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1. 损坏 damage destroy spoil ruin harm injure ① “damage”: (in dictionary) 价值,用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部损坏,损坏了还可以修复。

A.部分损坏,可以修复的;B.天灾,“雨,火,台风”等非人为的,天意的损坏,“大雾,干旱使??” The heavy rain damaged many houses, but the government help to rebuild them.

② destroy: 彻底毁坏以至不能修复的。A.完全,彻底地损害;B.故意的,人为的 The two guys destroyed the bridge. ④

Being denied by his boss destroyed his confidence and his hope for promotion. B.小孩宠坏:They spoil their children. 心情变坏

harm: 对??有害,不利,有损(与“对??有利”反义) (反过来想) Reading in the sun will ~ your eyes

③ spoil: A.食物变质:The food has spoiled(go bad).

⑤ ruin: 多用于借喻中,是一种抽象的“变坏”,如堕落,没落,破产;破坏体形,计划,希望。 I’d rather skip the dessert not to ruin my figure ~ the hope, the plan, the life?? 选择: The water has damaged the good sand you must dry them. That town was destroyed totally in a big fire. It’s advisable not to take spoilt food.

Too much meat will _______ your health.

Don’t talk like that. It will _______ your reputation.






2. 死

① die 动词:die from死于外因,车祸,天灾,大火?? die of 死于内因(病)

die from traffic accidents, a big fire / flood / storm / wreak ~ of heart diseases, cancer,?? ② death 名词 ③ ④

deathly 死一般的,死气沉沉的;有死亡气息的,和“死亡气息”沾边的,(副,形容词) 寂静,气氛,眼神,脸色等沾边 dying: 重死的,快要死的,(救护车,医生等) They are sending for a doctor for the dying man. 棺材,埋葬,坟墓有关

They are sending for a coffin for the dead man. ⑤ dead: 已死亡了的,与“coffin”等有关系

△ deadline 最后期限

⑥ deadly 非常的,??地要死的/致命,“very very?” “extremely”

很很?? 极其地 A. Your are deadly right about the result of the last game. B. deadly plan, deadly poison, deadly attack? 计划 毒药 一击 选择: The old man _______ of stroke.

The _______ lion was buried in that forest.

Please send for an ambulance for the _______ man. She is deadly beautiful.

The village is in deathly silence after the war. 3. 生活

live living lively alive life (vivid)

① life: A.可数,生命 The fire cost six lives B.生活,(不可数) in real life, life is beautiful… in your daily life, in our life…

② alive 活着的,不可以做定语,只做表语。He is still alive/remains alive

③ living: A.有生命机能,有生命现象的。living fish, tree,…plant B.起居的,生活的 ~ room, ~ expense, ~ standard

We have 2 living rooms & 4 bed room.

live coal 燃烧着的煤 live vision 活生生的视觉效果,栩栩如生,逼真 live bomb 有爆炸炮弹 live wire有电的电线 a live mumble 可使用;号码 (有工作状态的)

④ live: 新鲜,鲜活的,活生生的,live fish 活生生的鱼,新鲜的鱼(可能已死了)

△ 现场直播的 ~ show

⑤ lively 可爱的,活泼的 ~ kids

选择: The couple _______ a happy life in the rest of life. There is no living thing in the moon as we know. The spy was caught alive though he died the next day. The telephone number is still _______ after so many years.

We will find English an useful tool in real life. You can watch the live football match this evening.



4. 声称,宣称,很大地说 declare announce state

① start 陈述,阐明,比较详细清楚地说明内容,观点,(有分析的意思在里面) Please ~ your name, age & occupation on the form.

② claim A.声称,隐含有经过验证,有一面之辞的意思(right or worng) He claim that his English is very good.

B.索赔,认领(对所有权的宣称),说??是自己的 Did you ___~___ on the insurance after your house fire? I claimed the coat that the teacher found. ③ announce非常强调让公众知道,偏重于第一次让公众知道,有曝料,满足公众好奇心的意味 ~ the singer’s marriage ④


declare 很庄严,更强调慎重,正式的场合,清楚有力的公开 宣战,宣布成立,宣告和平,开幕??(很庄重,正式) I ~ the opening ceremony of 28th Olympics begin. We win ~ war against the Taiwanese government if ~.

选择: He has stated his stand and obviously he is against me.

I must claim my property on the insurance.

Chairman Mao declairea the foundation of PRC.

The agent announced the list of the singers who got the prize.





5. 赢,打败defeat

A球队打败B球队 (beat)

① conquer A.征服,赢得一方对另一方具有支配权,说了算,有征服的意思 Some countries may be defeated but can never be conquer.

B.克服 get over 而跟困难,但如果疾病不用conquer

② win 赢过某人(战胜某人)win over sb. 不能win sb(另外一种意思)赢得某人理解 win the match, win the first prize, win over sb

③ defeat 打败,赢过,但被打败者不一定服输,尤其是指军事之间的胜利 ④ beat 则表示“彻底打败”,而且被打败者完全服输,尤其指游戏比赛的胜利,比较口语化,很小。 We beat them only by 3 points this time.

⑤ overcome 指克服,痊愈,常指战胜疾病,困难,感情困扰。 △ It’s wrong for man to conquer nature, which can only be cooperated.

Can you win over him in the next contest.

At last our enemy was defeated and our matherland was safe again. Team A beated team B yesterday.

We are sure to hug success if we can over come our shortcomings.






① show A.带别人四处看看。~ sb about s.p 带有展示性,如生活秀,舞台秀等 B.做一遍让别人看,以便让别人跟着学 Don’t worry I’ll show you how to use this machine. ② guide A.是带路,领路,强调避免走弯里或遇到危险 (向导) B.原则,必读 tourist guide the how-to-use-computer guide

③ conduce 在表示“指导”“引导”时含明显的主从关系,被引导者必须服从,不服从不可以。 conductor(乐队指挥;列车员,售票员)

6. 指引

④ direct往往强调指出大的方向,给予指示,安排,但指挥者本身往往不参与行动,是指挥,指导之意。 ⑤ lead 有领导者走在前面,身先士卒,而被领导者控制在自己权威之下,井然有序。

练习: ① Let me show you’re my beautiful room.

② Our party is leading us to build our motherland into a strong and powerful country. ③ At the top of the bank, my guide paused and look beak at me.

④ The policeman eventually had his hands tied up and conducted him to a shelter. 7. 区域 district region area zone field territory

① territory疆域,领土,属地,(属于??的领地),封地→国家的领土 ② district行政区域,长宁区,普陀区,闸北区;但浦东新区很大故为“Pudong New Area” ③ zone 有明显划分的细长区域,很长很细的(雷区,时区),范围很明显的,边界很明显的, 有固定搭配 time ~, bomb ~, 年龄段boy zone, business zone商业区, English ~说英语地带 ④ Area A.强调面积的地方,摊开看面积,从大小看,国家的大小 B.某个领域,学术领域(field) ⑤ field A =area 领域 B 田野

⑥ region 与政治,宗教有关的地方区域(科学,动植物,地理,大气)等一个特定的区 the up region 天堂 the doun region 少数民族居住区,自治区

练习: The forest covers an area of 50.000m2. There are 24 zones in this world.

There are many students from other districts in the same key school. This region is ruled by itself. He is famous scientist in his area/field. We’ll often find the male lion wander in his territory to ensure his dominant position. divide separate isolate 老师把班级分成4组,(divide)

8. 分

① divide 把一个整体均分成几份,分配平均

② ③

divide sth among sb/divide sth into divide the apple by half

isolate A.孤立起来,有目的地分离 B.隔离,不能让其接触,使??不传播,感染 separate 很在意地,分割,强调不在一起,使之不相连,是自然地割开,地理上, 物理上的分开房间,陆地之间的分割。 They have gone to separate plao.

△ Our class is divided into 6 groups.

The channel separated English and Europe.

We have isolation clinics during the special period of SARS. 9. economy economic economics economical

① economy n. 经济,?经济(市场~) domestic~ 家政 feudal~ 封建~ ② ③

~class 经济色

developing ~ & ensuring supplies 发展经济,保障供给 economics 经济学 mathematics physics… agricultural~ 农业~ applied~ 实用~ economic 与经济或经济现象有关的 Nowadays most movies are made for ~ reasons not for art She is in a bad ~ state

Going by train is more ~ than going by plane. A small car is more ~ than a large one.


④ economical 节省的,合算的

10. 停止,结束 end stop quit pause break ① quit “放弃”, 中途放弃,give up (一种消极的态度)

quit school 中途辍学

② stop: A. 一件事情非自然或突然中止,突然性地停止,动作性很强。 B. 打断(sb),阻止(sb) ③ end: 自然而然的结束,渐渐地结束, 后面已经没有了 雨慢慢停了,电影、故事等的结局

④ pause 停顿,一段时间的暂停(目的是再开始)录音机等的pause ⑤ break 当中的为了休整的停,如两课之间的规律间隔,非正式 轻松一下 have a break give me a break

上下班之间的短时间的休息,rest 多为长时间

⑥ delay 在某时开始的延后,耽搁(非情愿的,不愿意的) (put off, postpone 往往被动的)

△ Don’t stop. Go on and on till you reach your target. He replied to my letter with no delay.

There’s a 10-minute-long break between the two periods. He paused for a while and then went on to work. envious


envy 嫉妒 envious: 不做定语 吃醋 jealous 好的羡慕:envy (希望自己也有) jealous 嫉妒,(希望对方没有)

11. envy

△ He is envious of his friend’s success.

She was so jealous that she wouldn’t let her husband dance with anyone else.


12. 故事 fable fiction story tale legend story: 最平常的故事,讲故事,明间故事,真实故事

tale: 一般情况下等同 story 但注意① fairy tale 童话故事 ② This is an old tale. 走掉分的故事

fable: 寓言故事,(借用小动物会说话的,有深刻寓意的) Aesop’s fable fiction: 虚幻的,假想的小说,多见科幻小说,虚构小说 science fiction

legend: 传奇故事,(有可能是真的,传说中的可能存在的玛祖庙) myth: 神话,(不是真的,如女娲补天,玉皇大帝等等) △ ① Are you interested in the Greek myth?

② Children like Aesop’s fable very much. ③ The stories about King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table are Legend, not history. ④ This is a book of fairy tale. 13. 错: fault mistake error blunder shortcoming ① blunder: 非常严重的错,犯错人不能承担得起的,(后果极其严重)

② mistake: 由不理解或偶然,误会,失手(粗心,马虎)引起的错误 make a mistake 所以考试中的错用mistake

mistake A for B 把A错当成B mistake Jim for his brother mistake A with B 把A与B 混清

③ fault: A. 有一定后果,这是一个过失(有责任的,需要出错人负责的) B. (地理)断层 ④

It’s your fault. 打烂窗户→fault error: A. 根据或文字上的错,需要纠正的 (普版) B: (古文件)圣经To err/ ??/is human, and to forgive is God. There fore if you are playing forgiveness, you are playing God.

⑤ Shortcoming: 缺点,短处 ? 优点 merit

△ ① There is an error in your calculation, you should correct it.

② It’s all your fault to tell her the bad news which made her so upset. ③ There’s lots of mistakes on his test paper. ④ Being straight is sometimes, a kind of shortcoming but not always.

⑤ It’s your blunder to withdraw the half way, we could have gained 3 million in this business. fearful terrible fearful afraid frightened frightening frightful timid horrible terrible 人:

timid: 一直害怕,(性格上)胆怯,害怕,慎微,优柔寡断 afraid: 习惯上的害怕,恐怕 afraid of dog, water frightened: 突发性的受惊 fearful: 担心害怕一个结果 物:

frightening: 使某一个具体对象 frightful: 让大家都害怕

horrible: 比terrible 更加恐怖,阴森的。如看恐怖片很horrible

terrible: 另一个意思有“非常,极其”糟糕 14. flame fame foam form farm

frame fume

① flame 火焰,火舌:candle~, in flames = on fire, burning ② fame: 名声,声誉 ③ foam: 泡沫 foam-flecked waves 满是泡沫的浪花 ④ farm: 农场 frame: 柱,拉架 a picture~ 相框 ⑤ fame: (v) 发怒,略表不快 He was fumed at the delay.

Fumes: 难闻的气味

15. get across: 被理解(令其听懂接受)The message got across at last.

? ~around: get away with 逃避,回避 you can’t let a child get away with lying


~by: 度日,过活 We can’t get by on my salary alone. 前进,进展的怎么样: ~on with sth

~along well with sb How’s the work getting on/along? get out of: 改掉不习惯,摆脱责任=get rid of sth, do away with △ get out of the bad habit ~over 克服,战胜(困难疾病),病愈 get over an illness病愈 ~in: 收割 get in a good harvest

~through: ① (电话)接通:I tried to telephone you but I can’t~ ~. ② 使人理解:His father has been trying to get through to him. get together: 聚会,相聚 get up: 起床 ~off: 动身,出发

get together for a drink

get to 到达 set off

get over a difficulty

16. go by:

(时光)逝去,经过(某处) passer-by As time goes by… Two years went by. A car goes by.

~down: ① 下降,(价格,水平等)降低

The value of the dollar has gone down. 美元又贬低了 ~for it: ~in for: ~off:

② sink, 下沉,沉没:3 ships went down in the storm. 加油

参加比赛等,报名参加 to go in for a competition ① 爆炸:The bomb might go off

② 中断,熄灭:The heating goes off at night. 暖元夜间行也开放 ~out: ① 外出,出门 ② (火,灯)熄灭 The fire has gone out ~on: 继续

~over: 复习,温习 If they don’t understand it the first time, go over it again until they do. go through: ① 遭受;经历;忍受 ② (彻底,更加仔细地)检查 I admire the way she’s still so cheerful after all. She has gone through.






最广义的获得,得到 (get sth done)

(不讲) get

earn: 挣得,付出之后获得一定的回报,earn a living I in come

acquire: 慢慢地通过学习或积累,获得一定能力等等

obtain与gain 都有通过努力,但 gain 付出努力要比 obtain 大,而且 gain 还有赢得, 最可赢得支持,尊敬,信心等等,有win 之意。 17. 帽子 hat cap hood (语感)

cap: hat: hood: owner: master: host:

带鸭舌帽檐的帽子(棒球帽) 带一圈圆边帽檐的帽子(日本的旅游帽,英国的绅士礼帽,女士的带圆边帽子) 斗篷式帽子(连衣帽) host



有所有权的主人,强调拥有的所有权,the ~ of dog, house…

① 有支配权,决定权,掌握权的人,新中国的主人 ~ of new country ② 硕士

招待客人,地主之谊的主人,主办方,提供一定服务 host city for the 11th Expo

18. 主人

19. 相像: imaginary imaginable imagination imaginative imagine 动词 imagination 名词 image 形象

imaginable: 能够被想象出的,可以想象的,It’s imaginable 这可以想象的 ? unimaginable

It’s unimaginable that she was late.


imaginative: 富于想象力的 The child is ~ imaginary: 虚构的,幻想出来的 The story / film is ~

20. 受伤 injure wound hurt harm break ① harm: 不是受伤,是损害,对?不利(与有意相反) ② hurt: A. 唯一可以做不及物动词,It hurts

B. 不及物时,有疼痛感

C. 感情或精神上的伤害。 It hurts my feeling.

I will never hurt you.

③ injure: 机械性受伤;运动中的摔伤,扭伤;不是切的,割的那种伤 ④ wound: 伤口明显,专指刀伤,枪伤,割伤,尤其是战争中受伤的]

救死扶伤 save the dying and help the wounded 统计死伤人数时→战争,天灾中

⑤ break: 骨折,injure 不一定的 break. be ill ≠ be in bed △ ① The soldier was badly wounded in the head.

② Of course I didn’t want to hurt his feeling. ③ He was injured in a traffic accident.-

