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阈值:钠通道需开放一定数目,抵制钾电流的外流,才能导致钠通道爆发性开放。 上升相:钠通道开放,钠离子内流。 超射:动作电位峰值接近于钠离子平衡电位。 下降相:钠通道失活,钾通道开放。 低射:接近于钾离子的平衡电位。




3、中枢神经突触传递的简要过程。 1)动作电位传导到突触前膜


3)突触前膜钙离子浓度升高,突触小泡与突触前膜融合,神经递质释放 4)释放到突触间隙的神经递质扩散到突触后膜,与后膜上的受体结合 5)受体自身通道或者通过G蛋白激活其它通道引起效应。

4、如果胞内Cl离子浓度是胞外的1.2倍,Cl离子通道开放,产生去极化还是超极化?为什么?什么条件下,开放GABAa受体可以产生EPSP,而不是IPSP。 一般情况下,神经元膜外氯离子浓度是膜内的10倍,而氯离子的平衡电位是-65mV。当膜内积聚的氯离子较正常值高时,其平衡电位绝对值将减小,趋向于去极化状态。也就是当氯离子通道开放时,氯离子外流,产生于类似正电荷内流的去极化状态(通过nerst方程也可以看出)。这种现象一般在胚胎发育初期或者出生不久,谷氨酸等兴奋性突触还没有完全发育的时候,神经元膜上的氯离子通道行使去极化突触传递的功能。而这种胞内氯离子增多的现象是有神经元膜上的氯离子转运体转运进神经元内的。随着发育的进行,胞内氯离子的浓度逐渐降低。







6、Glutamate activates a number of different metabotropic receptors. The consequence of activating one subtype is the inhibition of cAMP formation. A consequence of activating a second subtype is

activation of protein kinase C. Propose mechanisms for these different effects.

The subtype of glutamate metabotropic receptor that inhibits cAMP formation may

activate Gi. This is the mechanism used by the NE receptor subtype called

?2, which inhibits adenylyl cyclase and, consequently, inhibits cAMP

formation. The other subtype of glutamate metabotropic receptor might activate a G-protein that stimulates the enzyme phospholipase C (PLC). PLC splits the membrane phospholipids PIP2 into two parts: DAG and IP3. DAG stays in the plane of the membrane and activates the downstream enzyme protein kinase C (PKC). (IP3, on the other hand, diffuses away and causes organelles to discharge their calcium stores.)

7、Compare and contrast the properties of (a) AMPA and NMDA receptors, and (b) GABAA and GABAB receptors.

(a) AMPA and NMDA are glutamate receptor subtypes; both are activated by glutamate, but the drug AMPA acts only on the AMPA receptor and the drug NMDA acts only on the NMDA receptor. AMPA and NMDA are chemical agonists used to differentiate the glutamate receptor subtypes. Their antagonists can also distinguish receptor subtypes, for example, the antagonist for AMPA is CNQX and the antagonist for NMDA is AP5. The differences in the receptors are related to slight differences in the protein. An important property of the NMDA receptor is that it is only active in the presence of glutamate and sufficient depolarization in the postsynaptic neuron. (b) GABAA and GABAB are GABA receptor subtypes; both respond to GABA but muscimol is the agonist for the GABAA receptor, and the agonist for

GABAB is baclofen. The antagonist for GABAA is bicuculline whereas the antagonist for GABAB is phaclofen.

8、You apply ACh and activate nicotinic receptors on a muscle cell. Which way will current flow through the receptor channels when Vm = –60 mV? When Vm = 0 mV? When Vm = 60 mV? Why?

Nicotonic ACh receptors are permeable to both sodium and potassium. When Vm = –60 mV, net current flow through ACh-gated ion channels is inward, toward the equilibrium potential of sodium, causing depolarization. At Vm = 60 mV, the direction of net current flow through the ACh-gated ion channels is outward, toward the equilibrium potential of potassium, causing the membrane potential to become less positive. The critical value of membrane potential at which the direction of current flow reverses is called the reversal potential. In this case, the reversal potential is 0 mV because this is the value between the equilibrium potentials of sodium and potassium. At 0 mV, no current flows.

9、 We discussed a GABA-gated ion channel that is permeable to Cl–. GABA also activates a G-protein-coupled receptor called the GABAb receptor, which causes potassium-selective channels to open. What effect would GABAb receptor activation have on the membrane potential?

Activated GABA-gated Cl– ion channels bring the membrane toward the equilibrium

potential for Cl–, which is –65 mV. If the membrane potential was less negative than –65 mV when the transmitter was released, activation would cause hyperpolarization. The activation of GABAB receptors causes potassium-selective channels to open. As a result, GABAB activation brings membrane potential toward the equilibrium potential of potassium, which is –80 mV. If the membrane potential was less negative than –80 mV when the transmitter was released, activation would also cause hyperpolarization. This channel might also impact the neuron by shunting inhibition, allowing a depolarizing current from an excitatory synapse to leak out. This, in turn, decreases the likelihood of action potential. The action of a G-protein-coupled receptor is, however, slower than that of the GABA-gated Cl–ion channel or a typical excitatory synapse. Therefore, its effects would be slower to occur and would last longer.

