Book5 Unit 1 Getting along with others

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Unit 1 Getting along with others

一、单元要点 【主要词汇与短语】

betray, primary, academic, stupid, overlook, cheerful, admit, deliberately, keep one?s word, forgive, in trouble, dilemma, brilliant, focus, absent-minded, as a result, afterwards, mean, guilty, cruel, stand, awkward, outgoing, apologize, unlikely, blame, doubt, behaviour, in public, unfair, stubborn, ruin, delay, persuade, amusement, take care, discourage, absurd, trying, anxious, suffer, practical, free, get through, puzzle, absorb, in the world, consistent, respond, hesitate, one another, regardless 【交际用语】 1、描述朋友和友谊

We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship. 2、描述感受和感情

I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. I was so upset that I felt like crying.

He is usually really cheerful and outgoing, but he has been really quiet and looks sad. 二、难点解析

1、I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other.

我感觉被我的朋友汉娜出卖了。我们俩从小学开始就是最要好的朋友,几乎每天相伴。 since在这里是介词,表示从一个过去的时间延续至今。

Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since World War Ⅱ. 该国的失业率现在处于第二次世界大战以来的最低水平。 另外,since也可作副词。如:

She left her hometown five years ago. We have not seen her since then. 她五年前离开了家乡,从那以后我们就没再见到她。 since还可作连词,引导时间状语从句或原因状语从句。如:

It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain village. 他们到达这个小山村才三天时间。

Since you are so busy, perhaps we should ask someone else. 既然你这么忙,或许我们应该问问别人。

2、Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very academic and like to study, but we like it that way.


fun是不可数名词,在此意为“快乐、乐趣”。 The journey home was great fun. 回家的旅程非常有趣。

It is no fun working inside when the weather is so nice. 天气晴爽的时候在室内工作没有乐趣。 Why don?t you come with us? It?ll be good fun. 为什么不和我们一起来呢?那样会很有趣。

另外fun还可以用在一些固定短语里面,如:have fun, just for fun or make fun of。 The children are having so much fun. I do not want to call them inside. 孩子们正玩的开心呢,我不想叫他们进来。 We drove all the way to the beach, just for fun. 我们径直开车到海边就是为了玩。

People make fun of her because she wears such strange clothes. 人们取笑她因为她穿了件如此怪异的衣服。

3、I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark.


“must have+过去分词”结构表示对过去的肯定推测。如: Jack?s new car must have cost around $20,000.

杰克的新车肯定是花费了大约两万美元。 He must have slept in. I?ll go and wake him up. 他一定是已经睡着了,我去把他叫醒。 That?s impossible. You must have misheard. 那不可能。你一定是听错了。

He lost the game again. He must have been disappointed. 他又一次输了比赛,他一定很沮丧。

saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark 在句中做状语,表前后两个动作或行为在同一时间相继发生。如: He opened the door, greeting his guests. 他打开门迎接客人。

She sat down, listening carefully to what he had to say. 她坐了下来,认真听他讲话。

Thousands of people were at the airport, cheering for the visiting president. 数以千计的人聚集在机场为来访的总统鼓掌。

4、Afterwards, I went out to the playground. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.

后来,我去了操场。我决心要让自己开心一点,但汉娜还是感觉到哪儿有些不对劲。 (1)短语be determined to do something意思是“下决心做某事”或“决定做某事”。如: He was determined to find a job in a computer company. 他下决心要在一家电脑公司找一份工作。 He was quite determined to teach them a lesson. 他下决心要去给他们上一堂课。

He was determined not to be the first to say it. 他决定自己不能第一个说。

My mother is determined that I should go to university. 我妈妈坚决认为我应该去上大学。

determined还可以作形容词在句中充当定语,意思是“坚定的”。如: Mr. Robert is a determined campaigner for animal rights. 罗伯特先生是一位坚定的动物权益保护活动者。 (2)句中的sense是个动词,意为“感觉到、意识到”。 The horse sensed danger and stopped. 马意识到了危险停了下来。

When I entered the kitchen, I immediately sensed there was something wrong. 当我进到厨房的时候,我立即就感觉到有什么不对劲。 As soon as he saw her, he sensed that something had happened. 他一看到她就意识到发生了什么。

更多的时候sense都是作为名词来使用的,如: He does not seem to have any sense of humor. 他一点幽默感都没有。

He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest. 他很明智,退出了竞选。

What?s the sense of arguing with him? 同他争论有什么用处呢?

One day he will come to his senses and see what a fool he has been. 总有一天他会明白过来并且知道自己曾经是多么地愚蠢。 This article does not make sense to me. 这篇文章我看不懂。

5、I was so upset that I felt like crying. 我当时觉得太难过了甚至都想哭出来。

句中的短语 feel like意为“想要……,想做……”。后面通常跟名词或动名词形式。如: I felt like another glass of milk. 我想再要一杯牛奶。

He didn?t feel like going to work. 他不想去上班。

I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him. 我气得甚至想拿东西砸他。

6、How they must have laughed behind my back! 他们在我背后想必是笑得合不拢嘴了!

这是一个感叹句型,感叹句可直接用\+陈述句!”来表达。如: How I regret wasting the weekend watching TV! 我真后悔把整个周末浪费在看电视上。

7、I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we weren’t going to be friends any more because she couldn’t keep her word.


straight 在此做状语,意为“立即、直接”。如: Go straight home and tell your mother the good news. 直接回家告诉你妈这个好消息。 We can meet straight after lunch. 我们可以午饭后直接见面。

短语keep one?s word意为“信守诺言”。如:

You must keep your word when you promise the children something. 当你给孩子许下诺言的时候你就要信守诺言。 He always keeps his word. 他向来都很守信。

I cannot trust him any more because he did not keep his word. 我再也不相信他了因为他没信守诺言。

8、He said it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as me and that I shouldn’t yell at him.

One day Jack's wife was cleaning out a closet. “Look at all these umbrellas(伞), ”she said to him.

“There are eight and they are all breaking.” 1.__________ “I'll take them all to the umbrella shop and have

them repair,”Jack said.“They are too good to throw away.” 2.__________ That evening Jack went to home from the office by bus. 3.__________ He was seat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella 4.__________ on the floor near her. When the bus reached Jack's stop,

he picked up his umbrella and stood up. “Hey!”the woman 5.___________ said. “That's my umbrella.”“I'm sorry,”Jack said, gave it to 6.___________ her.“I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me.”Next day he 7.___________ collected the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got

on the bus. As he sat down a voice behind him saying, 8.__________ “You have had a successful day.”He turned round and saw the 9.___________ woman which umbrella he had almost taken the day before. 10.__________ 参考答案 单项填空

1.D【解析】如果不看本题的提问部分,所给的四个选项全对。但本题的答语部分所给的是一个省略句。根据题意,我们将答语部分补充完全,则答语应为:This bookshop has been in business ____ 1982.这样,我们可以看出本题省略了句子的主语和谓语部分,只保留了一个状语。它考查的是一个典型的现在完成时的基本结构。在现在完成时态中,我们常用since表示动作发生时间。故本题的答案应为D。

2.C【解析】main意为“主要的,最重要的”。如:the main line of a railway 铁道的干线;major意为“较大的,较重要的,主要的”。chief除了作“主要的,最重要的”讲外, 还可以作“级别最高的(职位最高的)”讲。故C正确。primary意为“第一的,基本的;主要的;在时间、次序或发展上领先的”。答案为C。

3.C【解析】本题考查现在分词做状语的用法。用现在分词做状语时,如果分词表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,要用现在分词完成式。因此,B,D 项是错误的。A项虽是完成式,但因是主动语态的形式,其逻辑主语与句中主语 chicken 出现不一致情况。 4.B【解析】该题的考查目标为动名词的否定式在句中做介词宾语的用法。意思是:“我必须为没让你提前知道此事而向你道歉。”


6.C【解析】这是一个复合词。主句he asked me后面接if引导的宾语从句(if that…in the film)。这个宾语从句中包含一个关系代词which引导的定语从句“which we had seen in the film”,修饰先行词the type of plant。句首的-ing短语(Pointing to the young plant)作方式状语,表示伴随动作。

7.D【解析】现在分词作伴随状语,其前常用逗号,而不用任何关联词。若将句中的逗号改为 and,则D为该题的正确选项。

8.A【解析】分词与谓语表示的动作同时发生,应用分词一般式的否定式,选A。 9.A【解析】tell 这个动词后面常接动词不定式作宾语。由于不定式的内容在前面已经出现,故本题只保留动词不定式符号to,而将后面的 ride his bicycle in the street 省略。故选A。 10.C【解析】根据题意我们可以看出,在空格后面省略了come yesterday。故选C。be going to 结构用于过去式时,常表示过去没有实现的计划或打算。 阅读理解 B C A D C 短文改错


3.去的掉to或在home前面加his→seated 5.his→her 6.gave→giving 7.Next→The next 8.saying→said 9.√ 10.which→whose

