词汇练习unit1-unit 3_module5

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词汇练习:Unit 1

一. 词汇拼写

1. A good friend must be honest, kind and have a sense of h___________.

2. Check that all p_____________ marks are used correctly and that none are missing.

3. Maybe I should tell them , so they won’t b_________ me for keeping a secret.

4. The idea that the number thirteen brings bad luck is a_________.

5. Mary makes too much money a week and has enough for a______________.

6. The plans that we have made should be put into p_____________.

7. When we are young ,we should go to the c_________ to see the clowns and the performing animals.

8. My English teacher should ask us to answer an a______________ problem that we would race to work out in our heads.

9. All her worries and a______________ made her look pale.

10. Some of the young have the wrong a__________ towards the disabled people.

11. You should do it without h____________.

12. I protested but she carried on r___________.

13. What you say now is not c______________ with what you said last week.

14. Most of the students in our class are a___________ in listening to the teacher in class.

15. She r_________ to my letter with a phone call.

16. Generally speaking, a successful scientist should be both academic and __________(思维开放的).

17. I am looking for friends who are ___________ (诚实的) and ________ (乐意助人的).

18. His speech is really long and _________(枯燥的).

19. We had a long conversation because my friend is a very __________(爱说话的) person.

20. I noticed that the old man was sometimes very _________(固执的) at the beginning, but later on I found him very ______________(热心肠的).

二. 完成句子

1. Mark was strict in the _____________ (revolution) work.

2. The experiment is ________________ ( complete) successful.

3. I can’t tell one from the other because they are only ______________ (slight) different.

4. Computers are ________________ ( wide) used in daily life.

5. Mr. Smith said that his trip to China was ______________ ( pleased)

6. Some plants have _______________ (poison) fruit.

7. He could ______________ ( natural) do the work well.

8. “We all take ____________ (proud) in your success,” she said ____________ ( proud).

9. I was _____________ ( deep) moved by his good deeds.

10. These oranges taste _______________ (well).

11. We were _______________ (excite) at the _____________ (excite) report.

12. This was so ______________ (interest) a book that I read it several times.

13. I was late for getting to the station , but _____________ (fortunate) the train was late too.

14. Those who came to dance were______________ (most) young people.

15. My _____________ (old) brother is seven years_____________ (old) than I.

16. He runs _____________ (fast) in his team.


17. His work is as _____________ (good) , if not _____________ (good) than, as yours.

18. Which is ______________ (strong), Tom or Jack?

19. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more ______________ (comfort).

20. They lived in London until quite ______________ ( recent).



1—5 humor punctuation blame absurd amusements

6—10 practice circus arithmetic anxieties attitude

11—15 hesitation regardless consistent absorbed responded

16. open-minded 17. honest; helpful 18. boring 19. talkative

20. stubborn; warm-hearted


1. revolutionary 2. completely 3. slightly 4. widely

5. pleasant 6. poisonous 7. nationally 8. pride ; proudly

9. deeply 10. good 11. excited; exciting 12. interesting

13. fortunately 14. mostly 15. elder; older 16. fastest

17. good ; better 18. stronger 19. comfortably 20. recently

练习 unit 2

(一) 词汇拼写

1.The two sides had a fierce d____________before they reached an agreement.

2.There are no factories in the area,so there is no i____________ pollution .

3.These measures are very b______________,you’d better take them.

4.It is o______________that he knows nothing about what has happened,you may tell him now. In order to study the s___________ in Russia ,Marx began to learn Russian in his sixties.

6.The________________(环境)pollution here is very serious, which the government should not take no notice of.

Frankly speaking,I did it out of my ______________(愿意).

8.______________(除了)remembering new words,we should do more reading aloud in the morning.

I am glad to see many of you have made ____________(稳定)progress this term.

10.There are a variety of gases in the _________________(大气).

11.What Liu Xiang did at the Olympic Games excited the whole n__________.

12.Using the right hand to shake hands is a c____________.

13.They were talking across the garden f__________.

14.Because of the heavy rain the l_______ of the lake has risen 6 inches.

15.At what age does an elephant reach full g_______?

16.Too much work and too little rest often _______(导致) to illness.

17.You will _________(危及) your health if you work so hard.

18.Plastics today contribute to a wide ________(范围) of industries.


19.That’s just because you can’t __________(欣赏) music.

20.The ________(使用) of some English words are difficult to learn.

21. Now it’s time _____________(自由发言),you may air your opinions freely.

22.I am afraid we will have to stop at the gas station, we___________ (用完) the oil.

23.Which of the s______________ of the four is true according the passage.

24.We shall start upon the a__________ of the last guest.

25. Most students are working hard, some of them have already made r_____ progress.

26.His efforts finally _________________(导致结果) his great success.

27.Some naughty boy can’t _________(集中)what the teachers say in class, they are often absent-minded.

28.As is known to all ,it is ___________(非法的) to hunt wildlife.

29.Some animals have several ________(胃).

30.His army ________________(装备)the weapons made in Germany .

31.Students are required to watch c___________ when doing chemical experiment.

32.He can earn money himself, he no longer needs to___________(依靠) his parents.

33.Now in the USA ,he has come to realize the ____________(重要性)of English.

34.The area of land that is _______________(可耕的) is comparatively small.

35.It is a s__________ to cheat in the exams.


一). 选择正确的词或短语填空。

voice,wipe out,live on, cut back on, expand, run, pay, tax, lay, approach

1.Unlike tigers,deer___________________grass.

2.He works very hard,of course he __________________well

3.We should ______________hares for they are destroying the plants.

4.The old worker can not _________this machine,made in Japan.

5.It’s your turn to___________your opinion.

6.The products _________heavily________when they are imported.

7.Some countries have decided to________________the number of army.

8.The company will ___________its business by opening two more branches

9.Autumn _______________,you may put on more clothes if necessary.

10.The hen_________________-an egg a day for a long time.


The floor requires _______________.(wash)

He could do nothing but ________out for a walk alone.(go)

I have never heard a single word________ in French.(speak)

Not all children had a chance ___________to school at that time.(go)

The book ________on the table doesn’t belong to me .(lie)

They are practicing _______ the new song .(sing)

I feel like _______him what I think of him.(tell)

We’d better keep a secret of the things ________here now.(discuss)

Hurry up ! Mother is sure to _______us at home. (wait for)

10. Do you think the situation ____________(encourage)?

11.The Giant Panda is known as the __________ ( nation ) treasure of China.


12.How can I get the __________ ( dirty ) off the walls?

13.You heard nothing __________ ( concern ) this matter, did you?

14.A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every camper’s __________ ( equip).

15.You should employ a variety of __________ ( technical ) in the test.

三. 单项选择

1. Over one thousand people visited the exhibition ________those who were present at the opening ceremony on the first day.

A. except

B. except for

C. with the exception

D. in addition to

2. He tried to _____the memory of his former girl friend.

A. wiped out of

B. wipe in

C. wipe up

D. wipe out

3. The boy _____on the ground_____to his father that the hen______two egges that day.

http://www.77cn.com.cnying;lied; laid

B. lying; lied; laid

C. lying; l;ay; lied

D. lay;lied;laid

4. The cup was full and the water in it was_____.

A.running over

B. running out

C. running through

D. runnin gout of

5. It’s not necessary for you to be ______about other’s business.

A. concern B. concerning C.concerned D. concern yourself

6. I can’t ______why she said so.

A. figure out B. think over

C. think of D.figure on

7. Everyone wishes for ____peace.

A. globe B.globally

C.global D.the globe

8. The little girl was frightened and stood ____to her mother.

A. closely B. close

C. to close D.closing

9. I got my first _____when I found that only one graduate school would take a girl student in physics. I had never imagined that!

A. band B. greeting

C. reward D. shock

10. Usually what the teacher says will leave a deep _____a child.

A. mark with


B. impression on

C. effect in

D. imagination of

11. We should pay attention to the voice of the ________.

A. country

B. state


D. national

12. Because of his excellent performance, he got an ______ in wages.





13. Density of water ______kilograms per cubic meter.

A. measures

B.is measured

C. measures in

D. is measured in

14. Kathy ______a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up

B. took up

C. made up

D. turned up

15. In summer, the temperature sometimes _____as high as 39℃ .

A. rises B. rising

C. raising D.raises


1.debate 2.industrial 3.benefitial 4.obvious

5. situation 6.environmental 7.willingness 8.In addition to

9.stable 10.atmosphere 11.Nation/country 12. convention

15. growth 16. leads 17.endanger 18. range 19. appreciate

open the floor 22.will run out of 23.statements

24.arrival 25.rapid 26.resulted in 27.focus on

29.stamochs 30.was stocked with 31.closely

33.importance 34.farmable 35.shame


一). 选择正确的词或短语填空。

1.live on 2.is paid 3.wipe out 4.run

5.voice 6.are…..taxed 7.cut back on 8.expand

fence 14. level http://www.77cn.com.cnage 21.to 28.illegal 32.rely on 13.


9.is approaching/has approached 10.has been laying

二) .用所给词汇的适当形式填空。

1. washing/to be washed 2. go 3.spoken 4.to go

5.lying 6. singing 7. telling 8.being discussed

9.be waiting for 10.encouraging 11. national 12. dirt

13. concerning 14. equipment 15.techniques

三. 单项选择


词汇练习: Unit 3


The young man stole into the flat with the i________ of getting some food.

After a week of confusion, the order of the town began to return to n________.

The scientist was praised for their b________ in plant cloning.

Almost everyone has b________ from this great invention of Edison’s.

In most countries, cloning human embryos is considered i________ and against law.

As the old saying goes, failure is the mother of s________.

With everything p________ in place, the chairman announced the opening of the meeting. China is in great need of people of the medical p________, like doctors and nurses.

What’s the matter with him? He’s b________ strangely these days.

Being a c________ driver, he never takes any risks.

The key to ________ (限制) air pollution is strict regulation on private cars.

I got a note from Moira ________ (催促) me to get in touch.

This is no joking. You must take it ________ (认真).

Thousands of refugees ________ (寻求) food and shelter in the neighboring countries.

The computers designed for the army are required to be water ________ (防).

16. GM food is claimed to be of m________ benefit to man: you don’t need to take medicine any more.

17. The a________ of computer science has greatly changed people’s way of communication.

18. Teachers from 10 countries attended the TEF s__________ hosted by Oxford University Press.

19. Nothing can explain your failure in the test but c________. Be careful next time.

20. Lu Xun was a p________ writer, having written several million words of works.

21. Ever since its first appearance in the 1960, New Concept English has been the most widely used English textbook for d_______.

22. The IOC is considering revising the number and type of sports i________ in the Olympics.

23. The dialects are so varied that you feel like learning a t________ new language when you move to a new area.

24. He works in the d________ department, in charge of sending the goods the customers have bought to them.

25. The school has decided to hold a sports festival and the a_______ will be made on the school radio.



1. The cloning technology, ________ (intend) to cure some diseases, is sometimes misused.

2. “Can’t you read?” said the man angrily ________ (point) to the sign on the wall.

3. It’s a tragedy that man doesn’t realize that they ________ (use up) the limited natural resources.

4. ________ (boil) eggs are more beneficial to health than ________ (fry) ones.

5. With great efforts ________ (focus) on the conservation project, the number of panda is steadily increasing.

6. The man ________ (arrest) for stealing proved to be ill mentally.

7. ________ (establish) in the 1780s, this university is now one the oldest one in the US.

8. ________(observe) the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmental problem.

9. ________ (prepare) fully, we can achieve great things.

10. He kept his tortoise ________ (hide) in a blanket.

The first textbooks __________ (write) for teaching English in China came out in the 16th century.

Most of the guests ___________ (invite) to the party were from South Africa.

The computer center, __________ (open) last year, is intended to teach those who don’t know much about the computer.

The speaker raised her voice but still couldn’t make herself __________ (hear).

With trees and flowers ___________ (plant) everywhere, my hometown had taken on a new look. Jim was shocked to notice her hair __________ (cut) short when Della returned home.

__________ (leave) alone, the baby began to cry.

__________ (clone) from an adult cell, Dolly the sheep looks exactly the same as her “mother” sheep.

Most beginners will take up a book, __________ (determine) to master every word of it, only to give it up in the end.

“Must you make so much noise? You’re in the theatre.” Said the man in an ________ (irritate) voice.



1. intention 2. normal 3. breakthrough 4. benefited 5.immoral

6. success 7. put 8. professions 9. behaving 10. cautious

11. limiting 12. urging 13. seriously 14. sought 15. resistant

16. medical 17. advance 18. seminar 19. carelessness 20. productive

21. decades 22. involved 23. totally 24. delivery 25. announcement


1. intended 2. pointed 3. are using up 4. boiled; fried 5. focused

6. arrested 7. Established 8. Having observed 9. Preparing 10. hidden

11. written 12. invited 13. opened 14. heard 15. planted

16. cut 17. left 18. cloned 19. determined 20. irritated


Book 5_U3_资源库_词汇

