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更新时间:2023-03-08 05:00:16 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



Part I News Report

Test 1

Questions 1 to 2 will be based on the following news item. 1. A. One. B. Three. C. Four. D. Two. 2. A. Close all the tourist attractions. B. Forbid using animals as a vehicle. C. Increasing the trains and flights. D. Restore the May Day holiday. Test 2

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A. It didn't do enough to celebrate the 100thanniversary of WWI. B. It showed little respect to other European countries. C. It tended to focus on the crimes of WWI. D. It tried to deny the crimes committed by the Nazis. 4. A. Indifferent. B. Opposed. C. Neutral. D. Numb.

Test 3

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A. Remind people to care their personal appearance. B. Pay compliments to the person in front of it. C. Tell the person in front of it what to dress. D. Make the company more competitive. 6. A. 38%. B. 26%. C. 49%. D. 51%. 7. A. To make people beautiful. B. To raise the nation's egos.


C. To make big money. D. To change a nation. Test 4

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday. D. On Saturday. 6. A. At least 17. B. At least 24. C. At least 21. D. At least 41.

7. A. Many people took part in the search and rescue. B. The cause of the explosions has been determined. C. Rescue efforts were stopped on Thursday. D. The explosions didn't destroy the building. Test 5

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 1. A. It was proposed by a group of immigrants. B. Mr. Obama had carried out the reform successfully. C. Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship. D. It aims to address the issue of illegal immigrants. 2. A. Eight years. B. Five years. C. Thirteen years. D. Eleven years. Test 6

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A. Finding reliable partners. B. Raising money. C. Hiring employees.


D. Searching for resources.

6. A. 9.1 million. B. 38 million. C.16 million. D.3 million. 7. A. Women are in need of more help to start a business. B. Women-owned businesses are on the rise. C. Women-owned businesses begin to make profit. D. More businesses are owned by women than that by men. Test 7

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 1. A. During the spring. B. During the courtship. C. During the winter. D. During breeding season. 2. A. Use the magnifying glass. B. Play in super-fast motion. C. See by the naked eyes. D. Play in super-slow motion. Test 8

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A. Electricity shortage. B. Food shortage.

C. The heavy burden of studies. D. Overtime exposure to sunlight.

6. A.1 hour. B. 2 hours. C. 3 hours. D. 2.5 hours. 7. A. Students in South East-Asia have great pressure in study. B. Genetic factors in visual impairment and blindness.

C. Students in South East-Asia should spend more time outdoors. D. The reason why students in South East-Asia have pressure. Test 9

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A. To set up a moon colony by 2020.

B. To send astronauts back to the moon by 2020.


C. To continue the current shuttle missions till 2020. D. To create more jobs for NASA till 2020. 4. A. There were more important space missions.

B. The space agency lacked technology for the programme. C. The current shuttle missions would continue. D. Congress failed to pass President Obama's budget. Test 10

Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A. All taxies began to use meters. B. All taxis got air conditioning.

C. Advertisements were allowed on taxies. D. Old taxis were replaced with new cab. 6. A. A low interest loan scheme. B. Environmentalists’ protests. C. Taxi passengers’ complaints. D. Permission for car advertising. 7. A. There are no more irregular practices. B. All new cabs provide air-conditioning. C. New cabs are all equipped with meters. D. New legislation protects consumer rights.

Part II Long Conversation

Test 1

1. A. College teachers. B. Maintenance workers. C. Students’ parents. D. Laboratory supervisors. 2. A. One hour each day only. B. Three and a half hours only. C. As much time as necessary. D. Enough time to do assignments. 3. A. The machine hasn’t been repaired yet. B. The students forget to reserve their terminals. C. The supervisor won’t observe the regulations. D. The students stay at the terminals too long. 4. A. Invite the lab supervisor to attend class.


B. Repair the laboratory in a new way. C. Prepare a notice to give out in class. D. Add more terminals to the laboratory. Test 2

5. A. Art. B. French. C. Chemistry. D. German. 6. A. Doing some photography and travel. B. Going to concerts quite frequently. C. Playing traditional jazz and folk music. D. Going to the theatre now and then. 7. A. Experience a thorough training. B. Get off the trainee schedule. C. Know how to work with people. D. Know about all aspects of the work.

Test 3

1. A. you must return it immediately

B. you must return it within 7 days after the due date C. you must return it within 7 days of the recall notice

D. you must return it as soon as possible

2. A. telephone the person B. give the person a fine C. send the person E-mails D. give it to his teacher

3. A. go running B. go and get her library card C. go to class D. go and get some books

Test 4

4. A. to choose a topic for the term paper

B. to type some research materials

C. to get materials not available at the main library D. to learn to use the computer there

5. A. an analysis of early presidential results

B. a comparison of political journals and newspapers C. the use of computers in calculating election results D. the impact of TV on recent presidential election 6. A. it is quite general


B. it should be changed

C. it is closely related with information in newspaper D. it will take a short time to find the relevant materials 7. A. he travels to that library to get it

B. he pays a little money to use it C. he reads it in the graduate school library D. he orders it from the publisher Test 5

19. A. To make a business report to the woman.

B. To be interviewed for a job in the woman's company. C. To resign from his position in the woman's company. D. To exchange stock market information with the woman. 20. A. He is head of a small trading company. B. He works in an international insurance company. C. He leads a team of brokers in a big company. D. He is a public relations officer in a small company.

21. A. The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer. B. Mr. Saunders will share one third of the woman's responsibilities. C. Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations. D. The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders' past experience. Test 6

22. A. She's worried about the seminar. C. She finds it too hard. B. The man keeps interrupting her. D. She lacks interest in it. 23. A. The lecturers are boring.

B. The course is poorly designed. C. She prefers Philosophy to English. D. She enjoys literature more.

24. A. Karen's friend. C. Karen's lecturers. B. Karen's parents. D. Karen herself. 25. A. Changing her major.

B. Spending less of her parents' money. C. Getting transferred to the English Department.


D. Leaving the university.

Test 7

19. A. To go boating on the St. Lawrence River.

B. To go sightseeing in Quebec Province. C. To call on a friend in Quebec City. D. To attend a wedding in Montreal. 20. A. Study the map of Quebec Province.

B. Find more about Quebec Province. C. Brush up on her French.

D. Learn more about the local customs. 21. A. It’s most beautiful in summer.

B. It has many historical buildings.

C. It was greatly expanded in the 18th century. D. It’s the only French-speaking city in Canada.

Test 8

22. A. It was about a little animal.

B. It took her six years to write. C. It was adapted from a fairy tale.

D. It was about a little girl and her pet.

23. A. She knows how to write best-selling novels.

B. She can earn a lot of money by writing for adults. C. She is able to win enough support from publishers. D. She can make a living by doing what she likes. 24. A. The characters.B. The readers.

C. Her ideas.D. Her life experiences.

25. A. She doesn’t really know where they originated.

B. She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints. C. They popped out of her childhood dreams.

D. They grew out of her long hours of thinking. Test 9

19. A. The hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name.

B. The hotel clerk insisted that he didn’t make any reservation. C. The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. D. The hotel clerk couldn’t find his reservation for that night.


20. A. A grand wedding was being held in the hotel.

B. There was a conference going on in the city. C. The hotel was undergoing major repairs. D. It was a busy season for holiday-makers. 21. A. It was free of charge on weekends.

B. It had a 15% discount on weekdays. C. It was offered to frequent guests only. D. It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels. 22. A. Demand compensation from the hotel.

B. Ask for an additional discount. C. Complain to the hotel manager. D. Find a cheaper room in another hotel. Test 10

23. A. An employee in the city council at Birmingham.

B. Assistant Director of the Admissions Office. C. Head of the Overseas Students Office. D. Secretary of Birmingham Medical School. 24. A. Nearly fifty percent are foreigners.

B. About fifteen percent are from Africa. C. A large majority are from Latin America. D. A small number are from the Far East. 25. A. She will have more contact with students.

B. It will bring her capability into fuller play. C. She will be more involved I policy-making. D. It will be less demanding than her present job.

Part III Passages

Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Passage 1


Questions 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. A. Because the full list is under preparation. B. Because they are on show every Wednesday. C. Because this is redundant.

D. Because they are already posted outside of the cafeteria.

2. A. Intercampus buses will depart from the main hall every hour on the half hour. B. The cafeteria will serve meals during the week.

C. The library will have shorter opening hours on weekends.

D. Intercampus buses will make their stops on their regular route upon demand. 3. A. Yes, it is available.

B. There is no information about it. C. No, it is not available.

D. The cafeteria doesn’t serve breakfast at all. 4. A. To remind students to validate their identification. B. To tell students the important schedule changes.

C. To announce the new films on campus during the summer sessions. D. To inform students of the new library services. Passage 2

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard. 5. A. It is a large meal.

B. Each member of the family can get together. C. It is the important time of the day. D. Issues and ideas can be discussed together. 6. A. Almost half their money. B. Almost all their money. C. Almost one-third of their money. D. Most of their money. 7. A. Right after the food is ready.

B. Right after the father makes the cross over the bread with a knife. C. Right after the mother distributes each member a piece of bread. D. Right after the father gives everyone a piece of bread. 8. A. The famous French food. B. The French family meal. C. The French family reunion. D. The French table manners. Passage 3


Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9. A. Means for winter travelling. B. Methods of fishing. C. How to hunt large animals. D. Political ways. 10. A. Iron tools. B. Building canoes. C. Blazing trails. D. Planting crops. 11. A. They were very delicious.

B. They were very special to the Indians. C. They were plentiful in England. D. They were new to the early settlers.

12. A. The Indians taught the settlers to spear fish in rivers.

B. The settlers were well prepared for the hardships in the New World.

C. Without friendly Indians, the settlers couldn’t have survived the severe winters. D. The settlers introduced domesticated animals to the Indians. Passage 4

Questions 13 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard. 13. A. The workers on the underground platforms were replaced by machines. B. It became the first completely automatic railway in the world. C. A completely automatic line was added to its network. D. Its trains became computer-controlled.

14. A. A machine. B. The command spot. C. A computer. D. Platform worker. 15. A. To drive the train after it is started automatically. B. To start the train and to drive it when necessary. C. To send the commanding signals to the command spots. D. To take care of the passengers on the train. 16. A. There is no danger of accidents on the line. B. There is a danger of accidents on the line.

C. One train will keep a safe distance from the other trains. D. Their speeds will be automatically fixed by the computers. Passage 5

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A. Urban history. B. Architecture. C. Fine arts. D. Urban design. 18. A. Illinois University. B. Cornell University. C. Yale University. D. University of Washington.


19. A. Twelve. B. Six. C. Twenty. D. Very many. 20. A. Functional architecture. B. Urban planning. C. Trends in urban design.

D. Federal regulations for urban development. Passage 6

Questions 21 to 24 are based on the passage you have just heard. 21. A. Near the city. B. In the city center. C. Far away from the city. D. Inside the city.

22. A. Enjoying the city life. B. Finding a place to live in. C. Traveling by bus or car. D. Living in an expensive way. 23. A. Local advertisement. B. Information agency. C. Hotels. D. Sunday newspaper. 24. A. On Sunday nights. B. On their holidays.

C. On Sunday mornings. D. When they obtain the information. Passage 7

Questions 25 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 25. A. Some incomes increase more slowly than the cost of living. B. Some incomes do not rise at all.

C. All prices and incomes do rise at the same rate.

D. Other incomes increase more rapidly than the cost of living. 26. A. Real income decreases. B. Purchasing power rises.

C. Dollar interest rate remains the same. D. Inflation is over. 27. A. People with fixed incomes. B. People who live on pensions. C. People with slow-rising salaries. D. People who own businesses.

28. A. To make a conclusion about inflation. B. To define the concept of inflation. C. To discuss the problem of inflation. D. To review yesterday’s talk on inflation. Passage 8


Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. A. They would change people’s life. B. They were not so important.

C. They were the most popular form of transportation. D. They were very attractive. 30. A. To make it at a low cost.

B. To make it easy for everyone to fix. C. To make it not easily break down. D. To make it more unique.

31. A. Each Duesenberg was custom-made. B. It was the most luxurious car ever made. C. It was very big in size. D. It was a horse-driven car. 32. A. The trends of car development. B. Two models of cars.

C. The early development of cars. D. Costs of manufacturing cars. Passage 9

Questions 33 to 36 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. A. Verbalization is less common in communication.

B. The deaf and mute can use an oral form of communication. C. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language. D. There is only one form of communication available nowadays. 34. A. Picture signs. B. Head shaking. C. Winking. D. Nodding. 35. A. Signal flags. B. Morse code. C. Road maps. D. All the above. 36. A. People communicate only in one way.

B. When language is a barrier, people can use other forms of communication. C. Sign language can not be used internationally.

D. Verbalization is the most common form of language for communication. Passage 10

Questions 37 to 40 are based on the passage you have just heard. 37. A. Almost two-thirds of the passengers. B. Almost half of the passengers. C. Almost one-third of the passengers.


D. Almost two-sevenths of the passengers.

38. A. The Carpathia. B. Speed. C. Fire. D. Panic. 39. A. Two hours after the accident. B. Three hours after the accident. C. Four hours after the accident. D. Five hours after the accident.

40. A. Only a third of those aboard perished. B. The British built the Titanic.

C. The Titanic was the fastest ship afloat then. D. The Titanic was at sea only for two days.


