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Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: A way from Net-bar Campaign. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 新闻媒体披露,徐州某中学1000多名学生签名;庄严承诺“远离网吧”

2. 分析“远离网吧”运动的原因

3. 做出对比和评论

Away from Net-bar Campaign

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-4, mark

Y (for YES if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 5-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Suggestions for Your Work

Annie is a longtime secretary/receptionist for two senior vice presidents at a big company. They have been doing a lot of hiring lately, and almost all of the new middle-management personnel have been interviewed by one or the other of Annie's two bosses, so naturally they come through her office first.

Some of these people are unbelievably rude. Either they treat Annie like a piece of furniture (no hello, no eye contact) or they think she is their errand(差使)girl. Lately, Annie's two bosses have started asking her for her impressions of job candidates. So far this week, two have been discourteous(失礼的)and dismissive, so Annie gave both the thumbs-down. Neither is getting called back for the next round of interviews.

No one knows how common this is, but if you are job hunting, it's necessary to be aware that the dummy at the reception desk may be anything but not "just a secretary".

Suggestions to Job Hunters

According to Annie Stevens and Greg Gostanian, two partners at a Boston-based executive coaching firm called Clear Rock, it's not unusual these days for a hiring manager to ask everyone who meets a potential new hire to give an opinion of him or her. "One of the biggest reasons so many newly recruited managers fail in a new job is their inability to fit in and get along with the people who are already there," says Stevens. "So employers now want to get staffers' impressions right at the start."

Adds Gostanian:" A lot can be learned from how candidates treat receptionists. If the jobseeker is rude, condescending, or arrogant, this might be an indication of how he or she would treat coworkers or direct reports."

Obviously, anyone looking for a new job would do well not to alienate the person who sits outside the interviewer's door. Stevens and Gostanian offer these six tips for getting off to the right start:

Introduce yourself as you would to any other potential new colleague. Smile, shake hands, and so on. It seems odd that this has to be spelled out, but apparently it does; and, besides being a matter of common courtesy, ordinary friendliness offers a practical advantage. "Learning and remembering an interviewer's receptionist's name can only help as you advance in the interviewing process," Stevens notes. Don't regard a receptionist or other assistant as an underling(部下)—at least, not as your own personal underling. "Always ask the interviewer if you need help from anyone else in the office where you're interviewing, instead of seeking this directly yourself," says Gostanian. In other words, if you'd like to leave an extra copy of your resume, refrain from sending the interviewer's assistant to the Xerox machine.

It's fine to accept if you're offered a beverage, but keep it simple. "Don't ask for particular brand names or expect to be brewed a fresh pot of coffee," Stevens says. And of course, need we add that dispatching anybody to Starbucks is out of the question?

Feel free to make small talk, but know that anything you say may well get back to the interviewer. "Don't ask probing questions about the company or offer unsolicited opinions," Gostanian advises. No matter how hideous the office door, endless the hike from the parking lot, or inconvenient the wait to see the interviewer, keep it to yourself. Plenty of time for whining(抱怨)and grumbling after you're hired.

Don't talk on your cell phone in front of the receptionist, and try to put your BlackBerry aside. "If you have to make or take a call, leave the reception area," Stevens says. Preoccupation with wireless devices will mark you, she says, as "a cold and fixated person".

Don't forget to say good-bye. "Failure to say good-bye to someone you've just met reflects negatively on you," Gostanian notes. "You'll come across as impersonal and uncaring." That's hardly the image any job hunter wants to project. How to Measure Your Work

Any job, like any relationship, has its difficult moments. And with the job market heating up, the temptations to change partners are growing.

As with any relationship, however, you really should assess the full value of what you've got before giving it up wholesale, because—let's fact it—regret really is a waste of your time.

Regardless of the main task of a job—be it bond trading, teaching, balancing the books, or cleaning hotel rooms—are there objective criteria that you can use to measure whether your job is wonderful or not?

Workplace experts Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman have identified several. In their book First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently, they offer a useful guide in the form of 12 questions:

Do I know what's expected of me at work?

Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?

At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day? in the last 7 days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work? Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person? Is there someone at work who encourages my development?

At work, do my opinions seem to count?

Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important? Are my coworkers committed to doing quality work?

Do I have a best friend at work?

In the last six months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress? This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and to grow?

Buckingham and Coffman picked these 12 questions after looking for patterns among the responses of more than 1 million employees to workplace questions posed by the Gallup Organization over the years.

"We were searching for those special questions where the most engaged employees ... answered positively, and everyone else...answered neutrally or negatively," they wrote.

Their reasoning: they wanted to identify the key elements of a strong workplace that can attract and retain talent.

Satisfaction with pay and benefits didn't make the list not because they're not important, Coffman said, but because they're important to all employees, whether they're engaged in their work or not.

So, assuming you feel you're paid the going rate for your job, answering affirmatively to all or even most of the 12 questions can be an indication that you've got a great job that you should part with only for very good reason. And if job satisfaction is important to you, then the promise of a bigger paycheck alone may not be reason enough.

When Coffman is asked what percentage of companies he thinks actually pass the 12-question test, his estimate is no more than 15 percent. But within a company, he said, individual departments may meet the test, even if the company overall doesn't.

Why? The manager of a department makes all the difference. Coffman said when an employee quits, 70 percent of the time she's not leaving because of the job, she's leaving because of the manager.

One cautionary note: your job may not be as wonderful for you as you think if you answer a majority of the 12 questions affirmatively but the few questions that you can't are among the first six. That's because the first six questions make up the base on which job satisfaction rests, according to Buckingham and Coffman. If your current job doesn't meet the first six criteria, you are more likely to be disengaged with your work and less productive than you could be.

Consider question three after all. Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best everyday? "If you're not able to use your gifts every day, you'll be pretty frustrated," Coffman said.

Of course, job satisfaction isn't a one-way street with a department either meeting your needs or not. In order to answer the 12 questions honestly, you need to know what it is that makes you tick and not blindly blame your department for any job dissatisfaction.

Do you know what it is you like to do and what you do best? What kind of recognition do you like? Public or private? What are your values and do they square with your company's goals? How do you like a manager to relate to you?

Otherwise, your career, like a string of bad relationships, can become a case of "different partner, same problems".

1. When you go to a company for an interview, there is no need to care the feelings of the receptionists.

2. According to Annie Stevens, many newly recruited managers fail in a new job because they cannot get along with their coworkers.

3. If you want to get off to the right start, you should treat the receptionists as your potential bosses.

4. If you fail to say "thank you" to the receptionists, they will have negative impressions of you.

5. If you want to give up a job wholesale, you should evaluate ________ from it.

6. When you are measuring your work, you should consider that if there is someone at work who encourages your development and talks to you about __________.

7. The question about satisfaction with pay and benefits is not included in the 12 questions because it's important to all employees, whether ________ or not.

8. Even if the company overall cannot pass the 12-question test, ________ may pass it.

9. You should pay special attention to the first six questions of the 12 questions because they make up the base on which ________.

10. If you want to answer the 12 questions honestly, you should know what makes you not blindly blame your department for ________.

Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

11. [A] The man should try to be more understanding.

[B] The man's wife should be more understanding.

[C] The man's negative attitude may be derived from his childhood.

[D] The pessimism of the man's wife may be the result of her past experiences.

12. [A] A snowstorm. [B] An earthquake.

[C] A traffic accident. [D] A hurricane.

13. [A] The two speakers are classmates.

[B] The man is majoring in elementary education. [C] The woman is majoring in elementary education. [D] The two speakers got to know each other in a class. 14. [A] At 6:15. [B] At 5:50.

[C] At 16:05. [D] At 16:15.

15. [A] Unemployment. [B] Family breakup.

[C] Mental problems. [D] Drinking.

16. [A] She disagrees with the man.

[B] She doesn't enjoy long speeches.

[C] She hadn't known how long the speech would be.

[D] She doesn't have a special opinion about the speaker.

17. [A] They are attending a concert.

[B] They are negotiating about a price.

[C] They are planning to go for a date.

[D] They are buying something for their firm.

18. [A] The man is a football fan.

[B] The man needs the woman's help.

[C] The man didn't watch TV last night.

[D] The man often has power failure at home.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. [A] He hiked along the Colorado River. [B] He explored the Colorado River. [C] He camped along the Colorado River. [D] He visited the Colorado city.

20. [A] Because they want to sell canteens.

[B] Because they want to educate the tourists about park conditions.

[C] Because the tourists may get sick or die from dehydration.

[D] Because the tourists may get lost.

21. [A] Because she had too many things with her.

[B] Because she was sick.

[C] Because she was quite lazy.

[D] Because she didn't want to get sick at high altitudes.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. [A] She needs some information.

[B] She wants packing materials.

[C] She is checking her package.

[D] She is moving to California.

23. [A] Fresh fruit. [B] A gift certificate.

[C] homemade candy. [D] A wedding present.

24. [A] The next day. [B] On Saturday.

[C] In three days. [D] In one week.

25. [A] Regular service. [B] Overnight express.

[C] Same day delivery. [D] Priority service.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. [A] At school. [B] At home. [C] At Youth Clubs. [D] At Youth Centers.

27. [A] They develop their identities within peer groups.

[B] They receive informal education.

[C] They perform voluntary community services.

[D] They participate in all kinds of extracurricular activities.

28. [A] About four million. [B] About seven million.

[C] About five million. [D] About six million.

29. [A] Sport events. [B] Cultural activities. [C] Counseling. [D] Creative activities.

Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. [A] Many students try to study the whole night before an exam.

[B] Sleep may improve memory.

[C] Exams may harm memory. [D] Sleep can improve listening ability. 31. [A] Sleep can strengthen memories. [B] Sleep can recover memories.

[C] Sleep can protect memories against interference.

[D] Sleep can harm memories.

32. [A] It's similar to playing notes on a piano.

[B] It requires a night's sleep.

[C] It's similar to the way a computer stores information.

[D] It requires no sleep.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. [A] Two. [B] Three. [C] Four. [D] Five.

34. [A] Business success takes a high level of activity.

[B] Top managers are generally gifted at judging people.

[C] Business success takes the ability to cope with stress.

[D] Different executives make their communications come through in different ways.

35. [A] Be unable to breathe. [B] Be overcome by pressure.

[C] Become speechless. [D] Be scared by pressure.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and (36) ________; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. (37) ________ thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing (38) ________ clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people (39) ________.

A person's self-concept is (40) ________ in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people's (41) ________. In general, the way people think about themselves has a (42) ________ effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people are very sensitive to (43) ________; they feel it confirms their inferiority. (44) ________________________. A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one: "You're just saying that to make me feel good. I know it's not true." (45) ________________________.

Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? (46) ________________________. People's expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

Education is a long process that not only provides us with basic skills such as literacy and numeracy, but is also essential in shaping our future lives. From the moment we enter 47 as small children, and as we progress through primary and secondary education, we are laying the foundation for the life ahead of us. We must 48 ourselves to work hard so that we can pass exams and gain the qualifications we will need to 49 a good job. We must also acquire 50 life skills so that we can fit in and work with those around us. And of course health education helps us to understand how we can stay 51 and healthy.

For most people, this process ends when they are in their mid-to-late teens. For others, however, it is the beginning of a(n) 52 of learning. After they finish school, many progress to 53 education where they will learn more useful skills such as computer literacy or basic business management. Others will enroll in a program of 54 education at a university where, with hard work, they will have the opportunity

to graduate after three or four years with a well-earned degree. After that, they may work for a while before 55 to study for a higher degree—an M.A., for example, or a PhD. And if they live a long way from a college or university, they might follow a correspondence course using mail and the Internet. In fact, it is 56 due to the proliferation of computers that many people, who have not been near a school for many years, have started to study again and can proudly class themselves as mature students.

[A] changing [I] discipline

[B] secure [J] fit

[C] longer [K] opting

[D] kindergarten [L] school

[E] higher [M] valuable

[F] lifetime [N] heavily

[G] deepen [O] further

[H] largely

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

The Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday that it is trying to track down as many as 386 piglets that may have been genetically engineered and wrongfully sold into the U.S. food supply.

The focus of the FDA investigation is on pigs raised by researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign. They engineered the animals with two genes: one is a cow gene that increases milk production in the sow; the other, a synthetic gene, makes the milk easier for piglets to digest. The goal was to raise bigger pigs faster.

There has been no evidence that either genetically altered plants or animals actually trigger human illness, but critics warn that potential side effects remain unknown. University officials say their tests showed the piglets were not born with the altered genes, but FDA rules require even the offspring of genetically engineered animals to be destroyed so they won't get into the food supply.

The FDA, in a quickly arranged news conference on Wednesday prompted by inquiries by USA TODAY, said the University of Illinois would face possible sanctions and fines for selling the piglets to a livestock broker, who in turn sold them to processing plants.

Both the FDA and the university say the pigs that entered the market do not pose a risk to consumers. But the investigation follows action by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in December to fine a Texas company that contaminated 500,000 bushels of soybeans with corn that had been genetically altered to produce a vaccine for pigs.

Critics see such cases as evidence of the need for more government oversight of a burgeoning(新兴的)area of scientific research. "This is a small incident, but it's incidents like this that could destroy consumer confidence and export confidence," says Stephanie Childs of the Grocery Manufacturers of America. "We already have Europe shaky on biotech. The countries to which we export are going to look at this."

The University of Illinois says it tested the DNA of every piglet eight times to make sure that the animal hadn't inherited the genetic engineering of its mother. Those piglets that did were put back into the study. Those that didn't were sold to the pig broker. "Any pig that was tested negative for the genes since 1999 has been sent off to market," says Charles Zukoski, vice chancellor for research. But FDA deputy commissioner Lester Crawford says that under the terms of the university's agreement with the FDA, the researchers were forbidden to remove the piglets without FDA approval. "The University of Illinois failed to check with FDA to see whether or not the animals could be sold on the open market. And they were not to be used under any circumstance for food."

The FDA is responsible for regulating and overseeing transgenic animals because such genetic manipulation is considered an unapproved animal drug.

57. The 386 piglets wrongfully sold into food supply are from ________.

[A] Europe [B] an American research organization

[C] a meat processing plant [D] an animal farm

58. The purpose of the transgenic engineering research is to ________. [A] get pigs of larger size in a shorter time [B] make sows produce more milk [C] make cows produce more milk

[D] make pigs grow more lean meat

59. The 4th paragraph shows that the University of Illinois ________.

[A] was criticized by the FDA

[B] is in great trouble

[C] is required by the FDA to call back the sold piglets

[D] may have to pay the penalty

60. The FDA declares that the wrongfully sold piglets ________.

[A] may have side effects on consumers [B] may be harmful to consumers

[C] are safe to consumers [D] may cause human illness

61. It can be inferred from this passage that ________.

[A] all the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

[B] part of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

[C] none of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

[D] half of the offspring have their mothers' genetic engineering

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

A class action lawsuit has been filed against a prominent Toronto doctor by patients who allege he injected a banned substance into their faces for cosmetic

purposes. The doctor had already been investigated for more than three years for using the liquid silicone, a product not authorized for use in Canada.

Some patients say they are now suffering health problems and think the liquid silicone may be to blame. One of those patients is Anna Barbiero. She says her Toronto dermatologist told her he was using liquid silicone to smooth out wrinkles. what she says he didn't tell her is that it isn't approved for use in Canada. "I didn't know what liquid silicone was and he just called it 'liquid gold'," Barbiero remembers. After her last treatment, Anna discovered Dr. Sheldon Pollack had been ordered to stop using the silicone two years earlier by Health Canada. Experts say silicone can migrate through the body, and cause inflammation and deformities. "My upper lip is always numb and it burns," Barbiero says. Barbiero is spearheading(带头)a lawsuit against the doctor, who her lawyer thinks might involve up to 100 patients injected with the same material. "The fact, a physician of his stature would use an unauthorized product on a patient because he thought it was okay, is really very disturbing," says lawyer Douglas Elliott.

Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons is also investigating Dr. Pollack to see if, in fact, he continued to use the silicone after agreeing to stop and whether he wrote in patient records that he used another legal product when he used silicone. However, in a letter to the College, Dr. Pollack wrote that he had always told patients that the silicone was not approved for sale in Canada, and had warned them of the risks. And in Barbiero's case, "...at the time of her first visit, prior to her ever receiving IGLS treatment, I specifically informed her that the material was not approved for sale in Canada by the Health Protection Branch and that I did receive the material from outside the country ...I would like to emphasize that, as is evident on Ms. Barbiero's chart, I drew a specific diagram on the chart which I carefully discussed with and explained to Ms. Barbiero as I did with every other patient to explain the nature and likelihood of complications and the reasons and consequences of those possible complications."

Dr. Pollack declined to speak to CTV News, or to have his lawyer discuss the case. None of the allegations have been proven in court. But the case raises questions about the ability of governing bodies to monitor doctors. "There's a larger message and that is: buyer beware," says Nancy Neilsen of Cosmetic Surgery Canada, "It's incumbent(负有义务的)on consumers to do their research."

62. Doctor Sheldon Pollack was charged that ________.

[A] he had prescribed wrong medicine for patients by mistake

[B] he had treated his patients with something illegal, causing bad result

[C] he had pretended to be a prominent surgeon

[D] he had sold an unauthorized product in large amount

63. What does the word "dermatologist" (Line 2, Para. 2) mean?

[A] A person whose work is filling, cleaning and taking out teeth.

[B] A person whose work is studying mental diseases.

[C] A person whose work is healing eye diseases.

[D] A person whose work is curing skin diseases.

64. The investigation of Ontario's College of Physicians and Surgeons is to find ________.

[A] whether he still has illegal treatment on his patients

[B] how many patients have been abused

[C] if he told his patients about the risk

[D] how much money he got from his illegal treatment

65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[A] Barbiero took the treatment after being told the risk.

[B] Dr. Sheldon Pollack started his work with the patients' agreement to accept the potential risk.

[C] A famous doctor should be authorized to use something he thinks okay on patients.

[D] Barbiero is suffering a lot.

66. From the ending part of the passage, we can conclude that________.

[A] Barbiero will win the lawsuit

[B] Dr. Sheldon Pollack will win the lawsuit

[C] the cases have been dismissed

[D] governing bodies to monitor doctor will be charged

Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

The loudest outcry about poverty seemed to come in the wealthiest country by far in the world. According to most calculations, 67 most of that period the United States had a standard of living well 68 Europe's and many times above the world 69 . Yet protests about grinding poverty, hunger, and dreadful need 70 more from the United States than from countries with one-fortieth of their living 71 . An annual per capita income of about 500 dollars is 72 of much of Africa and Asia and not a little of South America. It would seem strange to these people that American radicals demand a 73 from an American commitment to the far corners of the globe so that the money thus saved can be spent 74 the standard of living of 75 Americans. What this last point suggests is not so much that human 76 are never to be satisfied though this is doubtlessly true, and the American suburbanite(郊区居民) 77 of his second car and his color TV suffers just as 78 as an African farmer in need of a second cow and a screen door. Rather, it suggests the 79 of contemporary breach of social 80 —the emancipation of the individual self. People have learned to consider any 81 to personal fulfillment as a(n) 82 insult. They have greatly expanded the circle of self-awareness. They no longer accept sharp limitations on individual desires in the 83 of the group. The amount of potential human discontent has always been 84 —misery, failure, misfitting, bitterness, hatred, envy 85 telling. It has usually failed of 86 , and in the past it was accepted passively as being beyond help.

Part VI Translation (5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

87. A report said ________________________(这里只剩下不过30只野生野生老虎).

88. In modern times, several people ________________________(在那瀑布上走过,他们大多数是有意的).

89. Had I seen the film, ________________________(我昨晚就和你讨论该问题了).

90. There, in the mud, were footprints—footprints ________________________(几乎是正常人脚的十倍大).

91. All of us have read thrilling stories ________________________(故事中的主人公只能活一段很有限的时光).


Part I Writing

Away from Net-bar Campaign

It has been reported that a middle school in Xuzhou City has recently launched a campaign named "Away from Net-bar". More than a thousand students have signed for their solemn promise that they will not spend a single minute in the net-bars. With the coming of the summer vacation, this campaign is especially meaningful for the healthy development of the minors.

The Internet has brought people great convenience in getting information, entertaining and contacting each other, and it has also benefited some businessmen, especially the owners of net-bars. While it is true that most net-bars are running legally, it is also true that some are offering unhealthy programs that involve violence and sex content. Since most middle school students are prone to be influenced and they can hardly tell which bar is doing well and which one is not, it is only advisable that they should stay away from all.

Besides, staying away from net-bars is also good to students' physical health. By passively sitting too long in front of the computer screen, both their eyesight and physique suffer.

Obviously, the Away from Net-bars Campaign is an activity that is worth advocating and it merits other schools' reference.

Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1.N 文章第一、二段以Annie的经历为例,说明秘书的评价可能会影响到面试的结果;


2.Y 根据题干中的信息词Annie Stevens和newly recruited managers定位到第一个小标题下的第一段,可知Annie Stevens表示,许多新招进公司的管理人员无法胜任新工作最大的原因之一是,他们无法融入公司原有员工的圈子,无法和原有员工相处,因此该句表述正确。

3.N 据题干中的信息词the right start定位到第一个小标题下的第三段,在第二条建议中提到,不要将接待员或其他助理人员看成自己的部下,再结合其他几点建议可知,应聘人员应平和对待接待员,不应轻视他们,而题目提到的要将其视为未来的老板,显然言过其实。

4.NG 第一个小标题下的最后一点建议提到,不要忘记说“再见”,如果你没有和刚刚遇到的人说“再见”,就会给别人留下不好的印象,但原文并没有提到不说“谢谢”会有怎样的后果。

5.what/all you’ve got。根据题干中的信息词give up和wholesale定位到第二个小标题下的第二段,可知对于任何关系,即工作,你确实应该在彻底放弃之前评估你所得到的事物的全部价值,题干中用evaluate一词替换了原文中的同义短语assess the full value of,因此,答案为其后的what you’ve got。

6.your progress。根据题干中的信息词measuring your work定位到第二个小标题,再由encourages your development定位到该部分提到的l2个问题,其中倒数第二个问题中提到了talk to me about my progress,由此可得答案,即在评估自己的工作时,有必要考虑工作中是否有人鼓励你发展,是否有人和你谈到你的进步。

7.they’re engaged in their work。根据题干中的信息词satisfaction with pay and benefits定位到第二个小标题下12个问题之后的第四段,可知对于薪水和福利的满意度没有出现在列表中不是因为它们不重要,而是因为它们对所有员工来说都很重要,无论这些员工是否专心投入工作,由此可得答案。

8.individual departments within the company。根据题干中的信息词l2-question test定位到倒数第七段,可知Coffman认为只有不到l5%的公司能通过包括那l2道问题的测试,但即使公司整体无法通过测试,公司内部的个别部门也可能通过测试,由此可得答案。

9.job satisfaction rests。根据题干中的信息词first six questions和make up the base定位到倒数第五段,可知需要注意的是,如果l2道问题中的大多数你都能给出肯定的答案,但你无法给出肯定答案的少数问题在前6个之中,那你的工作可能就没你想的那么好,因为前6个问题是工作满意度的基础所在,由此可得答案。

10.any job dissatisfaction。根据题干中的信息词answer the l2 questions honestly定位到倒数第三段,可知想要诚实回答那l2道问题,你就得了解自己为什么会那样,以及自己不因任何工作不满而盲目责怪自己部门的原因,由此可得答案。

Part III Listening Comprehension

Section A

11.D 综合推断题。男士不明白自己妻子为什么总是以消极的态度看待一切,女士说他应该了解一下妻子的童年,因此,女士的意思是男士妻子的消极态度可能与过去的经历有关,所以D正确。

12.B 综合推断题。结合对话中的floor,bouncing和rolling推断,当时发生了地震,所以B正确。

13.C 信息明示题。由女士的问话Are you also majoring in elementary education,特别是其中的also可知,女士的专业是基础教育,所以C正确。

14.D 综合推断题。女士说should have taken off at l4:00,用的是虚拟语气,表明飞机并没有在14:00起飞,结合后面的grounded for two hours and fifteen minutes可知,飞机在14:00+2:15=16:15起飞,故选D。

15.B 信息明示题。女士问在街上流浪的是哪些人,男士说有失业的,有精神病患者,还有一些酒鬼,并没有提及家庭破裂者,排除B。

16.D 语义替换题。男士说演讲者太令人厌烦了,女士却说:“我不知道,事实上,我对他没有特别的感觉。”由此可以推断D正确。

17.B 综合推断题。女士说这是自己的最低价并表示不能再让步;男士说如果是这样,就无需再讨论了,他们将取消整笔交易,由此可知他们在商议价格,所以B正确。本题的关键词是rock-bottom price(最低价)以及cancel the whole deal(取消整笔交易)。

18.A 综合推断题。女士问男士为什么不高兴,男士说他家里昨晚停电,他错过了大半场足球比赛,由此可知,男士是位足球迷,所以A正确。

Conversation One

19.A 信息明示题。女士问男士的大峡谷之行怎么样,男士回答说很棒,他们花了五天的时间在科罗拉多河沿岸远足并探索边上的峡谷,故选A。

20.C 信息明示题。男士说据他了解,每年都有游客因为脱水而生病或死亡,由此可知,工作人员确认游客是否带有足够多的水是怕游客因脱水而发生危险,故选C。

21.D 综合推断题。女士最后描述了自己在尼泊尔的经历,她知道高原反应确实是个问题,所以她雇了当地的行李搬运工帮自己把东西抬到高海拔地区,也就是说她雇搬运工就是为了尽量避免高原反应,故选D。

Conversation Two

22.A 综合推断题。女士开始说自己打电话是想询问一些寄包裹的问题,接着询问了有关所邮寄物品和所需时间的具体问题,由此可知,女士打电话是想要咨询信息,故选A。

23.C 信息明示题。女士说自己有一盒自制的糖果,想寄给自己的妹妹,故选C。

24.B 信息明示题。女士询问包裹能否在自己妹妹过生日那天,也就是周六寄到,由此可知,她妹妹的生日是周六,故选B。

25.D 综合推断题。男士向女士推荐了一种优先服务,可以保证包裹在三天后到达,男士最后还建议女士带包裹去他们那儿,说他们会用优先服务将包裹寄出,女士对此表示同意,即她很可能会用优先服务寄出包裹,故选D。

Section B

Passage One

26.B 信息明示题。文章第一段最后指出,年轻人会花大量的空闲时间在家陪家人或朋友,所以B正确。

27.A信息明示题。文章第二段指出,school is the main social environment where children develop their identities within peer groups,因此A正确。B、C、D均不是孩子们在学校所做的事,故排除。

28.D 信息明示题。文章第三段最后指出,一项调查最近估算出,有将近六百万的英国青年曾经是或现在是“青年服务”的参与者,因此D正确。

29.C 信息明示题。文章最后一段指出,青年俱乐部和青年中心鼓励成员参与体育、文化和创造性活动,以及社会服务,而咨询服务是这些组织提供给其成员的,并不是他们鼓励成员参与的活动,因此C正确。

Passage Two

30.B 信息明示题。文章第一段指出,The studies found that a good night’s sleep may improve memory.由此可知,B正确。

31.D 信息明示题。文章第三段指出,Professor Margoliash认为睡眠可以增强记忆力并保护记忆不受干扰,此外睡眠还可以恢复丧失的记忆,故选D。

32.C 信息明示题。文章倒数第二句指出,科学家认为该过程与计算机存储信息的方式类似,所以C正确。

Passage Three

33.C 信息明示题。文章第三段通过问题what are the specific traits that will help people to climb the ladder of success?引出了可以助人成功的几个特质,再由下面的First Second Third Fourth 可知,文章一共提到了四点,因此C正确。

34.B 综合推断题。文章第五段指出,The skill can be instinctual,but in most cases it’s learned through hard work.也就是说,判断人的能力可能是出于本能,但在大多数情况下,都是学习而获得的,故选B。A、C、D三项可分别根据第四段、最后一段和倒数第二段的内容排除。

35.B 综合推断题。文章最后一段介绍了有助于成功的第四个特质,calm under pressure或grace under pressure,即面对压力时可以保持冷静或优雅;该段最后指出,商人如果choke up,就不会有大的成就,再结合前文可知,choke up指的应该就是被压力击垮,因此B正确。

Section C

36.self-conscious 37.Worrisome 38.unattractive 39.adversely

40.reflected 41.reactions 42.profound 43.criticism

44.They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise

45.It is clear that,while self-awareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is harmful

46.Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths

Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

47.D 该空格前为及物动词enter,因此空格处应选名词作其宾语。原句意为“从孩童时我们进入 起,当我们继续初级和中级教育时,我们是在为未来的生活打基础”。选项D(幼儿园)、L(学校)看似均可,但其后的“当我们继续初级和中级教育时”即专门针对“学校”而言,所以此处应选与之对应的“幼儿园”。

48.I 该空格前为情态动词must,因此空格处应选动词原形。原句意为“我们必须 自己努力工作,以便通过考试 ”,所填动词应含有“约束,强迫”之意,选项I(约束)最适合。discipline作为动词是“训练,管教(某人/物)”的意思,discipline oneself就是“严格要求自己”的意思。

49.B 该空格前为动词不定式的标志词to,空格后为名词短语a good job,因此空格处应选及物动词原形。原句意为“获取我们将用来 一份好工作的资质”,与“工作”搭配的动词可以是“得到,确保”或者“找到”,选项B(得到;保护)最适合。secure a job就是“找到一份工作”的意思。

50.M 该空格前为动词acquire,空格后为名词短语life skills,因此空格处应选形容词作定语。结合句意“我们还必须获得 生活技能,以便自己可以融人周围的人并与其一起工作”可知,选项M(有价值的)最适合。

51.J 该空格前为连系动词stay,空格后为并列连词and,因此空格处应选和healthy构成并列的形容词。结合句意“健康教育帮助我们了解自己该如何保持 和健康”可知,选项J(因锻炼而健康的)最适合。stay fit and healthy意为“保持健康”。

52.F 该空格前为不定冠词a(n),空格后为介词of,因此空格处应选名词。结合句意“而对于其他人来说,它是 学习的开端”和选项,F(终生)最适合。

53.O 原句意为“毕业之后,许多人进一步 教育,以便学习到更为有用的技能”和选项,此处所填的词汇应该与progress和useful skills相近。further和deepen在意思上都可以,但deepen意为“深化”,通常不与education相搭配。further education表示“进修,继续深造”。

54.E 该空格前为介词of,空格后为名词education,因此空格处应选名词、形容词或动词过去分词等作定语。由句意“其他人会参加大学里 教育的项目,在那儿通过努力学习就有机会在三四年后拿到相应的学位”可知,选项E(更高的)最适合。higher education意为“高等教育”。

55.K 该空格前为介词before,空格后为动词不定式的标志词to,因此空格处应选不及物动词的现在分词。选项中只有changing和opting是现在分词,而change是及物动词,所以排除,本题选K。opt to do sth. 意为“选择做某事”。

56.H 该空格前为系动词is,空格后为介词短语due to,因此空格处应选副词作状语。原句意为“事实上, 归因于电脑的盛行,许多多年来远离学校的人才开始再次学习 ”,此处所填词应含有“很大程度上、主要地”之意,选项H与之相符。要注意该句包含it is that 的强调句型。

Section B

Passage One

57.B 推断题。第一段指出FDA想要找到被不正当地卖入美国食品市场的仔猪;第二段第一句又指出,FDA调查的焦点是位于Urbana Champaign的伊利诺伊大学的科研人员饲养的猪,由此可知,B正确。虽然文章提到了processing plants,但干扰项C用的是单数,那么多仔猪不可能只卖给一家加工厂,故排除。

58.A 细节题。文章第二段最后一句指出,该试验的最终目的是更快地培育出更大的猪,由此可知,A正确。

59.D 推断题。文章第四段提到,FDA在一个新闻发布会上宣称,伊利诺伊大学因其售猪行为将面临制裁(sanctions)和罚款(fines)。D项“将可能被迫交纳一笔罚金”与之相符,所以D正确。

60.C 细节题。通观全文,似乎都是对动物转基因实验不利的内容,但细读文章可知,FDA的举措只是为了防范未知的可能危害。第五段首句更明确指出,FDA和伊利诺伊大学均声称进入市场的仔猪不会对消费者构成危胁,所以C正确。

61.B 推断题。第七段提到,伊利诺伊大学称,每头仔猪都做了八次检验以确保它们没有转基因遗传,若检出带有转基因遗传的则被送回用于研究,南此可推断B正确,即部分仔猪携带母猪的遗传基因。

Passage Two

62.B 细节题。文章第一段第一句指出,患者对一位多伦多著名的医生(Dr.Sheldon Pollack)提起了集体诉讼,指责他使用违禁材料做面部美容,故选B。

63.D 语义题。由文章第二段第三句中的wrinkles(皱纹)可知,Barbiero的dermatologist使用液体硅胶抚平皱纹,由此推断,dermatologist应为“皮肤科医生”,故选D。

64.A 细节题。文章第四段第一句指出,安大略医学院正在调查Dr.Pollack,以便弄清他在同意停用液体硅胶后是否还在继续使用,以及他是否在使用硅胶的同时在患者的病历上写上另一种合法产品的名称,所以A正确。

65.D 推断题。文章第三段第一句指出,Barbiero说她的上唇麻木并有烧灼感,由此推断,她经受了很多痛苦,所以D正确。A、B项属于Dr.Pollack的辩解之词,具有争议性,应排除;C项是对Barbiero的律师Elliott提出存在的问题的曲解,也应排除。

66.C 推断题。由文章最后一段第二、三句可知,任何主张都没有被法庭采纳,同时这个案子还提出了相关机构对医生进行监管的问题,但并没有说这些机构将被起诉,所以选C。 Part V Cloze

67.B 介词用法题。空格所在部分要表示的是“在那一时期”,选项中onto一般不用于引导时间状语,故排除;until一般引导时间点,故排除;in引导一段时间时表示的是“在 之后”,故排除;through引导一段时间可表示“从头至尾”,故选B。

68.B 词义辨析题。over意为“在(具体事物)之上”,above意为“在(事物或标准)之上”,against意为“靠着”,below意为“在 之下”。由下文表示并列的and可知,美国的生活水平应该高于欧洲,所以B正确。另外由后面的and many times above也可确定本题选B。

69.A 词义辨析题。average作名词意为“平均水平”,与语境相符,所以A正确。common意为“普通的”,mean意为“平庸的,平均的”,ordinary意为“平常的,普通的”,都是形容词,而此处应选名词,故B、C、D均应排除。

70.D 惯用搭配题。四个选项中只有proceed可与空格后的from构成搭配,意为“源于”,符合文意,故选D。proceed还常见于搭配proceed from the outside to the inside之中,该搭配意为“由表及里”。

71.A 惯用搭配题。living standard为惯用搭配,意为“生活水平”,与原文相符,所以A正确。scale意为“刻度,等级”,level意为“水准,级别”,example意为“例子”,均应排除。

72.D 词义辨析题。different一般不与of相搭配,故排除A;regardless of意为“不顾,不理会”,ignorant of意为“不知道,无知”,typical of意为“典型的”,结合句意“人均年收入500美元在许多非洲、亚洲 国家中是 ”可知,D正确。

73.A 词义辨析题。retreat意为“撤回”,compromise意为“妥协”,restraint意为“抑制”,detachment意为“分开”,结合句意“美国激进分子要求从美国对世界偏远地区的赞助中 ”可知,A正确。

74.B 词义辨析题。rising意为“上升”,raising意为“提高”,expending意为“花费”,arising意为“出现”,结合句意“节省下来的钱可以花在 生活水平上”可知,B正确。

75.A 逻辑衔接题。underprivileged意为“穷闲的”,misguided意为“被误导的”,underlined意为“被强调的”,overjoyed意为“狂喜的”。文章开头就提到富有的美国人总是哭穷,空格前又提到美国激进分子希望美国不要帮助其他地区,而应该把钱留给自己,由此可知,A最符合逻辑。

76.D 词义辨析题。anticipations意为“预期”,shelters意为“掩蔽处”,shortages意为“不足”,wants意为“需求”,结合句意“人类的 永远得不到满足”可知,D正确。

77.B 词义辨析题。ensure一般不与of连用,故排除;informed of意为“被告知”,deprived of意为“被剥夺”,relieved of意为“被解除(负担、责任等)”,结合原文可知,B正确。

78.A 词义辨析题。acutely意为“剧烈地”,abnormally意为“反常地”,aggressively意为“侵略地”,initially意为“最初”。此处所填的副词用来修饰suffer,再结合其后的an African farmer in need of a second cow可知,A正确。

79.D 词义辨析题。margin意为“边缘”,scope意为“(活动)范围”,range意为“(种类或变化的)范围”,extent意为“范围,程度”。原文要表达的是“违背的程度”,因此D正确。

80.B 逻辑衔接题。破折号之后的内容是对之前内容的解说,而与emancipation相对的应该是“准则”或者“规范”。四个选项中只有B能与空格前的social构成固定搭配,social norm意为“社会规范”。liberties意为“自由”,institutions意为“制度”,practices意为“惯例”,均不符合。

81.C 逻辑衔接题。access意为“通路”,exception意为“例外”,obstacle意为“障碍”,approach意为“方法”。上文提到了个人自我的解放,下文又提到了自我意识的扩张,在同一语义流中还出现了limitations一词,由此可知,被认为是侮辱的应该是对个人满足的阻碍(obstacle),因此C正确。

82.C 逻辑衔接题。由上下文可知,对个人满足的阻碍肯定是让人无法忍受的侮辱,因此C正确。incomprehensible意为“不能理解的”,uninterpretable意为“无法解释的”,negligible意为“可以忽略的”,均应排除。

83.C 惯用搭配题。in the face of意为“面对 ”,in the company of意为“由 陪伴”,in the name of意为“凭借 的权威,以 的名义”,in the wake of意为“随着 而来”,结合句意“他们不再接受 集体对个人欲望的严格限制”可知,C正确。

84.D 词义辨析题。bulky意为“(体积)大的”,prompt意为“及时的”,momentary意为“瞬间的”,infinite意为“无限的”,结合句意“人类潜在的不满总是 ”可知,D正确。

85.B 介词用法题。beyond可与名词或动名词连用,表示“超出 范围”,符合原文语境,与telling连用表示“无法言语的”,故选B。

86.A 逻辑衔接题。空格所在句中的it指代的应该是上文的discontent,而上文提到了无法言语的不满,因此此处应为“不满通常无法说出”,故选A。admittance意为“准人”,compliance意为“顺从”importance意为“重要性”,均应排除。

Part VI Translation

87.there were no more than 30 wild tigers left here .

分析句子结构可知,所译部分应为said的宾语从句,因此其时态应与主句时态保持一致。由中文部分可知,所译部分可采用there be句型;“不过”即为不超过、仅仅,可译为no more than,“野生的”即wild。

88.have gone over that fall,most of them on purpose

中文部分强调的是走过瀑布这一事实,因此可用现在完成时来表示。在瀑布上走过,应用介词over来表示;中文部分的“他们”指代的应该是several people,“他们大多数是有意的”显然是对主语several people的补充说明,因此可译为省略谓语的省略句作主语补语;“有意的”可泽为on purpose。

89.I would have discussed the problem with you last night

分析句意可知,给出的英文部分为省略if的倒装虚拟条件句,因此所译部分也应为虚拟语气,表示对“昨晚”的过去事实的虚拟,谓语应为would have done的形式。

90.that were almost ten times larger than a normal human foot

结合中英文可知,所译部分应为footprints的后置定语或定语从句。“正常人脚”应为a normal human foot;“是 的十倍大”可译为ten times larger than、ten times as large as、ten times the size of,故此处还可译为that were almost ten times as large as a normal human foot或that were almost ten times the size of a normal human foot。

91.in which the hero had only a limited time to live

结合中英文可知,所译部分应为以stories为先行词的定语从句。由中文部分可确定从句的主语应为“主人公”,即hero;“故事中的”则应译为in which,其中关系代词which指代的自然为stories;“有限的时光”应译为a limited time,表示一段时间。

