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Guidance MEDDEVs
The guidelines aim at promoting a common approach by manufacturers and Notified Bodies involved in the conformity assessment procedures according to the relevant annexes of the Directives, and by the Competent Authorities charged with safeguarding Public Health.
They have been carefully drafted through a process of consultation with various interested parties during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were taken up in the documents. Therefore, they reflect positions taken in particular by representatives ofCompetent Authorities and Commission Services, Notified Bodies, industry and other interested parties in the medical devices sector.
The guidelines are not legally binding. It is recognised that under given circumstances, for example, as a result of scientific developments, an alternative approach may be possible or appropriate to comply with the legal requirements.
Due to the participation of the aforementioned interested parties and of experts from Competent Authorities, it is anticipated that the guidelines will be followed within the Member States and, therefore, ensure uniform application of relevant Directive provisions. Guidelines are subject of a regular updating process.
Disclaimer : Please note that the amendments introduced by Directive 2007/47/EC or previous amending directives have not yet been incorporated in all MEDDEVs. The necessary revision is under way.
Scope, field of application, definition
MEDDEV 2.1/1(19 KB) Definitions of \\April 1994
MEDDEV 2.1/2 rev.2(14 KB) Field of application of directive \medical devices\April 1994
MEDDEV 2.1/2.1(12 KB) Field of
application of directive \medical devices\February 1998
MEDDEV 2.1/3 rev.3(182
KB) Borderline products, drug-delivery products and medical devices
incorporating,as integral part, an ancillary medicinal substance or an ancillary human blood derivative December 2009
MEDDEV 2.1/4(21 KB) Interface with other directives - Medical
devices/directive89/336/EEC relating to electromagnetic compatibility and directive 89/686/EEC relating to personal protective equipment March 1994
For the relation between the MDD and directive 89/686/EEC concerning personal protective
equipment, please see the Commission services interpretative document of 21 August 2009(32 KB)
MEDDEV 2.1/5(10 KB) Medical devices with a measuring function June 1998
MEDDEV 2.1/6(323 KB) Qualification and Classification of stand alone software January 2012
Essential requirements
MEDDEV 2.2/1 rev.1February 1998 MEDDEV 2.2/3 rev.3June 1998
(16 KB) EMC requirements
(17 KB)\
MEDDEV 2.2/4(39 KB) Conformity assessment of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) products
January 2012
MEDDEV 2.4/1 rev.9(654 KB) Classification of medical devices June 2010
Classification of MD 2.5
Conformity assessment procedure
General rules
Quality assurance.
Regulatory auditing of quality systems of medical device manufacturers
(See document in the GHTF-Global Harmonization Task Force) MEDDEV 2.5/3 rev.2related June 1998
MEDDEV 2.5/5 rev.3February 1998
(9 KB) Subcontracting quality systems
(7 KB) Translation procedure
MEDDEV 2.5/6 rev.1(10 KB) Homogenous batches (verification of manufacturers' products) February 1998
Conformity assessment for particular groups of products MEDDEV 2.5/7 rev.1implants July 1998
(93 KB) Conformity assessment of breast
Evaluation of medical devices incorporating products of animal origin. (See MEDDEV 2.11/1 rev.2(82 KB))
MEDDEV 2.5/9 rev.1(97 KB) Evaluation of medical devices incorporating products containing natural rubber latex February 2004 MEDDEV 2.5/10 Representatives January 2012
(78 KB) Guideline for Authorised
investigation, clinical evaluation
MEDDEV 2.7/1 rev.3(378 KB) Clinical evaluation: Guide for manufacturers and notified bodies December 2009
Appendix 1: Clinical evaluation on coronary stents(101 KB) December 2008
MEDDEV 2.7/2(37 KB) Guide for Competent Authorities in making an assessment of clinical investigation notification December 2008 MEDDEV 2.7/3
(166 KB) Clinical investigations: serious
adverse event reporting - SAE reporting formDecember 2010
(87 KB)
MEDDEV 2.7/4(180 KB) Guidelines on Clinical
investigations: a guide for manufacturers and notified bodies December 2010
MEDDEV 2.10/2 rev.1(105 KB) Designation and monitoring of Notified Bodies within the framework of EC Directives on Medical devices
Annex 1(120 KB), Annex 2(14 KB), Annex 3(17 KB), Annex 4(26 KB) April 2001
MEDDEV 2.12/1 rev.8(745 KB) Medical Devices Vigilance System
January 2013 Manufacturer Incident Report(971 KB) How to use the MIR(13 KB)
Field Safety Corrective Action(2 MB) Trend Report(151 KB)
Periodic Summary Report(192 KB) MIR and FSCA xml files (2 MB) List of contact points
2.10 Notified bodies
2.12 Market surveillance
MEDDEV 2.12/2 rev.2 Follow-up studies January 2012
(221 KB) Post Market Clinical
Transitional period
MEDDEV 2.13 rev.1(13 KB) Commission communication on the application of transitional provision of Directive 93/42/EEC relating to medical devices (OJ 98/C 242/05) August 1998
As regards the transitional regime of Directive 2007/47/EC see the Interpretative Document of the Commission's services of 5 June 2009(36 KB)
MEDDEV 2.14/1 rev.2(75 KB) Borderline and Classification issues. A guide for manufacturers and notified bodies January 2012 MEDDEV 2.14/2 rev.1February 2004
(64 KB) Research Use Only products
2.14 IVD
MEDDEV 2.14/3 rev.1(80 KB) Supply of Instructions For Use (IFU) and other information for In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD)Medical Devices
January 2007
Form for the registration of manufacturers and devices In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
Directive, Article 10(213 KB) January 2007
MEDDEV 2.14/4(115 KB) CE marking of blood based in vitro diagnostic medical devices for vCJD based on detection of abnormal PrP January 2012
MEDDEV 2.15 rev.3(33 KB) Committees/Working Groups contributing to the implementation of the Medical Device Directives
December 2008
2.15 Other guidances
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