商务英语视听说答案 唐桂明 上

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Reference Key

Unit 1

Part I Lead-in (Open)

Part II Listening & Speaking 1

I Listening

1. Listen to the first part of a job interview and complete the chart below.

Name Age Place of birth Marital status Present address Nationality Health Personality Hobbies Wang Xiaoxia 24 Guilin Single 45 Huang Shi Road, Guangzhou Zhuang minority Very healthy, somewhat short-sighted Honest, hard working, and quite creative, but somewhat reserved and not very sociable 1. photo-taking and traveling 2. sports 3. reading and singing 1. A harmonious and happy family 2. Four people in her family: her parents, her elder sister and herself 3. Her father is an engineer, her mother a bank teller, and her sister an air-hostess. Family

2. Listen to the second part and complete the chart below. Duration of Schooling 4 years Major International Business Minor Average Score Degree or Diploma Obtained BA Computer Operator’s Qualification Certificate School Attended Zhongshan University Computer science, statistics, 85 advertising South China University of Technology 3 months Computing

3. Listen to the third part and complete the chart below. Work Unit Length of Service Position Export Department Responsibilities Reasons for Quitting 1. Dislike for the management there 2. No chance of promotion An import & export 2 years corporation 1

A private company 1.5 years QC inspector Checking if raw materials, workmanship and finished products, and packaging are up to the specifications and standards of samples 1. The working environment and the way they were treated 2. Her work there not in line with her area of study in university

4. Listen to the fourth part and complete the chart below.

Reasons for joining the company 1. The company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electronic products. 2. She’ll be able to develop her abilities, and make some contributions to the company. 1. Proficient in English 2. Able to speak fluent Mandarin, Cantonese, and a little Japanese 3. Able to operate a computer The appropriate rate of pay for a person with her experience and educational background Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m to 5 p.m. 1. Life insurance and health insurance 2. A ten-day paid vacation a year 3. A year-end bonus 6 months 36206789 wangxx@yahoo.com.cn Qualifications & Special Skills Starting Salary Expected Working Days & Hours Fringe Benefits Trial Period Contact Phone Number E-mail Address

Practice 1

1. Interpret the sentences in the brackets into English.

A: May I ask you a few questions about your personal details? A: Are you married? B: I was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in 1975. B: I have a temporary residence permit for Guangzhou. B: I’m fond of reading and surfing the Internet. B: I’m quite optimistic, hard-working, responsible, and enterprising.


B: I’m in good health/healthy except that I’m somewhat/kind of near-sighted. A: What’s the strength of the lenses of your glasses?

1. Work in pairs, making up a dialogue according to the following situation.


Practice 2 Pair Work

1. Interpret the sentences in the brackets into English.

1) What’s your educational background? 2) I major in English and minor in International Business Law. 3) What’s your highest degree? 4) What courses did you take in college? 5) Which band did you pass in College English Test? What was your score? /How many points did you get?

1. Making up dialogues according to the following situations.


Practice 3 Complete the following sentences according to their contexts. 1. What was your position in the company? What did you do in the company? 2. I was in charge of/responsible for … 3. What company are you with?

4. Do you have any work experience? 5. What’s your present job?

Practice 4

1. Interpret the sentences in the brackets into English.

1) Why did you quit?

2) What qualifications have you got?

3) I’m enterprising, responsible, and optimistic. 4) Are you proficient in the English language? 5) I have got an accountant’s license.

2. Making up dialogues according to the following situations.


Practice 5 (Open)

Part III Listening & Speaking 2

1. Refer to Transcripts

2. Refer to Transcripts.

3. Role Play


A: Come in and take a seat please.


B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:


Thank you.

May I have/know your name, please? (What’s your name, please?) My name’s Zhao Xiaofang.

Miss Zhao, shall we get down to the interview? First, I’d like to ask you several personal questions. OK.

Are you from Guangzhou?

I was born in Sichuan but brought up in Guangzhou.

Have you got a permanent residence permit for Guangzhou? Yes, I’m a resident of Guangzhou. How old are you? (What’s your age?) I’m 26 (years old).

Are you single or married?

I’m single. In my opinion, young people shouldn’t be in a hurry to get married. Instead, they ought to develop their careers first.

I quite appreciate your view of point. Can you say something about your interests and hobbies? I’m very interested in surfing the Internet and collecting stamps. I’m also fond of reading. What kind of books do you prefer? I prefer English novels in the original. Do you love sports?

Yes, I do. I like tennis and bowling very much. Do you enjoy playing or watching? Both. /I like both.

What kind of personality do you think you have?

I think I’m relatively reserved/introverted and not very sociable, but I’m hard-working /diligent, honest, independent, and efficient.


What university did you graduate from?

I graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. When did you graduate? 1997.

What was your major?

I majored in International Business. Did you receive a degree? Yes, I obtained a BA degree. What were your minor subjects?

I minored in IT (Information Technology), International Business Law and Marketing. What were your grades in university? Not bad. I got an eighty-eight average. What’s your English level?

I passed the TEM 4 test in the second year/Grade 2. I took the TOELF test in the fourth year, and got a score of 650.

Next, would you tell me about your work experience?

All right. After I graduated from university, I joined Guangzhou Branch of a bank. I’m in charge of overseas accounts. Up till now, I’ve worked there for about two years. Do you like this job?

Not really, for it’s not challenging and creative.

A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

B: A: B: A:

Is this the main reason you want to quit? I think so.

Why are you interested in choosing to work for our company?

Your company is a famous international company. If I could have an opportunity to work for your company, I believe I could better develop my abilities.

Do you think you have qualifications for this job?

As I see it, my area of study suits this job. I have experience and understand very well how a company works/operates. I think I’ll become familiar with your company’s procedures very soon. What other special skills do you have?

I can drive, operate a computer, and speak Cantonese and Shanghai Dialect fluently. What starting salary would you expect? I’d like to start at 3000 Yuan.

What’s your present monthly salary? 3500 Yuan.

When do you think you’re available for this job? In a month.

Have you got any questions you would like to ask me? What are your working hours and fringe benefits?

We work a five-day week with occasional overtime. There is extra pay for working overtime. Our employees enjoy life and health insurance and a thirteen-day paid vacation excluding the public holidays. At the end of the year, employees receive a year-end bonus, which is linked to their performance and contributions. I see.

By the way, when can I expect to have your decision?

In two or three days. We’ll let you know by phone when we make the decision. Thank you. I hope to have an opportunity to work for your company.

4. (Open)

VII. Supplementary Reading


1. Researching a company makes you stand out in an interview. It shows that you are really interested in working


2. He/She needs to practice out loud for the interview because this will help him/her sound more polished and

concise and less nervous in the actual interview.

3. Yes, it is, for dressing properly is the best way to make a good first impression. What you need to wear in an

interview is based on the nature of a job you are applying for.

4. Good interview etiquette means (1) being on time for your interview; (2) being aware of your body language; (3)

keeping the interview positive.

5. There are two reasons: (1) employers want to know if you’re truly interested in the position; (2) they also want to

know that you have all the information you need to make a decision, if offered the job.

Unit 2

Part I Lead-in

1. 1) make a phone call 2) telephone sb. 3) phone sb.



4) ring sb. up 5) call sb.up

international access code; country code; area code; telephone number.

3. Try to interpret the following into English, paying close attention to the difference between Chinese and English in making phone calls

1) - May I speak to Mr. Smith, please? - Hold on, please. I’ll get him for you.

2) - Could you please put me through to the Personnel Department? - Sorry, the line is/busy line. Would you call back later? 3) Who would you like to speak to?

4) Would you please tell me who is calling?

5) This is Mary, secretary of the General Manager. 6) Sorry, I’m afraid you have/dialed the wrong number. 7) I’m afraid there is nobody by that name here.

8) I’d like to place/make a long-distance collect call to New Zealand. 9) Sorry, the line is bad. Could you please speak up?

10) Miss Davies, you are wanted on the phone/there’s a phone call for you.

4. Do you know the difference between appointment, engagement, and date?

Appointment means a formal arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place. Engagement means an arrangement to meet someone or to do something. Date means an informal meeting usually between people of opposite sexes.

5. What do you think a receptionist should do or say when she/he receives a visitor?

What he/she will do What he/she will say

Offer to greet the visitor Good morning/afternoon Offer to help the visitor Can I help you? /May I help you? /Is there Get a cup of tea or coffee for the visitor anything I can do for you? /How may I help Answer the phone calls you? Show the visitor the way Have you got an appointment with him/her? Check the identification of the visitor May I have your name? Ask the visitor to sign the register Would you like a cup of tea/coffee? Call a taxi Take a seat, please. Just a minute. I’ll tell him/her you’re here. Would you come with me, please? I’ll show you to his/her office.

Part II Listening & Speaking 1

I Listening

1. Listen to five telephone calls. As you listen, complete the chart below.


Name of the person making the phone call Michael Jordan Name of the Reason person or calling organization wanted on the phone Singapore Airlines for Message Call 1 Enquiring about Morning flight: 10:05 the flights to New a.m. York from Hong Night flight: 9:15 p.m. Kong on Friday making a Inferior quality complaint about products the poor quality of the goods cancelling reservation of Call 2 Mr. Jackson Li Long (with Tokyo Trading Co., Ltd.) Joy Davies Garden Hotel Call 3 Call 4 the Cancellation due to something unexpected Williams Mr. Johnson (from AT&T) Mary Jimmy Asking if Mr. Williams’ phone Johnson could see number: 453 6789 him on Friday Asking Mary to Mary can’t have have dinner with dinner with Jimmy due him to Mary’s prior engagement. Call 5

2. Listen to the conversation between Xiao Li, the secretary, and a foreign visitor, Mr. Robert. As you listen, mark with a

tick (?).

Xiao Li Offering to take his coat to take a seat to have a cup of coffee to have some biscuits to call a taxi to keep his suitcase Accepting ? ? ? Mr. Robert Declining ? ? ? 3. Listen to four dialogues at a reception, and complete the table below. 1st visitor 2nd visitor 3rd visitor 7

Name George Davies John Smith Mike Company Motorola, Guangzhou Office AT&T Epson Center Place/person to visit Purpose General Discuss future Manager, Mr. Li cooperation Finance Department Discuss problems account Service The room printing Check & fix the printer 4th visitor Xu Min China Daily Managing Director Interview him

V. Language Focus

Practice 1

Refer to File 1 (Page 257).

Practice 2

1. Interpret the sentences in the brackets into English.

A: May I speak to Paul, please? B: the line is bad/it’s a bad line. Could you speak up, please? B: Hang on; I’ll get him for you. … I’m afraid he’s not in/here/available at the moment. A: Do you happen to know when he’ll be back? A: Could I leave a message? B: Would you hold on a minute? I’ll get a pen and a piece of paper. A: Could you please ask him to return my call? B: Could you spell your name, please? A: Have you got it? B: Yes, I’ve got it.

2. (Open)

Practice 3 (Open)

Practice 4 Make an offer according to the following situations: 1. Would you like me to help you with your luggage? 2. Shall I give you a hand with cleaning the office? 3. Let me send you to the hospital/clinic on my bike. 4. Do you want me to check/fix the computer, Billy? 5. Would you like me to get lunch for you? 6. Shall I open the windows?

7. Do you want me to give you a lift?

8. Would you like me to get some A4 paper?

Practice 5

1) Is it all right if I pay by credit card?

2) I’m afraid you can’t. This telephone is for business purposes only. 3) I’d rather you didn’t, if you don’t mind. 4) Can we buy these products by instalment?

5) Do you mind if I put off our appointment till next Wednesday?

Part III Listening & Speaking 2


1. Refer to Transcripts.

2. Refer to Transcripts.

3. Refer to Transcripts.

II. Interpreting 2) 3) 4) 5)


A: B: A: B: A: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: A: B: A: B: A: B: Good morning, Guangzhou Import & Export Company. May I speak to Mr. Liu, Finance Manager, please? Hold the line, I’ll put you through. Sir, you’re through. Thank you.

You’re welcome.

I’d like to speak to Kate, please.

I’m afraid there’s nobody by that name here. Sorry, I have the wrong number. That’s all right.

Hello, could I speak to Mr. Williams, please?

I’m sorry; he’s at a meeting at the moment. Could you call back later? Can I leave a message?

Sure. May I ask who’s calling, please? This is David Copperfield from Philips.

How do you spell Hewlett Philips and your name?

Philips – P-H-I-L-I-P-S; David – D-A-V-I-D; Copperfield – C-O-P-P-E-R-F-I-E-L-D I’ve got it. What’s your phone number, please? My phone number is (020) 2348-4687. What’s your message?

I’m going on a business trip to Australia next Wednesday. I’d like to see him on Friday morning. Could you ask him to return my call? OK.

Thank you.

Hello, may I speak to Miss Black, please?

It’s a bad line/The line is bad. Could you speak louder, please? I’d like to speak to Miss Black.

Sorry, I still didn’t hear you clearly. Can you please put the receiver closer to your mouth?

OK. Is Miss Black there?

Just a minute, I’ll get her for you. Thank you.

Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

Good morning, Miss. I’d like to see the Personnel Manager, Mr. Smith. Have you got an appointment with him? Yes. I think he’s expecting me. May I have your name, please? I’m Mr. Kong from China.


A: Could you wait for a moment? I’ll call to tell him you’re here. B: All right. Thank you. Role Play

1) Refer to File 2 (Page 257). 2) Refer to File 3 (Page 258). 3) (Open)

VII. Supplementary Reading

1. Public corporations refer to those created by national governments or municipalities such as cities, towns, and villages,

to carry out such governmental functions as collecting taxes, enforcing ordinances and raising capital through the sale of bands while private corporations mainly refer to those founded and owned by an individual or a small group of individuals.

2. Two types of stock: common stock and preferred stock.

3. The responsibility of the board of directors is to determine basic corporate policy and select the top officers of the

corporation, such as the chief executive officer, to manage operations.

4. The rights and benefits of a stockholder vary according to the type of stock held. Holders of common stock (1) usually

must approve changes in the corporation’s profits, such as an amendment of the corporate charter, and (2) share in the corporation’s profits, (3) elect board of directors. Holders of preferred stock receive any proceeds before holders of common stock if a company discontinues business and liquidates its assets and preferred stock dividends are usually set at a fixed rate and must be paid before the corporation distributes common stock dividends. However, holders of preferred stock do not have the right to vote.

5. The two ways a corporation often uses to raise money are to issue shares of stock and to sell bonds.

Unit 3

Part I Lead-in

1. Can you figure out what their jobs or professions are? . 1) accountant 2) coach 3) conductor 6) secretary 7) manager 8) chef

2. (Open)

3. All of them.

4) beautician 5) reporter

Part II Listening & Speaking 1

I Listening

1. Listen to some small conversations and complete the chart below.

Name 10

Job or Responsibility

Production volume: 146,200 tons annually

II. Interpreting

1) Good morning, ladies, and gentlemen. I am honored to give you a presentation on our company. 2) My name is … I am in charge of…

3) I have divided my presentation into 3 parts. Firstly, I’d like to introduce to you the history of our company.

Next, I’d like to talk about our latest products. Finally, I will say something about our market share. 4) If you have any questions, please feel free to ask as I go along.

5) I would be most grateful if you can hold any questions until the end of my presentation. 6) That’s all I want to say about the research and development of our new products. 7) Our company was founded in 1925. It started out as a workshop of 25 workers.

8) In the year 2000, our company succeeded in taking over and was listed on NASDAQ in the same year. As a

result, we became a leader in our industry.

9) There are 5 departments in our company: Personal Department, R&D Department, Production Department,

Marketing Department, and After-sales Department.

10) We have a staff of 1,500, among which 850 hold a bachelor’s degree or above.

11) We are a multi-national company. Our headquarters is located in Paris, France and we have established

subsidiaries and branch offices in many countries and regions.

12) Last year, our company booked a business turnover of $1.8 billion and a profit of 800 million. 13) Mr. Black serves as the chairman and CEO of our company and Mr. Philips is our COO.

14) David oversees the production department and Mary runs the marketing department. They both report directly

to the CEO.

III. Role Play (Open.)

IV. Group Work


VIII. Supplementary Reading


1. PepsiCo’s success is the result of superior products, high standards of performance, distinctive competitive

strategies and the high integrity of our people.

2. PepsiCo was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Tropicana was acquired in 1998

and PepsiCo merged with The Quaker Oats Company, including Gatorade, in 2001.

3. The company consists of the snack businesses of Frito-Lay North America and Frito-Lay International; the

beverage businesses of Pepsi-Cola North America, Gatorade/Tropicana North America and PepsiCo Beverages International; and Quaker Foods North America, manufacturer and marketer of ready-to-eat cereals and other food products.

4. PepsiCo contributes to society through support of social agencies, projects, and programs.

5. PepsiCo is headquartered in Purchase, New York and the headquarters building covers an area of 10 acres.

Unit 5

Part I Lead-in

1. (Open.)


2. 3. 4.

(Open.) (Open.)

The length: How long is the iPad? /What’s the length of the iPad? The width: How wide is the iPad? /What’s its width? The height: How high is it? /What’s its height? The color: What color is it? The weight: How much does it weigh? The features: What are the features of the iPad? The time to deliver: When can/will you deliver it? The cost: How much is it? The cost of delivery: How much does the delivery cost? The length of the guarantee period: How long is the guarantee period?

Part II Listening & Speaking 1

I Listening

Specification Item Partition Desk Printer Filing Cabinet Computer Height 1.8 m 65 cm 10 cm 1.76 m 30 cm Length 3.3 m 95 cm 20 cm Width 5 cm 40 cm 15 cm 90 cm 40 cm Thickness/Depth 25 cm Unit Price $50 $30 $250 $125 $800 Guarantee Period 1 year 15 months 2 years 2. Listen to the monologue again and complete the following.

1) What are the dimensions of the photocopier? 2) What’s the diameter of the disk?

3) Do you provide money-back guarantee for your products?

4) This product is attractive, inexpensive, user-friendly, and environment-friendly. 5) This model comes in three colors: white, black, and gray. 6) What’s the shape of the product? 7) Is it made of plastic or stainless steel?

8) The container has a volume of 45 cubic centimeters. 9) What are the selling points of your product?

10) This high-tech product is well received at home and abroad.


Practice 1

1. Can you give the English equivalents of the following? 1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 11) 13) 15)

centimeter millimetre cubic metre mile inch kilogram pound liter

2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14) 16) meter

square metre kilometre foot yard gram ounce gallon

2. Do you know the following?

1) 1.6093 2) 0.9144 4) 0.454 5) 28.35 7) 4.546 (British measurement); 3.785 (American measurement)

Practice 2


1) 圆形 2) 半圆形 4) 椭圆形 5) 三角形 7) 圆锥形 8) 圆柱形 10) 长方形 11) 金字塔形 13) 长方形

2. 1) circle 2) rectangle 3) oval 4)

6) cone 7) cylinder 8) pyramid 9)

3. 1) n 2) k 3) g 4) m 5) h 6) i 9) l 10) b 11) a 12) d 13) p 14) c 4. Refer to File 7 (Page 260-261).

Practice 3

1) 效率高的 2) 耐用的 3) 昂贵的 5) 信息广的 6) 现代化的 7) 可调整的 9) 自动的 10) 高科技的 11) 可靠的 13) 不退色的 14) 有弹性的 15) 舒适的 17) 可折叠的 18) 手提的 19) 环保型的

3) 2.54 6) 0.914

3) 6) 9) 12) 正方形 球体形 立方体 尖顶

triangle 5) square sphere 7) j 15) q

8) o 16) e

4) 8) 12) 16) 20) 高质量的 稳定的 经济实惠的 有娱乐性的 使用方便的

Part III Listening & Speaking 2

1. People use a lot of expressions to guide the audience through a presentation. Listen to some of these

expressions, write them down, and identify their functions listed below.

a. b. c. d.


If you have any questions, I’d be glad to answer them at the end. Let me just go over that again. I’ll have to close there.

Today I aim to talk about the after-sales service

e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

Let’s turn to the question of advertising. I’ve divided my talk into three parts So, we’ve covered three main points. I’d like you to look at this chart.

I think we all agree that the new product has to be launched next month. Let’s start with the market research results. Is that all clear?


1) d

2) f 3) a 4) j 5) h 6) b 7) k 8) e 9) c 10) g 11) i

II. Interpreting

1) These flowers look very beautiful, but they’re made of plastic. 2) - Your shirt feels good. What’s it made of?

- It’s made of rayon.

3) This factory is quite big. It covers an area of 125,000 square meters.

4) This kind of truck is 8.5 meters long, 4.6 meters wide and 3.5 meters high. Its maximum load is 13 tons. 5) This kite is shaped like a dragon. / This kite has the shape of a dragon.

6) The volume of this container is 500 cubic meters. / This container has a volume of 500 cubic meters. 7) The features of our products are beautiful, durable, small in size, light in weight and reasonable in price. 8) Our product is the bestseller of its kind, and it is well thought of by the customers. 9) The most excellent point of this model of PDA is its large memory.

10) This kind of Discman has been selling very well because it has excellent shock-resistance. III. Role Play (Open.)

IV. Group Work (Open.)

VIII. Supplementary Reading Questions 1. PAL in the text refers to purpose, audience, and logistics.

2. This sentence means Winston Churchill often made notes but seldom used them in delivering speeches, which

implies that it’s necessary to make notes in giving a presentation.

3. People control the physical symptoms of stage fright by breathing from your diaphragm and using positive


4. Use bulleted points instead of sentences. Make the type easy to read, only use the top 2/3 of the page to avoid

looking down, and use highlight pens to indicate the must-, should- and could-know information. 5. 1) Remember to paraphrase the questions before answering them and take into

account the motivation of the questioner.

2) When answering the questions, look at all audience members --- they may have had the same question. 3) Treat all questions and questioners with respect.


Unit 6

Part I Lead-in

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

(Open.) (Open.)

Checking in; going through security check; going through customs True statements: (1), (3), (4), (6), (8), (9) duty-free shop (Open.)

Part II Listening & Speaking 1

I Listening

1. Listen to five short conversations, and then decide where they take place and give reasons

Conversation 1: Inquiry office Conversation 2: Booking office Conversation 3: Check-in counter Conversation 4: Security check Conversation 5: Customs

2. Listen to a conversation at the check-in counter, and complete the following:


Seat: window seat Pieces of luggage to cheek: two Luggage weight: 25 kilo Luggage allowance: 20 kilo Excessive luggage charge: 75 dollars Boarding gate: Gate 8 Boarding time: 10:20

