新外研版九年级英语上册Module 4unit1 导学案(有答案)

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九年级英语上册Module 4导学案

Unit 1

【课前朗读】platform, meeting,miss,shut,lock,simple,anybody, wake sb. up, clock, ring, passage,address,text,text message,couple,a couple of。 【学习目标】

知识与技能:能够正确运用can/can’t, make/be sure谈论假设情境,会使用although, but,

so?that, So am I. 等句式。

过程与方法:通过自主互助学习的方法,借助听结合话题解决问题。 情感态度价值观:让学生展开想象,愿意去哪儿旅行,并通过什么方式。 【学习重点难点】

能够使用can/can’t,make/be sure谈论假设情境。 能够使用although,but,so?that引导的状语从句。 【学习过程】 Step 1 导入新课

让学生谈论都乘过哪些交通工具,最喜欢乘坐什么,最不喜欢乘坐什么,并说出原因,从而导入新课,父母乘什么工具去哪儿,你自己在家的感受。 Step 2 听力处理

1. Listen for the first time and answer questions.(Activity 2)

2. Listen for the second time and complete the sentences.(Activity 3) Step 3 对话处理

1. Listen for the first time and finish the sentences(Activity 4) 2. Listen again and check the answers. Step 4 听后说

1. Work in groups 分角色朗读对话 2. Choose the correct answer in activity 5. Step 5 释难解惑

1. Read the dialogue, find out the difficulties and focus, then discuss with groups and solve the difficulties.(小组自主互助学习) 2. 对小组内不能解决的问题,教师适时点拨。 Step 6 知识点拨

1. So am I, but I can’t miss two weeks of school. “So am I!”是“我也是”的意思。 ①英语中在表示“某人/物和??一样”时(表肯定),常用“so+情态动词/助动词/系动词+另一个主语”,常翻译为“??也??”或“??也是”,主语不是同一人或物。 如:She has lunch at home, so do I. Tom is a student, so is Lingling. ②表示“某人/物一样不??”时(表否定),常用“neither/nor+情态动词/助动词/系动词+另一个主语” ,常翻译为“??也不??”或“??也不”,主语不是同一人或物。

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如:Sally can’t play the violin, neither/nor can I.

They haven’t been to Beijing, neither/nor has Tom.

③“so+主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词”则表示“??确实是这样”,主语是同一个人或物。如:--Tom was late this morning. ---So he was.

2. advise用法:动词: advise sb.(not)to do sth. advise doing sth. 名词为不可数,advice a piece of advice 如:(1)I advise you not to go out at night.

(2)The doctor advises washing hands before dinner.

(3)He gave me some pieces of advice on learning English. 3. Your train is about to leave. “be about to do sth 就要做某事 4. a couple of “几个,两个” Step 7 学以致用


1.He hurried to have a (会议).

2. She was ill,so she (未出席)two days of school last week.

3.You should (关闭)the door and (锁住)it when you go out . 4.All the (乘客)will go immediately from Platform 2. 5.I haven’t given you our new (地址)in our new city. 6.Don’t (叫醒)the baby up. He is just asleep. 7.When I got to the school, the bell was (响起). 二、用适当形式填空。

1. He was so late that he (miss)the early train.

2.Don’t tell the story to (somebody)! It’s a secret between us. 3.I could look after (I) when I was young. 4. It tells us a moved story of two (couple). 三、翻译短语

1.从??离开 2.小心对待 3. 照顾,照料 4.确保,确信 5.叫醒某人 6.对??来说容易 7.即将,将要 8.两个

四、美文背诵,汉译英(同学们,下面的句子你们都记住了吗?相信你们能做好!) 1.它将从2号站台离开(leave).

_________________________________________________________________________ 2.尤其要小心门(be careful with).

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我能照顾我自己,尽管这对我来说不容易(look after)

_________________________________________________________________________ 4. .我的闹钟响声很大,它会把我叫醒的(so??that).


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