恋爱中的女人 论文

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JUNE, 2011


摘 要






Lawrence (1885 - 1930), Britain s most controversial and distinctive writer in 20th century, known as “one of the English literature s greatest figures”. Women in Love has been regarded as one of D.H. Lawrence s finest achievements. Although many scholars were committed to the research of this work, and also achieved some results from different sides. But only a few scholars kept a watchful eye on that the two sisters life styles are actually representing two different kinds of love pattern, the personality differences between the two sisters led the so-called “love” walk to the two different directions of life. Therefore, the author will focus on this point and do some research, try to find the causal relationship and identify the development of the sisters love life. The author will give the readers a better understanding of Lawrence s ideal love mode by analyzing the two characters of Ursula and Gudrun.

Key words: Ursula; Gudrun; character; analyze



1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

2. The reasons of personality differences between two sisters ......................................... 2

2.1 Different life experiences ................................................................................................. 2

2.2 Different inner desires ..................................................................................................... 4

3. Personality differences reflected in the details .............................................................. 5

3.1 Different views of the same object .................................................................................. 6

3.2 Different words and acts in their own loves .................................................................... 8

3.2.1 Ursula s love ................................................................................................................. 8

3.2.2 Gudrun s love ................................................................................................................ 9

4. Results of personality differences ................................................................................. 11

4.1 The happy ending of Ursula s love ................................................................................ 11

4.2 The doom of Gudrun s love ........................................................................................... 11

5. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 13

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ 14

References ........................................................................................................................... 15



D.H. Lawrence is a great writer and Women in Love is considered as his masterpiece and one of the undoubted classic of modernistic literature. Ursula is a gentle and beautiful secondary school teacher; her younger sister Gudrun is a minor celebrity but too proud artist. Gudrun met the mine owner s only son Gerald; the original desire ignited the passion of love, however, after a violent passion, she felt pain and disappointment, so she with another artist into the carnival of love. Ursula fell in love with Birkin, she wanted Birkin become her prisoned bird, while Birkin is like a blend of soul and body to maintain the distance between each other. Ursula and Gudrun are sisters, they both with a rebellious spirit, but they are much different in personality, the different character makes the two sisters finally took a different path in life. Lawrence mainly describes two couple of lovers, Birkin and Ursula, Gerald and Gudrun. There are too many contradiction and antagonism between these two couples. Lawrence showed clearly that there is such a contradiction between man and women. Because men have an instinctive desire to control women, in the face of women s uprising, they always try to stop this situation from happening. And the result of this action must be a Lose-lose situation. Even the women reached a compromise with men, the situation is still there, and the effect would be going to extremes—death. So now I have three questions about this phenomenon. First, what makes the two sisters with very different personalities? Second, which is reflected in the details of the differences in their personality? Third, how these different personalities led their life to the final outcome?

And now the author of this paper will come to answer these three questions. First, the author will analyze some reasons of personality differences between the two sisters. Second, do some research and find some details of difference. Third, find the result of personality differences.


2. The reasons of personality differences between two sisters

Women in Love vividly describes Ursula and Gudrun sisters love story. With the development of the story, the two sisters personalities were districted before the readers. Ursula is bold, open, frank, honest and tolerant and Gudrun s character appears withdrawn, cold, impatient and too proud. So what makes the two sisters with very different personalities?

2.1 Different life experiences

Talking about this, we have to mention a book which was written by Lawrence in 1915, named The Rainbow. The Rainbow is a new turning point of Lawrence s life path and writing career, this is a beautiful and profound novel, it is grand. The story was set in Lawrence s hometown, in the vicinity of Nottingham, describing the British historical process from the traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society, describing three generations of the Brangwen s love and marriage. Novel reflect people s civilization with the confusion, depression, struggles and hopes in modern industrial, expressing the people s desire of breaking the old yoke and achieving the new one. The first generation was Tom Brangwen and Lydia, their married life walked from confrontation to harmony; the second generation was Anna Brangwen and Will, they began the endless conflict after the honeymoon, since then Will has found sustenance in the process of wood sculpture, and Anna obtained the spirit of liberation in having children, they spent a lifetime to become strangers; third-generation was Ursula Brangwen, she pursuing her dream, after several setbacks, and finally found a rainbow of hope.

In society, the old violence has occurred, the new possibly outbreak at any time; the bohemian artists were get together; their lives were with indulgence and stoop. In such a society, only Ursula as a new woman with a strong sense of social responsibility and the artist Birkin with new ideas had a chance to play important roles of rebuilding the harmonious society. While on the road of pursuing harmonious society, she through a series of setbacks and failures, Ursula has never given up and discouraged. At the end of The Rainbow, she saw the rainbow: “She knew that they would cast off their horny covering of disintegration, that new, clean, naked bodies would issue to the new germination, to the new growth, rising to the light and the wind and the clean rain of heaven. She saw in the rainbow the earth s new architecture,


the old, brittle corruption of houses and factories swept away, the world built up in a living fabric of Truth, fitting to the over-arching heaven.”[1] 841

For the people who just like Ursula, the significance of the rainbow mostly like successful and rich, it is the hope which inspired people to move forward and guided the exploration nowadays. If they worked hard and believed, and the Harmonious Rainbow will be appears. Same for the artist Birkin who with a strong sense of social responsibility and new ideas, because the corrupt society he suffered, he felt that he has an obligation to rescue people in the chaos and to strive to build a new society. He loved the world, and thought all the way to save the world, and willing to fully dedicate himself, even willing to exchange a new life of world at the expense of his own life. The gang of the bohemian artists irony that he thought himself as the “savior”, in fact, throughout all his life, he always tried to build a better society—in there, human beings and nature live in harmony; mutual loyalty and love between man and man; the relationship between men and women is: whether in love or marriage, the two individual life both integrated, and also keep independent from each other, their relationship is a “Star balance”—both stay, and free and independent.[2] In the society of alienated by industrial civilization, only the people like Ursula and Birkin who did such efforts to explore and never stopped pursuing can guide people to build a new society. Finally, they decided to go south, where the fields are fertile, fruitful, and the sun was shining, it is “Garden of Eden” where full of hope and the shackles of civilization do not exist. The harmony between human and nature and society will be achieved.

Ursula was regarded as a modern woman; she likes her mother Anna, very strong, not to be outdone, free, lively and cheerful when she was young. But she was more fanciful than her mother, but also had the higher pursuit of life. She hated the small uproar in the house, determined to move towards the wider world, she keep up, like men, to society, for the family to do their responsibilities and obligations. So when she graduated from high school, in spite of the firm opposition of parents, she decided to participate in the work. Ursula had a beautiful ideal for the future, but the ideal had been destroyed by the cold reality again and again. She felt down because of her primary school teacher s experience; her campus life is the second burst; breaking up with her boyfriend is her third burst of the ideal. After these three twists and turns, she had a deep understanding of social life, and been mature. She clearly saw the fact that the surface of the capitalist industrial society was prosperity and strength, but it s just


like a circle, outside of this circle is full of darkness. Ursula s pursuit of love is not simply to satisfy the physical senses, but the unity of relationship between mental and physical. But she s the pursuit of this did not materialize at The Rainbow. End of the novel, she looked up and full of expectation for the rainbow. Later, another work of Lawrence, named Women in Love, the author made the cake and she found it, truly achieving the perfect unity of spirit and body, and establishing a healthy and harmonious family relations. Also the novel mentioned Ursula s weaknesses, such as her dissolute character, gay experience, dissatisfaction in the community, anxious depression, and willing to fall.

The whole book of The Rainbow mentioned Gudrun very little, so we knew little about Gudrun s life experiences. Just from Women in Love, we knew that she was an artist and has been lived at abroad. She traveled lots of countries and lived at these countries for a part of time. And also we could summarize in one sentence that Gudrun was a beautiful, glamour puss, evergreen, with dark eyes. Such a charming good, vibrant woman, and we cannot stop thinking what kind of personality and inner world does she have.

2.2 Different inner desires

Ursula aspired to freedom, longing for one kind of unfettered learning style, so she claimed that: For her, there is no law in the world, nor any rules and regulations. She is just there for her own sake. [3] In the system of Ursula s thinking, life is a very common combination of love and marriage, she was full of courage to pursue love, but on the other hand she is too dependent on it. She almost treated her love as all of life, so in the relationship with Birkin, she was bowed and confessed that she was a loser whether in mental or physical, her wandering and hesitate were gone forever with the yield to the love. She also thought about doing her own leader, but her struggled was very tiny when comparing her longing for love, although the idea for the Birkin has extreme exclusion, although sometimes the Birkin s spirit leading can not be endured, but she already lost herself at the lust lingering. She was at a distinct disadvantage place between the worlds of theirs. But this is the perfect base of her ultimate love.

Gudrun was proud, but when she faced the Gerald s hard-line position, she has the sense of losing herself. After she was physically occupied by Gerald at that night, she almost bowed to this man, and even attached to Gerald. She gave a painting


teaching to Gerald s sister. She was addicted to the indulgence of the flesh and the spirit of brief joy, and when they began to travel to Europe, the intensified with the requirements of Gerald and his kind for sexual demands inherent, she rediscovered herself, she got tired and began to re-examine their position, the soul which unwilling to attach nature, proud and even radical was revival at this moment. She became strong, and refused almost all the requirements of Gerald, and even deliberately contrary to his wishes. Gerald used to dominate the Gudrun, when he faced Gudrun s tough, he seemed at a loss, he was confused, then turned angry and even initiated the impulse to strangle Gudrun. But after all he was a well-educated and cultivated man, so he felt helpless, and in this time, his best friends Birkin and Ursula were left them early, the helpless Gerald discovered that his dominant position has no longer exists, he went skiing and felt desperation, then died in the snow after he found Gudrun and Loerke s love.

Social is just like a huge drawing, Gudrun was trying her best not to be one of the pictures, which she stood alone in front of it, read every detail, do a “visitor”; but she was a positive young woman, and an ordinary people who need the understanding of love and care from other people to perceive her existence, one of her deep desire to become a “participant”. She could not stop self-analysis; there is a potential longing for spiritual home. She used to discuss with Ursula about marriage, without surrender, but in her own deep heart, in fact, have had a flashing vision of marriage. The illusion of marriage which happened only one time was the possibility of her to entering the secular world and she was pinned the possibility to the love with Gerald, but Gerald s empty inside made her passion become the dying embers. For Gerald, she loved his wild nature, but also against the mechanical act in his heart just like against the enemy. From the first glance at Gerald to finally leave him, Gudrun experienced through the fascination with desire, contentment, indifference, not to surrender, compassion, fear, fight back, and at the end of this process Gudrun closed her heart, and we seemed to hear a “Boom”. The surface is that Gudrun closed her heart and ended the so-called love with Gerald, but in fact, Gudrun, she refused a society that she unwilling to accessing, as well as abandoned by the society. But after all of this, Gudrun didn t worry about the outcome; she was more aware of herself and had a better understanding of the society. [4]

3. Personality differences reflected in the details


Different people has different personality, different personality has different

reflections. Ursula and Gudrun had different views of the same thing, and also had different words and acts in their own love.

3.1 Different views of the same object

The first chapter of the novel—“Sisters”, the scene of two sisters which were working and talking was attracting the eyes of the readers at first. “Ursula was stitching a piece of brightly-colored embroidery, and Gudrun was drawing upon a board which she held on her knee. They were mostly silent; talking as their thoughts what strayed through their minds.”[5] 7 The younger sister question Ursula that, don t you really want to get married makes their topic changed to the Marriage. Ursula gave her sister an answer of “I don t know”, “It depends on how you mean.” At this aspect, Gudrun thought “one needs the experience of having been married”, “Possibly undesirable, but bound to be an experience of some sort.” And Ursula said “not really, more likely to be the end of experience.” Gudrun was not satisfied with Ursula s answer and the conversation was broken. Then Gudrun asked: “You wouldn t consider a good offer?” Ursula said: “I think I ve rejected several”, “A thousand a year, and an awfully nice man. I liked him awfully.” Ursula s embroidery shows a “virtuous lady” image to the readers; Gudrun s drawing into her with the "artist" together. Talking of the attitude of “marriage”, Ursula looked very carefully, and Gudrun shows more practical, she thought it was a necessary experience, though may not be pleasant, but the situation may be better than now.

Watching the coal mine owner—the wedding of Mr. Creech s daughter, Gudrun lighted on Gerald at once. All Gudrun s attention was paid to him and she lost in thought, turned a deaf ear on everything happening around. But Ursula didn t act like this. “The bridesmaids were here, and yet the bridegroom had not come. Ursula wondered if something was amiss, and if the wedding would yet all go wrong. She felt troubled, as if it rested upon her.”[6]16 “No bridegroom had arrived! It was intolerable for her” [7] 20

Description of this part of the novel, shows the kind of Gudrun s strange “artists” temperament, among the people in the wedding, her eyes aimed at Gerald who with the handsome appearance but revealed the vicious and lurking, and the terrible wild, and self-righteous to put herself in touch with him together, indifferent to everything around; In this scenario, Ursula was very concern of the groom s abnormal delay, as if


she has to responsible for this matter. This act shows she was good at put herself in others shoes and developed a strong sense of responsibility That is, while watching someone else s wedding, Gudrun on Gerald, Ursula on Birkin showed great interest.

Chapter VIII of the novel—“Breadalby”, Ursula and Gudrun were invited to the home of Hermione Roddice. When two sisters came in the door, Hermione looked at them carefully. Gudrun was the more beautiful and attractive; Ursula was more physical, more womanly. In Miss Fräulein s proposal, the two sisters and the Contessa act the three witches from Macbeth.

“Gerald was excited by the desperate cleaving of Gudrun to Naomi. The essence of that female, subterranean recklessness and mockery penetrated his blood. He could not forget Gudrun's lifted, offered, cleaving, reckless, yet withal mocking weight. And Birkin, watching like a hermit crab from its hole, had seen the brilliant frustration and helplessness of Ursula. She was rich, full of dangerous power. She was like a strange unconscious bud of powerful womanhood. He was unconsciously drawn to her. She was his future.”[8]102

With a strong curiosity for Gudrun, Gerald was trying to learn something more about Gudrun. Birkin told Gerald that she is an art teacher. She irregularly sells her models to making money. But she is a restless bird, she is unlikely to have a high artistic attainments. “She drops her art if anything else catches her. Her contrariness prevents her taking it seriously—she must never be too serious, she feels she might give herself away.” [9] 105

Chapter IX of the novel—“Coal-Dust”, Ursula and Gudrun two sisters witnessed the case of Gerald controlled a red Arab mare. The horse could not stand the noise which caused by the coal train passing by and began to wince, Gerald insisted that the horse obey his will, standing on the roadside and holding her head to the gate.

Seeing the situation, Ursula scolded Gerald is a big fool, is a sadist. Because in Ursula s point, the horse is also a living thing, he should not have to torture her, bullying her. Gudrun was looking at him with black-dilated, spellbound eyes. “Gudrun looked and saw the trickles blood on the sides of the mare, and she turned white. And then on the very wound the bright spurs came down, pressing relentlessly. The world reeled and passed into nothingness for Gudrun, she could not know any more.” “The man and the mare were still fighting. But she herself was cold and separate; she had no more feeling for them. She was quite hard and cold and indifferent.” [10]124 This scenario reflects that Ursula is very compassionate, even


comparing the lower animals; on the other hand, the performance of the Gudrun shows that she is indifference.

3.2 Different words and acts in their own loves

3.2.1 Ursula’s love

Ursula is bold, open, frank, honest and tolerant. Although many times Ursula was not in favor of Birkin s view, but she dared to argue with him, in the debate, Birkin s views have been modified, and Ursula gradually accepted his views.[11] Chapter XIII of the novel---“Mino”, the Birkin who wrote a note that asking if Ursula would come to tea with Gudrun, to his rooms in town. Ursula wanted Birkin to say something more to her. So she didn t tell Gudrun anything about it, and went alone. When she and Birkin appeared great disagreement on the subject of “Love”, she once wanted to leave. But she still stayed afterward to continue to listen to his ideas about love. This act reflected not only she is a thoughtful person, but also that she has a tolerant heart. In fact, she did so not only given herself an opportunity, but also to the Birkin. Later, when Birkin asked her to talk about herself and her family s situation, she was talking about herself unreservedly and her families, her mother and her first lover and the experience of love breakdown. All of these were enough to testify Ursula s frank and forthright. Birkin was attracted by her beauty of the nature, his heart was pleased.

With the passage of time and the increasingly close communication, Ursula and Birkin s relationship has been developed fast. Chapter XIX of the novel—“Moony”, one night Birkin made an offer of marriage to Ursula, and she gave a refusal, she did not want to be forced to respond, that is a bullying on her. But when she discussed the matter with her sister Gudrun, Gudrun said that although Birkin who has an unusual vigour, but he was too serious for some small, and even demean people, and the use of violence. He is so boring and so distracting. You can not live with him. Ursula suddenly sprouts an aversion to Gudrun from her heart. She treated the men as children generation, sympathy for their pursuits and appreciated their courage, like a mother treat one of her own sons, she didn t understand them, but got pleasant from their manners. But, In Gudrun s point of view, they belong to the hostile camp. “She feared them, despised them, while they were engaged in the activities of a very high regard. She thought that Gudrun felt no value of life, then the ugly, and no hope. In fact, even just like Gudrun said, Birkin also has advantages. But Gudrun drew her two red bars below, and then he was written off, just like with a settlement of the


account ... ... This is a lie, Gudrun s conclusion, which put the person or thing at one word and sent away, it is a pack of lies.

Ursula and Birkin fell in love with each other, and ultimately, after many twists and turns, they were married, but Ursula has been unable to fully understand him, she did not understand what he has been looking for a kind of “Beyond the love of things” is.

3.2.2 Gudrun’s love

When Gudrun saw Gerald at first sight, the author said: “Her son was of a fair, sun-tanned type, rather above middle height, well-made, and almost exaggeratedly well-dressed. But about him also was the strange, guarded look, the unconscious glisten, as if he did not belong to the same creation as the people about him. Gudrun lighted on him at once. There was something northern about him that magnetized her. In his clear northern flesh and his fair hair was a glisten like sunshine refracted through crystals of ice. And he looked so new, unbroached, pure as an arctic thing. Perhaps he was thirty years old, perhaps more. His gleaming beauty, maleness, like a young, good-humoured, smiling wolf, did not blind her to the significant, sinister stillness in his bearing, the lurking danger of his unsubdued temper. His totem is the wolf. ” [12]15-16So Gudrun was attracted by Gerald. In the following days, Gerald met Gudrun, and deeply in love with her, from her, he got the real understanding and freedom, but both Gudrun and he, two of them were extremely strong, and they yearned for freedom, did not like to be tied. Expecting to get one other s sacrifice, get the warmth and understanding from other body, which their love is more like an endless war, although there are warm and sweet moments, but the quarrel, the cold wars have been intermittent, and never-ending, so, the love s ending is inevitable between them.

Gudrun s character appears withdrawn, cold, impatient and too proud. [13]Chapter XIV of the novel “Water-party”, the Brangwen was invited to participate in the party, Gudrun saw so many people at the party, could not help feeling horror, so her said to Ursula: “It looks terrible.” “If not immune, we should be caught in a dilemma.” The act that she has shown to the crowd horror and terror made Ursula worried. When she heard a few girls titter behind her, Gudrun was very angry and anxious to kill them. When Hermione Roddice “coming up very kindly, glancing slowly over Gudrun's father and mother. It was a trying moment, exasperating for Gudrun. Hermione was really so strongly entrenched in her class superiority; she could come up and know people out of simple curiosity, as if they were creatures on exhibition. Gudrun would


do the same herself. But she resented being in the position when somebody might do it to her.”[14]178“Ursula had thrown off her clothes and had slipped naked into the water, and was swimming out. Quickly, Gudrun joined her.” [15]184After this, two sisters sat down to the fragrant tea. “Then Ursula, who had a beautiful strong voice, began to sing to herself, softly. Gudrun listened, as she sat beneath the trees, and the yearning came into her heart. Ursula seemed so peaceful and sufficient unto herself, sitting there unconsciously crooning her song, strong and unquestioned at the centre of her own universe. And Gudrun felt herself outside. Always this desolating, agonized feeling, that she was outside of life, an onlooker, whilst Ursula was a partaker, caused Gudrun to suffer from a sense of her own negation, and made her, that she must always demand the other to be aware of her, to be in connection with her.”[16]184-185 For her relationship with Gerald, Gudrun always warned herself not to establish the final relationship with Gerald; the most sensible decision is to keep his friendship in general. But when Gerald s father decided to requested Gudrun to teach his small daughter Winnie, she hesitated. She also understood that just like acceptance Gerald as her lover. Because she has an insatiable curiosity, she accepted the request.

If in the chapter of “Coal-Dust”, Gudrun s trance performance when saw Gerald controlled an Arab mare showed that she had a be conquered desire , in the chapter “Water-party”, the act that Gudrun risked her life dancing in front of a group of bulls is manifested her strong desire to conquer. She and Gerald s together is the combination of conquest and being conquered. The twenty-forth chapter of the novel “Death and Love”, Gerald could not stand the loneliness, in the dark he through the cemetery and came to the front of Gudrun s bed, Gudrun knew that he is here to seek protection. She let him hold her tightly. He found the infinite comfort in her, to enjoy pouring his confusion and the threat of death to her. He felt complete again. That is really wonderful and amazing. He could not help but burst of ecstasy, pleased and surprised. And she, too obediently accepted his love, like a container shelter which full of his pain. She has been unable to fight. She was a mixed ecstasy and pain of compliance with strong feelings to bear all this. Around her, Gerald was soon asleep, but she was conscious and could not sleep. In the dark, she seemed to look him more clearly. He is so handsome, but also out of reach. “They will never be together. Ah, this wicked, cruel distance will always repeat it between the two of them. Daybreak, in order to avoid the family discovered that she woke him. He was wearing clothes in her face; she felt that to see a man wearing clothes is a very shameful thing. He came


downstairs, the sound was very loud, she was scared all the way, but he did not care, he was not afraid of being discovered. She was tired of his attitude. One must be careful, and has to protect himself.”

4. Results of personality differences

There is an old Chinese saying: “All things are difficult reap”. Everybody has his own predestined fate. Ursula s characters make sure that she has a happy ending and Gudrun has her own fate.

4.1 The happy ending of Ursula’s love

Ursula was not only aspiring to a happy life, she even has the courage to live a happy life and say goodbye to her past. In the twenty-sixth chapter of the novel “A Chair”, the Birkin and Ursula went to flea market to see furniture; Birkin took a fancy beautiful chair. That saw this chair, he thought of Jane Austen s England. Although Ursula liked that chair too, but she hated that Birkin appreciated the past too much. In some argue later, they finally decided to give the chair to a pair of young couple who just getting married. After returning home, Ursula was extremely excited, and then she told her families that she will get married next day. When her parents were strongly opposed to the proposal, she resolutely took the run away from home and went to Birkin s house. Buying the chair and sending the chair reflected that Ursula aspired to freedom and happiness, she did not want to live in the past, so she dare to break with the past; from the original rejected Birkin s proposal to take the initiative and decided to get married with Birkin , all of this reflected Ursula s independent personality (the original reason for the rejection is that she did not want to be forced to answer), also reflected the thought of her marriage; ran away from home shows her determination and commendable courage to pursue happiness.

4.2 The doom of Gudrun’s love

For Ursula and Birkin's marriage, Gudrun felt heartily envy, even jealousy. But she could not take marriage and kept at home. It is just like her talked to Gerald and Birkin in twenty-first chapter of the novel said “mistress” is more faithful than “wife”, because she is her own master. In the eyes of Birkin (in Twenty-seventh chapter of the novel) Gudrun is a natural “mistress”, just as Gerald was born “lover” the same. Gudrun herself knows she needs a wonderful and peaceful marriage, but she is destined not suitable for marriage. She is the outcast of life, with no root of a floating


variable life ... ... because of her strange ideas mischief, Gudrun never be willing to commit herself to others (such as Gerald), she always built her own roads to the defense, so she and Gerald s love doomed to fail.


5. Conclusion

Lawrence “does not stop looking for an ideal, or at least a decent community to live” [17] in his rocky roads of life, he held in high esteem the original civilization of human nature and the open nature of love, but he could only continued to see and hear the destructions to the natural, human and cultural which caused by industrial society. In his Women in Love, the novel shaped two main female characters, which were Ursula and Gudrun, both very different ideal figures. By Ursula, he tried to express his concept of spiritual home for women, and Gudrun was the carrier of the women s liberation and the independent spirit, she had the raw passion, the essence of human nature and the deep thinking.



My initial thanks go to my supervisor Wang Jinsheng, who patiently supervised my dissertation and was at times very willing to offer me illuminating advice or suggestions. Without his help, I could not have finished this dissertation.

I am also indebted to other teachers and my classmates who have not only offered me their warm encouragements but also shared with me their ideas and books.

My greatest personal debt is to my grandparents and parents, who have cultivated a soul of sensitivity, hospitality, and honesty out of me, and offered a harbor of happiness and sweetness for me.

The remaining weakness and possible errors of the dissertation are entirely my own.



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