
更新时间:2024-02-20 13:10:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载





时间:100分钟 满分:100分

班级:姓名: 得分:


1.拼音芳草地。(9分) (1)根据拼音写同音字。(5分)

shì:发( )( )量 ào:骄( ) ( )妙 sù:( )舍 ( )料 严() jì:成( )( )信 ( )续

同学们犯了cuò wù( ),内心感到cán kui( ),是正常的。但我们不能因此fán nǎo( )消沉,要勇敢面对,努力改正,这样才能zhuó zhuàng()成长。




得了冠军,值得祝贺。( ) ②仰望高耸入云的东方明珠塔.它真是开天辟地....,雄伟壮观! ( ) ③《一路花香》给我们的启示是“尺有所短,寸有所长.........” 。 ( ) ④个别外国学生瞧不起徐悲鸿.其实他是有眼不识泰山......。 ( ) ⑤说话表达要注意通顺连贯,不能断断续续,如古人所说的“君子一言,驷马难追.........”。 ( ) (2)填字成词,并选词填空。(6分)

文思敏( )同( )共济千帆( )发温文尔( ) ( )作等身亲( )无间敢( )敢言相得( )彰 ①既然我们是( )的朋友,那就应当()

②鲁迅先生文学成就很高尚,可以说是()。同时他也是一位爱国志士,面对恶势力,他经常( )


(1)课文是个大千世界,在本册猓艾中,我们认识了很多有趣的动物,如:的金丝猴,的珍珠鸟,的九色鹿;领略了许多风景名胜,如:被称为“泉城”的: ,充满诗情画意的人间仙境,牧场之国等;认识了许多品德高尚的名人,如励志学画的 ,为人类盗火的,的苏轼,的童第周等。(5分)

(2)每当天气晴朗时,,, , 都倒映在湖水中,构成了一

幅幅五彩缤纷的图画.难怪人们把这些湖泊叫做“”、“ ”呢(3分)



(1)如果你的同桌对读书不感兴趣,你会用“ ” 这句名言来劝说他。 (2)爸爸答应别人的事情,总能说到做到,真是“言必信,”


(4) “爆竹声中一岁除,” 新春佳节即将到来,我们可以选择: “,” 这副对联来表达对新的一年的美好祝愿。 (5)唐诗宋词耐人寻味。柳宗元的“孤舟蓑笠翁,”饱含着孤独的心情和不屈的精神;苏轼的“,千里共婵娟”表达了对天下离别之人的诚挚祝福;刘禹锡的“遥望洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺”则描绘了 。







2.金银花又名。 3. 结合短文,在括号内填上恰当的关联词。

( )鸡肠草和鹅肠草的叶子十分相似,()药性不同。()不仔细分辨,( )有抓错药的可能,后果将不堪设想。


5. “李时珍把本子摊开,拿起毛笔,边忆边写。”这句话中描写了李时珍三个连续的相联的动作:摊、拿、写.请你模仿写一个人的三个连续动作。(2分)

(二) 15分)

一个星光灿烂的一个夏夜,我和伙伴又在河沿上数星星玩。那阵子,由于天早,晒了一天的麦叶都有点耷拉着脑袋了。我多么盼望咱家的庄稼长得壮啊!我就请伙伴在河堤.(dī tí)上扒了一个口子,把河水引进了我家的麦田。 看着麦苗“咕嘟、咕嘟”地喝着水,我心里别提多高兴了。 可是,就在我撅屁股垒引水道时,背.

(bēi bèi)后传来急促的脚步声,还没等我回头看是咋回事,屁股已重重挨了一巴掌,我有点委屈地说:“妈妈,我是给咱家的麦田灌水哩!”

“快把口子给我堵上!”母亲愠(yùn)怒地说,“咱家的地在上面,河里的水不足,得(de dé děi)先让下面的人家浇!”我只好一声不响地把口子堵上。母亲这才放心地走了。


” 听了妈妈的话.我羞愧地低下了头。

望着我们这些喝水的孩子,母亲又说:“别呛着,呶,那水里可藏着星星哩。”我们好.(hǎo hào)奇地瞧着碗里的水,果然,每人碗里的水面上都闪烁着星星。

我心里真敬佩妈妈。她是我人生的第一位老师。 1.用“√”在文中括号内选择正确读音。(2分)

2. 我多么盼望自家的庄稼长得壮啊!”这句中的“盼”字用音序查字法查字典应查“忘”字第三笔笔画的名称是,与“盼望”一词意思相近的词是: ,“壮”字可以换成 一词。(4分)

3. 联系文章内容想一想,“人啊.也该这样”指的是人该怎样,把句子补充完整.写在文中的横线上。(2分)

4. 用文中的词语概括“我”心情的变化,按顺序写在下面的括号里。(5分) 高兴→()→()→()→羞愧→()→() 5.给短文拟个恰当的题目,写在文中的横线上。(2分)




8B Unit 5 综合验收练习参考答案

I. 1.pocket money 2. 医学治疗3. be grateful to sb. 4. 带你去一所中学 5. perform / do an operation on sb. 6. 继续我们的工作7. don’t worry 8. 隔壁,相邻9. try one’s best to do 10. 以做……为自豪

II. 11. mostly 12. interviewer 13. treatment 14. are looked 15. go 16. blind; blindness 17. getting

18. training, to help 19. operations 20. flying

III. 21—25 CBACB 26—30 BBBCA

31—35 BCBCB 36—40 CABBB

IV. 41. Did, use; Used 42. didn’t use 43. operated on 44. so, that 45. such an interesting, that

V. 46. used to be 47. isn’t used to drinking 48. proud of 49. perform / do an operation on

50. was, set up

VI. 51—55 CDBCA 56—60 DCCBA

VII. 61—65 DBCAB 66—70 CACDB

VIII. One possible version:

No. 368 Hunan Road


October 25th

Dear Mr Wang,

I saw your poster and I want to become a member of the Fish Lovers’ Club.

I am a student of Nanjing No. 28 Middle School and I am in Grade 8. My favourite subjects are English and geography. I’m very interested in playing basketball and keeping fish.

I like fish very much, so I think it is important for me to do something to protect fish. And I want to know more about fish, too. Every Saturday from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., I can take part in the club activities.

If I can become a member of your club, I will be very happy. You can call me on 025-83304409 or e-mail me at luckylm@sohu.com.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

8B Unit 6随堂练习(上)参考答案

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

一、1. homeless2. elderly 3. deaf 4. blind 5. disabled

二、1. cross the road 2. donating money to them

3. give them a hand 4. to learn English well

5. give them your seats 6. to take good care of

三、1—5 CDEAG


一、1. record 2. spirit 3. group 4. hill 5. mountain二、1. within 2. excellent 3. tough 4. chance

5. training

三、1—5 DABDB6—10 AABCC

四、1. famous for 2. one of the biggest 3. has already been recorded 4. keep running

5. try our best, in need

五、1. We haven’t won one game.

2. No, we are trying to win the game on our own.

3. We should work together to get the ball back.

4. No, we can only win games together.

5. He is really good at defending.


一、1. walking 2. to raise 3. fitness 4. least 5. development

二、1. headache 2. overcoat 3. countryside 4. upstairs 5. handwriting 6. postman 7. gentleman

8. weekdays

三、1. organization 2. need 3. hurt 4. lost 5. around 6. called 7. share 8. how 9. provides

10. blood

四、1—5 CDBCD

8B Unit 6随堂练习(下)参考答案


一、1—5 BCCDB6—10 BCBAB

二、1. It is sad that some children can’t go to school.

2. It’s impossible to finish the job within such a short time.

3. It’s necessary for you to read English every morning.

4. It’s important for students to take notes carefully in class.

5. It’s meaningful to donate money to Project Hope.

三、1. D→join 2. C→health 3. A→it 4. B→exciting 5. B→easy

Integrated skills & Study skills

一、1—5 CDBAB

二、1. if possible 2. anything else 3. the only way / route to 4. It takes 5. necessary to pay attention

三、1. charity 2. meaningful 3. great 4. need 5. made 6. feel 7. carry 8. thirsty 9. else 10. lost

四、1. They are poor and must work and take care of their families.

2. Passing Love Charity CARathon.

3. It lasted 3 days.

4. They stopped many times, and they got out of their cars and had a party at each stop.

5. It means a marathon for people driving cars.

6. Help poor girls in China to receive an education.

Main task & Checkout

一、A. 1. violin 2. contact 3. wine 4. aid 5. furtherB. 1. be given 2. to raise 3. starting 4. first

5. interested

二、1—5 ACBCB

三、1—5 CGAEB

四、1. fund-raising 2. raise 3. team 4. tough 5. sleep 6. tired 7. parks 8. mountains 9. spirit10. recorded

五、One possible version:

Many old people in our city live alone and feel very lonely. It is necessary for us to care for them. Next Saturday, we will have a charity event to raise money for the elderly. The event will be held in the school hall at 3.00 p.m. The principal, the teachers and all the students will take part in it. There will be songs and dances. After collecting the money, the volunteers will give it to the poor, old people around us. Please make sure that all of you will be there on time.

8B Unit 6 综合验收练习参考答案

I. A. 1. training 2. excellent 3. downloaded 4. tough 5. contact 6. violin 7. within 8. chance

B. 9. further 10. disabled 11. donation 12. homeless 13. starting 14. singers

C. 15. to raise 16. will be held 17. keep 18. is known 19. takes 20. did, begin

II. 21—25 CDAAD 26—30 DDADB 31—35 BDDBB

III. 36. if 37. weather 38. enough 39. wise 40. especially

IV. 41. That will be a meaningful experience I’ll never forget.

42. It’s necessary for students to learn team spirit.

43. Let’s help that blind man cross the road.

44. It’s impossible for her to finish the work within half an hour.

45. The trip next week will be organized by Mr Black.

V. 46. It is helpful to donate money to support development projects.

47. What is the aim of Walk for Children?

48. Some information about Starlight Town has been found.

49. The process of the whole event will be recorded by Miss Green.

50. How long has Oxfam Trailwalker been held?

VI. 51—55 BDAAA 56—60 BBAAD

VII. (A) 61—65 CBADB

(B) 66. Name 67. After 68. selling 69. water 70. Life

VIII. One possible version:

One morning on his way to school, Mike saw a blind man walking across the street. A car was


















