had risen to over 20 million tonnes, after which there was no change.

In summary, the quantity of goods transported increased, especially after 1999. (212 words)


以下线形图表明了 1974 年至 2002 年,英国运输的货物有几百万吨。

1974 年,公路运输的货物数量达到 7 千万吨。截止到 1995 年,货物数量已上涨到 8 千万吨。1999 年,货物数量突涨到 9 千 5 百万吨,此后涨幅平缓。

1974 至 1978 年间,水路运输的货物数量保持在 4 千万吨。此后到 1982 年,货物数量快 速增长至近 6 千万吨。这个水平持续了十几年,但是在 20 世纪 90 年代货物数量锐减,1998 年减至 5 千万吨。2002 年又大幅上涨,达 6 千 5 百万吨。

1974 年,铁路运输的货物数量为 4 千万吨,之后逐步锐减至 1995 年的不到 3 千万吨。 截止到 1999 年,货物数量重新升至 4 千万吨,到 2002 年,货物数量平缓上涨。

1974 年,管道运输的货物数量为 5 百万吨。截止到 1981 年,货物数量翻了三番。十几 年间,货物数量平缓增长,但到 1995 年,货物数量上涨至 2 千万吨,此后无任何变化。

总体来讲,货物运输数量有所增长,特别是在 1999 年之后。



1. 注意参考范文中的过去时和过去完成时的使用。描述上图也可以使用一般现在时,但是切忌混用。

2. 作者用“by”一词,表示所给年份之前的一个时间段(例如 :by 1995“截止到 1995 年”)。

3. 注意“sharp”,“slight”,“big”和“great”等词语的使用,以说明相对变化的幅度。

在描述管道运输的货物数量时,作者没有总是引用数字——而是使用了倍数表达“By 1981, this had tripled”,这样给文章增加了一些变化。




1. 导致体重增加的两个主要原因清晰明了,与食物和运动有关。切忌在一些特殊的、只影 响少数人群的医疗条件方面花费太多时间。

2. 可描述多种解决办法。力求描述现实性的、适合大多数人的解决办法。描述时要具体, 换言之,切忌仅仅表达说政府应该做些什么。


这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两个或五个段落,三个或四个更好。 简单的格式是一段描述原因,然后列举两个或三个解决办法(各自成段)。有些作者会关注 反方观点、存在问题或解决办法。



两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文 1

Some countries are experiencing a situation where their citizens are becoming heavier and also less fit and healthy. The causes of this are clear, but there are many possible solutions. I shall look at the causes and a couple of possible solutions in this essay.

In almost all cases, the causes of increased weight are diet and/or lack of exercise. If a person eats more calories than they use, they gain weight. If they do not exercise enough, this weight gain will be fat and too much fat causes health problems. The solutions, therefore, are simple enough – convince people to consume fewer calories and/or exercise more.

This is easier said than done. Nowadays, more and more people have access to more and more food. Many people prefer food that is high in calories – perhaps because they think it tastes better or perhaps because it is faster or more convenient. One way of getting them to eat fewer calories might be to show them tastier dishes quickly prepared using lower calorie

Another solution is to get people to exercise more, so that eating more calories is less of a problem. This could be done by making keeping fit less costly and easier to participate in. Financing sports and exercise facilities could be costly, but there could be long term savings if people are healthier as a result. If neighbourhoods had sports and exercise facilities, people would be able to use them more often.

In conclusion, there are two main causes of weight increase and there are several possible solutions to this and to declining levels of health and fitness. (269 words)

一些国家存在着一种状况,市民变得越来越重,越来越不强壮,越来越不健康。虽然导致 这一状况的原因很显著,但是解决这个问题也有许多可行的解决办法。在这篇文章中,我会 谈到相关原因和一些可行的解决办法,

在几乎所有的事例中,导致体重增长的原因是饮食习惯或是缺乏运动。如果有人吸收的 卡路里超过支出,其体重就会增加。如果没有足量的运动,增加的重量就会转化为脂肪,而过 量的脂肪就会导致健康问题。因此,解决办法简单明了——说服人们减少摄入卡路里,多运动。

说起来容易做起来却难。现今,有更多的人能品尝到多种美食。很多人喜欢高卡路里的 食物——或许因为他们觉得其味道更好,或许因为其更快捷或更方便。一种使得他们吸收少 量卡路里的方法,大概要告诉他们较美味的食物是将低卡路里的食物速成得来的。

另外一种办法是让人们多运动,这样吸收较多的卡路里就不成问题了。通过降低健身费 用和广泛普及体育设施可以促使人们多运动。投资运动和健身设施可能会耗费财力,但是假 如其结果会使人们更健康,就会变成一种长期储备了。如果社区备有运动和健身设施,人们 就能更经常地使用了。

总的来说,导致体重增加有两个主要原因。为此,文中提出几个可行的解决办法,应对日 益减退的健康水平。


参考范文 2

In this essay, I shall look at why the average weight of people in some countries is increasing at the same time that their health and fitness is decreasing.

The reasons why people increase in weight are well known – higher calorie intake and less exercise. In turn, these factors cause people to become less fit and healthy. People may be eating more because they have more high-calorie food available. Less exercise may be due to the increased use of cars and less participation in sports and exercise activities. Whatever the reasons, many countries where the average weight of citizens is increasing are looking for solutions.

Some nutritionists have suggested that processed foods are particularly likely to cause people to gain weight. To encourage people to eat less of this kind of food, perhaps the government could increase tax on it. This should encourage people to eat cheaper, healthier alternatives. This kind of thing is already done in most countries with two other things that are considered unhealthy – tobacco and alcohol.

Another possibility is to have a campaign to get people to exercise more. It may be possible to use famous people and various forms of media to do this – the Internet, television, radio, billboards and flyers. The idea is that if people are given more information about healthy lifestyles, they will be more likely to take notice and follow the suggestions.

To summarise, the causes of this problem are clear. The possible solutions to declining levels of health and fitness are numerous and depend on decision-makers. (256 words)

在这篇文章中,我会谈到为什么一些国家的人均体重在上涨,而与此同时,他们的健康水 平在下降。

人们体重增加的原因众所周知——高卡路里的摄入和缺乏运动。反过来,这些因素导致 人们越来越不强壮、越来越不健康。人们食量大增是因为他们能品尝到更多高卡路里的食物。 缺乏运动则是因为汽车的普及和不进行运动和户外活动。不管原因如何,存在人均体重增加 情况的许多国家都在寻找解决办法。

一些营养学家建议加工食品很可能会导致人们体重增加。为督促人们少食用这种食物, 或许政府可以增加征税。这会督促人们选择更便宜,却更健康的替代品食用。大多数国家已 经这样施行了,另外还包括其他一些被认为不健康的东西——烟和酒在内。

另外一种方法是发起一场运动,号召人们多进行体育锻炼,这可以利用知名人士以及各 种形式的媒体——因特网、电视、广播、广告牌和传单等进行宣传。如果人们了解更多有关健 康生活方式的信息,他们就极有可能提起注意,照着建议去做。

总而言之,导致这种问题的原因显而易见。针对健康水平下降的可行措施不胜枚举,取 决于决策制定者如何选择。



1. 注意在第一篇作文介绍部分中现在进行时的使用,这表示的是一种现在正在进行的状态。 “becoming”一词体现的是一种变化。

2. 两篇作文都在正文第一段概括了体重增加以及健康水平下降的两个主要原因。注意“less” 和“more”的使用。基础较弱的考生可能会用词不当,对词汇拿捏得不够准确,表达成 “人们一点都不运动”或者“人们只吃高卡路里的食物”(两者在实际生活中都是不太可能的)。所以考生尽量不要用一些过于绝对的词。

3. 第一位作者使用了“This is easier said than done”。这句话短小精悍,表达了一个非常明 确的意思。

4. 注意两篇作文都运用了简单的对比性语言——lower, easier, healthier, cheaper, fewer, tastier, more convenient, less costly。

5. 在第一篇作文的正文第三段,我们看到作者对短期花费和长期受益进行了对比,这经常是找出社会问题的解决方法的关键所在。

6. 在第二篇作文中,与烟酒的比较说明了这种想法合情合理并能取得成功。选择恰当的对比物可能会很困难,但如果对照鲜明就会达到很好的效果。

7. 第二篇作文提出了一场媒体运动的建议,注意作者提到了一些具体广告方案。

