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Centricity? Cardiology AI 1000

Centricity? Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies

No. 2002377-032, Revision A

GE Medical Systems No. 2328130-100, Revision 0

Manufactured for GE Medical Systems Information Technologies by Camtronics Medical Systems, Ltd.

Copyright? 2001-02

Camtronics Ltd., a subsidiary of Analogic Corporation

900 Walnut Ridge Drive, Hartland, WI 53029 USA

Vendor Part No. 89999-0385, Revision A

All rights reserved. Printed in USA.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Camtronics Ltd. Medical Systems.

Centricity,CardioTree and Centricity Cardiology Data Management System are Trademarks of GE Medical Systems Information Technologies.

Microsoft?, Windows? and NT? are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

NetTool TM is a registered trademark of Fluke.

NIC Doctor TM is a registered trademark of 3Com.

pcAnywhere TM is a registered trademark of Symantec.

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

Table of Contents


Scope of this Manual..................................................................................................................1 - 1 Safety.........................................................................................................................................1 - 2 Safety Message Definitions........................................................................................................1 - 2 Responsibility of the Manufacturer.............................................................................................1 - 3 General Precautions...................................................................................................................1 - 3 Service Information.....................................................................................................................1 - 3 Equipment Usage Restrictions...................................................................................................1 - 3 Avoiding Loss of Patient Information and Image Data...............................................................1 - 4 Review Station Equipment Description......................................................................................1 - 5 Review Station Components................................................................................................1 - 5

CPU Cabinet Components...................................................................................................1 - 6

Serial Number Locations......................................................................................................1 - 7 Power Up....................................................................................................................................1 - 7 Power Down...............................................................................................................................1 - 8 Service Desktop Icons................................................................................................................1 - 9 Related Publications.................................................................................................................1 - 11 Specifications...........................................................................................................................1 - 12 Computer...........................................................................................................................1 - 12

Monitor (Power)..................................................................................................................1 - 13

Modem (Optional)..............................................................................................................1 - 13 Agency Approvals.....................................................................................................................1 - 14 Revision History Log.................................................................................................................1 - 14 Software Revision.....................................................................................................................1 - 14 Suggestions or Corrections......................................................................................................1 - 14


Installation Overview..................................................................................................................2 - 1 Installation Checklist...................................................................................................................2 - 2 Review Station Hardware Installation and Cabling.....................................................................2 - 4 CD Writer Installation Dell 530 Review Stations (optional)..................................................2 - 4

CD Writer Installation Dell 420 Review Stations (optional)..................................................2 - 7

Review Station Component Setup.....................................................................................2 - 11

Dual Monitor Installation (Optional)....................................................................................2 - 14 Modem Installation (optional)...................................................................................................2 - 16 Windows IP Address Configuration..........................................................................................2 - 17 Service User Logon............................................................................................................2 - 17

Service User Logon Without Starting Application..............................................................2 - 17

Configure Windows for Review Station IP Address...........................................................2 - 18 Assign Computer Name...........................................................................................................2 - 23 Add Software License...............................................................................................................2 - 24

2002377-032Revision A i

Table of Contents Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

Overview............................................................................................................................2 - 24

Prerequisites......................................................................................................................2 - 24

Software License Procedure..............................................................................................2 - 24

Software License Matrix.....................................................................................................2 - 26 Setting Review Station Preferences.........................................................................................2 - 29 Prerequisites......................................................................................................................2 - 29

Accessing Preferences......................................................................................................2 - 29

Setting Preferences............................................................................................................2 - 29

Display the Preference Settings Dialog Box......................................................................2 - 30

CD/DVD Authoring Tab......................................................................................................2 - 30

DICOM Network Tab..........................................................................................................2 - 32

DICOM Config Tab.............................................................................................................2 - 38

Event Logging Tab.............................................................................................................2 - 40

MO Drive Media Tab..........................................................................................................2 - 42

Auto Delete Tab.................................................................................................................2 - 44

Image Review Tab.............................................................................................................2 - 46

Black Mask Tab..................................................................................................................2 - 48

Institution Tab.....................................................................................................................2 - 50

Applications Tab.................................................................................................................2 - 51

CVIS Tab (optional)............................................................................................................2 - 52

Service Tab........................................................................................................................2 - 54 pcAnywhere? Setup................................................................................................................2 - 57 Custom Settings.......................................................................................................................2 - 59 Adding Users......................................................................................................................2 - 59

Adding Hospital Name to QVA and QCA Reports.............................................................2 - 59

Changing Coronary Artery Segment Names......................................................................2 - 59

Changing QVA Regression Coefficients............................................................................2 - 60

Disabling or Restoring Fast Lossless Decompression.......................................................2 - 61

Deleting Dual/Single Monitor Shortcuts.............................................................................2 - 62

Restoring Deleted Dual/Single Monitor Shortcuts..............................................................2 - 64

Screen Saver Configuration...............................................................................................2 - 67 Printer Installation Procedure (optional)...................................................................................2 - 68 Network Printer Installation................................................................................................2 - 69

Multiple Image Formats on Codonics 1660 Printer............................................................2 - 78

Configuring Printer as the Default......................................................................................2 - 79 Application Software Installation...............................................................................................2 - 79 Applicability........................................................................................................................2 - 79

Materials.............................................................................................................................2 - 79 Functional Check

Functional Check Overview........................................................................................................3 - 1 Application Boot...................................................................................................................3 - 1

Dual Monitor Operation........................................................................................................3 - 1

Study List Screen Operation................................................................................................3 - 1

Study Information Screen Operation....................................................................................3 - 2 ii Revision A2002377-032

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Table of Contents

Image Review Screen Operation (if option is available)......................................................3 - 3

Network Operation...............................................................................................................3 - 3

CD Writer Operation (if option is available)..........................................................................3 - 4

Cardiac Keypad Operation (if option is available)................................................................3 - 4

Analysis and Annotation Feature Operation........................................................................3 - 5

AVI Player Operation...........................................................................................................3 - 5

Floppy Disk Drive Operation................................................................................................3 - 6

Remote System Support (RSS) Operation..........................................................................3 - 6

Software Backup..................................................................................................................3 - 6 Adjustments

Adjustments Overview................................................................................................................4 - 1 Customize Enhancements..........................................................................................................4 - 1 Procedure.............................................................................................................................4 - 1 Monitor Calibration.....................................................................................................................4 - 2 Procedure.............................................................................................................................4 - 2

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance Overview.............................................................................................5 - 1 Inspection and Cleaning.............................................................................................................5 - 1 Precautions..........................................................................................................................5 - 1

Visual Inspection..................................................................................................................5 - 1

Exterior Cleaning..................................................................................................................5 - 1

Interior Cleaning...................................................................................................................5 - 2 Functional Check........................................................................................................................5 - 2


Overview.....................................................................................................................................6 - 1 General Troubleshooting Approach............................................................................................6 - 1 Main Troubleshooting Goal..................................................................................................6 - 1

Troubleshooting Methodology..............................................................................................6 - 1 Troubleshooting Flowcharts.......................................................................................................6 - 2 Troubleshooting Procedures....................................................................................................6 - 13 CD Writer Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................6 - 13 Cannot Create CD..............................................................................................................6 - 14

Ruling Out Possible Causes..............................................................................................6 - 15 Viewing Services......................................................................................................................6 - 16 Network Troubleshooting..........................................................................................................6 - 17 Network Diagnostic Tools..................................................................................................6 - 17

3Com NIC DoctorTM Diagnostics......................................................................................6 - 20

Physical, Network, and Application Layers........................................................................6 - 21 Troubleshoot Computer Chassis..............................................................................................6 - 24 Server Error Messages.............................................................................................................6 - 25

2002377-032Revision A iii

Table of Contents Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual


Repair and Replacement............................................................................................................7 - 1 Procedures.................................................................................................................................7 - 1 Mouse Replacement............................................................................................................7 - 1

Cardiac Keypad Replacement.............................................................................................7 - 1

Monitor Replacement...........................................................................................................7 - 1

Keyboard Replacement........................................................................................................7 - 2

Computer Chassis Replacement.........................................................................................7 - 2

CD Writer Replacement (Dell 530).......................................................................................7 - 3

CD Writer Replacement (Dell 420).......................................................................................7 - 6 Backup and Restore

Introduction.................................................................................................................................8 - 1 Importance of Software Backup.................................................................................................8 - 1 Backup D: Partition.....................................................................................................................8 - 2 Restore D: Partition....................................................................................................................8 - 2 Backup Configuration Data To Floppy........................................................................................8 - 3 Restore Configuration Data from Floppy....................................................................................8 - 3 Restore License File...................................................................................................................8 - 4 Prerequisites........................................................................................................................8 - 4

Procedure.............................................................................................................................8 - 4 Restore System from Ghost CD.................................................................................................8 - 5

Parts Breakout

Parts Breakout Overview............................................................................................................9 - 1 How to Order Parts.....................................................................................................................9 - 1 Centricity AI 1000 Spare Parts.............................................................................................9 - 3

Release 3 Dell 530 Review Station Spare Parts..................................................................9 - 5

Release 3 Dell 420 Review Station Spare Parts..................................................................9 - 7 iv Revision A2002377-032

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

1 - Introduction Scope of this Manual

This manual provides information for installing and maintaining the Centricity

Cardiology AI 1000.

Information provided by this manual is presented as follows:

Chapter 1 - Introduction, provides important safety precautions, equipment

usage restrictions, product description and identification information, related

publications, specifications and manual revision history.

Chapter 2 - Installation, provides an installation overview and checklist,

component installation and setup, Windows IP address configuration, Review

Station preference settings, custom settings, and printer installation.

Chapter 3 - Functional Check, provides a functional check overview and specific

procedures for verifying Review Station operation.

Chapter 4 - Adjustments, provides and adjustment overview, custom

enhancement settings and a monitor calibration procedure.

Chapter 5 - Preventive Maintenance, provides a preventive maintenance

overview including instructions for inspection and cleaning of the Review Station.

Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting, provides a troubleshooting overview,

troubleshooting flowcharts based on common symptoms, network troubleshooting

and computer chassis troubleshooting.

Chapter 7 - Repair, provides replacement procedures for hardware at the Field

Replaceable Unit (FRU) level.

Chapter 8 - Backup and Restore, provides procedures for partition backup and

restore, configuration backup and restore, and the software license procedure.

Chapter 9 - Parts Breakout, provides a Review Station replacement parts list for

the FRU level.

2002377-032Revision A 1 - 1

Safety Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual 1 - 2Revision A 2002377-032Safety

Observe the following safety precautions when servicing the Centricity AI 1000:

?Dangerous voltages are present in many system assemblies. The unit should

be used only in rooms that comply with recommendations concerning

electrical safety when used for medical purposes (as stated in NEC, Title 21

CFR and UL 2601-1).

?Never use the equipment in the presence of flammable anesthetics, gases or

vapors. Some disinfectants and cleaning agents vaporize to form explosive

mixtures and, if such agents are used, the vapor must be allowed to disperse

before the equipment is returned to use.

?Always disconnect the equipment from its electrical supply before cleaning or

disinfecting in the near vicinity of the equipment. For routine cleaning, wipe

the outside of the cabinet with a damp cloth. To disinfect, use a suitable

germicidal disinfectant. Do not spray the cabinet, as this could allow water or

other liquids to enter the equipment, causing short circuits or corrosion.

?Never spill any liquid on any of the components. In case of spillage, shut

down the system and contact your service representative.

?Read and follow all instructions contained in the product manuals.


Use the Review Station only in conjunction with equipment designated as

compatible by GE Medical Systems.The Review Station complies with the requirements of applicable EMC standards.

Electronics equipment exceeding the limits defined in such standards, such as

some cellular phones and other handheld equipment, may effect the operation of

the Review Station. Do not operate the Review Station in the presence of

equipment which emits strong radio frequency or magnetic fields. To reduce

exposing the equipment to electrostatic discharges, which under certain

conditions could effect the operation, do not touch the rear panel while the

equipment is operating.

The symbols marked on the equipment denote the following:

Consult accompanying documents. Give special consideration to Operator

manual and Service Manual information marked with this symbol.

Dangerous voltages are present within the cabinet. Never attempt to repair the

unit. Only trained service personnel may remove the cover, or obtain access to

the system components.

Safety Message Definitions

DANGER! - A Danger message indicates an imminently hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious personal injury.

WARNING! - A Warning message indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious personal injury.

CAUTION! - A Caution message indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate personal injury, loss of

data, or system failure.


- Notes provide additional user information.

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Responsibility of the Manufacturer 2002377-032Revision A 1 - 3Responsibility of the Manufacturer

GE Medical Systems is responsible for the effects of safety, reliability and

performance only if:


Assembly operations, extensions, readjustments, modifications, or repairs are carried out by persons authorized by GE Medical Systems.?

The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the requirements of the appropriate regulations.?The equipment is used in accordance with the instructions for use.

General Precautions


This device is intended for use under the direct supervision of a licensed health care practitioner.?

To ensure patient safety, use only parts and accessories manufactured or recommended by GE Medical Systems.?Contact GE Medical Systems for information before connecting any devices

to this equipment that are not recommended in this manual.

Service Information

Refer equipment servicing to GE Medical Systems' authorized service personnel

only. Any unauthorized attempt to repair equipment under warranty voids that


It is the user's responsibility to report the need for service to GE Medical Systems

or to one of their authorized agents. Failure on the part of the responsible

individual, hospital, or institution using this equipment to implement a satisfactory

maintenance schedule may cause undue equipment failure and possible health


Technical specifications describing the equipment are listed on page 1 - 12 of this


Regular maintenance, irrespective of usage, is essential to ensure that this

product will always be functional when required. In the event that service is

needed for the equipment, contact GE Medical Systems X-Ray Service.

Equipment Usage Restrictions

CAUTION!If your Review Station uses a color monitor display, the

brightness and contrast capabilities of the monitor may not be

sufficient to perform diagnosis from the displayed images.

CAUTION!Do not tamper with the Windows Explorer or File Manager, as the

Review Station application program may be damaged or deleted!

Avoiding Loss of Patient Information and Image Data Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

1 - 4Revision A 2002377-032CAUTION!Do not operate the equipment within six feet of the patient. The

Review Station does not exhibit the low electrical leakage

current required in the patient vicinity. The Review Station does

not comply with safety standards for patient-vicinity medical


CAUTION!Verify CPU and monitor line voltage switches are configured to

the appropriate voltage.

CAUTION!Never disconnect or connect the mouse, keyboard, or Dynamic

Review Control with the CPU turned on.

CAUTION!Abruptly turning off the CPU without following proper power-

down procedures may corrupt files or the file structure.

CAUTION!Do not load any third-party software onto the hard drive as it

may corrupt the Review Station system software!

CAUTION!This product complies with applicable EMC standards.

Electronic equipment exceeding the limits defined in such

standards, such as some cellular phones, and other hand-held

equipment, may affect the operation of this product. Do not

operate this product in the presence of equipment that emits

strong radio frequency or magnetic fields. To reduce exposing

the equipment to electrostatic discharges, which under certain

conditions could affect the operation, do not touch the rear

panel while the equipment is operating.

Avoiding Loss of Patient Information and Image Data

WARNING!DO NOT delete patient information or image data from the

acquisition system or Review Station local storage until it is

saved on approved archival media. Deleted patient information

and image data cannot be recovered. Refer to “Saving Patient

Studies on an Archive CD ” in Centricity Cardiology AI 1000

Operator Manual No. 2328128-100.

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Review Station Equipment Description Review Station Equipment Description

The Centricity AI 1000 provides patient study image access from many DICOM

sources including but not limited to the following GE Medical Systems products:

GEMnet ARM, Image Vault, DLX, or Gateway, DL and RADStore.

Standard review station features include: DICOM photo, sequence or exam level

push, DICOM image import from CD, DICOM query, DICOM send, multiple exam

storage on local hard disk, image annotation, network printing capability, single

frame copy to Windows clipboard, save single image as DICOM photo or bitmap

(bmp) file, AVI file creation from study loops, multiple study review, auditing, local

study list filtering, Quantitative Coronary Analysis (QCA), and Quantitative Left

Ventricle Analysis (QVA).

Optional Review Station features include: CD writer and a CD authoring package,

an XA package, a cardiology package, a radiology package, an Auto Forwarding

package, DICOM downscan, multiple monitors, the Cardiac Keypad for dynamic

image control and DICOM printing.

Review Station Components

The Review Station components are identified in Figure 1 - 1.

Figure 1 - 1 Review Station Components

Reference Descriptions for Figure 1 - 1

1DVI to VGA adapter (used only with DMS option)


3CPU Cabinet

4Cardiac Keypad (optional)



2002377-032Revision A 1 - 5

Review Station Equipment Description Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual CPU Cabinet Components

Component locations for the Dell 530 and Dell 420 CPU cabinets are provided in

Figure 1 - 2 and Figure 1 - 3, respectively.

Figure 1 - 2 CPU Cabinet Components (Dell 530)

1 - 6Revision A2002377-032

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Power Up Serial Number Locations

Figure 1 - 4 shows the placement of the Serial Number label on the rear of the

computer cabinet for the available Review Station configurations. A duplicate

Serial Number label is located on the bottom of the chassis.

To view the Preferences Settings “Service” tab, you must be logged onto the

Review Station with the service user ID. Refer to Chapter 2 - Installation.

Figure 1 - 4 Serial Number Location

Power Up

Follow these steps to power up and log onto the Review Station.

1.Press the power switch on the front of the Review Station CPU Cabinet so

that the power indicator light is illuminated.

2.Press the power switch on the monitor so that the power indicator light on the

front of the monitor is illuminated (the ON position).

The monitor power switch is usually located on the front of the monitor,

although some monitors have a back panel switch.

3.Log onto the Review Station with the appropriate user ID.

4.When the system successfully starts, the Study List screen appears.

NOTE:The system takes a few minutes to power up. DO NOT press any of the

keys on the keyboard unless prompted or until the Study List screen is


2002377-032Revision A 1 - 7

Power Down Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual 1 - 8Revision A 2002377-032Power Down

The Review Station automatically performs disk maintenance at night so it is

recommended that the Review Station remain powered up. However, the Review

Station should be powered-down prior to Hospital emergency power testing or

servicing. Perform the following steps to power-down the Review Station.

1.Click File > Exit or click the window close symbol located at the upper-right

corner of the window. The prompt shown in Figure 1 - 5 appears.

Figure 1 - 5 Shut Down Prompt

2.Click [OK]. If you decide not to exit at this time, click [Cancel] to return to the




If auto-logoff is enabled (on the Preferences / Service tab), you will be logged off when you click [OK].?

It is preferred, but not necessary, to close all windows. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete at any time will initiate the power-down sequence.?Logging out or closing applications will not stop the DICOM services. The

Review Station will continue to receive and autoforward data.

3.Click Start > Shut Down . The prompt shown in Figure 1-6 appears.

Figure 1-6 Shut Down Windows

4.Select Shut down from the drop-down list and click [OK].

5.When the shut down sequence is completed, the Review Station will shut off



Press the power switch on the monitor.

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Service Desktop Icons 2002377-032Revision A 1 - 9Service Desktop Icons

The following table provides descriptions of Service desktop icons that are not

default Windows icons.

Service Desktop Icons

Icon Description

Acrobat Reader 4.0 - Double-click to launch the Acrobat Portable Document

Format (pdf) reader.

AI1000 - Dual Monitor Review - Double-click to select dual monitor operation

(available only with dual monitor option).

AI1000 - Single Monitor Review - Double-click to select single monitor operation.

Avi - Double-click to open the default save directory for Avi files.

Bitmaps - Double-click to open the default save directory for bitmap files.

CDWrite - Double-click to launch the CD/DVD authoring application.

Backup Config Data - Double-click to launch the configuration backup utility.

Backup Partition - Double-click to launch the user partition backup utility.

Service Desktop Icons Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

1 - 10Revision A 2002377-032


- Double-click to launch the Configuration License utility.Edit Hosts - Double-click to launch the SyncSystem dialog.

Enable GE Screen Saver - Double-click to select the GE screen saver.

Enable Logoff Screen Saver -Double-click to select the logoff screen saver.

Enable Mystify Screen Saver - Double-click to select the Mystify screen saver.

Eventvwr.exe - Double-click to launch the Event Viewer.

Group Policy Editor - Double-click to launch the Group Policy Editor

(requires administrator logon).

Restore Config Data - Double-click to launch the configuration restore utility.

Restore Partition - Double-click to launch the user partition restore utility.

Symantec pcAnywhere - Double-click to launch the pcAnywhere Manager.

Icon Description

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Related Publications Related Publications

This Service Manual may make reference to the following documentation. Make

sure these documents are available at the site. The part numbers listed below

were the most current part numbers in effect at the time this document was

released. To insure you have received the most current documentation, contact

your service representative for the current part number before ordering same.

?Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Operator Manual

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies No. 2002377-031,

GE Medical Systems No. 2328128-100.

?Centricity Cardiology Data Management System - Clinical Operator’s Manual

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies No. 2009076-047

?Centricity Cardiology Data Management System - System Management


GE Medical Systems Information Technologies No. 2009076-048

?Centricity Cardiology Data Management System - Structured Reporting

Operator Manual

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies No. 2009076-049

?Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 with Centricity Cardiology Data Management

Option Instruction Supplement

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies No. 2009076-086

?File Update Instructions for Centricity Cardiology AI 1000\DMS Workstations

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies No. 2009076-346

?Monitor setup instructions (included with monitor).

For additional Centricity Cardiology IMS or GEMnet documentation, refer to the

GE Medical Systems Information Technologies intranet reference website. For

access to online Documentation, click:

Then select GEMnet Docs (PDF) under Documentation to access the latest

Centricity Cardiology IMS or GEMnet documentation.

NOTE:This site is available for authorized GE Medical Systems service person-

nel only. If you need a document number, contact your service represen-


2002377-032Revision A 1 - 11

Specifications Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Specifications


Performance (AI 1000 Review Stations)

?Microsoft? Windows? 2000 Professional

?Dual Intel? 1.5 GHz Pentium IV Xeon?


?Internal system HD, IDE (10GB or better)

?Dual 36 GB (or better) image HD, ultra-wide SCSI

?48 X speed IDE CD-ROM or better

?12 X speed SCSI CD-R or better (optional)

? 3.5” floppy drive

?Integrated 100 Mbps Network Interface card

?56 k Voice/Data/Fax Modem (optional)

Performance (Release 3 Review Stations)

Dell Model 530 Workstation - Original Hardware Specifications

?Single Intel? 1.5 GHz Pentium IV Xeon? (CRS-PC+), Dual Intel? 1.5 GHz Pentium IV Xeon? (DDS)

?256 MB RIMM (CRS-PC+), 512 MB RIMM (DDS)

?Internal system HD, IDE (10GB)

?Dual internal 18 GB image HD, ultra-wide SCSI (CRS-PC+), dual 36 GB image HD, ultra-wide SCSI (DDS)

?48 X speed IDE CD-ROM

?12 X speed SCSI CD-R (optional)

? 3.5” floppy drive

?Integrated 100 Mbps Network Interface card

?56 k Voice/Data/Fax Modem (optional)

Dell Model 420 Workstation - Original Hardware Specifications

?Intel? 1 GHz Pentium III?(CRS-PC+), dual Intel? 1 GHz Pentium III? (DDS)

?256 MB RIMM (CRS-PC+), 512 MB RIMM (DDS)

?Internal system HD, IDE (10GB)

?Dual internal 18 GB image HD, ultra-wide SCSI (CRS-PC+), dual 36 GB image HD, ultra-wide SCSI (DDS)

?48 X speed IDE CD-ROM

1 - 12Revision A2002377-032

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual Specifications

?12 X speed SCSI CD-R (optional)

? 3.5” floppy drive

?Integrated 100 Mbps Network Interface card

?56 k Voice/Data/Fax Modem (optional)

Power (Dell Model 530)

90-135 Vac @ 60 Hz, 180-265 Vac, @ 50 Hz, 460 Watts.

Power (Dell Model 420)

90-135 Vac @ 60 Hz, 180-265 Vac, @ 50 Hz, 410 Watts.


?Operating Temperature: 10-35 degrees C

?Operating Relative Humidity: 20-80 % (non-condensing)

?Operating Maximum Vibration: 0.25 G @ 3 to 2000 Hz @ 1 octave/min

?Operating Maximum Shock: bottom half-sine pulse with a velocity of 50.8


?Operating Altitude Range: -16-3048 m

Monitor (Power)

?17” Color Monitor: < 120 Watts.

?17” Monochrome Monitor: 150 Watts.

?18” Color Flat Panel Monitor: 48 Watts.

?21” Monochrome Monitor: 150 Watts.

Modem (Optional)

NOTE:One modem per network is recommended for networks without an Image



?Client to Server: K56flex speeds when accessing an ISP type

?Data Rates: K56flex server

?Client to Client: 33,600, 31,200, 28,800, 26,400, 24,000, 21,600

?Data Rates: 19,200, 16,800, 14,400, 12,000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200,


?Data Format: Serial, binary, asynchronous

?Weight: 224 g


?100-130 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 5 Watts

?230 V, 50 Hz (international)

2002377-032Revision A 1 - 13

Agency Approvals Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual


?Operating Temperature: 0-50 degrees C

?Operating Humidity: 20-90% (non-condensing)

Agency Approvals

The product will comply with the following:

?UL 1950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment

?CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment

?EN60950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment

?Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

?93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive)

The product will be Listed by a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL),

certified by a Canadian authorized test laboratory, and certified by an authorized

EU Notified/Competent Body.

Revision History Log

NOTE:The date in the following table refers to the approximate date of comple-

tion of the writing of this document by Technical Information Services and

does not reflect the actual effectivity date or actual document release


Table 1 - 1 Revision Log

Rev Date Description of Changes(s)

A12/01/02First release.

Software Revision

This manual reflects software revision 4.x.

Suggestions or Corrections

If you have any suggestions for improving this manual or its content or should find

errors please copy the affected page or pages and mail or FAX to the service


1 - 14Revision A2002377-032

Centricity Cardiology AI 1000 Service Manual

2 - Installation Installation Overview

This Chapter provides installation procedures for the Direct Digital Review

Station. The Chapter is divided into the following sections:

?Installation Checklist on page 2 - 2, provides a checklist of the tasks

required to install the Review Station.

?Review Station Hardware Installation and Cabling on page 2 - 4, provides

procedures to install the optional CD Writer and perform Review Station

component setup.

?Dual Monitor Installation (Optional) on page 2 - 14, provides configuration

information for the dual monitor option.

?Modem Installation (optional) on page 2 - 16, provides procedures to install

the optional modem.

?Windows IP Address Configuration on page 2 - 17, provides procedures to

set the Review Station Internet Protocol address.

?Assign Computer Name on page 2 - 23, provides a procedure to assign a

unique network name for the Review Station.

?Add Software License on page 2 - 24, provides a software license matrix

and procedures to add software licensed options to the Review Station.

?Setting Review Station Preferences on page 2 - 29, provides procedures to

set the Review Station configuration parameters.

?pcAnywhere? Setup on page 2 - 57, provides procedures to verify or

change the factory settings for the pcAnywhere application to work with a

modem or through a network.

?Custom Settings on page 2 - 59, provides procedures to customize specific

features of the Review Station configuration. Refer to Custom Settings on

page 2 - 59 for a complete listing.

?Printer Installation Procedure (optional) on page 2 - 68, provides

procedures to install the optional printer.

Additional information for Installation related tasks are provided in

Chapters 3 and 8.

?Functional Check on page 3 - 1, provides procedures to verify that the

Review Station is fully operational.

?Backup D: Partition on page 8 - 2, provides a procedure for backing up the

software installed on the D: partition.


For countries using system IDs to identify equipment, each AI 1000 must be

labeled with the unique system ID. A unique system ID was created at the time

of order for each AI 1000 system to ensure proper installation and warranty

funding and tracking.

2002377-032Revision A 2 - 1

