2012年大学英语三级(cet3)A级考前押密试卷(1)-中大网校 - 图文

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总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:120分

listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B

(1)点击播放听力音频:{MP3:http://img.wangxiao.cn/examfiles/2012/listenfiles/cet3a/test4.mp3} A. Conductor and passenge B. Teacher and studen C. Salesman and custome D. Boss and secretar (2)

A. Herfamily speaks English

B. She spent her early yearsin America

C. She has a good memory andwon’t forget her English D. She iS an American native (3)

A. Takea bus to Tilne Stree B. Take a bus to the Z00. C. Take N0.57 bu

D. Find the right bus stopfirs (4)

A. Hedoesn’t like to receive visitors at wor B. He’S busy and has no timefor the visito C. Usually he doesn't havevisitors at wor

D. He is asking the womall totell him the visitor's name。 (5)

A. MovedMar

B. Fell in love with Mar C. Made friends with Mar D. Left Mar

(6)Conversation16. A. Spai

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B. Franc C. Ital D. German (7) A. Fou B. Fourtee C. Fiv D. Nin

(8)Conversation2 A. Three B. Four C. Five。 D. Six (9)

A. BecauseMum has gone back to work for some tim B. Because Mum does not want to do much housewor C. Because of Adam’S suggestio

D. Because they are all very fond of housewor (10)

A. Mother and Fathe B. Fatherand Davi C. Mother and Ada D. Adam and Davi

listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C

(1)Why is Jane so happy?Because she will___________________________tomorrow.

(2)Where has Jane’S weddingdress been made?By a________________________shop.

(3)Who painted Jane’S house?Itis_____________________________________________________

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(4)Where was the wedding cakebaked?____________________________________

(5)What’S the use of thewedding cake?They will be sent to_________of the familywho can’t cone.

Structure(15minutes) Section A

(1)_________in the doorway,the house appeared to be much smaller than it had seemed to us as childrenmany years ago. A. When we stood B. Being standing C. Standing D. Stood

(2)Tommy said that he_________backwithin ten minutes. A. will be B. would be C. be D. was

(3)They’re satisfied with thereplies they’ve received from the public_________far. A. that B. SO C. for D. as

(4)He proposed that we_________a party for the success of the basketball match. A. held B. hold

C. would hold D. to hold

(5)The computer,_________is a 20th century invention,has created startling technological changes in the way we organize and produce information. A. that B. which C. what

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D. it

(6)Not until many years later______ A. the whole truth became known B. did the wholetmth become known C. the whole truth has become known D. has the truth become known

(7)He talked__he had never met me before, which made me quite embarrassed. A. as though B. now that C. in case D. only if

(8)It seems that most of thecollege students are in favor the new articIes in the law. A. for B. of C. at D. with

(9)We all think that she ismore intelligent than in the class. A·any student B.otherstudent C.anyother student D.other any student

(10)The manager,as well as some workers yesterdav aftemoon. A·were working B.was workingC.has been working D.havebeen working

Structure(15minutes) Section B

(1)Before every concert,she worries about how well she will(performance) ________

(2)A letter(post) ________today will probably reach himthe day after tomorrow.

(3)Hesaid that they were looking forward(do) ________business with my company.

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(4) (employ) ________0fchildren under 18 isprohibited in some countries.

(5)The teacher encouraged hisstudents(speak) ________up bravely.

(6)Themost(effect) ________ways of losing weight are exercising more and eating halanced meals.

(7)He(use) ________swim in that river when he was a little boy.

(8)Itwas George who first proposed that she(dry) ________the umbrella in thecorridor.

(9)If we talk loudly here,we will disturb the(sleep) ________child.

(10)In the present(economy)________climate,we must keep costs down.

Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A B (1)回答{TSE}题:

{TS}According to the writer,the motor vehicle accident happens essentially because of A. the driver’s poor driving techniques

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B. the driver’s violation ofothers’legal and moral rights C. the streetwalkers’carelessness while walking D. the street walkers’violation of traffic regulations

(2)According to the writer,the main solution to automobile accidents is to A. reduce drivers’tiredness B. improve drivers’judgment C. control drivers’emotion D. restrict drivers’speed

(3)Which of the following isNOT true according to passage?

A. The street walkers in thevehicle accidents can be forgiven in some accident B. The irresponsibility ofmany vehicle accidents should not be left alone on driver C. Many cyclists ignore theirresponsibility in following traffic regulation D. The cyclists don’t have toobey the rules of the roa

(4)The word“confine”(Line l,Para.4)most probably means A. controlled B. defined C. restricted D. forgiven

(5)This passage is mainlyabout A. the severity of the motorvehicle accidents B. the responsibiIities ofthe cyclists

C. the street walkers’responsibility for the motor vehicle aceidents D. responsibilities ofdrivers and others’for the motor vehicle accidents

(6)回答{TSE}题:Hyperinflation(极度通货膨胀)is defined as aneconomic condition during which there is steep increase in price. In accordance with the laws of economics,three factors combine to create this condition.Firstly,demand must be much greater than thesupply of available goods.Secondary,the country must continuously create and thereby build up an everincreasing supply of money.Thirdly,the governmental processes that are used to collect taxes must bedestroyed. Let’s imagine a country where production is barelyaccomplishing its goal:to keep up with

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{TS}According to the passage,hyperinflation is characterized by____________ A. the rapid decrease inprice B. the reasonable increase inprice C. the rapid increase inprice

D. the short-term increase inprice

(7)Which of the following isNOT among the factors which combine to create hyperinflation? A. Demand is much greaterthan suppl

B. The country continuouslysupplies mone

C. The government is able tocollect taxes by the existing processe D. The government ispowerless in collecting taxe

(8)According to the passage,the goal of production is__________ A. to raise taxes B. to create the rich C. to increase salary D. to satisfy demand

(9)When production can notkeep up with demand,the government which is powerlessin collecing taxes_________

A. can decrease the productionamount B. has to provide more money

C. has to encourageproduction amount D. can increaseworkers’salary

(10)According to the passage,the way to prevent economic breakup in the time ofhyperinflatio is to_________

A. increase The amount ofmoney B. establish new taxingprocedures

C. learn experience fromforeign counties D. tax every ci—tizen of thecountry

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Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section C D E (1)回答




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(6)回答{TSE}题:A—lmponllcensing B—ExponrestrictionsC--Technicalbarriers D—SubsidiesE—Voluntary export restraints F—Impon prohibitionb—Sanitaryand phytosanitary measures H—Tax discrimination1—Access restnetlons J—Foreign ownership restrictionsK—Anti-dumlping measures L—GovemmentprocurementM—Import quota N—Domestic contentregulationsU—Customs valuation P--Expon

licensingExample:(G)卫生与动植物检疫措施 (M)进口配额 {TS}( )政府采购 ( )准入限翩

(7)( )补贴 ( )外国股权的限制

(8)( )自愿出口限制 ( )进口禁令

(9)( )反倾销措施 ( )技术壁垒

(10)( )海关估价 ( )税收歧视 (11)回答{TSE}题:

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{TS}What position are theylooking for?They arelooking for________________________________

(12)Why does Joyce interestedin this position?Becausehe has the experience________________________________.

(13)What kind of ideas doesJoyce have?How toimprove________________________________in the company.

(14)When will he call theOffice?On________________________________ofMarch 17th.

(15)What is his purpose ofcalling?Toinquire about________________________________.


(1)With her talents andconfidence,this lady has won The reputation as anovehst since the early1990s.

(2)Many universities offer avariety of student organizations where students have a greater chance of meetingpeople with shared interest.

(3)Much as l would like tohelp.I really must take care of my term paper.

(4)Our environment is gettingworse and worse with the increase of the world population,which affects the environment in two ways.

(5)It’S true that e.mail iS a fast.simple.and effective way to communicate.But whenthe authors of e-mail messages are not aware of the basic rules of good manners. e-mail can be annoying.Writing good e-mail,as with writing a goodletter can be an art.In fact,remem—beringsome basic rules of form can result in better e-mail--especially for businesscorrespon-dence.


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(1)为了使浪潮网DV娱乐更加丰富有趣,现特征集网友与DV的生活故事。 征集内容:任何与DV有关的生活故事,体裁不限 征集要求: 1.所有内容不得涉及色情、暴力,不得与国家相关的法律、法规相抵触; 2.所有投稿作品须为投稿者自行创作的作品,不得复制、抄袭他人作品; 3.浪潮公司对本次征文拥有最终决定权。 提交作品tidedv@vip.tide.com咨询电话:(010)62628888—5024/5673


listening comprehension(15minutes) Section A B (1) :A 听力原文

(2) :B

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(3) :A

(4) :C

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(5) :A

(6) :C

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(7) :D

(8) :B

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(9) :A

(10) :C

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listening comprehension(15minutes) Section C

(1) :

(2) :

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(3) :

(4) :

(5) :

Structure(15minutes) Section A

(1) :A

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(2) :B

(3) :B

(4) :B

(5) :B

(6) :B

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(7) :A

(8) :B



【解析】本题考查的是介词短语的用法,in favor of 是固定搭配,表示“喜欢~~~”的意思,故选项B为正确答案。

【避错指南】A项“for”、C项“at”和D项“with”均不能与 in favor 构成词组,故排除。这类介词短语的搭配相当固定,因此要从平时的学习中慢慢积累。 (9) :C

(10) :B


ucture(15minutes) Section B (1) :

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(2) :

(3) :

(4) :

(5) :

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