南京市徐庄软件产业基地国际软件城 建筑与景观设计合同书
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Contract for Provision of Planning, Architectural,
and Landscape design Service,
International IT Headquarters Park, Nanjing, China
This contract made as of the Seventh day of March in the year Two Thousand and Eleven.
甲方:苏宁置业集团有限公司(Suning Real Estate Co., Ltd.)(以下简称为甲方)
Party A (Owner):
Suning Real Estate Co., Ltd. (苏宁置业集团有限公司)
乙方:Santos Prescott and Associates (以下简称为乙方)
地址:33 Zoe Street, San Francisco, California 94107 USA
合同签署人:Adèle Naudé Santos, FAIA
电话: 001-6176666669
传真: 001-6176666608
Email: wenjungechina@8ef2c09dfe4733687f21aaba
Party B (Consultant):
Santos Prescott and Associates
33 Zoe Street, San Francisco, California 94107 USA
Signatory: Adèle Naudé Santos, FAIA
Tel: 001-6176666669
Fax: 001-6176666608
Contact: Wenjun Ge
Email: wenjungechina@8ef2c09dfe4733687f21aaba
For the following project:
Design of International IT Headquarters Park, Xuanwu District, Nanjing, China.
1. 乙方应履行之责任:
?乙方应为施工图单位提供方案图深度图纸与必要的协助。图纸应以Auto CAD 2004 格式提供。
?乙方将与景观设计公司Landworks Studio,和可持续发展技术咨询公司Atelier Ten合作完成本方案。乙方将支付Landworks Studio 和Atelier Ten 在概念设计和方案设计阶段的所有费用。没有甲方的允许,乙方不得擅自终止与Landworks Studio 和Atelier Ten的合作。
景观设计公司: Landworks Studio Inc,
地址:112 Shawmut Avenue, #6B, Boston, Massachusetts 02118 USA
电话: 001-6174263030
联系人:Michael Blier
可持续发展技术咨询公司:Atelier Ten USA LLC
地址:45 E 20th Street, #4, New York, New York 10003 USA
联系人:Nico Kienzl
首席建筑设计师Adèle Naudé Santos
总建筑师Bruce Prescott
首席景观设计师Michael Blier
可持续发展技术咨询公司负责人Nico Kienzl
?乙方的设计负责人为Adèle Naudé Santos, FAIA
1.Responsibilities of Party B:
?The Consultant shall review the Owner’s site, program and budget and reach an understanding of the project requirements. Based upon these requirements, the Consultant shall prepare a design for the project, according to the schedule enumerated below.
?At the completion of the Schematic Design Phase. T he consultant shall provide the Owner’s design institute with base drawings needed for them to develop documents for government approval and construction documents, and shall be available to consult with the design institute. Drawings will be provided in electronic form as AutoCad 2004 files.
?Party B is responsible to provide deliverables according to the schedule according to this contract. If the delay caused by an event or circumstance beyond control of Party B, Party B will be allowed to postpone the presentation or submission for ten business days.
?Since Party B is a foreign architecture company, they will not be responsible for the construction quality and safety.
?After submission of each phase, Party B shall not continue to work until the design gets approved by Party A. If Party B’ design works cannot be accepted by Party A for two successive submissions, Party A has right terminate the contract, and pay for the amount of works that have been done. Party A has right to use Party B's design or contract with another party to complete the design.
?Party B shall provide economically feasible design, and calculate the project budget carefully. If Party A has a question about the budget, Party B shall submit a written explanation. If necessary, Party B shall adjust the design.
?Party A owns the copy right of design works provided by Party B in the condition of that Party A pay Party B according to the schedule in the contract.
?Party B will coordinate and pay sub-consultants for the design of the project landscape and to assist with sustainable design strategies. Party B will not change the consultants without prior approval of Party A. The proposed sub-consultants are as follows:
Landscape Architecture:
Landworks Studio Inc,
112 Shawmut Avenue, #6B, Boston, Massachusetts 02118 USA
Tel: 001-6174263030
Contact:Michael Blier
Sustainable Design:
Atelier Ten USA LLC
45 E 20th Street, #4, New York, New York 10003 USA
Tel: 001-2122544500
Contact:Nico Kienzl
?Party B shall not change the chief design team members printed below without prior approval of Party A.
Principle for architectural design: Adèle Naudé Santos
Principle for architectural design: Bruce Prescott
Principle for landscape design: Michael Blier
Principle for sustainable technology consultation: Nico Kienzl
Project manager: Wenjun Ge
?Adèle Naudé Santos, FAIA _________________ is the principal of this design, signatory of the contract and will be responsible for the contract. Without permission of Party A, Party B shall not change the Principal.
2. 甲方应履行之责任:
?甲方应按本合同约定的付款时间和金额向乙方支付设计费用。在甲方支付乙方概念设计(Concept Design)设计费用之后,乙方将提供所有概念设计深度的CAD图纸。在甲方支付乙方方案设计深入阶段(Schematic Design)设计费用之后,乙方将提供所有方案设计深度CAD 图纸。
2. Responsibilities of Party A:
?Provide all necessary information for design, such as redline drawings, survey and contour line drawings in Auto CAD, hydrological, geographic, and surrounding information, planning and programmatic requirements. Party A shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
?Since Party A does not provide program details in design tasks, Party B shall provide proposal of programs in the presentation in April, 2011. Party A shall give comments. Once the program index gets approved, Party A shall not change it.
?Once Party B's design is proved by Party A, Party A shall not request Party B to change the design. If Party A does, Party B's work shall be paid by hours as an additional service in section 4.
?The Owner shall require the design institute to coordinate with Party B and not change the design intent without agreement.
?Pay Party B according to the payment schedule below. Party B will not submit all Concept Design drawings until receiving the payment of the Concept Design phase in June, 2011. Party B will not submit all Schematic Design drawings until receiving the payment of the Schematic Design phase in September, 2011.
?If Party A fails to pay Party B according to the schedule below, and it is not caused by Party B, Party B will not continue to work until the payment has been received. The next submission due date will be postponed for the amount of days payment delayed.
?Party A shall provide necessary feedback within 10 business days after each submission. If Party A fails to do that, the next submission date will be postponed the amount of days feedback is delayed.
?The signatory of the contract is______________, who will be responsible for the contract. 3. 设计方案提交日程:
1. 概念设计阶段(Concept Design Phase)包含2个部分
?在2011年4月30日以前,Adèle Naudé Santos女士,Michael Blier先生,和葛文俊先生将访问南京,并为贵公司做方案汇报。成果包括:
?2011年6月30日前,乙方有责任访问南京并且提供规划,景观和建筑概念设计阶段(Concept Design)的汇报。汇报将符合贵公司与规划局提出的成果要求,其中包括:
2.方案设计深入阶段(Schematic Design)(2011.7.1-2011.9.30)
3.方案扩出设计阶段(Design Development)(2011.10.1-2011.11.30)
4. 施工图设计阶段与施工阶段(Construction Document phase and Construction phase)(2011.12.1-2012)
3. Project Schedule and Deliverables:
1. Concept Design phase includes two phases:
A.Conceptual Alternatives Phase: (March 14, 2011 – April 30, 2011)
During this phase Party B will test 3 alternatives for master plan, including 3 alternatives for landscape design and 3 alternatives for the each basic building type (two types) in order to optimize the design criteria. This phase of the work enables Party A to evaluate the advantages of different approaches.
? One site visit by Adèle Naudé Santos, Michael Blier, and Wenjun Ge will be made at the end of this phase to present the report and work with you and the local team to select the most appropriate alternative. Presentation includes:
? Description of design and technical data
? 3 alternatives of master plan, with pedestrian and vehicular circulation diagrams for
each alternative
? 3 alternatives of landscape design, with view diagram, and sustainable strategies for
each landscape concept.
? 3 alternatives of architectural design for two typologies, single and twin offices with
program diagram, important plans, elevations, sections, important exterior and
interior renderings and sketch models for each alternative
? Sustainable technology instruction, design strategies diagrams
B. Selected Alternate Phase: (May 1, 2011 – June 30, 2011)
?With Party A’s comments on alternatives, Party B will develop a selected master plan and a selected landscape design to concept design level.
? deliverable will be as required by the Planning Bureau, including:
? design instructions with considering master planning, programs, circulation, parking
and landscape design
? site plan, site east and west elevations, including circulation and building layout
? pedestrian, vehicular circulation, and parking diagrams
? landscape design on site plan, important site section with conceptual diagram, and
view diagrams
? underground space diagram
? topography diagram
? important building plans, sections and elevations
? renderings including an aerial perspective and eye level views
? instruction, diagram, and technical report for low-carbon technology and design
? economic and technical data
? exterior material and color description
? an animation more than 3 minutes
? realistic model with 1 meter square base
? a 30 minutes on-screen report
? provide 20 copies of A3 books, 3 copies of CDs containing A3 books, A1 boards
with site plan with landscape design, architectural plans, elevation, and sections for
basic types.
Upon approval of the concept design phase, we will develop the Schematic Design documents: 2. Schematic Design Phase (July 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011):
? Party B will develop a selected architectural design alternative for each basic building type
(2 types), and apply these 2 basic types into several variations according to different site
conditions, orientations, and context.
? Party B will develop plans, sections and elevations for each of the buildings.
? one site visit will be made to review the documents mid way through the process.
? Coordinate with the local Design Institute to verify structural, mechanical and regulatory requirements
? A final design presentation will be made, with updated renderings and other drawings but without a new model or video.
? We will also provide CAD files for your local team to continue with the project from this phase
3. Design Development Phase (October 1, 2011 – November 30, 2011):
? We will coordinate with the local Design Institute to ensure that the design intent carries through the construction documents.
? Refine and update the documents produced in schematic design, including material
schedules, details and further development of the building systems.
4. Construction Document phase and construction phase (December 1, 2011 – 2012):
? We will provide consultation for local design institute in order to complete construction document design with high quality.
? We will provide consultation during construction phase in order to complete the
construction with high quality.
4. 付款金额与日程:
1. 概念设计阶段(Concept Design phase) (2011.3.14 – 2011.6.30)
?概念设计阶段的总设计费用为贰拾伍万美元整($250,000)。设计费用中包括:将支付Landworks Studio Inc的陆万伍仟美元整($65,000),将支付Atelier Ten Usa LLC的贰万美元整($20,000),用于六人次旅行的费用伍万美元整($50,000) 和表现图,模型,动画费用贰万伍仟美元整($25,000)
2. 方案设计深入阶段(Schematic Design phase)(2011.7.1-2011.9.30)
?方案设计阶段的总设计费用为叁拾叁万美元整($330,000)。设计费用包括:将支付Landworks Studio Inc的拾万美元整($100,000),将支付Atelier Ten Usa LLC的贰万伍仟美元整($25,000),和用于四人次旅行的费用贰万伍千美元整($25,000)。
3. 扩初设计阶段(Design Development phase)(2011.10.1 -2011.11.30)
?扩初设计阶段甲方应支付乙方设计费用总额为拾伍万伍仟美元整($155,000)。设计费用包括:将支付Atelier Ten Usa LLC 的贰万伍仟美元整($25,000),用于四人次旅行的貳万伍仟美元整($25,000)。在扩初设计阶段,景观设计公司Landworks Studio将与甲方单独签署合同
4. 施工图设计阶段与施工阶段(Construction Document phase and Construction phase)(2011.12.1-2012)
4. Fee and Payment Schedule:
?Party A will pay Party B in US dollar. Party A will be responsible for tax and all other fees in China. Party B will be responsible for tax and all other fees outside China.
? The invoice provided by Party B shall include the tax and other fees Party A paid in China.
? Party A shall pay Party B for the architectural design service of concept design, schematic design, and design development, and landscape design service of concept design, schematic design for the total sum of seven hundreds sixty and five thousands dollars ($765,000).
? All payments to the Consultant will be made in lawful United States currency, free and clear of any taxes, liens or deductions of any type in the Owner’s country. The Owner will reimburse the Consultant if any such assessments occur or if any currency restrictions are applied.
? Fees quoted include all expenses for travel and production of drawings as noted. If additional travel or deliverable fare required, those expenses will be reimbursable at cost plus 10%.
1. Concept Design Phase (March 14, 2011 – June 30, 2011)
? The total fee for Concept design phase is two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars ($250,000), including $65,000 for Landworks studio Inc, $20,000 for Atelier Ten Usa LLC, $50,000 for travel expenses for six round trips, and $25,000 for model, rendering, and animation etc.
? Party A shall pay Party B $25,000 deposit to initiate design service.
? Party A shall pay Party B $70,000 within 10 business days after the presentation for conceptual alternative phase made in late April, 2011.
? Party A shall pay Party B $155,000 within 10 business days after the presentation for selective alternative phase made in Middle June, 2011.
2. Schematic Design phase (July 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)
? The total fee for Schematic design phase is three hundred thirty thousand US dollars ($330,000), including $100,000 for Landworks studio Inc, $25,000 for Atelier Ten Usa LLC, $25,000 for travel expenses for four round trips.
? Party A shall pay Party B $120,000 within 10 business days after the first interim review made in late July, 2011.
? Party A shall pay Party B $210,000 within 10 business days after the final presentation made in middle September, 2011.
3. Design Development phase (October 1, 2011 – November 30, 2011)
? The total fee for Design Development phase is one hundred fifty-five thousand US dollars ($155,000), including $25,000 for Atelier Ten Usa LLC, and $25,000 travel expenses for four round trips. The landscape architect, Landworks Studio Inc., will contract directly with Suning Real Estat Co., Ltd. in Design Development Phase.
? Party A shall pay Party B $75,000 within 10 business days after the first interim review made in middle October, 2011.
? Party A shall pay Party B $80,000 within 10 business days after the final presentation made in middle November, 2011.
4. Construction Document phase and construction phase (December 1, 2011 – 2012)
? The total fee for this phase is thirty thousand US dollars ($30,000),
? Party A shall pay Party B $ 20,000 for supporting local design institute to complete the construction drawings. The payment should be initiated within 5 business days after the construction drawing finished.
? Party A shall pay Party B $10,000 for support during construction phase. The payment should be initiated within 5 business days after the construction finished.
Santos Prescott and Associates
Principal (Adèle Naudé Santos): $250
Principal (Bruce Prescott): $150
Senior Staff: $85
Staff: $75
Landworks Studio
Principal, Michael Blier: $150
Senior Staff: $100
Staff: $75
Atelier Ten
Director, Nico Kienzl $300
Associate, Wendy Menguro $200
Designer: $140
Staff: $100
5. Additional Services:
?If services beyond those outlined in the scope of work are required, fees will be calculated on an hourly basis according to the following rates. Party B will propare a proposal for additional services which must be approved by Party B before work begins.
Santos Prescott and Associates
Principal (Adèle Naudé Santos): $250
Principal (Bruce Prescott): $150
Senior Staff: $85
Staff: $75
Landworks Studio
Principal, Michael Blier: $150
Senior Staff: $100
Staff: $75
Atelier Ten
Director, Nico Kienzl $300
Associate, Wendy Menguro $200
Designer: $140
Staff: $100
Party A:
Jiangsu Suning Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Adèle Naudé Santos and Associates
Party B:
Adèle Naudé Santos and Associates
Adèle Naudé Santos, 主持设计师,美国建筑师协会资深会员
Adèle Naudé Santos, Principal, FAIA
33 Zoe Street, San Francisco, California 94107 USA
合同签署人:Adèle Naudé Santos, FAIA 电话:001-6176666669
传真: 001-6176666608
1. Project Purpose, Scope, Deliverables and Fees:项目目的、范围、交付成果和费用:
The Project Purpose, Scope, Deliverables and Fees are described in the body of the agreement.项目目的、范围、交付成果及费用见协议正文规定。
2. Professional Services:专业服务
All of the services to be furnished by the Consultant as a part of this agreement shall be of the standard and quality which prevails among consultants of knowledge and skill engaged in the architecture design consulting practice in the United States under similar circumstances involving the design and construction of a project such as the project described in this agreement.乙方作为本协议部分内容而提供的所有服务应具备在美国从事建筑设计咨询业务并具备相应知识与技能的咨询人员在设计和建造本协议规定项目的类似项目时所通行的标准和质量。
3. Authorization to Proceed:开始工作的许可:
Both the Owner and the Consultant must sign this Agreement, and the Consultant must have received the first payment before work may begin. The first payment will be understood as authorization to proceed.甲乙双方须得先行签署本协议并盖章,乙方须得先行收到首期付款,方可着手工作。首期付款应视为开始工作的许可。
4. Statements and Payment:陈述与付款
Fees for professional services and extra services will be invoiced to the Owner by facsimile and with mailed hard copy. Payments must be received by the Consultant before work begins. The Consultant reserves the right to delay commencement of work without breach of contract until The Owner’s payments are received. Payments will be made by wire
transfer to:专业服务及额外服务的收费,将会以传真并附寄打印件的方式,开发票给甲方。乙方须得先行收到付款方会着手工作。在未收到甲方付款以前, 乙方保留延期开始相应工作的权利, 且该等延期不构成违约。所有款项应电汇至:
Name名称: Adele Naude Santos and Associates
Account No.帐号: 906-6049876
ABA No.:美国银行协会号码121042882
Bank:银行Wells Fargo Bank, NA
Address:地址490 Brannen Street
City:城市San Francisco, CA 94107
After the Consultant has received the payment, the Consultant will send to the Owner one signed payment receipt, via e-mail attachment.
5. Governmental Relations:政府关系
The Owner will be solely responsible for obtaining all Chinese governmental approvals, permits and documents necessary in order for the Consultant to perform the services required under this agreement. The Owner will also obtain for the Consultant the information and data from Chinese governmental agencies and authorities that The Consultant may need to perform its services under this agreement.The Owner will also be solely responsible for compliance with all Chinese regulatory requirements applicable to this Agreement and its performance, including filing this Agreement for record with the provincial construction authority or obtaining its authentication by the local Administration of Industry and Commerce, and will pay all expenses incurred in connection with such regulatory compliance.甲方将自行负责取得所有必需的中国政府的正式批准、许可证及文件以便乙方履行本协
议要求的服务。甲方同时将负责为乙方从中国政府部门及主管机构得到乙方按照本协议提供服务所需要的必要的信息、数据。甲方还应自行负责遵守适用于本协议及其履行的所有中国法律规定, 包括将本协议提交省级建设行政主管部门备案或由当地工商行政管理局鉴证。甲方应支付为遵守上述法律规定所需的全部费用。
6. Insurance:保险:
The Consultant carries Worker’s Compensation, Professional Liability and Commercial
General and Business Auto Liability Insurance with respect to its own employees and operations. All premiums on this basic insurance are paid in full. The Consultant will furnish copies of insurance certificates at The Owner’s request.乙方将为其雇员和经营活动
购买工人赔偿、职业责任、一般商业和商用汽车责任保险。该等基本保险的保险金应全额支付。如甲方要求, 乙方将提供保险凭证副本。
7. Use of Documents:文件使用
The Consultant’s drawings and other documents are instruments of service prepared solely
with respect to this project. The Owner may not use these documents on other projects or modify them without t he Consultant’s written agreement. The Owner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Consultant harmless from any and all claims and losses arising out of the reuse, changes or interpretation of these documents for any other project, without the Consultan t’s prior written consent. 双方方的图纸及其他文件都是专为本项目而制作的服务材料。未经其中一方书面许可,另一方不得将此类文件用于其他项目,或对其进行修改。双方据此承诺, 如一方未经另一方事先书面同意而擅自使用、更改或演绎该等文件且因此而导致任何诉求和损失, 其将对另一方进行补偿并使其免受损害。
8. Hold Harmless:免责
Within the limits of the Consultant’s liability insurance coverage, the C onsultant will hold The Owner harmless against damages arising out of the Consultant’s negligent acts or omissions. Likewise, The Owner will hold the Consultant harmless against damages arising out of negligent acts or omissions committed by the Owner or the Owner’s contractors, including any error or omission in the information or services that the Owner, or others the Owner employs, provide to the Consultant in order to fulfill the requirements of this agreement.在乙方责任保险承保范围之内, 乙方将确保甲方免遭因乙方的疏忽行为或疏漏而造成的损害。同样地, 甲方也应确保乙方免遭由于甲方或甲方承包商的疏忽行为或疏漏而造成的损害, 包括甲方或甲方雇佣的他方为履行本协议规定而向乙方提供的信息或服务中的任何错误或遗漏。
9. The Owner’s Representations, Warranties and Covenants:甲方的陈述、保证和承诺:
9.1 Chinese Government Approvals. The Owner has obtained all Chinese governmental and administrative approvals, if any, that are necessary for the Services in connection with the Project to be performed by the Consultant in the U.S.A. Apart from such approvals, if any, there are no other Chinese governmental or administrative approvals necessary for The Consultant to perform its obligations under this Agreement. If any additional approvals are required by new Chinese laws and regulations to be promulgated after the execution and during the performance of this Agreement, The Owner shall notify The Consultant without delay and shall be solely responsible for obtaining such additional approvals.
9.2 Local Chinese Architects and Designers. The Owner has engaged local Chinese architectural and design companies of A Class qualification to provide any construction designs, detailed architectural plans and related design services which may be required with respect to the Project, and to provide any other coordination services required by China law with respect to the services to be performed by The Consultant. The Owner will pay for all services provided by local architectural or design companies and if The Consultant is required by China law to pay for any of such services, The Owner shall fully reimburse The Consultant
for the fees and expenses paid. The Owner acknowledges that the Services performed by The Consultant are limited to conceptual designs services and that The Consultant does not guarantee and is not responsible for the work performed or materials supplied by the local architects or any of The Owner’s consultants, contractors or subcontractors. 本土建筑师和
设计师甲方业已雇佣了具有甲级资质的中国当地建筑和设计公司以提供本项目所需的施工设计、详细建筑方案和有关的设计服务, 以及提供中国法律要求的与乙方提供服务有关的任何其它合作服务。甲方应支付当地建筑或设计公司全部服务的费用。如中国法律要求乙方支付其中任何服务的费用, 甲方应全额补偿乙方已支付的费用。甲方承认,乙方提供的服务仅限于概念设计服务,对于本土建筑师或甲方的任何顾问、工程承包商或分包商进行的工作或提供的材料,乙方不作担保也不负任何责任。
9.3 Due Formation and Existence. The Owner is a company duly formed and validly existing under the laws of China, with full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to do and perform each of its obligations hereunder.有效成立和存续甲方是根据中国法律合法成立并有效存续的公司, 具有充分的权力和授权签订本协议并履行本协议下的各项义务。
9.4 Due Authorization. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of The Owner have been duly authorized to do the same, and upon execution of this Agreement and delivery by them to The Consultant, this Agreement shall constitute a duly executed, valid and binding agreement of The Owner in accordance with its terms.有效授权代表甲方签署本协议的人员已获得实施此种行为的有效授权, 本协议一经该等人员签字并递交乙方, 便构成甲方有效签署且生效的协议,据其条款规定约束甲方。
10. The Consultant’s Representations, Warranties and Covenants:乙方的陈述、保证和承诺:
10.1 Originality of The Consultant’s Documents. The Consultant represents, warrants and covenants that to the best of its knowledge all Design Documents produced by the Consultant are the original work of the Consultant and that neither they nor their use will infringe upon or otherwise violate the copyrights, patents, or proprietary or trade secret rights of any person.乙方文件的原创性乙方陈述、保证并承诺, 在其所知晓的最大限度内,乙方制作的所有设计文件都是乙方的原创作品, 且该等作品或对该等作品的使用均不会侵犯或违反任何人的著作权、专利权、专有或商业秘密等权利。否则因此造成的一切后果由乙方承担。
10.2 Due Formation and Existence. The Consultant is a corporation duly formed and validly existing under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., with full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to do and perform each of its obligations hereunder.有效成立和存续乙方是根据美国宾西法尼亚州法律合法成立并有效存续的公司, 具有充分的权力和权限签订本协议并履行本协议下的各项义务。
10.3 Due Authorization. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant have been duly authorized to do the same, and upon execution of this Agreement and delivery by them to The Owner, this Agreement shall constitute a duly executed, valid and binding agreement of The Consultant in accordance with its terms.有效授权代表乙方签署本协议
的人员已获得实施此种行为的有效授权, 本协议一经该等人员签字并递交甲方, 便构成乙方有效签署且生效的协议,据其条款规定约束乙方。
11. No Responsibility for the Acts of Others:对他方行为的免责:
The Owner acknowledges that the Services performed by the Consultant are limited to conceptual designs services. The Consultant does not guarantee and is not responsible for the work performed or materials supplied by the local architects or any of the Owner’s consultants, contractors or subcontractors.甲方承认乙方提供的服务仅限于概念设计服务。乙方对于由本土建筑师或甲方的任何顾问、工程承包商或分包商履行的工作或提供的材料不作担保也不负任何责任。
12. Successor and Assigns:继承人与受让人:
The Owner and The Consultant agree, respectively, to bind themselves, their successors and their assigns to the terms of this agreement. Neither the Owner nor the Consultant will assign or transfer their rights and obligations in this agreement without the written consent of the other party.甲乙双方同意分别约束自身及其继承人和受让人以遵守本协议的各项条款。未经本协议另一方书面同意, 任何一方都不可转让或转移其在本协议中的权利和义务。
13. Force Majeure:不可抗力:
The Consultant is not responsible for delays, expenses or claims resulting from natural disasters or any events beyond the reasonable control of the Consultant.因超出乙方合理控制能力之外的自然灾害或任何其它事件造成的延误、花费或诉请, 乙方无需承担责任。14. Termination:终止:
It is understood that these services may be terminated upon 10 days’ written notice for good reason by either the Owner or the Consultant. In this event, the Consultant will be compensated for all work performed prior to date of termination based upon the percentage of work completed of the total work required by this Agreement.双方同意, 如有正当理由, 本协议下的服务可经任何一方提前10天书面通知后终止。如服务因此而终止, 乙方应获得在终止日期之前所做的所有工作的相应报酬, 报酬金额应根据已完成的工作在本协议约定的全部工作中的百分比确定。
15. Revocation:撤回:
This proposal will be considered revoked if acceptance is not received by the Consultant within 90 days of the date hereof.如自本合同列明之日起90内天乙方收不到甲方对本建议书的承诺, 本建议书将被视为撤回。
16. Validity:有效性:
If any part of this agreement is found to be invalid, the remaining lawful parts of the agreement will still be in effect.如本协议中的任何条款被认定为无效, 则本协议所余的合法条款将继续有效。
17. Dispute Resolution:争端解决
The Parties shall endeavor to resolve any and all differences, disputes or claims arising out of this Agreement through friendly consultation. Such consultation shall begin immediately after one Party has duly given to the other written request for such consultation. 当事方应致力于通过友好协商的方式解决本协议产生的分歧、争端或诉请。此种协商应在一方按适当方式向另一方提出协商请求后即刻开始。
18. Language:合同语言
This Agreement shall be rendered in both English and Chinese language versions, both of which shall be of equal force and effect. In the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the two versions, the Chinese version will control.本合同为中英文双语。如果合同中两种语言内容有分歧,则以中文版为准。
19. Entire Agreement:协议完整性
This Contract is the entire agreement of the Parties, and replaces any other agreements between The Owner and The Consultant regarding the Consultant’s services on this project. This agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by both Parties. 本协议构成当事方的完整协议,
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