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细胞外基质在发育和再生过程中对组织的分化、维持和重塑起到基本功能作用。细胞外基质的数量,成分,组织和功能显示,组织之间存在很大变数并且在细胞外基质相互作用过程中随之而来的改造会发生动态变化。匈牙利国家科学院Ibolya Kiss博士研究组讨论了多密合接头蛋白:胞外基质蛋白-2的一些最新数据,以及胞外基质蛋白-2在神经、肌肉和其他组织分化和再生过程中起到的及时和关键的作用。
细胞外基质在发育和再生过程中对组织的分化、维持和重塑起到基本功能作用。细胞外基质的数量,成分,组织和功能显示,组织之间存在很大变数并且在细胞外基质相互作用过程中随之而来的改造会发生动态变化。在发表于《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志2015年6月第6期的亮点文章中,匈牙利国家科学院Ibolya Kiss博士研究组讨论了多密合接头蛋白:胞外基质蛋白-2的一些最新数据,以及胞外基质蛋白-2在神经、肌肉和其他组织分化和再生过程中起到的及时和关键的作用。
Article: "Matrilin-2, an extracellular adaptor protein, is needed for the regeneration of muscle, nerve and other tissues" by Éva Korpos1, 2, Ferenc Deák3, 4, Ibolya Kiss3, 4, (1 Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, University of Muenster, 48149 Muenster, Germany; 2 Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence, University of Muenster, 48149 Muenster, Germany; 3 Institute of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary; 4 Avidin Ltd., H-6726 Szeged, Hungary)
Korpos É, Deák F, Kiss I (2015) Matrilin-2, an extracellular adaptor protein, is needed for the regeneration of muscle, nerve and other tissues. Neural Regen Res 10(6):866-869.
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Crucial role of matrilin-2 ECM protein in regeneration of muscle, nerve and other tissues
细胞外基质在发育和再生过程中对组织的分化、维持和重塑起到基本功能作用。细胞外基质的数量,成分,组织和功能显示,组织之间存在很大变数并且在细胞外基质相互作用过程中随之而来的改造会发生动态变化。匈牙利国家科学院Ibolya Kiss博士研究组讨论了多密合接头蛋白:胞外基质蛋白-2的一些最新数据,以及胞外基质蛋白-2在神经、肌肉和其他组织分化和再生过程中起到的及时和关键的作用。
Matrilin-2 (Matn2) is a broadly expressed extracellular matrix (ECM) protein functioning in the ECM assembly in vertebrates. Exciting new findings uncover its critical role in the timely onset of differentiation and regeneration processes in myogenic, neural and other tissues and in tumorigenesis. Thus Matn2 is required for axonal outgrowth and tumor suppression, and most remarkably it serves as a key modulator of the regulatory cascade that initiates terminal muscle differentiation. NEWS RELEASE
Matn2 belongs to the matrilin family of adaptor proteins implicated in the supramolecular ECM assembly in vertebrates. Matn2 binds weakly to cells and α1β1 integrin and it also interacts with itself and with other ECM molecules to form homo- and heterotypic pericellular filaments, thereby modulating ECM-ECM and ECM-cell interactions during tissue remodeling. Based on former and recent data, an article published by Dr Ibolya Kiss and coworkers in the Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 10, No. 6, 2015) highlights the crucial role of Matn2 in the differentiation and regeneration of various tissues, including skeletal muscle, peripheral nerves, skin and liver. Matn2 promotes neurit outgrowth, Schwann cell migration, peripheral nerve, muscle and liver regeneration and skin wound healing, whereas Matn2 deficiency hampers or delays these processes. Interestingly, the Matn2-elicited signaling is linked to TGF-β/BMP-7/Smad signaling in muscle, skin and perhaps in other tissues. The molecular mechanism explaining the critical function of the extracellular Matn2 in tissue remodeling has been best characterized in skeletal muscle, where it is surprisingly required for the timely initiation of the Trf3/Taf3-dependent global switch toward terminal muscle differentiation, including the MyoD-directed myogenic regulatory cascade and the Nfix-dependent activation of fetal muscle genes.
In contrast, as discussed by the authors, Matn2 acts as a damage-associated molecule in the central nervous system by exacerbating the autoimmune neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis and in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Depending on the type of tissue and the pathomechanism, Matn2 can support or suppress tumor growth. Matn2 produced by oval cells facilitates liver regeneration and works as a tumor suppressor in hepatocarcinogenesis.
By emphasizing Matn2 requirement and diverse role in differentiation and regeneration, the article points to the strict coordination between the ECM structure/assembly and the gene regulatory mechanisms. Uncovering the molecular mechanisms of Matn2 signaling and its effect on the gene expression in other cell types and tumors will improve our understanding of ECM-cell communications, remodeling, tissue repair processes and carcinogenesis. It may also help the development of new therapeutic strategies.
Article: "Matrilin-2, an extracellular adaptor protein, is needed for the regeneration of muscle, nerve and other tissues" by Éva Korpos1, 2, Ferenc Deák3, 4, Ibolya Kiss3, 4, (1 Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, University of Muenster, 48149 Muenster, Germany; 2 Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence, University of Muenster, 48149 Muenster, Germany; 3 Institute of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary; 4 Avidin Ltd., H-6726 Szeged, Hungary)
Korpos É, Deák F, Kiss I (2015) Matrilin-2, an extracellular adaptor protein, is needed for the regeneration of muscle, nerve and other tissues. Neural Regen Res 10(6):866-869.
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