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2013级英语本科班《高级英语I ( 1)》练习1

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words or phrases. 1. Every means _____ tried but without much result. A. has been B. have been C. are D. is 2. You are supposed to _____ in your composition yesterday.

A. hand B. be handing C. have handed D. handing

3. The teacher warned that anyone who was caught _____ during the test would be punished.

A. being cheated B. cheating C. to cheat D. to be cheating

4. He showed great interest in my field of work. He asked me _____ the fresh developments.

A. to keep him informing B. to be kept informed of C. to keep him informed D. to keep him informed of 5. It is necessary that an efficient worker _____ his work on time.

A. accomplishes B. has accomplished C. can accomplish D. accomplish 6. To my surprise, at yesterday’s meeting he again brought _____ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.

A. about B. out C. back D. up

7. It was _____ he heard of the victory of the Chinese team.

A. Stephen that B. by Stephen that C. from Stephen that D. with Stephen that 8. It is _____ of you to let us know it.

A. considerable B. considering C. considerate D. considered

9. Barbara _____in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A. resisted B. insisted C. persisted D. assisted 10. How can you _____ your goal without any effort?

A. maintain B. contain C. sustain D. attain 11. Fresh air and good food are of much _____ to our health. A. benefit B. advantage C. profit D. interest

12. When a child makes a mistake, we should show him the correct way _____ punish


A. would rather B. otherwise C. rather than D. more than 13. I remember ____ valuable time daydreaming all day long.

A. to spend B. I spending C. spending D. to have been spending 14. The old man was found ____ in his bed, sound asleep. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. lain

15. A man is being questioned in relation to the ____ murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted

16. When Sally finished her university course, she gained a Bachelor of Arts _____. A. diploma B. degree C. title D. certificate 17. That woman is the only _____ of the air crash.

A. survival B. survive C. surviving D. survivor

18. _____ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of


I. Put in prepositions to complete the passage.

Scientists have tried to account ____________ global warming for several years, and find a solution ____________ this very serious problem that concerns all of us. They generally blame industrialised (工业化的) nations ____________ the major impact of their policies ____________ the ever-increasing temperature of the earth. The reasons ___________ warming lie mostly ____________ coal-burning factories and in motorised (机动化的) means of transport, which add carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) ____________ the earth’s atmosphere and trap the sun’s heat inside it. Industrialised nations often do not care at all ____________ the worldwide consequences of their actions, and are only concerned ____________ their own interests.

II. Fill in the blanks with a V-ing form or an infinitive with to.

Katie was an excellent colleague in the office. She always avoided ______________ mistakes and enjoyed ______________ her job quietly and conscientiously (认真地). She tried ______________ her colleagues in every possible way and often delayed ______________ them difficult work until they had settled in. When walking round the office, she would usually stop ______________ to her colleagues to try ______________ them feel at home. It was Katie who suggested ______________ regular weekly lunches for all members of staff. Suddenly, however, she decided ______________ her job. She stopped ______________ to colleagues. Some of her colleagues were determined to find out why Katie refused ______________ in her job. They wanted ______________ so many questions that it was difficult for them to decide where to begin. Eventually, they discovered that the boss had asked her to marry him and that she was too shy to tell anyone the good news.

III. Correct the wrong uses of V-ing and V-ed forms in the text. Some of them are used correctly.

My boss is very interesting in food. He not only enjoys a good meal, but he is also a dedicated cook with a special liking for seafood. So I decided to invite him and his wife for a special dinner at my favourite restaurant. Their speciality is barbecued squid (鱿鱼).

It is not so often one gets a chance to engage in some private chatting with a friendly boss, and I was really looked forward to a satisfied meal and some entertained conversation. I also hoped that he would be impressed by my good taste.

To my dismay, it turned out that the meal was absolutely disgusted: the squid must have been several days old, the seasonings were tasteless, and the service was shocking.

My hapless(倒霉的)guests tried to look pleased, but I could see how disappointing they were. This was one of the most embarrassed experiences in my life.


Complete the sentences below with proper conjunctions.

1. Ray failed his exams, ______________ he had studied very hard.

2. I need to meet today’s deadline, ______________ I have to stay up all night.

3. Enthusiastic _____________ Janet was, her suggestions were met with indifference at the meeting.

4. They like to cause trouble ______________ they are.

5. David talks to his pets ______________ they were human beings. 6. Mary left home early _____________ she could avoid the rush hour. 7. Some people drink beer ______________ it were water.

8. He was in ______________ a hurry ______________ he forgot to bring his textbook.

9. Tiring ______________ it may be, I work out every day. 10. ______________ I forget, please remind me about it.

11. _______________ they bought their new car, our neighbours started showing it off around the block.

12. ______________ you are here, you may as well give me a hand. 13. ______________ peeled, apples turn brown very fast.

14. _______________ frozen, defrost the meat in the microwave. 15. He has changed a lot ______________ he came here.

16. We think this is quite serious, ______________ it can affect our livelihoods(生计).

17. It’s better to solve problems as soon as they arise than to delay ______________ they grow out of proportion.

18. ______________ I will be teaching a large class, I’ll need a microphone. 19. ______________ a fire breaks out, don’t use the lifts. 20. I work hard, ______________ she does nothing.

21. Local governments can’t do much about keeping cities clean, ______________ all citizens cooperate.

22. Look ______________ you leap.(三思而后行) 23. He gave good practical advice ______________ asked.

24. We must strike ______________ the iron is hot.(趁热打铁)

25. ______________ had we got out ______________ it began to snow. 26. ______________ he spoke I recognized his voice.

27. ______________ you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do? 28. I will agree to go ______________ that my expenses are paid.

29. ______________ we go ______________ not, the result is the same. 30. ______________ long you argue you will never convince her. 31. Have a care what you say ______________ you may regret it. 32. It rained; ______________ the game was called off(取消).

33. When in Rome, do ______________ the Romans do.(入乡随俗) 34. Go straight on ____________ you’ll see a church.

35. I am sure she’ll say yes, but I should ask her permission first ______________.


Put in the missing words for the blanks.


Can you imagine l______________ to the age of 100? G______________ this old is a reality, not a dream, o______________ the Japanese island of Okinawa. The island boasts(以有…而自豪)the world’s h______________ ratio(比率)of people over 100 years old among its population. There are two reasons why Okinawans keep l_______________ much longer than the rest of us.

First, they eat h______________ food. The traditional Okinawan d______________ is heavy in rice, fish and vegetables. Okinawans do not eat red meat, eggs and dairy p______________ such as milk and cheese. These are staple foods(主食)that many people can’t r______________ including in their diets. Okinawans also eat small portion(一份食物)at each meal and avoid e_____________ snacks between meals.

Second, they avoid s______________. Okinawans e_______________ taking part in life’s pleasures, l_______________ a relaxing walk on the beach, or a quiet evening a______________ family and friends.


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to c______________ about the notebook computer I bought from your firm. I have to write, as your phones are always e______________. I have tried ringing at least ten times, but the line has never been f______________.

Last week, I tried to do my work report on the notebook. After about two hours of work, the low battery warning signal a______________ on the screen. Then, w_______________ further warning, the whole notebook went dead within a minute. This m______________ that two hours of hard work went wasted, and this has now h______________ to me three times.

I am sure you appreciate(意识到)my a______________(烦恼)and f_____________(失望)due to a faulty notebook. I look forward to receiving a r____________(调换)for it, or a r______________(退款)as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully, Andrew Green


Information on the Internet is read by people all over the world. A very large q_____________ of information is available, but the Internet is not used by people just to get information. Many people like to go shopping o_____________, for example. The variety of online options is very a______________( 吸引人的). Holidays are c______________ by some people. Cars are p______________ by other people. Whatever their choices, the speed of Internet t______________(交易)is enjoyed by all online customers.

In addition, the Internet is used to s______________ and r______________ emails. E______________ is also provided by the World Wide Web. Popular films on the Internet, for example, are w______________ every week by millions of people.


1. Were you ______ in the heavy shower yesterday? A. met B. caught C. centered D. arrested

2. They ______ that they are unable to attend the reception on 18th September. A. regret B. sympathize C. beg D. apologize 3. These leather shoes are all made ______.

A. at hand B. in hand C. on hand D. by hand

4. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ____ be so rude to a lady. A. might B. need C. should D. would

5. The ____ at the football match became silent when their team lost. A. spectators B. groups C. observers D. customers

6. In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to ____ despite the shortage of food and fuel.

A. keep B. survive C. endure D. maintain

7. Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical ______. A. facilities B. equipment C. appliances D. instruments

8. Regardless ______ the consequences, he jumped into the river to save the child. A. about B. from C. for D. of

9. Before the invention of refrigerator, the ______ of fish and meat was a problem. A. treatment B. maintenance C. protection D. preservation

10. Mrs. Liang first ______the proposal that men and women should receive equal

pay for equal work.

A. put up B. put out C. put forward D. put on 11. It’s high ______ you stopped smoking all those cigarettes. A. reason B. sense C. opportunity D. time

12. Can you make all the necessary ______ for the conference next month?

A. operations B. arrangements C. statements D. qualifications 13. A ship called the Titanic ______ after hitting an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. A. drowned B. sank C. overflowed D. fell

14. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ____ I disagree. A. why B. where C. what D. how

15. After spending large sums of money redecorating their house, the Browns found

themselves ______.

A. in common B. in debt C. in time D. in public 16. I would estimate that this diamond ring is ______ about $5000. A. valued B. worth C. precious D. priced

17. There is no ______ in applying for that job as you are not properly qualified. A. reason B. point C. result D. chance

18. He is very ______ of his conduct and promises never to behave like that again. A. sorry B. miserable C. ashamed D. guilty 19. A new Minister for Agriculture has been ____.

A. determined B. appointed C. admitted D. assumed


1. I don’t think those curtains ______ very well with the wallpaper. A. suit B. go C. fit D. match

2. Newspapers vary greatly in their ______ to the government. A. opinion B. attitude C. bias D. comment 3. The postman at last ______ the parcel we had been waiting for.

A. delivered B. mailed C. transported D. posted

4. The ______ depth of the canal is about 10 meters but they are going to make it deeper.

A. average B. general C. typical D. standard

5. The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person ______ answers the questions.

A. to be interviewed B. interviewing C. being interviewed D. interviewed 6. I’d ______ you didn’t touch that, if you don’t mind. A. rather B. better C. happier D. further

7. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all ______.

A. accounts B. conditions C. payments D. costs

8. The British people pride themselves ______ their centuries-old tradition. A. in B. of C. at D. on

9. I’m angry and I want a chance to speak my ______ to the director. A. brain B. mind C. heart D. thought 10. What is your attitude ______ his criticism?

A. against B. for C. toward D. in

11. The tourists were ______ by the beautiful scenery at the West Lake. A. charged B. fascinated C. cheated D. chilled 12. On close inspection, we found the signature not ______. A. realistic B. accurate C. exact D. genuine 13. We look forward to ______ to the opening ceremony.

A. invite B. be invited C. having been invited D. being invited

14. Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ____ the shocking


A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off 15. I haven’t got a pen here, but a pencil will ____ the purpose. A. do for B. work C. serve for D. serve 16. Don’t ______ that you can succeed without hard work. A. afford B. predict C. fancy D. gather

17. Without air, the earth ______ extreme changes in temperature.

A. undergoes B. would undergo C. will undergo D. has undergone 18. Either you or Mary ______ the responsibility of the accident. A. is to take B. are to take C. is taking D. are taking 19. His inability to speak French puts him at a ______.

A. risk B. disadvantage C. benefit D. failure


1. I don’t think those curtains ______ very well with the wallpaper. A. suit B. go C. fit D. match

2. Newspapers vary greatly in their ______ to the government. A. opinion B. attitude C. bias D. comment 3. The postman at last ______ the parcel we had been waiting for.

A. delivered B. mailed C. transported D. posted

4. The ______ depth of the canal is about 10 meters but they are going to make it deeper.

A. average B. general C. typical D. standard

5. The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person ______ answers the questions.

A. to be interviewed B. interviewing C. being interviewed D. interviewed 6. I’d ______ you didn’t touch that, if you don’t mind. A. rather B. better C. happier D. further

7. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all ______.

A. accounts B. conditions C. payments D. costs

8. The British people pride themselves ______ their centuries-old tradition. A. in B. of C. at D. on

9. I’m angry and I want a chance to speak my ______ to the director. A. brain B. mind C. heart D. thought 10. What is your attitude ______ his criticism?

A. against B. for C. toward D. in

11. The tourists were ______ by the beautiful scenery at the West Lake. A. charged B. fascinated C. cheated D. chilled 12. On close inspection, we found the signature not ______. A. realistic B. accurate C. exact D. genuine 13. We look forward to ______ to the opening ceremony.

A. invite B. be invited C. having been invited D. being invited

14. Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ____ the shocking


A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off 15. I haven’t got a pen here, but a pencil will ____ the purpose. A. do for B. work C. serve for D. serve 16. Don’t ______ that you can succeed without hard work. A. afford B. predict C. fancy D. gather

17. Without air, the earth ______ extreme changes in temperature.

A. undergoes B. would undergo C. will undergo D. has undergone 18. Either you or Mary ______ the responsibility of the accident. A. is to take B. are to take C. is taking D. are taking 19. His inability to speak French puts him at a ______.

A. risk B. disadvantage C. benefit D. failure

