Quasi-Spherical Gravitational Collapse in higher dimension and the effect of equation of st
更新时间:2023-08-25 12:03:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
Gravitational collapse in (n+2) dimensional quasi-spherical space-time is studied for a fluid with non vanishing radial pressure. An exact analytic solution is obtained (ignoring the arbitrary integration function) for the equation of state $p_{r}=(\gamma-
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- Gravitational
- Spherical
- dimension
- Collapse
- equation
- higher
- effect
- Quasi
- st
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