教师版:2011高中英语分项突破训练·完形填空精析精练专题10 说明文

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学科网2011高考英语完形填空精析精练 说明文完形填空解题指导与训练10

【考点定位】 2011考纲解读和近几年考点分布




1. 内容的客观性。


2. 篇章的条理性。


3. 语言的朴实性。


【考点pk】 名师考点透析 解题技巧

要保证答题的速度和效率,可采用下列解题技巧: 1. 根据上下文的词语暗示来选择。

找到上下文的相关信息,特别是有暗示性的词语,就容易找到正确的选项了。 2. 根据上下文的行文逻辑来选择。


3. 根据文化背景和生活常识来选择。

有时,先前所积累的文化背景知识和生活常识有利于正确解答完形填空题。 4. 紧扣上下文,巧用排除法。



【精选试题】 精析精练


When your kids were six or seven, you sent them to school. Did you ever wonder what goes through a teacher's 36 as he or she tries to teach your kids? Did you ever wonder what the teacher 37 from you, the parents?

Parents can be 38 or suspicious. They can be of great help to the teacher 39 be in need of help themselves. Some teachers think parents are too 40 on their children. Here is 41 one teacher puts it.

\ 42 of parents coming in and 43 me how much they care about the kids' education and how they really 44 their kids. They tell me they stand and 45 them closely when they do their homework. Sometimes they 46 offer help with the kids' lessons as if they were teachers. They check their school work, and are too sensitive to 47 . They blame the kids on everything having to do 48 school. When a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class, my answer usually is \ 49 a good kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you don' t have to be so 50 with your kids.\

Teachers want parents to know that they are professionals at 51 with children. They have 52 many children and even parents. Because of this, teachers can be 53 at educating children. Teachers are 54 that parents want their children to do well, but they know more about what children should be able to do at different ages and 55 . 36. A. heart B. mind C. soul D. spirit 37. A. reflects B. results C. benefits D. expects 38. A. effective B. attentive C. supportive D. positive 39. A. but B. or C. thus D. as 40. A. hard B. keen C. dependent D. crazy 41. A. where B. how C. when D. why 42. A. problems B. contracts C. accidents D. agreements 43. A. advising B. examining C. telling D. instructing 44. A. help with B. deal with C. make up D. give up 45. A. connect B. guide C. watch D. inspire 46. A.even B. already C. still D. merely 47. A.marks B. efforts C. pains D. words 48. A.at B. beyond C. in D. with 49. A.nearly B. really C. seldom D. hardly 50. A.satisfied B. careful C. strict D. cautious 51. A.working B. playing C. staying D. joking 52. A.fed B. observed C. attended D. greeted 53. A.pleased B. worried C. disappointed D. experienced 54. A.content B. doubtful C. aware D. suspicious 55. A.stages B. classes C. schools D. projects

【文章大意】 家长对自己刚刚上学的孩子抱有很大的希望,因此对孩子非常关注,但是老师毕竟是教育孩子的专家,他们对孩子的教育是很专业的,所以家长不必担心自己的孩子在学校的学习情况。

36.B根据语境“你是否想知道老师脑子里想的是什么?”可知B项正确。Mind“头脑”。 37.D“你是否想知道老师对你们的期盼?“expect”期望,盼望”,符合语境。reffect “反射,反映,沉思”;result“发生,产生”;benefit“得益于,得利于”。



47.A文中讲的是家长对自己的孩子的关心。家长对孩子的关心无非是孩子的成长和学习成绩,因此此处应该用marks“成绩,分数”。 48.D 他们就与学业有关的一切责备孩子。be/have to do with sb/sth是固定用法,表示“关于,与??有关”。


50.C be strict with“对??严格”,是固定搭配,此处与前面第二段的倒数第二句照应。 51.A句中提到“老师想让家长知道老师在教育孩子方面是专家”,work在此能够表达出老师跟孩子一起,教育孩子这层含义。

52.B observe“观察,观测”。语意为“老师们已经观察过很多学生甚至家长”,从下面一句可知答案。

53.D老师在教育孩子方面是很有经验的,be experienced at“对??有经验”,是固定搭配。其余选项不合题意。

54.C aware“意识到”。老师们意识到家长想让孩子做好。Content“满足的”;doubtful“可疑的,不确定的”;suspicious“怀疑的”。



The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don’t come with an instruction manual(说明书). And each child is 36 . So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration(挫折),not 37 what to do. But in raising children—as in all of life—what we do is 38 by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American 39 . To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children 40 on their own two feet. From 41 , each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they get more 42 to make their own choices. 43 choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as the friends to 44 them with. When they 45 young adulthood, they choose their own jobs and marriage 46 . Of course, many young adults still 47 their parents’ advice and approval for the choices they make. But once they “leave the 48 ” at around 18 to 21 years old, they want to be on their own, not “ 49 to their mother’s apron strings (围裙带). The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. American parents try to 50 their children as individuals—not as extensions of


themselves. They allow them to achieve their own 51 . Americans praise and encourage their children to give them the 52 to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parents becomes more like a(an) 53 among equals. But 54 to popular belief, most adult Americans don’t make their parents pay for room and board when they come to 55 . Even as adult, they respect and honor their parents. 36. A. strange B. different C. new D. unlike 37. A. noticing B. remembering C. knowing D. deciding 38. A. influenced B. made C. controlled D. changed 39. A. services B. standards C. rules D. values 40. A. sit B. get C. stand D. rise 41. A. adulthood B. girlhood C. boyhood D. childhood 42. A. freedom B. space C. time D. money 43. A. Adults B. Teenagers C. Americans D. Parents 44. A. help B. join C. share D. provide 45. A. gain B. pass C. become D. reach 46. A. wives B. partners C. husbands D. couples 47. A. seek B. invite C. try D. choose 48. A. room B. house C. nest D. place 49. A. connected B. held C. stuck D. tied 50. A. serve B. treat C. describe D. recognize 51. A. jobs B. plans C. dreams D. hopes 52. A. dependence B. trust C. belief D. confidence 53. A. friendship B. companion C. membership D. association 54. A. known B. similar C. contrary D. due 55. A. travel B. visit C. see D. live






40.c对于美国人而言,父母养育孩子的目的在于帮助孩子自立,用stand on one’s own feel.表示“独立,自立”的含义,属于固定表达。


42.A结合上文提到的(stand)on their own two feet可知,此处表示“随着孩子慢慢长大,他们有更多的自由(fredom)做出自己的选择”。

43.B 上文提到As children grow,这里应该是讲青少年(teenagers),他们能够选择自己的娱乐方式,选择跟自己分享(share)的朋友了。




阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Nowadays the whole world are worrying about a danger—global warming.In fact this began a long time ago.Yet,not all of us seem to realize it.

One day around 30 years ago,the nine million citizens of London heard sirens(a loud noise of warning made by a special machine)all over the town. Emergency services.the 36 ,the police,doctors and nurses 37 by,ready to go into action.In railway and underground stations,people read posters and 38 ,telling them where to go and 39 to do in the emergency.This

was Exercise Floodcall.London wasn't flooded yet.But it is 40 that it will he.

In 1236 and 1663 London was 41 flooded.In 1928,unluckily,quite a 42 people living in Westminster,the heart of London, 43 in floods.And in 1953,100 people living on the eastern 44 .the London suburbs,were killed again in the floods.At last,the Great London Council(市政厅),is taking actions to 45 this disaster happening again.But the flood 46 were not built until 1980s.And in the 47 ,Londoners must be 48 .When it happens.50 underground stations will be underwater.Electricity,gas and phone services will be out of action. 49 will be impassable.It will be impossible to 50 any of the bridges between North and South London. 51 —London will look like Venice. But Exercise Floodcall didn't cause 52 among Londoners.Most people knew it was just a 53 .One comment from a lady who was 54 along the Embankment when the sirens sounded was.“It's a flood warning,isn't it? The water doesn't look 55 to me.” 36.A.soldiers B.firemen C.engineers D.repairmen 37.A.hurried B.went C.watched D.stood 38.A.books B.magazines C.maps D.dictionaries 39.A what B.how C.why D.which 40.A.believable B.true C.natural D.possible

41.A.easily 42.A.many 43.A.escaped 44.A.edge 45.A.resist 46.A.walls 47.A.future 48.A.delighted 49.A.Roads 50.A.see 51.A.Guess 52.A.panic 53.A.design 54.A.living 55.A.deep

C.strongly D.poorly C.lots D.plenty C.survived D.drowned C.part D.district C.prevent D.object C.shelter D.fence C.meantime D.end C.frightened D.encouraged C.Messages D.Traffic C.build D.cross C.Consider D.Imagine C.notice D.care C.warning D.joke C.working D.studying C.shallow D.wide



36. A【解析】根据前文括写内的内容可以推断出此处选A。

37. D【解析】由后文的“ready to go into action\可以推断出此处选D。本题稍难。 38. C【解析】根据后文的“where to go\可知此处选C,。

39. A【解析】疑问词+动词不定式结构中,疑问词做不定式的逻辑宾语,指物,故选A。 40. D【解析】此两句意思是:伦敦还没有发洪水,但是将来可能会,故选D。 41. B【解析】所填词修饰flooded,用副词,意思是:严重的,故选B, 42. A【解析】句意为:有相当多的人住在威斯敏斯特。故选A。 43. D【解析】根据空后的“in flood\可知此处选D。本题稍难。

44. A【解析】由后文的“the London suburbs\可以推断出此处选A。本题稍难。

45.C【解析】根据后文的happening again可知所填词构成prevent sb/sth (from) doing sth句型,故选C。

46. A【解析】句意为:但是防水墙直到20 世纪80年代才建成。故选A。 47.C【解析】in the meantime同时,故选C'。

48. A【解析】句意为:伦敦人必须做好准备。故选A。

49. A【解析】根据本句中impassible(不能通过的)的意思可知此处选A。 50. D【解析】由本句中的bridge可以推断出此处选D。

51. D【解析】破折写表示解释,后一句是作者的想象,故此处选D,本题稍难。 52. A【解析】本句意思是:这次防洪演习没有造成恐慌。故选A。木题稍难。 53. C【解析】根据后文的“It's a flood warning,isn't it”可知此处选C,。 54. B【解析】根据空后的along(沿着)可知此处选B。 55. B【解析】由前文的flood可知此处选B。

To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to hold the attention and interest of your students, you must be  1 —speaking, with a good, strong,2  voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to 3  what you are teaching, in order to make its meaning clear.

 4  a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit still before his class; he  5  the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his  6 ,hands and fingers to help

B.heavily B.few B.killed B.area B.keep B.channel B.past B.prepared B.Power B.pass

B.Remember B.attention B.plan B.walking B.high

him in his explanations, and his face to express his  7 .Listen to him, and you will  8  the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always  9  according to what he is talking about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn't  10 that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage, for there are very important  11  between the teacher's work and the actor's. The  12  has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the  13  words each time he plays a certain part, even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually  14  beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem  15  on the stage.

A good teacher  16  in quite a different way. His students take an active part in his  17 :they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don't  18  something, they will say no. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his students, which is in his class. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must  19  it as he goes along.

I have known many teachers who were fine  20  in class but unable to take part in a stage play because their brains wouldn't keep discipline: they could not keep strictly to what another had written.

1. A. clear B. slow C. small D. low 

2. A. frightening B. fearing C. exciting D. pleasing  3. A. act out B. talk C. say D. repeat  4. A. Listen B. Look C. Watch D. Learn  5. A. stands B. sits C. lies D. talks  6 A. tongue B. words C. legs D. arms

7. A. attention B. thanks C. feelings D. sentences  8. A. hear B. see C. think D. guess 

9. A. making B. changing C. expressing D. giving  10. A. tell B. express C. show D. mean  11. A. things B. differences C. points D. jobs 12. A. actor B. teacher C. boy D. student  13. A. different B. same C. above D. following  14. A. read B. known C. fixed D. written  15. A. natural B. bad C. false D. clear  16. A. is B. works C. has D. teaches  17. A. group B. party C. class D. play  18. A. give B. place C. obey D. hear 

19. A. invent B. discover C. teach D. continue  20. A. learners B. watchers C. actors D. listeners

1. A 一个好教师首先要口齿清晰。B项意义不符,用C、D两项修饰speaking 讲不通。 2. D clear, good, strong和pleasing都是用来说明一位优秀的教师必备的条件。pleasing voice是“悦耳的声音”,教师讲课要让学生听起来舒服,故用exciting(激动的)不妥。 3. A 为了使意义表达得更清楚,教师必须能够把所教的东西表演出来(act out)。

4. C 观察一位优秀教师上课,你会发现他不是一动不动地坐在全班学生面前。首先,教师讲课的姿态是观察(watch)才知道的;其次,从词性上看,listen, look一般不能直接带宾语;learn语意不对。

5. A 用stand和前面的sit相对应。

6. D arms, hands和fingers属于同一范畴。教师通常用手、臂和指头作手势来辅助教学。


7. C 在整个教学过程中,教师除了用手势,还通过面部表情来表达自己的思想感情。 8. A 听,你就会听见??

9. B 听他讲课,你会听到他那抑扬顿挫、悦耳动听的声音总是随着他所讲的内容变化而变化。 10. D mean意思是“意味着”。

11. B 在课堂上有表演天赋的好教师,并不意味着在舞台上就是想当然的好演员,因为教师的工作和演员的工作有着重要的区别。 12. A 13. B 14. C

15. A 这里具体讲述演员工作和教师工作的区别:演员必须背台词,每次他扮演某个角色时,他都得准确地重复同样的台词,甚至是他的舞台动作和说话方式都是事先固定下来的,他需要做的就是使这些认真背下来的台词在舞台上表演得自然流畅。 16. B 一位优秀教师的工作则完全不同。这里是把教师和演员相比,故用works。如果选D项,用teaches,则是好教师和非好教师相比,意思为:“好教师的教学方法与其他教师的教学方法不同。”

17. C 学生们以积极的态度听老师的课,他们提问、回答问题。这些活动当然应该是在课堂上。 18. C 前面已有提示词obey。

19. A 教师不可能把自己所教的内容都背下来,他必须创造性地教学。这里进一步阐明演员的工作是事先设计好的,而教师的工作要随着情境变化的,要具有创造性。 20. C 许多教师在课堂上表演得很出色,但却不能参加舞台上的演出。

While watching the Olympics the other night, I came across an incredible sight. The (1)was swimming and started with only three men. For one reason or another, two of them had a (2) start, so they were disqualified. That would have been difficult enough, not having anyone to (3) against.

I watched the man (4) off the blocks and knew immediately that something was wrong. Now I'm not an expert (5) but I do know a good dive (6) a poor one, and this was not exactly medal (7) . I listened to the crowd begin to (8) this poor man that was clearly having a (9) time. Finally he made his turn to start back. h was (10) . He made a few desperate strokes(划水) and you could tell he was exhausted.

But in those few (11) strokes, the crowd had changed. No longer were they laughing, but beginning to (12) . Some even began to (13) things like, \he (14) finished his race. The crowd went (15) .Even though he recorded one of the (16) times in Olympic history, this man gave more heart than any of the other (17) .

In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals, feeling they have (18) been cheated out of gold, or when they act so (19) in front of their competitors, it is nice to watch an underdog(败者), a man that gave his all-knowing that he had no chance, but competed because of his (20) and the spirit of the games.

(1)A. view B. event C. game D. match (2)A. false B. nervous C. strange D. violent (3)A. fight B. struggle C. defend D. race (4) A. set B. bounce C. dive D. fall

(5) A. swimmer B. coach C. judge D. adviser (6) A. from B. in C. beyond D. between (7)A. feature B. quality C. example D. sign

(8)A. break off B. stand by C. laugh at D. focus on

(9)A. happy B. wonderful C. vague D. tough (10)A. hopeful B. pitiful C. boring D. skillful (11)A. flexible B. smart C. awkward D. excellent (12)A. support B. quit C. cheer D. hesitate (13)A. speak B. present C. conclude D. yell

(14)A. eventually B. hardly C. successfully D. nearly (15) A. wild B. angry C. sad D. grey

(16)A. fastest B. luckiest C. hardest D. slowest

(17)A. companions B. competitors C. volunteers D. partners (18) A. somehow B. already C. even D. anyway (19)A. poorly B. carelessly C. sharply D. proudly

(20)A. advantage B. independence C. determination D. principle

【文章大意】奥运会项目考验人的意志和精神,当我们为胜利者欢呼时.我们更应该同情失败者,为他们的孜孜不懈,永不言弃的精神而折服。 (1)B

【解析】考查句意理解。奥运会有许多比赛项目,游泳是其中的一项。event表示比赛项目,符合语境。而view表示观点,风景;game表示游戏;match表示火柴,比赛,竞赛。难度适中。 (2)A

【解析】考查上下文联系。根据下文前两位运动员惨遭淘汰;可知他们在比赛刚开始时范规出错。false表示不正确的,不真实,符合语境。而nervous表示紧张的;strange表示奇怪的;ziolent表示暴力的。难度适中。 (3)D

【解析】考查句意理解。一共三位选手参加比赛,有两位已遭淘汰,剩下的那位再也没有任何人和他竞争。race表示参加竞赛,符合语境。而fight表示打仗;打架;struggle表示奋斗;defend表示保卫,保护。 (4)C

【解析】考查常识。游泳刚开始时起跳。diw,表示跳水,潜水,而set表示放置;bounce表示使跳起,反射,转播;fall表示落下;跌倒。只有C项正确。 (5)A

【解析】考查上下文联系。运动员参加的是游泳比赛,可知作者认为自己尽管不是专业的游泳选手,但至少还能分辨出跳水动作的好与坏。而coach表示教练;judge表示法官。本题易。 (6)A

【解析】考查介测。from表示与??不同。而beyond表示超过,between表示在??之间。 (7)B

【解析】考查句意理解。因为这位游泳运动员起跳不好,所以就不是获取奖牌的质量,即不具备竞争力。quality表示质量;feature表示特征,容貌,特色,特写;example表示榜样;sign表示志。本题稍难。 (8)C

【解析】考查句意理解。运动员的糟糕表现招致观众的嘲笑。laugh at表示嘲笑;break off表示中断,突然停止,脱落;stand by表示站在旁边,旁观;focus on表示集中注意力于。 (9)D

【解析】考查句意理解。因为人们的嘲笑,故这段时间对运动员来说是艰难的。tough表示艰难的;棘手的,符合语境。 (10)B



(11)C 【解析】考查句意理解。根据前文提到“desperate”和“exhausted'’可知选手在疲惫的状态下坚持,所以动作显得不灵活。awkward表示笨拙的,不灵活的。而flexible可变通的;灵活的;smart表示敏捷的;excellent表示优秀的,这三个词显然是形容好的运动员,均不符合题意。难度适中。 (12)C

【解析】考查句意理解。抓住关键词but,这里存在人们前后态度的对比,人们由嘲笑转为向运动员助威加油。难度适中。 (13)D

【解析】考查常识理解。有些人甚至大声地吼叫,为运动员加油。 (14)A

【解析】考查固定短语。运动员在人们的呐喊助威声中终于完成比赛,这里谈不上成功。eventually表示终于,最后。难度适中。 (15)A

【解析】考查句意理解。人们因他完成比赛,变得更加疯狂,显然人们被他的精神所折服。wild表示疯狂的,而angry,sad,grey都表示人们阴暗的一面。本题易。 (16)D

【解析】考查句意理解。运动员好不容易完成比赛,这说明他的速度比较慢。所以作者说他创造了奥运会最慢的历史记录之一。 (17)B

【解析】考查句意理解。参加比赛的显然是他的竞争对手。 (18)A

【解析】考查句意理解。由于认识上的错误,许多运动员因为没有拿到金牌,不知怎么的有一种被欺骗的感觉。somehow表示由于某种未知的原因,不知怎么的,而anyhow表示无论如何,不管怎么说。 (19)D

【解析】考查上下文联系。这里存在成功者和失败者之间的对比,当我们看到成功者骄傲地站在其他的对手面前时,更应该同情弱者。而poorly表示拙劣地,蹩脚地;sharply表示锋利地,锐利地。故选D。难度适中。 (20)C

【解析】考查上下文联系。本题要抓住and the spirit,可知失败者值得我们尊敬的是他们的坚定意志和在比赛中表现出的精神。

The history of modern water pollution goes (1) to February 28,1931, when Mrs.Murphy (2) over her backyard fence and said to Mrs.Holbrook, “You (3) those shirts white?” Mrs.Holbrook was (4) to admit they were as white as she could get them (5)that ordinary soap.

“What you should use is this Formula Cake Soap which (6) against the dull grey look that the family wash (7) had.”

Doubtful (8) adventurous,Mrs.Holbrook tried the Formula soap, (9) did take the grey out of her husband’s shirts.But what she didn’t know was that the water eventually (10) into the Blue Sky RiveG killing two fish;

Three years latch Mrs.Murphy was (11) her shirts and Mrs.Holbrook said, “How did you ever get your collars so (12) ,surely not with Formula?”

“Not ordinary Formula.But I did with Super Fortified Formula.You see,it attacks dirt and destroys it.Here,try some (13) your shirts.”

Mrs.Holbrook (14) and discovered her husband’s shirt collars mmed pure white.What she could not possibly know was that it turned the river water pure white as (15) Six months later,the Blue Sky River was (16) a health hazard.One day as Mr.Holbrook was walking home from work.he accidentally (17)?the Blue Sky River,swallowed a (18) of water and died immediately.At the funeral service the minister said,“You can say anything you want (19) Holbrook,but no one can deny he had the (20) shirts in town.” (1)A.straight B.down C.off D.back (2)A.1eaned B.1eapt C.stretched D.sloped (3)A.name B.make C.get D.call

(4)A.shamed B.ashamed C.shameful D.shameless (5)A.without B.with C.from D.by

(6)A.protects B.promises C.guarantees D.ensures (7)A.seldom B.never C.possibly D.always (8)A.but B.and C.or D.though (9)A.it B.she C.which D.that

(10)A.left B.emptied C.reached D.rushed

(11)A.hanging up B.hanging on C.putting up D.putting on (12)A.dirty B.soapy C.grey D.white (13)A.for B.to C.on D.at

(14)A.refused B.did C.hesitated D.understood (15)A.snow B.expected C.usual D.well

(16)A.stated B.published C.recognized D.declared (17)A.fell into B.swam C.crossed over D.drowned (18)A.mouthful B.drop C.glass D.drink (19)A.to B.about C.as to D.as for (20)A.best B.oldest C.cleanest D.dirtiest

【文章大意】本文介绍现代水污染的起源。两位家庭主妇,洗衬衫为了把衬衫洗干净,使用超强皂,并且把洗衣服的水排入河中造成水污染。最后其中一位主妇的丈夫不慎跌入河中,呛入污染水,中毒而亡。 (1)D

【解析】go back to追溯到,回到。本题易。 (2)A

【解析】lean over探过身子。Mrs.Murphy从后院中间篱笆上方探过身子和Mrs.Holbrook说话。难度适中。 (3)D 【解析】因为Mrs.Murphy看出衬衫的颜色已无白色了,所以Mrs.Murphy奚落:Mrs.Holbrook:还能说这衬衫是白色的吗?call?white称??是白色。难度适中。 (4)B

【解析】遭到Mrs.Murphy的奚落,Mrs.Holbrook惭愧承认,be ashamed to do sth羞愧地做某事。难度适中。 (5)B



【解析】Mrs.Murphy向Mrs.Holbrook夫人推荐使粥“Formula cake Soap”,它能保证把家人穿成灰色难看的衣服洗白。难度适中。 (7)D

【解析】由于家庭洗衣皂去污力差,所以洗过的衣服即使原来是白色也总变成灰色。所以用always。难度适中。 (8)A

【解析】因为doubtful和adventurous是对立的形容词所以中间用连词but连接。本题易。 (9)C

【解析】空白前面的逗号表明这里是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为the Formula soap,它


【解析】用过这种超强配方洗农皂之后Mrs.Holbrook不可能知道是这洗衣皂把水也变白了。本题稍难。 (16)D

【解析】六个月之后,(环境部门)宣布Blue sky River威胁公众健康。难度适中。 (17)A

【解析】一天Mr.Holbrook下班步行回家不慎跌入Blue sky River。fall into坠入,跌入。难度适中。 (18)A

【解析】根据语境可知。Mr.Holbrook跌入河之后咽了一大口水。a mouthful of满满一口的??。本题易。 (19)B

【解析】say sth. about sb对某人评述。在Mr.Holbrook先生的葬礼上,牧师说:你可以任意评说Mr.Holbrook,但无人能否认他穿的衬衫是本镇最干净的。难度适中。 (20)C

【解析】根据文章大意不难选出C项。本题易。 Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. 1 ,illness or accidents may occur without any 2 .Frequently the person who is 3 can be cared for at home if there is someone  4  of looking after him under the doctor’s  5 .Sometimes arrangements can be 6 for a visiting nurse to give the necessary 7 once a day,or often,if necessary.The responsible one in the home 8 on with the rest of the care during the 9 between the nurses visit.

The rapid diagnosis(诊断) and immediate treatment 10 the spot of an accident or sudden illness, 11 awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite 12 from home nursing.

When illness does come,the whole family were 13 .Many adjustments have to be made 14 the family routine needn’t be 15 completely.Often it can be rearranged with home duties simplified to save time and energy,thus reducing 16 on the family.

The 17 responsibility for giving nursing care is usually 18 by one person, frequently the mother. 19 ,in order she may have some much needed rest,or 20 she herself is ill,other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness occurs.

1. A. Apparently B. Unfortunately C. Naturally D. Occasionally 2. A. reason B. information C. warning D. notice 3. A. ill B. healthy C. weak D. patient 4. A. suitable B. efficient C. appropriate D. capable 5. A. direction B. introduction C. decision D. education 6. A. taken B. made C. put D. supplied 7. A. care B. cure C. treatment D. concern 8. A. works B. carries C. depends D. looks 9. A. occasion B. turn C. interval D. holiday 10. A. at B. in C. from D. on 11. A. while B. before C. as D. where 12. A. separate B. escape C. prevent D. different 13. A. interfered B. affected C. protected D. suffered 14. A. if B. and C. but D. since 15. A. prepared B. controlled C. managed D. disturbed 16. A. strain B. trouble C. worry D. pain

17. A. technical B. whole C. unimportant D. reasonable 18. A. called out B. gave up C. took up D. turned up 19. A. Occasionally B. Therefore C. Unexpectedly D. However 20. A. in fact B. in case C. as a result D. on the contrary 【文章大意】

短文讲述了人们对健康和幸福的渴望,以及在一些意外情况下怎么样进行及时的处理。 1.【答案】B

【解析】本题中apparently意为“表面地、肤浅地”;unfortunately意为“不幸地”;naturally意为“自然地”;occasionally意为“有时候,不时地”。 2.【答案】C

【解析】warning的意思是“提醒,警告”;而reason前一般与介词for连用,且意思是“动机,理由”,主语一般为人;information意为“信息”;notice意为“通知”。 3.【答案】A

【解析】因为下文出现了doctor,故应选ill(有病的),而weak意为“虚弱的”,不合题意。 4.【答案】D 【解析】be capable of意为“胜任于某事”,而suitable,efficient,appropriate后一般接动词不定式。 5.【答案】A



【解析】make arrangements是固定搭配。 7.【答案】C 【解析】treatment意为“治疗”;care意为“照顾,关心”;cure意为“治愈”;concern意为“关心”。 8.【答案】B

【解析】carry on意为“继续进行”;work on意为“从事”;depend on意为“依靠,依赖于”;look on意为“旁观”。 9.【答案】C



【解析】prepared意思是“准备充分的”;controlled意思是“被控制的”;manage一般不用于被动语态;disturbed意思是“不安的,烦恼的”。 16.【答案】A

【解析】strain的意思是“负担,压力”;trouble意为“麻烦”;worry意为“担心,忧虑”;pain意为“痛苦”。四个选项相比较而言,A项更全面一点,故选择A项。 17.【答案】B

【解析】technical意为“技术的”;whole意为“整个的,所有的”;unimportant意为“不重要的”;reasonable意为“合理的”。 18.【答案】C

【解析】called out意为“召唤”;gave up意为“放弃”;took up意为“从事某事”;turned up意为“出现”。

19.【答案】D 【解析】however意为“但是,尽管如此”,后面表示的内容有转折之意;而occasionally意为“不时地”;therefore意为“因此”;unexpectedly意为“出乎意料地”。 20.【答案】B

【解析】in fact意为“实际上,事实上”;in case意为“万一(某事发生)”;as a result意为“结果,最后”;on the contrary意为“相反的事”。

Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin,a world-famous funny actor.People 1 have laughed Charlie Chaplin’s films  2  tears run down their faces.From his very first 3 they know what will happen.The little man is always with black moustache,wide-open eyes,round black hat and 4 too large for his feet.He will 5 through snow,and fall from windows.He’ll fight men who are twice his 6 ,fall in love with women,who 7 notice him and try to hug(拥


The poor man that Charlie Chaplin 8 in dozens of films makes all kinds of stupid

mistakes.He is always in  9 ,but he never 10 .He dreams of becoming a great man. Even people who 11 understand English can 12 Chaplin’s film,because they are mostly 13 .It isn’t what he 14 that makes people laugh.His comedy(喜剧) doesn’t depend on words.It depends on little 15 which mean the 16 thing to people all over the world. Chaplin raises his thick eyebrows(眉毛)or rolls his eyes.He hides behind a fat lady or under a table to escape from his 17 .He dresses well and pretends to be a 18 and important man.It is also the hopeless and 19 that makes us laugh.This is the 20 of Chaplin’s huge success.

1.A.here B.everywhere C.abroad D.who 2.A.if B.once C.because D.until

3.A.disappearance B.appearance C.words D.beginning 4.A.trousers B.stockings C.shoes D.hands 5.A.sleep B.sit C.play D.struggle 6.A.length B.size C.greatness D.width 7.A.hardly B.deeply C.widely D.luckily 8.A.played B.recognized C.loved D.fooled 9.A.joy B.excitement C.sorrow D.trouble 10.A.comes down B.gets away C.goes back D.gives up 11.A.don’t B.can C.do D.may 12.A.understand B.watch C.enjoy D.see

13.A.frightening B.silent C.pleasant D.moving 14.A.plays B.acts C.expects D.says 15.A.actions B.expressions C.stories D.words 16.A.some B.different C.same D.bitter 17.A.enemies B.own C.characters D.films 18.A.poor B.sad C.rich D.beautiful 19.A.possible B.impossible C.important D.tired 20.A.way B.beginning C.theory D.secret


【解析】everywhere“各处,各地”。从前面的everybody knows 和world-famous可以判断出此处应填everywhere和其对应。 2.【答案】D

【解析】此句“People everywhere have laughed Charlie Chaplin’s films 2 tears run down their faces.”意为“卓别林的电影让各地的人们笑到眼泪都出来了”。until “直到……为止”。 其他选项与句意不符。 3.【答案】B

【解析】appearance “露面,出场”表示“某人的出场,出现”,用appearance。beginning通常是指事情的开始。此处指的是从卓别林开始出场他们就知道会发生什么事了。 4.【答案】C

【解析】从空格后面的“too large for his feet.”中的feet可以知道应该是shoes。 5.【答案】D

【解析】根据空格后的through snow 可知应用struggle 表示“在风雪中挣扎着前进”。struggle(vi.) “挣扎着进行;艰苦进行;(艰难的)行走,与……拼搏,斗争”。 6.【答案】B

【解析】选择size,指的是“人的体形大小”。 7.【答案】A

【解析】通过下文“The poor man that Charlie Chaplin 8 in dozens of films makes all kinds of stupid mistakes.”可知此处应是“爱上一些几乎没有注意到他的女子”。 hardly 否定副词,“几乎不”。


【解析】此句意思是卓别林在许多影片中扮演的这个可怜的人犯各种各样愚蠢的错误。根据句意应是选A,play “扮演,表演”。 9.【答案】D

【解析】根据前一句中的“makes all kinds of stupid mistakes.”以及后面的but he never...可知此处应是“他老是陷入麻烦中”。 be in trouble “有麻烦,陷入麻烦中”。 10.【答案】D

【解析】根据前一句以及本句的转折词but可知他并不放弃。give up 放弃,get away 走开,go back 回去。根据句意选D。 11.【答案】A 【解析】从第三段最后两句可知:即使人们不懂英语也能看懂卓别林的电影,因为他的喜剧依靠的不是文字。 12.【答案】C

【解析】此句的意思是即使不懂英语的人们也能欣赏卓别林的电影。enjoy 意为“欣赏;享受,喜欢”。其他几个选项与句意不太合适。 13.【答案】B 【解析】silent “无声的”,这句话的后面有一句“His comedy(喜剧) doesn’t depend on words”,因为靠的不是语言文字,而是画面。 14.【答案】D

【解析】根据后面的一句His comedy(喜剧) doesn’t depend on words 可推测出此空应填says,意为“不是他说的话使大家笑”。 15.【答案】A

【解析】根据前一句“It isn’t what he  14 that makes people laugh.His comedy(喜剧) doesn’t depend on words.”可推测出此处应填actions,意思是“不是他说的话使大家笑,他的喜剧不是依靠语言,而是一些小动作,这些动作表演对于世界各地的人们都是相通的”。与words相对应,应是actions “动作,表演”。 16.【答案】C

【解析】根据上面的一句“Even people who don’t understand English can enjoy Chaplin’s film”可推测出此处应填same。same(adj.) “相同的,一样的”。 17.【答案】A

【解析】escape from his enemies “逃避他的敌人”。 18.【答案】C

【解析】从前面的dress well 以及后面的 important,可以判断选择rich。 19.【答案】B

【解析】impossible 与helpless词义相近,用and 连接, 因此要选择impossile “不可能的”。 20.【答案】D

【解析】本篇文章主要是介绍了卓别林成功的秘诀。secret “秘密,秘诀”。

Christchild Market is not really a market,but a most pleasant festival for children in Kitchener,Canada.And my husband,my daughter and I attend this year’s Christchild Market. As we get through Victoria Park,I breathe in the fresh wet smell of 36 .The bare branches of the trees and bushes are 37 with Christmas lights against the new-fallen snow.

In the open place there are 38 ,parents,grandparents,and their relatives,all smiling and 39 as they hold their candles in hands and wait for the magic event to begin patiently.

As we join the 40 ,the cold is easily 41 ,for I see the wide-eyed excitement of the children and the 42 smiles of those around me.Soon the crowd 43 to Kitchener City Hall.At 44 we can see all officials 45 for us.At the centre of the square,the summertime fountain has now 46 to ice,where young children are 47 about.

48 the crowds walk into the square,the 49 ceremony begins:songs,dances and other 50 .Then the Christmas lights on the 51 and the Christmas tree are turned on,only to cause cheers of great 52 .The Christchild Market has 53 opened!

An 54 woman and her grandson stand nearby,watching the festivites.I can hear her say in her strong German accent(口音),“I can’t believe it!It’s like I’m back in the town where I was a little girl—just around your age!”The little boy’s 55 face turns up at her,and for a moment they are perfectly alike in their bright-eyed wonder.The air of the Christmas in spreading far and wide. Today is the Candlelight Procession and Opening Ceremony.The Christchild Market continues all the way through the weekend.Every heart will keep warm with that special festive feeling.

36.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

37.A.burning B.shining C.disappearing D.shaking 38.A.visitors B.adults C.children D.families 39.A.cheering B.crying C.arguing D.quarreling 40.A.guests B.market C.crowds D.ceremony 41.A.felt B.forgotten C.sensed D.remembered

42.A.encouraging B.imagining C.surprising D.welcoming 43.A.moved B.ran C.flew D.hurried

44.A.a height B.a meeting C.a distance D.an interview 45.A.asking B.calling C.sending D.waiting 46.A.turned B.grown C.got D.become

47.A.looking B.swimming C.playing D.singing 48.A.Since B.As C.Until D.Because

49.A.wedding B.closing C.celebrating D.opening 50.A.performances B.movies C.concerts D.plays 51.A.street B.road C.building D.roof

52.A.pressure B.delight C.shock D.surprise 53.A.madly B.quietly C.peacefully D.officially 54.A.elderly B.young C.rich D.poor

55.A.pretty B.smiling C.cold D.worrying 【文章大意】

文章描绘了加拿大的一个叫做Christchild Market的集会给人们带来的快乐。 36.【答案】D

【解析】从后面的“the bare branches of the trees and bushes”和“fallen snow”可知现在是冬天,故选D项。



【解析】由后面的“with Christmas lights”可知,这里应选shining。这句话的意思是:“装饰了圣诞灯的光秃秃的树枝和灌木林在刚刚落下的雪花的衬托下格外闪亮。” 38.【答案】C

【解析】在这片开阔的地方,从后面的 parents,grandparents,and their relatives可知节日里当然不能缺少孩子们,从后文也可知孩子们的活动,故选children。 39.【答案】A

【解析】这句话的意思是:“在这片开阔的地方,孩子、父母、祖父母以及他们的亲属们都在微笑着,欢呼着,他们手里端着蜡烛,耐心地等待着具有这个节日独特魅力的活动开始。”只有cheering和这个高兴的氛围相一致。 40.【答案】C

【解析】广场上人很多,因此选crowds“人群”。 41.【答案】B

【解析】文章开始介绍了天气情况,这是个寒冷的冬天。这句话的意思是:“当我加入到人群中,寒冷就很容易忘记了,因为我看到了孩子们眼睛睁得大大的,兴奋不已。”故选B项。 42.【答案】D

【解析】孩子们发现有人加入他们,脸上表现出了欢迎的微笑。故选welcoming。 43.【答案】A

【解析】这里说,队伍进入了市政厅。因为人多,故用moved。 44.【答案】C

【解析】at a distance “站在……的距离。” 45.【答案】D

【解析】这里说,站在这里,我能看到所有的官员们在等待着。故选waiting。 46.【答案】A

【解析】因为现在是冬天,当然夏天的喷泉已经结冰。turn“从……变成……,成为”;grow“长成为,变为”;get“得到,变成”;become“变得”;turn ice“结冰”,故选A项。 47.【答案】C


【解析】pressure“压力”;delight“高兴,快乐”;shock“震惊”;surprise“吃惊,惊讶”。从前面的cheers可知这里是高兴地喝彩,故选B项。 53.【答案】D

【解析】madly“疯狂地”;quietly“安静地”;peacefully“和平地”;officially“正式地”。这里说,这个Christchild Market节正式开始了。 54.【答案】A

【解析】从后面的“her grandson”可知,这是位老人,故选A项。 55.【答案】B


