
更新时间:2023-09-20 20:04:01 阅读量: 医药卫生 文档下载






21. --- Look! The old man is in the middle of the street. It’s too dangerous. --- Let’s help him go _____ the street before the traffic lights turn red. A. along --- About _____.

A. fifteen; fifteen B. fifteenth; fifteenth C. fifteen; fifteenth D. fifteenth; fifteen 23. --- Can you ______ a tent by yourself? --- Sorry. It’s a little difficult for me. A. put on --- No. ______.

A. something; Anything C. anything; Nothing --- _____ English song! A. What good

B. What a good

C. How beautiful

D. How well D. listened; to cry

26. When the baby _____ the light music, he stopped ____.

A. heard; to cry B. listened; crying C. heard; crying 27. --- _____ I borrow the books from the library, Miss Yang?

--- Sorry, you _____. These books are only for members of the English Club. A. Can; shouldn’t B. May; can’t

C. Could; couldn’t D. Can; needn’t

28. --- Excuse me, can I use your computer? _____ is broken. --- Certainly. But don’t forget to return _____ before lunch. A. My; it

B. Mine; it

C. My; one

D. Mine; one

29. There are two famous theaters in our hometown. One is next to the Children’s Palace and _____ is in the Shopping Centre. A. another --- ______

A. Have a nice trip! B. It doesn’t matter. C. It’s my pleasure. D. Not at all. 答案:21-25CDBCB 26-30CBBDA


B. others

C. other

D. the other

30. --- Our school will have a trip to the South Hill this weekend.

B. nothing; Something D. anything; Something

B. put up

C. put down

D. put out

24. --- Mike, do you have _____ else to say?

B. over

C. across

D. through

22. --- How many friends will come to your ______ birthday party?

25. --- Listen! Someone is singing in the music room.

Thanksgiving Day is coming. Miss Chen, the first grade teacher, gives her class some fun ___(1)____ —to draw a picture of something they want to ____ (1) ____ for. Then everyone begins to draw pictures. ___ (2) ____ of the class draw a turkey or other traditional things, ____ (3) ___ Douglas is drawing a different kind of picture. He is drawing two hands. Miss Chen feels very ____ (4) ____ when she sees this. \

\低声). \ \

\teach me to do things hand in hand. You teach me how to hold my pencil. You teach me how to draw with colours... Your hands are very ____ (8) ____ to me.\ The teacher's eyes become ___(10)____. Sometimes what we do unconsciously (无意识地) can bring warmth to others. 31. A. questions 32. A. thank 33. A. Few 34. A. or 36. A. her 38. A. paint 40. A. wet

B. work B. ask B. so B. my

B. More B. sick B. How B. take B. cute B. wide

C. gifts C. wish C. Most C. because C. unhappy C. your C. Where C. hide C. strange C. weak

D. toys D. shout D. All D. but D. surprised D. our D. Why D. reach D. soft D. pretty

35. A. excited 37. A. When 39. A. warm

答案:31-35BACDD 36-40CDBAA



New Student Talent Show Don’t miss the New Student Talent Show.It will show the talent of new students.The show will be on Friday.September 15th,2017,from 7:00p.m to 8:30p.m. Are you interested in sharing your talent? Audition New students who want to audition for the show can: 1) Submit a video audition to getconnected @byui.edu. 2) Join the Talent Show Audition on Thursday,September 14th,1:00-3:30 p.m in the Manwaring Center Dance Studio(MC302) If you have any questions about the show ,write an email to getconnected@byui.edu. or call the Student Support Office on (208)484-9671.

41.The new Student Talent Show is on______.

A. Monday B. Thursday C.Friday D. Sunday 42.How long will the show be?

A. For an hour B. For one and a half hours C. For two hours D.For two and a half hours 43.What does the underlined (划线的) word ”submit” mean?

A. 下载 B.查看 C. 提交 D. 出售 44.Which of the following is true?

A.Students can watch the show on September 14th B.Students can call (208)484-9671 to join the audition

C.getconnected@byui.edu. won’t answer questions about the show. D.The audition will be held in MC202 45.The passage is about a ______

A.school activity B.TV show C.singing club D. dance party 答案:41-45 CBCBA


On January 20th 2017, Donald Trump became the new US president (总统). He and his family

moved into the White House. The White House is the official (官方) home of the president and his first family. The president's office is also ther. It is in Washington, DC, the capital city of the US. The White House is an American symbol (标志). The \

US presidents work in the Oval Office (椭圆形办公室). Each new president makes changes to the White House and his office. President Trump likes bright gold and yellow. He makes something gold in his office as he likes. For example, he put gold carpets (地毯) and gold curtains (窗帘) in his office. What's in the White House

The White House has three floors. There are 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms. The first family sleep and eat on the second and third floor. The first lady is the hostess (女主人) here. Sometimes she throws parties with the help of other workers. There are about 96 workers in the White House. Easter Fun

Every year, the White House holds many interesting activities, The president and the first family invite many kids to the White House for an Easter celebration. There is a race called the Easter Egg Roll on the grassland. The activity started in 1878. Vegetable Garden

The White House has a big vegetable garden on the lawn (草坪). The White House kitchen uses the vegetables from the garden to cook for the first family. The White House also gives vegetables to a charity organization (慈善组织).

46.Why did Donald Trump move into the White House with his family? A. Because the White House is the symbol of the US.

B. Because he is the President of the US now and he has to work in the office there. C. Because the White House is in the capital city of he US. D. Because the first family all want to move into the White House. 47.How did President Donald Trump make changes to his office? A. Mr Trump made his office an Oval Office.

B. Mr Trump made everything in his office gold or bright yellow.

C. Mr Trump changed the gold carpet or curtains in his office and bought new ones. D. Mr Trump changed his office by putting gold carpets and curtains in his office.

48. What does the underlined word \A. 扔掉 B. 参加 C. 举办 D. 投掷

49.Which of the following is NOT true about the White House? A. Vegetable Garden is a wonderful place for an Easter celebration. B. The first family eat the vegetables from the vegetable garden. C. Every year the first family invite many kids to the White House. D. The first family don't sleep or eat on the first floor in the White House. 50.What is the passage mainly about? A. The president's work. B. The president's family. C. The White House.

D. Activities in the White House. 答案:46-50BDCAC

五.阅读文章,回答问题(共5 小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

Last year, the movie called The BFG(圆梦巨人)became very famous all over the world.In fact, it comes from a book of Road Dahl. He was a famous English writer for children. Here, we are going to tell you about another book of his.

This is a story about James and his insect(昆虫) friends. James doesn’t have parents, so he lives with two aunts. But his aunts are very bad. Aunt Spiker is tall and thin. Aunt Spounge is short and fat. Although James gets up early and works for his aunts, they don’t give him food and often beat him.

One summer afternoon, an old man comes and gives James a bag. There are many little green balls in it. The old man tells him to throw the balls on the soil(土壤)。

The next day, the balls became a giant peach(桃子). The peach is as big as a house. James finds a way to go to inside the peach. He meets an earthworm, a spider, a ladybug and many other insects. The peach can roll(滚动) quickly. It can also fly in the sky! Together, James and his insect friends begin a wonderful trip.

根据文章内容,回答问题。(注意:完整或简略回答均可,答案写在答题纸上。) 51.Which country does the writer Roald Dahl come from? 52.Why does James have to live with his aunts?

