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一、 考试范围:《大学英语(1)》Lesson 1-10。教材版本:《大学英语(一)》谢毅斌主编 2008

年4月第一版。 二、 考试题型:

I. 单项选择题(Structure & Vocabulary)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (每题1分,共50题) II. 辨错题

Error Identification: Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题) III. 完型填空

Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题) IV. 阅读理解

Directions: Each passage is followed by ten statements. Please decide whether the statements are true or false. (每题2分,共10题)

三、 出题比例:课内占70%,课外30%。复习时要以熟悉课文内容、认真完成课后练习以及公告栏


四、期末复习题(请在本课程答疑信箱中的公告栏里下载)。 五、考试时间:90 分钟


第 1 页 共 34 页

对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2009-2010学年第二学期


远程学习中心 姓名 层次 专业

学号 分数 考生注意:本试卷采用机读阅卷,考生务必认真填涂答题卡上的各类信息。填涂学号以网上注册的学号为准。A型学员从左起第一位填涂学号(15位),学号前一位的Y涂成2;B型学员从左起第一位填涂学号(15位),学号前两位的YB涂成22。因不按要求填涂而导致机读时出现错误的,后果自负。

I. 词汇与语法单项选择题 (每小题1分, 共50题)


1. There isn’t ___A____at the bus-stop.

A. anybody

B. people D. somebody

C. any persons

2. Kim and Fred ___A____ home.

A. are at

B. are in D. they are at

C. they are in

3. Which of the following is correct? D

A. Are the big nice apples?

B. Are nice the big apples? D. Are the big apples nice?

C. Are big and nice the apples?

4. Children __A__ eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth.

5. By the time we got there, the meeting __C___.

A. was beginning

B. had began

第 2 页 共 34 页

A. who C. they

B. which D. none

C. had already begun

D. begun

6. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar, __A___ write correctly.

7. __A___ the child said was whispered from one to the other.

A. What C. Which

8. Yesterday I was too busy to go shopping. I had my sister _B____.

A. to go C. gone

9. I was used _____A__ in a noisy room. A. to working

C. work

10. Yet much of the world is still raging war ______C____ women. A. for

B. with D. by

B. to work D. working

B. go D. going

B. That D. When

A. can you C. you can

B. can’t you D. you will

C. against

11. ____A_____ the policy, the bank must make it work. A. Having designed

C. Design

12. It differs from other forms of payment _____B_____ it offers both the buyer and the

seller a means of security. A. in it

B. in that D. in what

B. Designed D. Being designed

C. in which

13. Leave your umbrella in the stand in the _____B________ . A. stairs

C. stall

B. hall D. desk

第 3 页 共 34 页

14. When it comes to ____B______, Joan is the one you should ask for advice.

A. collect stamps C. stamp-collect

B. stamp-collecting D. both A and B

15. _____C_____, I don’t want to study it as my major.

A. As I like French

B. Although as I like French D. I like French as much

C. Much as I like French

16. She ended the letter ____A______ an invitation __________the performance the following Sunday.

A. with/to C. of/in

17. You can only ___D_____ this postal order at a post office.

A. exchange C. pay

18. I am going to watch the tennis ___C_______ on TV this afternoon.

A. contest C. match

19. I am disappointed ____D______ the results of the experiment.

A. for C. by

20. Good economy is the greatest ____B______ of goods for the greatest

_______ of people.

B. amount/number D. amount/amount

B. from D. about

B. game D. sport

B. credit D. cash

B. by/to D. to/of

A. number/amount

C. number/number

21. Jane and Tom ___D____ the door.

A. are walking at C. walks to

第 4 页 共 34 页

B. walk at

D. are walking to

22. Tom’s ___A____ street.

23. Which of the following is correct? D

A. Is that red book a big?

24. Do you like the boat? A

A. No, I don’t like it. C. No, I like not.

25. Which of the following is correct? D

A. Is you friend that pretty girl? C. Is that girl pretty your friend?

26. Which of the following is correct? B

A. Is this your hat there?

B. Are those your hats there? D. Is this your hats here? B. Is that friend you’re pretty girl? D. Is that pretty girl your friend?

B. Yes, I like him. D. Yes, I like.

C. Is red that big book?

B. Is that book a big red? D. Is that red book big?

A. in the

B. at the

C. into the

D. under

C. Are those your hats here?

27. Which of the following is correct? D

A. Look my garden, Susan! C. Susan is look at my garden.

28. Jack is standing beside ___A____.

A. us

29. The cat has __B_____.

A. the long legs

30. Bill hasn’t seen ___B____.

A. much boats

31. It was not until 1920 __D___regular radio broadcasts began.

A. when

B. which

第 5 页 共 34 页

B. Susan looks my garden. D. Look at my garden, Susan!

B. its C. they D. your

B. long legs C. the legs long D. legs long

B. any boat C. lots boats D. some boats

C. where

D. that

32. Keep secret __A___you have just done in the exam.

A. what C. which

33. Did you see the little boy __C___away?

A. had taken the candy and ran C. take the candy and run

34. Never __A___faith in himself, James Watt went on with his experiment.

A. losing C. to loss

35. Almost all economists agree __D___by trading with one another.

A. nations that are gained C. gaining nations

36. Egypt is famous __C___ its pyramids. A. of C. for

B. in

B. nations they gain D. that nations gain

B. lost D. to be lost

B. taking the candy and run D. take the candy and running

B. that D. when

D. about

37. No matter how hard he studied, ___A___ . A. he could not do any better

B. so he could not do any better

C. but he could not do any better D. and he could not do any better

38. I'd rather not __C___ television tonight. A. watching C. watch

39. Which war __A___ in 1939? A. broke out C. broke in

40. We must get in the wheat before the sun __D___ .

第 6 页 共 34 页

B. to watch D. watched

B. broke up

D. broke down

A. will set C. set

B. was set D. sets

41. “What did the people think of the new play?” “They got very ___B__.”

A. excite B. excited C. excitedly D. exciting

42. The guard at the gate insisted that everyone __B___ the rules. A. obeys B. obey C. would obey D. will obey

43. Let’s work hard and pass the exams, ___C__? A. will we B. don’t we C. shall we D. aren’t we

44. Bill wasn’t happy about the news, and ___C__ . A. I was neither B. neither I was C. I wasn’t either D. either was I

45.___D__ girl she is! A. what clever a B. How a clever C. How clever D. what a clever

46. I have no idea __A___ join us in the discussion. A. if she will B. will she C. if will she D. she will

47. I will go home to see my parents as soon as the semester__D___ . A. is ending B. will end C. shall end D. ends

48. I asked him for some paper, but he didn’t have ___A___ . A. any B. some C. no D. anything

49. I like __C____ sport, especially football. A. the B. a C. X D. my

50. My sister is __C___ Mary. A. pretty than B. more prettier than

C. prettier than D. more pretty than

II. 辨错题

Error Identification: Choose the word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题)

51. Can(A)you tell(B)me the roads(C)to(D)Bell Street?

52. That's a (A) small and muddy way(B) and it’s(C) not wide enough for a big car like ours(D). 53. Mary’s home is in(A) a very big avenue(B)which is wide and lined(C) with(D)trees. 54. That muddy avenue(A) through(B) the woods(C) is(D) really beautifu1. 55. This is a very noisy(A) street(B) as there are too much(C) traffic(D).

56. Please do not(A) walk on(B) the street.Walk(C) on the pavement(D). 57. After leaving(A) red(B) school,I got(C) a job in a company(D). 58. She earn(A) her 1iving(B) by cleaning(C) the streets(D). 59. China, a developing(A) country, cannot do(B) without a(C) heavy industry(D). 60. I would like(A) my son to take over(B) the business(C) when l retired(D).

第 7 页 共 34 页

III. 完型填空

Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题)

One Man’s Thought 61 School

62 , I heard about a modern school for small children where the students should do 63 they wanted. The idea was for each 64 to be able to develop without pressure from the teacher or other children.

One day, a young girl at the school 65 the teacher, “Do I have to do what I want?” She was saying what all of us said 66 times -- I do not know what I want to do. She needed 67 and guidance 68 the teacher. Many of us have been told that school should be fun, but the truth is that school is not meant to be fun. School is not 69 we are able to do what we want. It means accepting rules 70 we can be understood by others. And it means learning to think.

以下为答疑系统里公布的答案: 61. A. at B. in C. on D. about 62.

A. Many years ago B. Many years before C. Much years ago D. Much years before 63.

A. that B. what C. which D. as 64.

A. childs B. children C. child D. a child 65.

A. told B. said C. asked D. informed 66.

A. in B. on C. at D. for 67.

A. an advice B. many advices C. advice D. some advices 68.

A. for B. with C. from D. in 69.

A. what B. where C. that D. which 70.

A. so that B. in order to C. so which D. so what

IV. 阅读理解

Directions: The passage is followed by ten statements. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: (每题2分,共10题)

第 8 页 共 34 页

The Weekend

In the United States,Monday is the beginning of a workweek.It is the day that most Americans like least.It is not surprising then that the day they 1ike best is Saturday.It is the beginning of the weekend.And the weekend is the time for fun.Life is different on the weekend.

Most Americans do not work on Saturday and Sunday.Instead,they take care of their house, car or garden.They get up late in the morning.They enjoy the feeling that the time seems to move more slowly.People may have many duties at home on the weekend,yet they still feel freer.The week is for things that you have to do.The weekend is for things that you like to do.Families might get in a car and go for a drive in the country.They might take part in sports activities outdoors.And on Saturday night they might go to a restaurant or to the movies.

A Canadian writer notes that the idea of the weekend is a recent invention.Even the word itself was not invented until the 1870s.At that time only wealthy people talked about weekends. For most people back then,however,the workweek was six days 1ong.

Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of five days.He did that in 1926. He thought that, if working people had more free time,they would spend more money.And that would be good for the economy.One thing helped the idea spread rapidly.It was the Great Depression in the 1930s.Americans had little money to buy things during the depression,so there was 1ess demand for goods and services.This in turn 1ed to reduced working-hours for those who still had jobs.

By the 1940s,it had become common for most Americans to work eight hours a day,five days a week. Work ended Friday evening. It did not begin again until Monday morning.Today the 1ives of most Americans are organized that way.Five days of work or school are followed by two days of rest.For many people,Saturday night is the high point at the weekend because the night does not fo11ow or come before a day of work.So it is the night for going out and having fun.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false: 71. Some people in the United States dislike Monday. × 72. Life is not the same on the weekend. √

73. Most Americans take care of their house, car or garden on weekend. √ 74. At weekend, time seems to move very quickly. × 75. Families might play sports or do outdoor activities. √

第 9 页 共 34 页

76. The word “weekend” was invented before the 1870s. × 77. For most people in the 1870s, the workweek was 6 days long. √

78. Henry Ford thought that if working people had more free time, they would stay home and save money. × 79. The Great Depression in the 1930s helped the idea of five-day workweek spread rapidly. √

80. For most Americans, work ended Friday evening, and started again Monday morning by the 1940s. √

对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2010-2011学年第一学期


I. 词汇与语法单项选择题 (每小题1分, 共50题)

1. That information __C___ on to the inspector yesterday. A. should have passed

B. should pass D. should be passed

C. should have been passed

2. Either of the dictionaries __C___ a long way towards helping the students learn English. A. go C. goes

3. Our class rep. suggested __D___ a discussion on this subject. A. to have C. have

4. Without your help, We __D___ . A. will not succeed C. don't succeed

5. Tom and Jim had nothing against it, __C___ ? A. hadn't they C. did they

6. Tired __A___ she was, my mother stuck to her post. A. as C. if

B. when D. after

第 10 页 共 34 页

B. have gone D. going

B. should have D. having

B. didn't succeed

D. would not have succeeded

B. didn't they

D. had Tom and Jim

7. It is every evening __D___ we have English classes. A. when C. who

8. Tell me please __C___ you hope to go. A. with who

B. by who D. by whom

B. whom D. that

C. with whom

9. Though the old professor is getting old, ___A___ he works as hard as a young man. A. yet C. and

10. The two things __A___ he wasn't sure were the grammar and the idioms. A. about which C. in which

11. Tom and Anne ___B____ the table.

A. are sitting in C. is sitting in

22. What’s his sister doing? A

A. Reading. C. He’s reading.

13. Ann gave ___D____.

A. my the flowers C. the flowers me

14. Mary __A____ to school.

A. never walks

B. walks never D. never is walking

B. the flowers mine D. me the flowers

B. She reading. D. It’s reading.

B. are sitting at D. is sitting on

B. about that D. at which

B. but

D. but yet

C. is never walking

15. I’m not looking ___C___.

第 11 页 共 34 页

A. at sun

B. at a sky D. at some sky

C. at the sun

16. Do you know Peter? C

A. Yes, I know. C. Yes, I do.

17. Are ___C___ brothers?

18. Look at ___B___ cat!

A. her and she’s C. she and her

19. Whose flowers are they? They’re __D____.

A. to Mary C. Maries

20. The bicycle is ___D___ the car.

A. front of C. next

21. ___B___ your homework in class!

A. Don’t

B. Don’t do D. Not to do

B. near of D. behind

B. of Mary D. Mary’s

B. her and her D. she and she’s

A. those big boys some C. those big boys

B. some those big boys D. big boys those

B. No, I’m not.

D. No, I don’t know

C. Not do

22. ___C___ live in the town.

A. Somebody

B. Anybody D. Any people.

C. Some people

23. Did you go to Ireland last year? A

A. No, I’ve never been to Ireland. C. No, I haven’t gone to Ireland.

B. No, here I have never gone. D. No, I did never go there.

第 12 页 共 34 页

24. Smith hasn’t got your money. Jack hasn’t got __C____.

A. it, too.

B. them, too. D. them, either.

C. it, either.

25. That table is made of ___D_______. A. some wood C. the wood

26. I met ___B___ in the theatre last Friday.

A. a my friend C. a mine friend

27. I will go home to see my parents as soon as the semester __D___ . A. is ending C. shall end

28. What we are doing now _A____ to choose the best answer from the four choices. A. is

B. are D. were

B. will end D. ends

B. a friend of mine D. a friend of my

B. a wood D. wood

C. was

29. Bill wasn’t happy about the news, and __C___ . A. I was neither C. I wasn’t either

30. They have been in the library since __C___ . A. a long time

31. You will miss the bus __A___you hurry up. A. unless C. if

32. Linda has two __B____ . 第 13 页 共 34 页

B. neither I was D. either was I

B. 2 hours D. it had been opened

C. 8 o’clock

B. as D. until

A. sister-in-law C. sister-in-laws

B. sisters-in-law D. sisters-in-laws

33. He is studying computer in __C____ university in Beijing.

A. X C. a

34. Do you speak any other foreign language __D___ French? A. except for C. beside

35. __B___ hard they have been studying these days! A. What C. So

36. I don’t believe him; he ___B_____ be serious.

A. needn’t C. mayn’t

37. By the time the course ends, ___D_____a lot about the United States.

A. we’ll learn C. we’ve learned

38. “The ceremony has already begun.” “Look! The flag is ___A______ now.”

A. being raised C. being rose

39. I have classes ___B____ day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

A. each other

B. every other D. all other

B. risen D. raising

B. we’re learning D. we’ll have learned

B. can’t D. mustn’t

B. How D. Such

B. but

B. the D. an

D. besides

C. this and the other

40. The more he tried to help her, _____C____ she seemed to appreciate it.

A. less C. the less

B. lesser D. the lesser

第 14 页 共 34 页

41. Either of the dictionaries __C__a long way towards helping the students learn English.

A. go B. have gone C. goes D. going

42. Our class rep. suggested ____D_ a discussion on this subject.

A. to have B. should have C. have D. having

43. Without your help, We __D___ . A. will not succeed B. didn’t succeed C. don’t succeed D. would not have succeeded

44. Tom and Jim had nothing against it, ___C__ ?

A. hadn’t they B. didn’t they C. did they D. had Tom and Jim

45. Tired ___A__ she was, my mother helped her.

A. as B. when C. if D. after

46. It is every evening __D___ we have English classes. A. when B. whom C. who D. that

47. Tell me please __C___ you hope to go.

A. with who B. by who C. with whom D. by whom

48. Though the old professor is getting old, __A____ he works as hard as a young man. A. yet B. but C. and D. but yet

49. Take an umbrella ___B_____ it rains.

A. in any case

B. in case

C. because D. for

50. I met __B____ in the theatre last Friday.

A. a my friend B. a friend of mine C. a mine friend D. a friend of my

II. 辨错题

Error Identification: Choose the word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题)

51. Your red ties(A) doesn’t go with(B) your blue(C) suit(D). 52. They were going away(A) next(B) week for(C) their holidays(D). 53. The news(A) soon go(B) around(C) in(D) the small city. .

54. Someone threw(A) a bomb at(B) us,but unluckily(C) it didn’t go off(D). 55. The(A) ship went down(B) on(C) the storm(D). 56. It goes(A) against(B) my nature(C) to shouting(D).

第 15 页 共 34 页

57. The plane (A) returned back(B) the airport(C) the next day(D). 58. What is(A) going with(B) in(C)this house(D)? 59. Ask(A) your teacher to go over(B) it again if you won’t(C) understand it(D). 60. After explained(A) to us,the cook(B) went about(C) cooking his meal(D).

III. 完型填空

Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题)

I remember my father 61 me every year that my school days would be the happiest time of my life. I never 62 him. School for me was a form of torture. There, I had to do things I did not want to do. I had to learn about things I did not care 63 . Now I have discovered that we were both right. It was the 64 time of my life because of the kind of torture. When I was 65 child, the beginning of the school 66 September always came as a surprise. I was not ready to go to school 67 . As I grew older, the 68 of school was still not welcome, but it came as less of a surprise. There were a few things I looked forward to doing. Most of them were not part of school work or learning. They were 69 and they were girls.

It was not 70 I went to university that the start of school meant a real pleasure. Then I discovered that in spite of myself I had learned something at school. I had learned to think. 以下为答疑系统里公布的答案: 61.

A. saying B. tell C. say D. telling 62.

A. believe B. believes C. believed D. believing 63.

A. with B. about C. in D. for 64.

A. happiest B. happy

C. happier D. much happy 65.

A. the B. a C. his D. X 66.

A. on B. in C. at D. with 67.

A. Every day B. Everyday C. every day D. everyday 68.

A. opened B. open C. opens D. opening 69.

A. sports B. the sports C. sport D. a sport 70. A. to B. at

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C. for IV. 阅读理解

D. until

Directions: The passage is followed by ten statements. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: (每题2分,共10题)

Las Vegas

Las Vegas is an American city. It is increasing its population faster than any other city in the country. It is the city that is increasing its popularity as a ho1iday area for families. It is the city in the western desert of the United States.

The U.S. government recently reports that Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the U.S. The population increased by 14% between 1990 and 1992. The city now has more than 970,000 inhabitants.

There are several reasons why people are moving to the city. The weather is always warm and sunny. There are many jobs in the building industry and in the hotels. There are no earthquakes. And people do not have to pay taxes on the money they earn.

The number of people who visit the city has increased by 100% in the past ten years. More than 23 million people visit it every year. It is a famous place for people who 1ike to gamble. People from all over the country go to Las Vegas with a hope of winning lots of money. But actually, most of them lose money.

It is a city of hotels. In recent years, some of the biggest hotels in the world have been built there. They provide special rooms where people can gamble, a11 kinds of special shows for adults, and entertainments for children and families.

It is said that the local Indians first 1ived there. Spanish people came in 1829.They found a place where water rose in the grounds. It was full of grass, other plants and trees. So they named the place Las Vegas. It is a Spanish word for a green field. But it is no longer a green field.

City officials say there is one problem that limits the growth of the city. That is the lack of water. It is a desert area and there isn’t much rain every year, but water use is very high. Many farmers do not 1ike the wasteful use of water in the city. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: 71. The population of Las Vegas increased by 14% in 1990. F 72. People like the city because the weather there is warm and sunny. T 73. But people don’t have to pay taxes on the things they buy. F

74. The number of people who visit the city has doubled in the past ten years. T 75. People from all over the country go to Las Vegas to win a lot of money. F 76. Las Vegas does not have enough hotels. F

第 17 页 共 34 页

77. Hotels provide all kinds of special shows for adults, but nothing for children and families. F 78. Spanish people came in 1829. T

79. The local Indians gave the place the name “Las Vegas”. F

80. City officials say one problem that limits the growth of the city is the lack of water. T

对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2010-2011学年第一学期


I. 词汇与语法单项选择题 (每小题1分, 共50题)

1. __C___ did I understand what she meant. A. When

B. At that time D. What

C. Only then

2. He studied almost all night __D___ he would pass the exams. A. so as to C. for

3. The few people who knew the plan included __D____ . A. yourself and myself C. you and mine

4. We must keep quiet __A___ we will be punished. A. or

B. if D. unless

B. you and I D. you and me

B. in order to D. in order that

C. since

5. I can’t _C____ it, because it is too expensive. A. spend C. afford

6. It is reported that the wounded ___A__ been treated and the lost _____ been


第 18 页 共 34 页

B. pay D. cost

A. have…have C. have…has

B. has…has D. has…have

7. “What does that car look like?” “That is similar in shape____D_____ mine.”

A. with

B. like D. to

C. as

8. They’ll hurt_____D_____ if we don’t stop them fighting.

A. one to another C. each the other

9. It is very nice ___B______ you to come and meet me at the train station.

A. to

B. of D. with

B. one the other D. each other

C. for

10. He doesn’t work but he gets a good _____C_____ from his investments.

A. wage

B. earning D. salary

C. income

11. Take an umbrella ____B_____ it rains.

A. in any case

B. in case D. for

C. because

12. My secretary said that she has made an ____A______ for me to see the sales manager at 5 o’clock

tomorrow. A. appointment

B. interview D. assignment

C. opportunity

13. By the time the course ends, ___D_____a lot about the United States.

A. we’ll learn C. we’ve learned

14. “The ceremony has already begun.” “Look! The flag is ___A______ now.”

A. being raised

B. risen

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B. we’re learning D. we’ll have learned

C. being rose

D. raising

15. I have classes ___B____ day, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

A. each other

B. every other D. all other

C. this and the other

16. The more he tried to help her, ____C_____ she seemed to appreciate it.

A. less C. the less

17. He said that he was soon going to visit ___B___ .

A. the United State C. United States

18. Let’s work hard and pass the exams, __C___? A. will we

B. don’t we

B. the United States D. United State

B. lesser D. the lesser

C. shall we D. aren’t we

19. I like ___C___ sport, especially football.

A. the B. a C. X D. my

20. My sister is __C___ Mary. A. pretty than B. more prettier than

C. prettier than D. more pretty than

21. It happened to be very cold __C___the morning of our sports meet. A. in B. of C. on D. at

22. You will miss the bus ___A__you hurry up. A. unless B. as C. if D. until

23. Tom __C___ be in London, because I saw him here only 20 minutes ago. A. mustn’t B. may not

C. can’t D. isn’t able to

24. All life on the Earth __A___ on the sun.

A. depends B. carries C. keeps D. goes

25. They have been in the library since __C___ .

A. a long time B. 2 hours C. 8 o’clock D. it had been opened

26.She often comes to my help without ___D___ to.

A. asked B. to be asked

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27. Whatever I say and do __B___ none of your business.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

28. I wish I ___B__ as clever as you.

A. am B. were C. should be D. can be

29. Jenny will buy the book, __A___ .

A. so will Anna B. neither will Anna C. either will Anna D. also will Anna

30. What an interesting book ___C__ !

A. is B. will be it C. it is D. is it

31. It’s still not decided ___A___ we are going for the holiday.

A. where B. that C. which D. who

32. He is ___D__ teacher that all of us like him.

A. a such good B. such good a C. a so good D. so good a

33. The building at the street corner is the hospital __A___ last year.

A. where I stayed B. Which I stayed on C. that I stayed D. what I stayed

34. Linda has two __B____ .

A. sister-in-law B. sisters-in-law C. sister-in-laws D. sisters-in-laws

35. He speaks English better than __C____ else.

A. the one B. no one C. anyone D. another

36. He is studying computer in __C____ university in Beijing.

A. X B. the C. a D. an

37. We arrived after ___D___ had begun.

A. second act B. act second C. the act second D. the second act

38. Jack is __A___ John.

A. as quiet as B. so quiet as C. less quiet as D. quieter than

39. Do you speak any other foreign language _D____ French?

A. except for B. but C. beside D. besides

40. __A___ you mention it, I remember seeing him on campus last summer.

A. Now that B. If C. Before D. Until

41. You __D___ do this homework if you don’t want to.

A. haven’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

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C. asking D. being asked

42. Taiwan ___C__ our country.

A. is belong to B. belong to C. belongs to D. is belonged to

43. I ___C__ you were here.

A. don’t know B. not know C. didn’t know D. wasn’t known

44. He ___B__ to be very clever.

A. says B. is said C. said D. has being saying

45. I’ve heard her _C____ about you many times.

A. spoke B. spoken C. speak D. speaks

46. I would have gone to the party if I __A___ time.

A. had had B. have had C. had D. would have

47. They used to live on this street, __B___?

A. did they B. didn’t they C. do they D. hadn’t they

48. __B___ hard they have been studying these days!

A. What B. How C. So D. Such

49. He studied almost all night __D___ he would pass the exams.

A. so as to B. in order to C. for D. in order that

50. The plant has 1,000 workers three fourths of __B___ are women.

A. which B. whom C. them D. who

II. 辨错题

Error Identification: Choose the word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题) 以下为答疑系统里公布的答案:

51. She spoke (A) to (B)Mr. Marvin in(C)this morning(D). 52. She swims (A) across (B) the (C) river yesterday (D).

53. My students (A) asked (B) me lot (C) of questions (D)after class yesterday. 54. My roommate (A) 1istened (B) for (C)music until (D) quite 1ate 1ast night. 55. I could not (A) go (B) to (C) sleep last evening (D).

56. When I was looking (A) for (B) my key,my classmates came for (C)me with it. I had 1eft (D) the key in the classroom.

57. I was putting (A) in (B) my raincoat and was about to go (C) out when the rain stopped (D).

58. Mr. Jones used to (A) be my English teacher. He teaches (B) me English when I was studying (C) in (D) high school.

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59. My husband used to smokeing (A)a pack of cigarettes a (B) day. He gave up (C)as he coughed (D) a lot.

60. Some (A) of us played (B) basketball together when we were (C) at college year (D) ago.

III. 完型填空

Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题)

Saturday Night

A new book 61 Saturday Night was published recently.The book describes what different Americans do on 62 night.It says that 63 and everything can happen on the night.People go visit friends and have parties. They drink 64 . They

65 of alcohol. They get 66 or kill other people. They

sleep or watch TV. The author notes that people do these same things on other nights of the week too,but she says that they do them more often and with more passion and purpose on Saturday night.

There are more parties on Saturday night 67 on any other night of the week.Public eating places are more 68 .Movie theatres sell more tickets. Saturday night is the biggest night for places 69 sell alcoholic drinks. That is one reason why Saturday night also has the most murders, fights and deadly car accidents. Yet, studies show that 70 people kill themselves on Saturday night than on any other night of the week.


A. calling C. said 62.

A. Saturday C. Monday 63.

A. nothing C. any thing 64. A. dance C. dancing 65.

A. lot C. lots 66.

A. killing C. killed 67.

A. like C. than 68.

A. crowd C. crowded 69.

A. as C. when 70.

A. fewer

B. saying D. called B. Sunday D. Friday B. anything D. everything B. dances D. danced B. many

D. a number B. going D. gone B. since D. for B. crowding D. a crowd B. that D. what B. much

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C. many

IV. 阅读理解

D. some

Directions: The passage is followed by ten statements. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: (每题2分,共10题)

A Successful Student

Jane is from a bilingual family. Her parents are Chinese, but her mother was born in Thailand and they live in Bangkok. At home, her parents communicate in Chinese. However she speaks only Thai with them. She speaks little Chinese and perhaps understands a little more.

She started learning English as a foreign language at seven. At school, English was taught in a traditional way -- translation, pattern drills and grammar. They had one English lesson a day.

She kept on learning English like this until she was eighteen. Then she decided to go to Canada to study it. There are two reasons for her to learn good English there:

1. She wants to do business like her father in the future;

2. People are respected and feel superior in her society if they can speak English well.

Jane attended language classes three times a week for a period of three hours each time. The content of teaching was grammar as well as conversation. Jane said that it was only through classroom teaching that she got an insight into the structure of the language. She thought it was fairly easy to learn some grammar aspects, such as tenses, as she heard them being actually used outside the classroom.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false: 以下为答疑系统里公布的答案:

71. At home, Jane speaks Chinese with her parents sometimes. F 72. They live in Thailand. T

73. Jane can understand more when she reads Chinese. F 74. She started learning English as a foreign language at seven. T 75. She started learning English as a foreign language in Canada. F

76. At school in Bangkok, Jane and her classmates had an English lesson every day. T 77. There are three reasons for her to learn English in Canada. F

78. People in Canada are respected in the society if they can speak English well. F 79. In Canada, Jane learnt grammar as well as conversation in her English class. T 80. She thought it was fairly easy to learn some grammar aspects in Canada. T

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对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2010-2011学年第一学期


I. 词汇与语法单项选择题 (每小题1分, 共50题)

1. Pauline is the only one of the girls who ___C___ won this year’s scholarship. A. have C. has

2. Take this luggage and ___D___ you can find enough space. A. put it which C. put it wherever

3. “I like your new computer very much.” “I bought it because it was ___A___ yours.” A. like C. similar as

4. Only at work ___A_____ the importance of mastering a foreign language. A. did I realize C. did I realized

5. The child was the only ___A___ of the recent shipwreck. A. survivor C. man

6. I am sure that ___D___ you said is a lie. A. which C. who

7. It was not until I came to the shopping center ___A____ I realized I didn’t take money with me. A. that I C. I

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B. is D. are

B. put it in which D. put it where

B. similar like D. as

B. I realized D. do I realizes

B. person D. crew

B. all D. what

B. when I D. and I

8. I’d rather you ____B___ anything about it for the time being. A. do C. don’t do

9. I regret __B____ hard at school.

10. The computer has affected ___D___ modern people live and work.

11. I am interested in ___D___ she has told me.

12. She told me she had been offered a very well-paid ___D___. A. service C. work

13. “When can I come to visit you again?” “Any time you feel ___C___.” A. for it C. like it

14. The chair ___A___ before it can be used.

15. ___A___, he is kind and has a lot of friends.

16. Without taking ___D___ umbrella, I rushed out into the rain.

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B. didn’t do D. not do

A. not to have worked C. not have worked

B. not having worked D. having not worked

A. is the way C. which way do

B. that the way D. the way

A. everything of which C. all what

B. which D. all that

B. employment D. position

B. so D. likes

A. needs repairing C. should be in repair

B. be repaired D. must repair

A. Unlike his brothers C. Alike his brothers

B. Dislike his brothers D. liking his brothers

A. the C. a

B. a D. an

17. My teacher has ___B___ girl.

A. a 18-year-old

B. an 18-year-old D. an 18-years-old

C. a 18-years-old

18. He’s never again written __A___ as this one.

A. so good a composition

B. such good a composition D. so a good composition

C. such good composition

19. China is famous _C____ its Great Wall. A. of C. for

20. No matter how hard he studied, __A____ .

A. he could not do any better C. but he could not do any better

21. He is ___C___ honest person.

A. the C. an

22. There were __B____ people in the hall, enjoying the wonderful performance.

A. hundred of C. hundreds

23. I was __C___ tired that I had to lie down for a while.

A. so much C. so

24. He is anything ___D__ a doctor.

A. except that C. besides

B. except for D. but

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B. in D. about

B. so he could not do any better D. and he could not do any better

B. a D. X

B. hundreds of

D. a hundred of

B. enough

D. too

25. We must keep quiet ___A__ we will be punished. A. or

B. if

C. since

D. unless

26. The door is still locked. He ___D___ the key.

A. lost

B. must lose D. must have lost

C. can lose

27. I can’t _C____ it, because it is too expensive.

A. spend C. afford

28. John __D___ Henry when we met at the airport.

A. shake hand with C. shook hand with

29. The football match __B___ until 2 months later.

A. puts up

B. has been put off D. will put down

B. shakes hand with D. shook hands with

B. pay D. cost

C. is put through

30. One of these dictionaries is not __D___ .

A. worth to use

B. worth being used D. worth using

C. worth of using

31. Have a little more beer, __A___?

A. will you

B. won’t you D. do you

C. don’t you

32. The reason for his success is __B___ he worked harder than anybody else.

A. why C. because

33. If I __C___ more time at yesterday’s exam, I would have checked my paper again

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B. that D. for

and again. A. have had

B. had

C. had had D. would have

34. All my books are here. I have no such books __B____ you have described.

A. that C. whom

35. They live __A___ the other side of the road.

A. on

B. in D. by

B. as D. which

C. for

36. It is __B____ the corner of the room near my desk.

A. on

B. in D. under

C. for

37. It is usually quiet here __A___ Sunday mornings.

A. on

B. in D. to

C. at

38. “What does that car look like?” “That is similar in shape ___D___ mine.”

A. with

B. like D. to

C. as

39. It’s years ___C_____ a picture.

A. that I don’t paint C. since I painted

B. that I didn’t paint D. ago I painted

40. ______C_____beautiful flowers!

A. What a

B. What D. So

C. How

41. I’ll leave him a note __A___ he’ll know where we are. A. so that

B. such that

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C. in order

D. for

42. You __C____ drive carefully. The roads are wet.

A. had rather

B. would rather D. would better

C. had better

43. I’m sorry I failed to get in touch with him before he left. I ___C______him earlier. A. should call

B. should be calling D. should be called

C. should have called

44. Mary __C___ be in New York, because I saw her this morning. A. must not

B. should not D. may not

C. cannot

45. “__A___ I hold the door for you?” “Yes, please.”

A. Shall

B. Will D. Should

C. Might

46. You __D____ read that article if you don’t want to.

A. shouldn’t

B. can’t D. needn’t

C. mustn’t

47. She broke a __B____ when she was washing up.

A. glass wine

B. wine glass D. glass of wine

C. glass for wine

48. I’m going to the hairdresser’s to __B___.

A. cut my hair

B. have my hair cut D. cut me my hair

C. have cut my hair

49. There are so many cars ___D___ nowadays. A. for all places C. anywhere

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B. in all the place D. everywhere

50. __B___ me _____.

A. Tell/where are you going B. Tell/where you are going C. Say/where are you going D. Say/where you are going

II. 辨错题

Error Identification: Choose the word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题) 以下为答疑系统里公布的答案:

51. She come (A) from (B) a (C) bilingual (D) family.

52. She started (A) learn (B) English when (C) she was (D) seven. 53. She learned (A) English like (B) that for (C) 11 year (D).

54. She wants (A) to do (B) business like (C) her father does in the future (D). 55. People are respecting (A) in (B) her society if they can speak (C) English well (D). 56. She attended language classes (A) for three hours (B) each times (C) and three times (D) a week.

57. She thought that it was (A) through classroom teaching that she got (B) a (C) insight into the structure of the language.

58. She had (A) to speak English with (B) them (C) everyday (D).

59. She said (A) that she had (B) good ears (C) and also an (D) talent of imitation. 60. Talk (A) with native speakers (B) of (C) English was the most important factor (D). III. 完型填空

Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题)

To get 61 for her book,she traveled around America.She observed wealthy young people in Los Angeles. She visited prisoners in New York. She went to student parties after college football games. She attended coming-of-age parties of 62 Mexican American girls. She visited a public dancing hall as well.

She went to a town in Indiana to observe a Saturday night custom called cruising. It 63 spending the evening driving your car slowly 64 the town’s main street. Your car doesn’t have to be new or nice 65 it moves. People exchange greetings,jokes and friendly insults. Cruising is most popular in small towns where there is not much 66 to do.

She says the most common events on Saturday night are the hardest to report. This is 67 they are

private. For example,she notes that many people spend Saturday night 68 home with friends. They have dinner together. Other people go on dates. A date usually involves just 69 people. It’s just like a 70 meeting in public. People on a date might go to a public concert,yet they talk only to each other.

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A. news C. a news 62.

A. young C. old 63.

A. indicates C. explains 64.

A. up or down C. up and down 65.

A. and C. as long as 66.

A. each other C. else 67.

A. since C. because 68.

A. in the C. at 69.

A. three C. many 70.

A. private C. happy

IV. 阅读理解

B. informations D. information B. middle-aged D. child B. means D. shows B. right and left D. right or left B. for D. if B. another D. one another B. why D. as B. in D. at the B. two D. one B. sad D. big

Directions: The passage is followed by ten statements. Decide whether the following statements are true or false: (每题2分,共10题)

A Successful Student

Jane attended language classes three times a week for a period of three hours each time in Canada. The content of teaching was grammar as well as conversation. Jane said that it was only through classroom teaching that she got an insight into the structure of the language. She thought it was fairly easy to learn some grammar aspects, such as tenses, as she heard them being actually used outside the classroom.

She lived with people from several countries. It offered a good environment in which English was the only language they could share. Among them, there was a native speaker who liked to talk to her. Talking with native speakers is the best way to improve one’s listening and speaking. She said, “ I often listen to the radio and watch TV too. It helps me a lot.”

Speaking and listening are just two skills. One can learn them much more easily if he keeps on practicing them in a real situation every day.

In reply to the question of whether she thought she had a gift for languages, Jane said that she had good ears and also a talent of imitation. Her pronunciation is perfect for a second language learner.

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When Jane was asked to tell which factor she would consider to be the most influential in her language studies, she emphasized that talking with native speakers of English was of great help. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

(答案供参考 红色答案来自答疑系统)

71. She thought English grammar such as tenses was difficult to learn. F 72. In Canada, she lived with people from Thailand. F

73. Jane believed that it was useful to practice speaking and listening to English in a

real situation. T

74. Among her roommates, there was a native speaker who liked to talk to her. T 75. She knew that the best way to improve one’s listening and speaking was talking

to native speakers. T

76. She was so busy that she didn’t have time to listen to the radio or watch TV. F 77. It is easy to learn speaking and listening if one keeps on practicing them in a real

situation every day. T

78. Jane’s ears look beautiful. F

79. Jane’s pronunciation of English is poor. F

80. Talking with native speakers of English was of great help in her language studies,

she thought. T

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