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Please answer, fill the blanks in, or make choice of the following questions:

1.Direct (three-party) guarantees (ICC Publication No.510)

Demand guarantees as defined by the URDG involve a minimum of three parties: the principal, typically the party to the underlying contract (seller, supplier, contractor) whose performance is required to be covered by the guarantee and who give instructions for its issue, the guarantor i.e. the bank or other party issuing the guarantee on behalf of its customer, and the beneficiary, the other party to the underlying contract (buyer, employer), in whose favor the guarantee is issued.

Usually the guarantor in the three-party structure is the principal’s bank and carries on business in the same country as the principal, whilst the beneficiary carries on business in a foreign country. Such three-party guarantees are known as direct guarantees because the guarantee is issued directly by the principal’s bank, not by a local bank in the beneficiary’s country.

2.Indirect (four-party) guarantees (ICC Publication No.510)

Where the beneficiary requires the guarantee to be issued by a bank in his own country and the principal does not bank with such a bank, the principal asks his bank to arrange for the issue of the guarantee by the local bank. Instructions are then given by the principal’s bank (which in this situation is designated by the URDG as “the instructing party”) to a bank in the beneficiary’s country to issue the guarantee against a counter-guarantee (or counter-indemnity) by the instructing party, who in turn is entitled to an indemnity from its customer, the principal.

3.The tender (or bid) guarantee (ICC Publication No.510)

Where tenders are invited it is often a condition of consideration of the tender that the tenderer undertakes to sign the contract if it is awarded to him, to procure the issue of any performance or other guarantee required by the guarantee and not to modify or withdraw his tender in the meantime. The purpose of the under guarantee, given for a specified percentage of the project value, is to safeguard the beneficiary (the party inviting the tenders) against breach of such an undertaking.

If the tenderer is successful and fails to sign the contract and to furnish any requisite 1

performance or other guarantee, or withdraws his tender before its expiry, the beneficiary can call upon the guarantor to pay a specified sum designed to compensate him for the trouble and expense he suffered in re-awarding the contract as well as any additional cost of that contract.

4.Please fill with the following items into a blank Guarantee Form to issue a Tender Guarantee (1)China National Technical Import Corp., (2) Er Li Gou, Xi Jiao, Beijing, China

(3)6 Aug., 200X (4)NO. BDF-1837

(5)Bid NO.TCB848005/848008 (6) microscopes, photographic equipment and projectors

(6)ABC Company Dortmund

(7)same as (4) (8) same as (5)

(9)International Tendering Company of China National Technical Import corp., Beijing, China

(10)B ank of Asia, Beijing (11) DEM48,000.00

(12)D eutsche Marks forty eight thousand only (13) 6 Aug., 200X

(14)o ne hundred and fifty (150) calendar days thereafter (15) 3 Jan., 200X

(16)B ank of Asia, Beijing

(17)D eutsche Bank AG., Dortmund, F.R.G. (Your counter guarantee No.19-18992)

(next page)


5.The performance guarantee (ICC Publication No.510)

Used in its narrow sense (the phrase “performance guarantee” is also used to cover a single guarantee covering all phases), the performance guarantee is the guarantee of the central performance of the contract from commencement to completion. The performance guarantee is given for a specified percentage of the contract sum. But there are stages in the relationship between the 3

parties which both precede and follow the central performance, and there may be distinct segments of liability to be covered within that performance, as indicated below.

6.Please fill with the following items into a blank Guarantee Form to issue a Performance Guarantee

(1)China National Technical Imp. Corp., Beijing (2) 19 Oct., 200X (3) No. BDF-2404 (4) No. 530589 (5) ABC Company, Dortmund (6) same as (4)

(7) microscopes, photographic equipment and projectors (8) Bank of Asia, Beijing

(9)DEM360,000.00 (10) 15% percent (11) 19 April, 200X (12) Bank of Asia, Beijing

(13) Deutsche Bank AG. Dortmund F.R.G. (Your counter-guarantee No.19-21627)

(next page)


7.The advance payment (or repayment) guarantee (ICC Publication No.510)

The underlying contract may entitle the principal to payment of stated sums in advance of performance. The advance payment (or repayment) guarantee is designed to secure beneficiary’s right to repayment of the advance if the performance to which it relates is not furnished.


8.Please fill with the following items into blank Guarantee Form to issue an Advance Payment (or Repayment) Guarantee

(1)China National Technical Import Corp., Beijing, China

(2)Dortmund, 29 Oct., 200x (3) 315/51040 (4) No. 530589 (5) ABC Company, Dortmund (6)DEM2,400,000.00 (7) Deutsche Marks two million four hundred thousand only

(8)10% (9) DEM240,000.00 (10) Deutsche Marks two hundred and forty thousand only (11)D EM240,000.00 (12) Deutsche Bank AG. Dortmund




1、银行保函涉及的基本当事人有( )。



保函的基础是委托人的( )。


3、就银行保函保证人承担的付款责任而言,银行付款的责任是( )。

A. 第一性的B.第二性的C.不负责任D.特殊情况的

4、银行保函属于( )。

A. 商业信用B.国家信用 C. 银行信用D.保险信贷

5、就备用信用证的开证银行承担的付款责任而言,银行付款的责任是( )。

A.第一性的B.第二性的 C.不负责任D.特殊情况的


1、银行保函除三个基本当事人,可能还有( )。

A.通知行B.议付行 C.偿付行D.保兑行

2、申请人在提交保函申请书的同时,还应提供( )等,

A.合同副本B.反担保文件 C.信用证正本D.保函格式

3、申请人向银行申请开立保函时,可根据自己的用途不同,申请开立( )之中的—种保函。

A.直接保函B.履约保函 C.付款保函D.投标保函

4、备用信用证经常使用的付款规定的类型有( )。

A. 共同签署型B.即期付款型C.远期付款型D.声明加证实型

5、备用信用证与银行保函即有区别又有一致的方面包括( )。

A.两者都是银行的承诺B.第一性付款责任 C.遵循的规则不同D.付款的担保形式不同

6、There are three parties in the Bank letter of guarantee namely:

(1)(principal)or(applicant), (2)(guarantor bank), (3)(beneficiary)。
















