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Model Test Nine Section A

Directions In this section,

you will hear short conversations and long conversations

At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said

Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once

After each question there will be a pause During the pause,

you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D),

and decide which is the best answer

Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre

Now let’s begin with the eight short conversations W I need to do something to improve my spoken French as quickly as possible M Of course you need

The training program in France is coming soon Doesn’t the community college offer something? Q What does the man suggest the woman do? M Look at this traffic

By the time we get to the gallery,

we’ll only have an hour to look around before it closes W You may be right,

but since we can’t do anything about it, we may as well try to relax Q What does the woman mean?

W We thought we’d all go out for dinner today Can you be ready to leave at half past five? M I have to pick up my car from the garage and do some other things,

so I’ll just come straight to the restaurant Q What will the man probably do?

M Why did you come to the meeting late?

I left a message with your roommate about the time change

W She has a very short memory,

and it really gets on my nerves sometimes Q What does the woman imply?

W I heard you had a tour in Germany and some other European countries

Did you get traveler’s checks with you? M Yeah They are better than carrying around a wallet full of big bills Q What does the man mean?

M What have you heard about Prof Steve?

I’m thinking of taking an advanced mathematics course with him next year W You really should

I’ve heard he’s always publishing articles in the journals and one of his articles just won some kind of award Q What does the woman say about Prof Steve? M My friend Jones spent his whole weekend helping me move to a new department W There aren’t many people who would put themselves out like that He is indeed a friend

Q What does the woman mean? W Will you need a ride to work

while your car is being repaired in the garage? M Actually, I’m thinking I’d ask Judy She lives closer to me

Thanks anyway for your offer Q What does the man mean?

Now you'll hear the two long conversations Conversation One

M I really can’t stand them anymore! W Who? What happened? M My roommates

Two of them keep talking till midnight and make it impossible to get to sleep W I know how you feel

It’s never easy to live with inconsiderate roommates I once had a roommate who never cleaned the dormitory or fetched water M So what did you do with her? W At first I tried to ignore it

because I didn’t want to cause anything unpleasant But things didn’t become any better Suddenly one day I broke out,

and said something like “My dear fellow, I'd really appreciate it if you remember to clean the room once in a while” M Oh, no

You’ve got to be careful with complaints, especially when it comes to your roommates Anyway you meet each other every day

W That’s what I’ve learned from our quarrel and the subsequent coldness between us

Now I realize that I should have put it nicely or casually, something like

“Hi,Cindy, it’s your turn to clean the dormitory today” M Perfect It’s hard to take offense at something like this Maybe we should learn tolerance and understanding W That’s right

We should bear in mind that we all have shortcomings, or rather peculiar habits

When I come to think of Cindy, she’s really a nice girl except being forgetful and careless M I guess you are right

What would you do if you have roommates chatting at bedtime every night? W I would talk it over with them, of course

But I would remember I breathe noisily in my sleep and often keep them awake half the night as well M You do?

W No, just an example

Questions to are based on the conversation you have just heard

What problem is bothering the man? What lesson does the woman learn

from her experience with her roommate? What is the speakers’ common conclusion about dealing with roommate problems? Conversation Two

M Thanks for coming over,Amy

I’d like to talk to you about a research project I thought you might be interested in

A friend of mine is working in Iowa National Park this summer

W A national park! I’ve always wanted to spend some time out in Iowa M You’d better hear what project it is about first My friend is working with the red fox population

The foxes have been increasing in size lately, which is good in theory

W Yeah, but I thought they were in danger of dying out M Because of the winter tourists, paths are created in the snow

More red foxes are surviving the harsh winters because the paths make it easier for the foxes to move around and find food

But it turns out that some of them are infected with bacteria W Oh yeah,

I heard about that

It’s been around for a while

M Yes And because the red fox population is increasing, they’ve been moving more than usual and need more food,

they begin to hunt in the farm which borders the national park As a result,

the bacteria have spread to the neighboring farms W That’s bad news

Isn’t that a disease that causes animal abortion? M Yes, and it’s caused a lot of controversy

Some of the farmers even want to destroy the red foxes W That’s awful

Have they made much progress with the research? M So far,they have been collecting tissue samples from dead foxes to see if the bacteria are present W I’d really be interested in working on this

You know I’ve been researching diseased animal population M That’s why I thought of you

Questions to are based on the conversation you have just heard

What is the man talking about with the woman? Why is the number of red foxes increasing? Why do some farmers want to kill red foxes? Why does the man consider the woman suitable for the project? Section B

Directions In this section, you will hear short passages At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions

Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question,

you must choose the best answer

from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D)

Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre Passage One

GPS stands for the Global Positioning System It refers to a system of satellites and receivers that allows people

and devices to detect their precise location on the earth The heart of the system relies on satellites that orbit the earth twice per day Devices that are equipped

with GPS equipment receive transmissions from at least a few of the satellites

and are able to collect very precise positioning data The first GPS satellite was launched in and the th was launched in

The system is operated by the United States Department of Defense and the use of the system is free for anyone

New satellites are periodically launched to replace aging ones As the technology has improved,

the cost of GPS devices has greatly declined while the accuracy has increased

Small portable GPS receivers have become very affordable, and the accuracy is amazing

Accuracy varies based on various factors, but it can be as good as a few meters! Land-based supplementary devices

can be used to improve accuracy if higher precision is required The application of the GPS is very broad,

and as the prices come down the number of users is increasing Portable GPS devices are used by fishermen to help them sail around the wild Many new cars are being equipped

with GPS systems to help drivers find directions The military uses GPS to guide cruise missiles to pre-specified targets

Questions to are based on the passage you have just heard

What does GPS refer to?

What do we know about GPS according to the passage? Why is the use of GPS increasing? Passage Two

While some people seemed to be blessed with beautiful and expressive handwriting,

