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Part 1 100个一定要学的英文词根

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. act

词根考古学:意为to do, to drive,表示“做;使”

词汇:counteract, overact, radioactive, activate, active, actuate, transact, reactionary 词缀:counter-(反对)——counterpart

over-(过度的)——overwork radio-(反射)——rediocativity

2. aero (aer, aeri)

词根考古学:意为air, aeration, 表示“空气;飞机的”。变形为aer, aeri

词汇:aeroview, aerosphere, aerology, aerial, aerate, aeriform, aeromechanics, aerospace 词缀:-sphere(球,球形)——hemisphere


3. agri (agro, agr)

词根考古学:意为field, land, 表示“田地;农业”。变形为agro, agr 词汇:agriculture, agrarian, agronomist, agronomy, agrimotor, agrobiology, agrobiologist, agrestic 词缀:-nom(学科,某一领域的知识)——economy



4. ann/enn


词汇:biennial, centennial, millennium, perennial, annals, anniversary, annuity, bicentennial 词缀:bi-(二)——binary

cent-(一百)——century mill- (一千)——millipede

5. aqu(a)


词汇:aquamarine, aquatic, aquaculture, subaqueous, opaque, aquarium, aqueduct, aqueous 词缀:-marin(海洋)——submarine


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. arch

词根考古学:意为government,表示“政府,统治”。还有chief, first, old的含义,表示“主要的,第一的,老的,旧的”

词汇:anarchy, autarchy, monarch, patriarch, archangel, architect, archaeology, archaic 词缀:an-(无,没有)——anharmonic

aut-(自己,独自)——autonomy mon-(一个)——monologue

7. aud(ed,eis)

词根考古学:意为to hear,表示“听,听说”,变形为:ed,eis

词汇:inaudible,obeisance, auditorium, audible, audience, audit, auditory, disobedience 词缀:in-(不,表否定)——incorrect

ob-(加强,集中)——obfuscate -orium(···地方)——vomitorium

8. bar


词汇:embargo, barrage, embarrass, debar, barbecue, barrack, barricade, 词缀:em-(在···之中)——embrace


9. bio


词汇:biography, antibiotic, microbiology, symbiosis, biographer, biochemistry, biological, autobiography


anti-(反抗的,反的)——antiwar micro-(微小的)——microscope

10. cand


词汇:candor, candidate, incandescent, candle, candela, candid, candy 词缀:-or(表人或物品)——generator

-ate(表人或地位)——delegate -ent(···的)——indigent

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11. cap(t)

词根考古学:意为to take, to seize,表示“拿,取;接受;抓住”

词汇:capacious, captain, incapable, capability, captivate, captor, recapture, caption 词缀:-ous(···的)——dubious

-ain(表人)——villain in-(不)——incorrect

12. cess (ced, ceas. ceed)

词根考古学:意为to go,表示“走,去,达到”,其变形为ced,ceas

词汇:access, concede, recede,incessant, intercede, antecedent, cession, inaccessible 词缀:ac-(表加强)——accompany

con-(和···一起)——conflict re-(后面)——return

13. chron


词汇:chronic, chronology, synchronous, chronicle, chronograph, synchronize, anachronism, chronometer 词缀:-ic(···的)——static

syn-(相同的)——synthetic -ous(···的)——unanimous

14. cid(cad,cas)

词根考古学:意为to fall,表示“落下,下降;来临”。其变形为cad,cas

词汇:accident, incident, coincide, accidental, deciduous, incident, occident, elucidate 词缀:-ent(有···的性质)——solvent


15. claim

词根考古学:意为to cry,表示“叫喊,哭”

词汇:acclaim, disclaim, claimant, proclaim, counterclaim, declaim, exclaim, reclaim 词缀:ac-(表加强)——accumulate

dis-(不)——dishonest -ant(···的人)——participant

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 16. clin

词根考古学:意为to bend,表示“弯曲,屈服;倾斜”

词汇:disinclined,decline, recline, inclined, inclination, declination, clinch, clinic 词缀:dis-(不)——disability

de-(向下)——deport re-(向后)——return

17. cor(cour, cord, card)


词汇:accord, courage, discordant, core, encore, record, courageous, recorder 词缀:ac-(到,接近)—— accelerate

-age(表状态)—— marriage dis-(不同的)—— dishonest

18. corp


词汇:incorporate, corporal, corporeal, corps, incorporeal, corpulent, corporation 词缀:-ate(做,使)—— alienate

-al(···的)—— cultural

19. cours(cur, curs)

词根考古学:意为to turn,表示“奔跑,运转”,其变形为cur, curs 词汇:concur, precursor, recourse, cursory, occurrence, recurrence, currish 词缀:con-(一起)—— concord

pre-(在···之前)—— presume re-(向后)—— return

20. crease(cre)

词根考古学:意为grow, make,表示“增长;产生”,其变形为cre

词汇:decrease, increase, create, creative, creature, recreation, procreate, concrete 词缀:de-(除去)—— devalue

in-(里面)—— indulge

-ate(做,使)—— frustrate

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

21. cred(creed, cre)

词根考古学:意为to believe, to trust,表示“相信”,其变形为creed, cre

词汇:discredit, miscreant, recreant, credibility, credulous, creed, accredit, creditor

词缀:dis-(不)—— dismiss

mis-(不好的;错误的)—— mislead re-(回来;又一次)—— review

22. cur(cor, cour, cours, coars)

词根考古学:意为to run, 表示“跑”,其变形为cor, cour, cours, coars 词汇:concur, precursor, recourse, occur, recurrent, curse, intercourse, coarse 词缀:con-(一起)—— confirm

pre-(之前)—— preview re-(向后的)—— renounce

23. dem(o)


词汇:demography, democracy, epidemic, deem, demanding, doomsday, demagogue, demagogue, endemic

词缀:-cracy(统治或政体)—— bureaucracy

epi-(在···之间)—— episode

24. dic(t)

词根考古学:意为to say, to declare,表示“说,断言”

词汇:contradict, predict, dictate, abdicate, addict, dedicate, dictation, indicate 词缀:contra-(相反)—— contrary

pre-(在···之前)—— precaution -ate(做出···动作)—— fascinate

25. duc, duct

词根考古学:意为to lead,表示“指引,引导”

词汇:deduct, traduce, abduct, induct, deduce, seductive, aqueduct, introductory 词缀:de-(向下的)—— deficit

tra-(偏的;过头的)—— track ab-(向远处的)—— abroad

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 26. dur

词根考古学:意为to last,表示“继续的,持续的”

词汇:obdurate, endure, enduring, durable, endurance, duration, during, durability 词缀:ob-(加强的;集中的)—— oblige

en-(使)—— enable

dur-(继续的,持续的)—— endurance

27. eco(ecu, oce)

词根考古学:意为house,表示“房子;家”其变形为ecu, oce

词汇:ecumenical, economy, diocese, ecology, economist, economic, economics, ecological 词缀:men-(引导,带头)—— menace

nom-(法律,制度)—— nomination di-(通过)—— diagnose

28. equ(iqu)

词根考古学:意为equal, same,表示“相等的,相同的”其变形为iqu

词汇:adequate, equivocate, equalize, iniquity, equable, equidistant, equator, equilateral 词缀:ad-(加)—— adjust

voc-(声音)—— vocal -ize(使)—— recognize

29. fac(fect, fic, fact)

词根考古学:意为to make, to do,表示“做”,其变形为fect, fic, fact

词汇:affectation, defect, beneficent, efficacious, munificent, officiate, malefactor, proficient 词缀:af-(使···)—— afford

de-(使远离,去掉)—— delay bene-(好)—— benefit

30. fer

词根考古学:意为to carry, to bear,表示“可搬运的;承受”

词汇:suffer, offer, different, fertile, interfere, preferential, refer, vociferous 词缀:suf-(下面的)——sufficient

of-(朝向,到)——offend dif-(远的)——difficult

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 31. fid

词根考古学:意为to believe,表示“相信”

词汇:perfidy, confide, confidant, diffident, infidel, fidget, fiddler 词缀:per-(假,坏)——pervert

con-(全部)——compact -ant(···的人)——participant

32. fin

词根考古学:意为end, limit,表示“末端,尾部;限制”

词汇:affinity, definitive, infinite, confine, define, refine, final, finance 词缀:af-(在近处)——affable

de-(表加强)——decrease in-(没有)——infinitude

33. flect, flex

词根考古学:意为to bend,表示“弯曲;倾斜”

词汇:inflexible, inflect, deflect, reflection, circumflex, flexible 词缀:in-(不)——incredible

-ible(····的)——invincible de-(离开)——detract

34. flu

词根考古学:意为to flow表示“流动,流出”

词汇:affluence, fluctuate, confluence, fluent, flush, fluvial, flux, flub 词缀:af-(表加强)—— afraid

con-(一起的)—— confuse -ate(做出···的动作)—— dictate

35. fract, frag(fra, fring)

词根考古学:意为to break,表示“休息;中断;打破”其变形为fra, fring 词汇:suffrage, infraction, refract, fractious, fragile, refrain, infringe, refractory 词缀:suf-(下面的)——suffocate

in-(反对的)—— inhuman

re-(回来)—— respond

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 36. gen(er) (gn)

词根考古学:意为birth, creation, kind,表示“出生;创造力;种类”,其变形为gn

词汇:malignant, homogeneous, primogeniture, congenial, disingenuous, engender, generally, generous

词缀:mal-(坏的)—— malady

homo-(相同的)—— homogenize primi- (第一的)—— prime 37. graph, gram(scrib/script)

词根考古学:意为to write,表示“写”,同义词根有scrib/script

词汇:autograph, biography, telegram, graphic, bibliography, geography, grammar, grapheme 词缀:auto-(自己的)—— autocrat

bio-(生活)—— biology

tele-(电的;远的)—— telescope

38. gress(grad, gred)

词根考古学:意为to go,表示“去,达到;运转”,其变形为grad, gred 词汇:digress, transgress, retrograde, degrade, centigrade, graduate, aggressive 词缀:di-(分开)—— divorce

trans-(超过,越过)—— transcend retro-(后退)—— retrospect

39. hydr


词汇:anhydrous, hydrate, carbohydrate, hydrant, dehydrate, hydrating, hydrated, hydrogen 词缀:an-(没有)—— anonymous

-ous(···的)—— populous -ate(使,做)—— agitate

40. it

词根考古学:意为to go,表示“走,去”

词汇:exit,transition, seditious, initiative, reiterate, ambitious, itinerant, transit 词缀:ex-(出去)—— expiration

-ion(表动作或状态)—— revolution -ous(···的)—— advantageous

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41. ject

词根考古学:意为throw, cast, 表示“投掷,扔”

词汇:adjective, conjecture, deject, rejection, subjection, objection, inject, ejection 词缀:ad-(表加强)—— additive

con-(一起)—— condense de-(向下)—— demote

42. join(junct, jug)

词根考古学:意为to join, to bind,表示“加入;结合,链接;约束;捆绑”,其变形为junct, jug

词汇:conjuncture, enjoin, adjoin, disjointed, adjoining, rejoin, subjoin, joint 词缀:con-(一起)—— confluence

en-(使···)—— enlargement ad-(一再)—— adhere

43. jud

词根考古学:意为to judge, 表示“判断”

词汇:judgment, prejudice, judicious, adjudge, prejudge, judicial, adjudicate, judiciary 词缀:-ment(表行为或结果)—— harassment

-ice(表行为或状态)—— malice -ous(···的)—— rigorous

44. jun, juven


词汇:juvenile, juvenilia, juvenescence, rejuvenate, juvenescent, juvenility, rejuvenation, rejuvenescent

词缀:-ile(易于···的)—— mobile

-ia(表总称;状态)—— Utopia

-ence(表状态;结果;程度)—— opulence

45. lect

词根考古学:意为to gather, to choose,表示“收集;选择”

词汇:eclecticism, collect, neglect, selectivity, intellect, negligence, selection, recollect 词缀:ec-(出来)—— eclectic

-ism(主义;行为)—— socialism col-(一起)—— collaborate

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 46. lev

词根考古学:意为to raise, to lighten,表示“举起,提起;使变轻” 词汇:lever, alleviate, relevant, elevate, leverage, levity, levy, levitate 词缀:-er(物品;机器)—— boiler

-ate(使,做) —— attenuate -ant(···的)—— discordant

47. loc(o)

词根考古学:意为to put, place,表示“放置;地方”

词汇:allocate, location, collocate, localism, locality, localize, dislocate, locus 词缀:-ate(使,做)—— populate

-ation(表动作或状态)—— clarification col-(一起)—— collection

48. log(u), locu


词汇:analogy, prologue, monologue, eulogy, epilogue, dialogue, apologize, apologue 词缀:ana-(在旁边;分开)—— 分析

pro-(在前面)—— progress

mono-(单一,一个)—— monotonous

49. luc(lust, lumin)


词汇:lusty, noctilucent, lustrous, lucent, lucid, elucidate, translucent, illustrate 词缀:-y(一般位于形容词或以-r结尾的单词后,表名词)—— jealousy

-ent(···的)—— transient -ous(···的)—— prosperous

50. magn

词根考古学:意为great, 表示“大的”

词汇:magnanimous, magnitude, magnate, magnetism, magnet, magnetic, magnify, magnificent 词缀:-ous(···的)—— delicious

-tude(表状态)—— multitude -ate(···的人)—— graduate

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 51. main, man

词根考古学:意为to flow, to stay,表示“流动;保持”

词汇:permanence, maintain, remain, inmanent, remainder, manor, remnant, emanate 词缀:per-(时钟)—— persistence

-ence(表状态)—— insistence re-(又)—— reappear

52. mand

词根考古学:意为to order, to entrust,表示“命令;信托,委托”

词汇:mandatory, command, countermand, remand, mandate, demand, recommend, mandarin 词缀:-ory(与···相关的)—— cursory

com-(共同)—— comrade

counter-(反对,相对)—— counterpart

53. meter


词汇:parameter, perimeter, diameter, decameter, decimeter, kilometer, centimeter, asymmetry 词缀:para-(在旁边)—— paradigm

peri-(周围;靠近)—— periphery dia-(穿过;二者之间)—— dialogue

54. migr

词根考古学:意为to move,表示“移动”

词汇:migrate, emigrate, emigrant, migratory, migrant, immigrate, transmigrate, migraine 词缀:-ate(做,造成)—— differentiate

e-(出去)—— emit -ant(···的,···的人)—— resistant

55. mini


词汇:minimal, minimize, minority, minify, miniature, minimum, minion, diminish 词缀:-al(···的)—— parental

-ize(使···)—— publicize -ity(表性质)—— absurdity

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 56. mir

词根考古学:意为to wonder,表示“惊奇,怀疑”

词汇:miracle, mirage, mirth, mirror, admire, admiration, mirthless, miry 词缀:-cle(小东西)—— particle

-age(表状态)—— lineage

-th(抽象名词后缀)—— warmth

57. miss

词根考古学:意为to send, 表示“发送,运出”

词汇:remiss, submissive, mission, missionary, commission, dismiss, emissive, omission 词缀:re-(后面)—— retreat

sub-(向下)—— substance -ive(···的)—— affirmative

58. mob, mot, mov

词根考古学:意为to move,表示“移动”

词汇:mobile, automobile, promote, mobility, mobilize, demobilize, mobbish, immobile 词缀:-ile(易于···的)—— docile

pro-(向前)—— profess

59. noct, nox

词根考古学:意为night,表示“夜晚” 词汇:equinoctial, nocturnal, noctilucent, noctambulate, pernoctation, noxious, noturne, equinox 词缀:-ial(···的)—— confidential

-al(···的)—— pastoral -ent(表性质)—— fervent

60. nomin


词汇:nominate, nominee, nominative, denominate, cognominal, denomination, ignominious, ignominy

词缀:-ate(使,做)—— populate

-ee(被动的人)—— absentee -ive(···的)—— permissive

61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 61. par


词汇:parity, disparage, compare, imparity, disparity, comparison, nonpareil, parenthesis 词缀:-ity(···的行为)—— amenity

dis-(不)—— disapproval com-(一起)—— comparison

62. pass, path

词根考古学:意为to feel, to suffer, 表示“感觉;遭受(痛苦)”

词汇:impassive, compassion, antipathy, passion, apathetic, sympathy, pathology, psychopath 词缀:-ive(···的)—— permissive

-ion(表状态)—— permission -y(···的行为)—— longevity

63. ped


词汇:pedestrian, quadruped, expedite, impede, impediment, centipede, biped, peddle

词缀:-ian(···的人)—— vegetarian

quadru-(四)—— quadruple ex-(出去)—— explore

64. pel, puls

词根考古学:意为to drive, 表示“驱逐,驱赶”

词汇:dispel, impel, repellent, propel, expel,compel, impulse, repulse 词缀:dis-(离开)—— disseminate

im-(里面)—— import -ent(···的)—— indigent

65. philo, phil

词根考古学:意为loving,found of,表示“爱,喜爱”

词汇:philanthropy, zoophile, philosophy, philology, philia, philogynist, bibliophilist, zoophilous 词缀:-y(表状态)—— jealousy 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 66. phon(e)


词汇:symphony, telephone, microphone, phonetics, phonograph, euphony, cacophony, gramophone

词缀:sym-(相同)—— sympathy

tele-(电的)—— telescope

micro-(微小的)—— microscope

67. photo


词汇:photograph, photosynthesis, photon, photography, phototropism, photographer, photographic

词缀:syn-(一起)—— synthesis

-on(···的物)—— electron

68. pon, pos

词根考古学:意为to put, to place,表示“放置”

词汇:depose, repose, purpose, compose, dispose, juxtapose, transpose, proposal 词缀:de-(去掉)—— deforestation

re-(后面)—— retract pur-(提前)—— purport

69. port

词根考古学:意为to carry, 表示“搬运,携带”

词汇:export, support, transport, portable, comport, disport, importance, deport 词缀:ex-(出去)—— exclude

sup-(sub-)(在下面)—— suppress trans-(穿过)—— transgress

70. press

词根考古学:意为to press,表示“压” 词汇:compress, suppress, repress, compression, depression, expression, oppression, suppression 词缀:com-(一起)—— compose

sup-(向下)—— support

re-(向后)—— retreat

71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 71. psych


词汇:psychology, psychotic, psychopathic, metapsychology, psychopath, psychiatrist, psychosomatic

词缀:-log(学科)—— biology

-ic(表人或学科)—— critic

72. quest(quist, quisit, quir, quer)

词根考古学:意为to ask, to seek,表示“要求;寻求”,其变形为quist, quisit, quir, quer 词汇:acquisitive, requisite, inquiry, question, disquisition, inquisition, prerequisite, conquest 词缀:ac-(一再)—— accumulate

-ive(···的)—— impassive in-(里面)—— inwardness

73. rect

词根考古学:意为straight, right,表示“直的;正确的”

词汇:rectify, rectitude, erect, rectangle, correctitude, correct, erection, direct 词缀:-ify(使)—— certify

-itude(表状态)—— solitude e-(出来,外面)—— eradicate

74. reg, rig

词根考古学:意为to rule,表示“统治”,其变形为reig

词汇:regnant, regicide, region, sovereign, regime, regimen, regulate, reign 词缀:-ant(···的)—— resistant

-ion(表状态)—— expansion

75. rupt


词汇:interrupt, disrupt, corrupt, irruption, rupture, abrupt, bankrupt, eruption 词缀:-inter-(在···之间)—— interact

dis-(分开)—— dispatch cor-(共同)—— correspond

76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 76. sci

词根考古学:意为to know,表示“知道”

词汇:conscience, onmiscient, science, scientific, prescient, pseudoscience, conscious, nescient 词缀:omni-(全部的)—— omnipresent

-ent(···的)—— obedient -ence(表状态)—— prescience

77. scrib, script

词根考古学:意为to write,表示“书写”

词汇:transcribe, inscribe, manuscript, scripture, script, ascribe, circumscribe, circumscribe, conscribe

词缀:trans-(横过,越过)—— transgress

in-(里面)—— insert

manu-(手)—— manufacturer

78. sens(sent)

词根考古学:意为to feel,表示“感觉,感知”,其变形为sent

词汇:consensus, dissent, resentment, sensibility, sentiment, nonsense, assent, consent 词缀:con-(共同)—— conserve

dis-(不)—— dissatisfied re-(又)—— repetition

79. serv

词根考古学:意为to serve, to keep,表示“服务;保持,保存”

词汇:preserve, servant, observe, servility, deserve, disserve, reserve, service 词缀:pre-(在··之前)——preventive

-ant(···的人)—— participant ob-(一再)—— obtain

80. sid(sed, sess)

词根考古学:意为to sit,表示“坐”,其变形为sed, sess

词汇:supersede, sedentary, subside, dissidence, residence, president, subsidy, insidious 词缀:super-(在···上面)—— superstructure

-ary(···的)—— contrary sub-(在···下面)—— substance

81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 81. soci


词汇:sociology, socialism, dissociate, sociable, associate, society, socialite, association 词缀:-log(学科)—— anthropology

-sim(主义)—— capitalism dis-(不;脱离)—— distract

82. sol

词根考古学:意为single, alone, sun, confort,表示“单一的;独自的;太阳;安慰” 词汇:console, soliloquy, solitary, desolation, solitude, solo, solemn, solarium 词缀:con-(共同)—— consolidate

-logu(说)—— colloquial -ary(···的,···的人)—— missionary

83. spect(spic, spi, spy)

词根考古学:意为to look, to see,表示“看”,其变形为spic, spi, spy

词汇:perspective, auspicious, introspect, circumspect, inspection, prospective, respectable, retrospect

词缀:per-(通过)—— perplex

-ous(···的)—— zealous intro-(在···里面)—— introvert

84. strain(strict, string, stress) 词根考古学:意为to bind, to tie, to draw tight,表示“捆绑,勒紧”,其变形为strict, string, stress 词汇:restrain, distrain, constrict, overstrain, constriction, restraint, strict, stricture 词缀:re-(向后)—— retain

di-(离开)—— disappear


85. str(ct)

词根考古学:意为to build,表示“建设,建立”

词汇:superstructure, instruct, obstruct, macrostructure, destruction, instrument, substruction, obstruction


in-(在···里面)—— inward ob-(在···中)—— obsession

86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

86. tact(tang, ting)

词根考古学:意为to touch,表示“接触,触摸,感动”,其变形为tang, ting 词汇:intact, tangible, entangle, tactual, contingent, contact, tactics, tactility 词缀:in-(没有)—— inexperienced

-ble(···的)—— sustainable en-(使)—— endanger

87. tain, ten

词根考古学:意为to hold,表示“拿住”

词汇:abstain, sustain, pertain, maintain, detain, retain, contain, attain 词缀:ab-(与···相反)—— abnormal

sus-(在···下面)—— suspend

per-(贯穿,自始至终)—— permanent

88. tect, teg

词根考古学:意为to hide, to cover,表示“藏起来;盖上”

词汇:protect, detection, protectorate, undetected, detective, protective, detect 词缀:pro-(在前面)—— proceed

de-(相反)—— devalue -ate(地位)—— doctorate

89. tend, tens


词汇:contend, extension, pretend, attendant, attention, tendence, extensive, intend 词缀:con-(共同)—— condense

ex-(出去)—— exclude pre-(在前面)——preschool

90. test


词汇:protest, testify, testimony, attest, contest, detest, testament, pretest 词缀:pro-(向前,在前)—— prologue


-mony(表状态)—— harmony

91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 91. the(o)

词根考古学:意为to look at;God,表示“看;神”

词汇:theoretic, theocracy, theology, theologian, theism, atheism, pantheist, theater 词缀:-etic(属于···的)—— energetic

-cracy(统治或政体)—— bureaucracy -log(学科)—— geology

92. tract(treat)

词根考古学:意为to draw,表示“拉”,其变形为treat

词汇:attract, distract, extract, abstract, contract, detract, detractor, subtract 词缀:at-(一再)—— attest

dis-(分开,分离)—— discriminate ex-(出,出去)—— exhale

93. vac(vas, vacu)


词汇:vacancy, vacant, vacation, vacuous, evacuate, vacuum, devastate 词缀:-ancy(表性质;状态)——redundancy

-ant(···的)—— extravagant -ion(表动作或状态)—— aversion

94. vent(ven)

词根考古学:意为to come,表示“来”,其变形为ven

词汇:advent, covenant, intervene, convene, supervene, adventure, avenue, convenient 词缀:co-(共同)—— coincide

-ant(名词后缀)—— inhabitant inter-(在···之间,相互)—— intersect

95. vers, vert

词根考古学:意为to turn,表示“转向,转移”

词汇:adverse, controversy, diversity, versatile, vertical, avert, convert, pervert 词缀:ad-(表加强)—— addict

contro-(反对,相反)—— controverisal di-(分离)—— digress

96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

96. via(vi, vey, voy)

词根考古学:意为way, road,表示“路,道路”,其变形为vi, vey, voy 词汇:deviate,obvious, convey, trivial, convoy, deviation, viaduct, via 词缀:de-(去掉)—— deforest

ob-(表加强)—— oblivion con-(共同)—— consume

97. vid, vis(vic, view)

词根考古学:意为to look,表示“看”,其变形为vic, view等

词汇:improvise, preview, devise, visage, supervise, revise, evidence, provident 词缀:im-(不)—— improvident

pre-(在···之前)—— precedent de-(向下)—— depress

98. voc, vok(vouc, vow, voic)

词根考古学:意为to call, voice,表示“叫,喊;声音”,其变形为vouc, vow, voic 词汇:vocation, advocate, revoke, evoke, invoke, provoke, irrevocable, convoke 词缀:-ion(表动作或状态)—— concision

ad-(表加强)—— adduce

re-(回来)—— retreat

99. vol

词根考古学:意为will, to fly,表示“意愿;飞行”

词汇:malevolent, benevolent, volatile, volunteer, volitive, malevolence, benevolence, volition 词缀:male-(坏的)—— malefaction

bene-(好的,善的)—— benefaction -ile(···的)—— juvenile

100. volu, volv

词根考古学:意为to roll, to turn,表示“卷;转动”

词汇:evolve, involve, revolve, volume, convolve, revolt, voluminous, voluble 词缀:e-(外面)—— emerge

in-(向里)—— incentive re-(回去)—— repeal

Part 2 50个一定要学的英语前缀

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. ab-, abs-


词汇:abduct, abnormal, abuse, abstract, abstain, absent, abhor 词根:duct(拉走)—— duct

norm(规定,常规)—— subnormal use(使用)—— useful

2. ac-, ad-, ag-, ar-


词汇:adapt, aggravate, arrest, accelerate, accomplish, accumulate, additive, aggression 词根:apt(适应)—— aptitude

grav(加重)—— gravity rest(休息)—— restaurant

3. an-, a-

词缀考古学:意为not, without,表示“不,没有,无”

词汇:anarchism, anechoic, anonymous, anharmonic, anarchic, anecdote, anarchy 词根:arch(统治)—— patriarch

ech(声音)—— echo

onym(名字)—— pseudonym

4. anti-, ant-

词缀考古学:意为against, opposite,表示“反对,相反”

词汇:antiwar, antipathy, antibody, antibiotic, antifreeze, antisocial, antithesis, antagonist 词根:path(感情)—— sympathy

body(身体)—— embody

5. auto-, aut-


词汇:authentic, authority, autobiography, autocracy, antomatic, autonomous, autonomy, authorize

词根:graph(写)—— telegraphy

hor(界定,限制)—— abhor bio(生命)—— biography

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. be-


词汇:befall, behold, beneath, behead, belated, belittle, beset, betray 词根:hold(持续;保留)—— withhold 7. bene-, beni-, bon-, boun


词汇:benefit, benign, benevolence, benefactor, bountiful, bounty, bona fide, benediction 词根:fit(做)—— profit

gn(出生)—— pregnancy vol(意愿)—— malevolence

8. bi-(bin-, bis-)

词缀考古学:意为two,表达“二,两个”,其变形为bin-, bis-

词汇:biennial, bisect, bilateral, bilingual, bicycle, bimonthly, bipastisan, biped 词根:enn(年)—— perennial

sect(切割)—— intersect later(unilateral)

9. cent-


词汇:centennial, centigrade, centipede, centenarian, centurion, percent, percentage 词根:enn(年)—— biennial


ped(脚)—— pedestrian

10. circum-, circ-

词缀考古学:意为around, on all sides,表示“环绕;周围”

词汇:circuit, circumference, circumstance, circumvent, circulate, circlet, semicircle, circus 词根:it(走)—— pursuit

fer(携带)—— difference sta(站着)—— obstacle

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11. com-, con-

词缀考古学:意为with, together,表示“和···一起;持有”

词汇:commentary, compact, concept, compress, conception, compliant, comfort, compete 词根:ment(思想;意见)—— mentor

pact(捆绑)—— impact cept(抓取)—— deceptive

12. contra-, contro-, counter-

词缀考古学:意为against, contrary, opposite,表示“反对,与···相反” 词汇:contradict, controversial, counterfeit, controvert, countermand, counterpart, contradiction, contrary

词根:dict(说)—— prediction

ver(转向,变化)—— versatile feit(做)—— surfeit

13. de-

词缀考古学:意为off, away,表示“去掉;使远离”,还可用来加强语气 词汇:depose, designate, depict, delude, deforest, depress, decode, defame 词根:pose(放)—— compose

sign(标明;信号)—— resignation pict(描绘)—— pictograph

14. di-


词汇:dilemma, divorce, diploma, diverge, dioxide, dilute, diminish, digress 词根:vers(转向)—— diversity

plo(折叠)—— deploy

15. dis-, di-


词汇:dispatch, diminish, dissect, divide, discretion, dispel, disclaim, disrupt 词根:min(小的)—— miniature

sect(切割)—— intersect

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 16. en-, em-

词缀考古学:意为in, make,表示“在···里;使···成为”

词汇:encounter, emblem, embargo, embody, encompass, empower, enmity, engross 词根:counter(反对,相反)—— counterbalance

bl(扔)—— parable bar(棍子)—— barrier

17. ex-, e-


词汇:exalt, evoke, eradicate, eclipse, efface, emancipate, explicit, elated 词根:alt(高的)—— altar

vok(叫喊)—— provoke radi(根)—— radical

18. extra-, exter-, extro-


词汇:extravagant, extrovert, extraordinary, extradite, extraviolet, extraneous, external, exterior 词根:vag(漫游,游荡)—— vague

vert(转向)—— advertise ordin(命令)—— subordinate

19. for-


词汇:forgo, forbear, forfeiture, forbearance, forbid, forest, forswear, forlorn 词根:go(走)—— embargo

feit(做,使)—— counterfeit

20. fore-


词汇:forecast, foremost, foresight, foreshadow, forestall, foresee, forefather, forearm 词根:cast(扔)—— newscast

most(最)—— innermost sight(看见)—— longsighted

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 21. in-, il-, im-.

词缀考古学:意为in, on ,not,表示“在···里面;在···上;不”,还有加强语气的作用 词汇:immense, immerse, illicit, impartial, inhuman, impassive, injustice, illegal 词根:mens(测量)—— dimension

mers(浸入)—— submersion lic(怂恿)—— delicate

22. inter-


词汇:intervene, intercept, interrogate, intercede, interpose, interject, international, interview 词根:ven(来)—— advent

cept(拿)—— precept rog(询问)—— surrogate

23. intra-, intro-

词缀考古学:意为into, inward,表示“在里面;向里”

词汇:intrastate, introspective, introvert, introduce, intromit, introspect, introversible, intraparty 词根:spect(看)—— spectacular

vert(转向)—— avert

24. macro-


词汇:macroworld, macrocosm, macroscale, macroeconomics, macrostructure, macrobian, macroclimate, macroscope

词根:cosm(宇宙)—— cosmopolitism 25. mal-, male-, mail-


词汇:malediction, maltreat, malevolent, malcontent, malpractice, malnutrition, malefactor, malign

词根:dict(说)—— predict

treat(处理)—— entreat vol(意愿)—— benevolence

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 26. micro-


词汇:microbiology, microwave, microscope, microworld, microskirt, microfilm, microbe, micrometer

词根:bio(生命)—— biology

log(学科)—— anthropology

scope(视野;范围)—— telescope

27. mis-

词缀考古学:意为bad(ly), wrong(ly),表示“不好的/地,错误的/地”

词汇:misdemeanor, misnomer, misogyny, misanthropy, mischievous, misapprehend, mischance, misgiving

词根:mean(引导)—— demeanor

nom(名字)—— synonym gyn(女性)—— gynarchy

28. multi-

词缀考古学:意为many, much,表示“多的”

词汇:multilingual, multiply, multiplicity, multitude, multidirectional, multicultural, multiform, multimedia

词根:lingu(语言)—— linguistics

ply(重叠)—— comply plic(重叠)—— explicate

29. non-


词汇:nonaggression, nonsense, nonplus, nonsmoking, nonstop, nonconformist, nonprofit, nonexistent

词根:gress(去)—— congress

sens(感觉)—— sensitive plu(更多)—— surplus

30. ob-, op-


词汇:obese, obligate, oppress, obscene, opportune, obscure, obtrude, oppose 词根:ed(吃)—— edible

lig(捆绑;约束)—— eligible press(按压)—— impressive

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 31. over-

词缀考古学:意为above, beyond,表示“在···之上;过度”

词汇:overdose, overlap, overburden, overwhelm, overbridge, overcoat, overproduction, overlook

词根:lap(交叉)—— collapse 32. pan-


词汇:pandemic, pansophic, panoply, pan-American, panorama, pantomime, panegyric, panacea 词根:dem(人民)—— democracy

soph(智慧)—— philosophy

33. para-. par-

词缀考古学:意为beside,表示“在···旁边,和···并肩”,也有“脱离”的意思 词汇:parody, paradox, paradigm, parasite, parable, parameter, paramount, paraphrase

词根:od(唱歌)—— melody


34. per-

词缀考古学:意为through, excessive, 表示“一直;一再”

词汇:pertain, persist, perpetual, perplex, perturb, persecute, perennial, perverse 词根:tain(抓住)—— retain

sist(站立)—— resistant pet(寻找)—— perpetuate

35. peri-


词汇:peripheral, periscope, peristyle, perigon, perimeter, periphery, peripatetic, perigee 词根:pher(带有)—— periphery

scop(观看)—— telescope

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 36. poly-


词汇:polygon, monopoly, polygamy, polyandry, polyglot, polytechnic, polyfunctional, polymorphic

词根:gon(角)—— pentagon

mono(单一)—— monologue gam(婚姻)—— monogamy

37. post-

词缀考古学:意为after, behind,表示“在后面,后面”

词汇:postpone, postlude, postscript, posterior, posterity, preposterous, postmortem, postwar 词根:pon(放)—— component

lude(演奏)—— prelude script(写)—— manuscript

38. pre-


词汇:prescribe, preclude, precedent, prescript, precaution, prescient, predisposition, preoccupation

词根:scrib(书写)—— scribble

clude(关闭)—— seclude ced(走)—— accede

39. pro-


词汇:procure, prosecute, proficient, provident, protrude, provoke, profess, profile 词根:cur(关心,注意)—— concur

secut(追踪)——persecute fic(做)—— beneficent

40. re-


词汇:responsive, recede, reminisce, residue, resentment, recipient, rehabilitate, rejuvenate 词根:spons(回应)—— response

cede(走)—— precede min(记忆)—— remind

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41. semi-


词汇:semicolon, semicivilized, semicircle, semimonthly, semicolony, semiconductor, semiautomatic

词根:civ(公民)—— civilian

circ(圆形)—— circumference

42. sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-


词汇:submissive, suffrage, supplement, subsequent, subordinate, sustain, succumb, supplant 词根:miss(送)—— transmission

frag(打碎)—— fragment ple(填补)—— implement

43. super-, sur-


词汇:supersede, surplus, surmount, surmise, superficial, surfeit, surveillance, surrogate 词根:sed(坐)—— sedulous

plu(更多)—— plural

mount(山)—— mountainous

44. syn-, sym-

词缀考古学:意为together, same,表示“共同;相同”

词汇:synbiosis, synthesis, synonym, symposium, symmetry, syndicate, syndicate, syllable, syndrome

词根:bio(生命)—— biosphere

thes(放)—— hypothesis onym(名字)—— cryptonym

45. tele-


词汇:telegram, telephone, television, telescope, telegraph, telepathy, telemetry, telemeter 词根:gram(写)—— epigram

phon(声音)—— symphony vis(看)—— visual

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 46. trans-, tres-

词缀考古学:意为across, change,表示“越过;改变”

词汇:transform, transgress, trespass, transfigure, transfer, transfusion, transmission, transplant 词根:form(形式)—— uniform

gress(走)—— progress pass(走过)—— bypass

47. tri-


词汇:triangle, trilateral, trilogy, tricycle, trihity, triple, trisect, tripod

词根:angle(角)—— rectangle

later(边)—— unilateral log(讲话)—— dialogue

48. un-


词汇:unabated, unalterable, unsavory, uneducated, uncivilized, unconditional, uncommitted, unofficial

词根:bat(打击)—— combat

alter(其他的;改变)—— alternation sav(味道)—— savor

49. under-


词汇:undermine, underling, underline, undergraduate, underplay, underestimate, underdeveloped, underagent 词根:mine(挖)—— miner

line(线)—— airline

50. uni-


词汇:unilateral, universal, unison, unicorn, unique, uniform, unity, unanimity 词根:later(边)—— equilateral

vers(转动)—— reverse son(声音)—— songster

Part 3 50个一定要学的英语前后缀

Unit 1 名词后缀

1. 表示“人”的名词后缀

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. -aire

词缀考古学:意为person who, that which,表示“···的人或物” 词汇:millionaire, doctrinaire, solitaire, questionnaire, billionaire, commissionaire, occupationaire, concessionaire

词根:doc(教导)—— docile

sol(独自)—— solitude

2. -ant

词缀考古学:意为having the quality of,表示“具有···性质的人或物”

词汇:accountant, inhabitant, aspirant, tyrant, disinfectant, participant, assistant, pollutant 词根:count(数,计算)—— counter

hab(有)—— habitat

spir(e)(呼吸)—— perspire

3. -ary, -ory

词缀考古学:意为person who,表示“···的人”

词汇:mandatory, emissary, luminary, mercenary, secretary, dictionary, vocabulary 词根:mand(命令)—— command

vers(转向)—— converse

miss(送;放出)—— emission

4. -ate

词缀考古学:意为person who, that which,表示“···的人”

词汇:delegate, candidate, surrogate, doctorate, advocate, electorate, celibate, reprobate 词根:leg(指定)—— legation

cand(白色的;光亮的)—— candid rog(要求)—— interrogate

5. -cian

词缀考古学:指“人”的名词后缀,意为person who, 表示“···的人”

词汇:logician, magician, musician, mortician, optician, patrician, pediatrician, clinician 词根:log(发言)—— logical

mag(魔法,戏法)—— magic mus(音乐)—— music

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. -ee

词缀考古学:指“人”的名词后缀,意为one who,表示“成为···的人,做···的人” 词汇:fiancee, refugee, devotee, trainee, examinee, employee, appointee, returnee 词根:fi(d)(相信)——confide

fug(逃跑)—— fugitive vot(发誓)—— devotion

7. -ent

词缀考古学:意为person who, having the quality of,表示“···的人;带有···的性质的” 词汇:ambient, president, antecedent, parent, resident, correspondent, insistent, detergent 词根:amb(周围)—— ambiguous

sid(坐)—— assiduous ced(e)(走)—— recede

8. -ier

词缀考古学:意为person who, 表示“···的人;与···相关的人”

词汇:pacifier, cashier, cavalier, financier, glacier, frontier, chandelier, barrier, 词根:pac(和平)—— pacification

caval(马)—— cavalcade

9. -ist

词缀考古学:意为person who,表示“···的人”

词汇:geologist, optimist, soloist, feminist, nationalist, materialist, antagonist, dentist 词根:geo(地;地球)—— geometry

opt(希望)—— optimum sol(独自)—— solely

10. -or, -our

词缀考古学:指“人”或抽象名词的后缀,意为one who, that which,表示“···的人或物” 词汇:candour, vapour, mentor, arbitrator, pastor, detector, generator, precursor 词根:cand(白;发光)—— incandescence

vap(蒸汽)—— evaporate

ment(思考;心智)—— mentality


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11. -ace


词汇:populace, terrace, solace, menace, furnace, grimace, grace, space 词根:popul(人)—— popularity

terr(地)—— territory sol(单独)—— console

12. -ade

词缀考古学:意为act, result, collective,表示“行动;结果;集体的,共同的” 词汇:parade, barricade, promenade, arcade, blockade, serenade, decade, brigade 词根:par(准备)—— prepare

bar(障碍)—— barrier

men(带领)—— commence

13. -age

词缀考古学:意为that which,表示“状态;行为;集合;地点;位置;质量;物品”等 词汇:ravage, heritage, salvage, barrage, bondage, beverage, tutelage, advantage 词根:ra(p)(夺取)—— raptupus

her(继承)—— inherit slav(安全)—— salvation

14. -al

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, one who, that which,表示“状态或性质”,即“···的人或物” 词汇:criminal, aboriginal, survival, rival, appraisal, cereal, dismissal, refusal 词根:crimin(犯罪,罪行)—— recrimination

ori(上升;开始;出现)—— oriental viv(生存,生活)—— revive

15. -ance, -ancy

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, act, that, which,表示“状态;性质;行为”

词汇:vengeance, resemblance, disturbance, tolerance, reliance, forbearance, perseverance, appearance

词根:venge(惩罚)—— revenge

sembl(相似)—— assemble turb(摇动;扰乱)—— disturb

16. -cy

词缀考古学:意为state, quality,表示“性质或状态”

词汇:fallacy, intricacy, emergence, piracy, pregnancy, bankruptcy, celibacy, idiocy 词根:fall(错误)—— fallible

tric(小障碍物)—— extricate merg(浸入)—— submerge

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 17. -dom

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, position, place where,表示“状态;性质;位置” 词汇:freedom, wisdom, boredom, kingdom, filmdom, martyrdom, dukedom, stardom 词根:(—) 18. -hood, -head

词缀考古学:意为period, quality,表示“时期;带有···的性质”

词汇:falsehood, neighborhood, adulthood, childhood, boyhood, godhead, hardihood, likelihood 词根:fal(l)(错误)—— fallible

nei(附近)—— neighbor ul(=al)(滋养)—— adultness

19. -ic(s)

词缀考古学:意为study, art, science, system, 表示“学科;艺术;学术;体系”

词汇:pediatrics, economics, genetics, mechanics, aeronautics, linguistics, logistics, dietetics 词根:ped(儿童)—— pedant

nom(法则)—— astronomy gen(出生;创造)——engender

20. -ice, -ise

词缀考古学:意为act, state,表示“行为;状态”

词汇:malice, armistice, mortise, novice, cowardice, merchandise, treatise, exercise 词根:mal(坏的)—— malefacetion

arm(武器)—— army mort(死亡)—— mortality

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 21. -ing

词缀考古学:意为state, business, cause to,表示“···的状态;行业;正···的:令人···的” 词汇:clothing, banking, engrossing, learning, feeling, fishing, accounting, outgoing 词根:cloth(布;衣服)—— clothes

bank(长凳)—— banquet gross(大)—— engross

22. -ion(-tion, -sion, -ation)

词缀考古学:意为that which,表示“···的动作或状态”。其变形为-tion, -sion, --ation 词汇:audition, caption, partition, cushion, mansion, carnation, inflation, consolation 词根:aud(听)—— audience

cap(拿取)—— captivity

part(部分;分开)—— partake

23. -ism, -asm

词缀考古学:意为belief, speech, condition, state, act, 表示“信仰;主义;讲话;状况,状态;行为”

词汇:baptism, hedonism, nihilism, empiricism, extremism, idealism, materialism, Confucianism 词根:bapt(浸入)—— Baptist

hedon(快乐)—— hedonistic

nihil(无,不存在)—— annihilation

24. -itude

词缀考古学:意为quality, state,表示“性质;状态”

词汇:solitude, plenitude, fortitude, longitude, magnitude, latitude, attitude, beatitude 词根:sol(单独)—— soliloquy

plen(满,填满)—— replenish fort(强大;力量)—— fortify

25. -ment

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, act, that which,表示“状态;性质;行为;···的物” 词汇:appeasement, augment, rudiment, embodiment, harassment, fragment, garment, segment 词根:peas(平静)—— appease

aug(增大,增加)—— august

rud(为成熟的;天然的)—— crude

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 26. -mony


词汇:matrimony, patrimony, testimony, harmony, acrimony, ceremony, hegemony 词根:matri(母性;母亲)—— matriarch

patri(父亲)—— patriotism test(证明;看见)—— protest

27. -ness

词缀考古学:意为state, quality,表示“状态;性质”,通常加在形容词后面

词汇:positiveness, promptness, attractiveness, forwardness, kindness, tiredness, brightness, fulsomeness

词根:pos(放置)—— positivism

mpt(拿取)—— redemption tract(拉)—— tractor

28. -o(u)r

词缀考古学:意为one who, that which,表示“···的人或物”

词汇:clamour, vendor, inventor, candour, vapour, mediator, stupor, tremor 词根:clam(叫喊)—— clamorous

vend(销售)—— vending vent(来)—— advent

29. -ry

词缀考古学:意为quality, state, business, science, place where, collective, 表示“状态:性质;行业;学科;场地”,还可作为集合名词的标志。-ry通常放在一个完整的单词后面 词汇:mimicry, artistry, ferry, laundry, poetry, chemistry, rivalry, husbandry 词根:mim(模仿)—— mimic

art(技巧;艺术)—— artifact fer(搬运;承载)—— confer

30. -ship

词缀考古学:意为quality, condition, state, skill,表示“质量;条件;状态;技能”

词汇:dictatorship, partnership, relationship, citizenship, membership, horsemanship, airmanship, hardship

词根:dict(说)—— contradict

part(部分)—— partial

lat(带来,携带)—— relate

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 31. -t, -th

词缀考古学:意为action, state, quality, 表示“行为;状态;性质” 词汇:strength, filth, mirth, zenith, depth, length, stealth, warmth 词根:stren(坚硬的)—— strenuous

fil(弄脏)—— defile mir(惊愕)—— miracle

32. -ty, -ity, -y

词缀考古学:意为act, that which,表示“行为;性质;状态;物”,常用在名词后面,作为抽象名词的标志

词汇:fidelity, controversy, longevity, levity, nonentity, diversity, triviality, vitality 词根:fid(信任)—— infidel

contro(相对)—— controvert ev(时间)—— medieval

33. -ure

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, act, result, that which,表示“状态;性质;行为;结果;···的人或物”

词汇:legislature, posture, rupture, composure, scripture, signature, structure, torture 词根:leg(法律)—— illegal

pos(放置)—— postulate rupt(折断)—— interrupt

34. -y

词缀考古学:意为state, condition, quality, act, result,表示“状态;状况;性质;行为;结果:”有三种构词方式;放在名词后表形容词;放在形容词或以-r结尾的单词后表名词;还可以放在名词后表示“人或小东西”,作为一种爱称常带有戏虐性

词汇:tardy, discovery, inquiry, difficulty, mastery, fatty, missy, sleepy 词根:tard(慢的)—— retard

cover(覆盖;隐藏)—— covert quir(e)(询问;寻找)—— acquire

Unit 2 形容词后缀

35. -able, -ible

词缀考古学:意为capable of,表示“易于···的;能够···得”

词汇:amiable, variable, fallible, desirable, conceivable, eligible, feasible 词根:am(喜爱)—— amenity

var(变化)—— various fall(错误)—— fallacy

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 36. -al, -ial

词缀考古学:意为nature of,表示“具有···性质的”

词汇:factual, global, martial, personal, exceptional, regional, pastoral, congenial

词根:fact(做)—— manufacture

glob(球体)—— globule mar(战争)—— Mars

37. -ant, -ent

词缀考古学:意为having the quality of,表示“具有···性质的” 词汇:fluent, radiant, fervent, vigilant, extravagant, resistant, intoxicant 词根:flu(流动)—— fluctuation

rad(放射)—— eradiate ferv(沸腾)—— fervor

38. -ary

词缀考古学:意为relating to,表示“与···相关;···的”

词汇:legendary, arbitrary, auxiliary, imaginary, elementary, stationary, sedentary, temporary 词根:leg(阅读)—— illegible

bit(去)—— acrobat aux(增加)—— augment

39. -ful

词缀考古学:意为full of, having the quality of,表示“充满的;具有···性质的” 词汇:tactful, grateful, vengeful, awful, gleeful, hopeful, shameful, forgetful 词根:tact(触觉;接触)—— intact

grat(使高兴)—— congratulate veng(惩罚)—— avenge

40. -ic

词缀考古学:意为nature of,表示“具有···本性的,···的”

词汇:synthetic, graphic, caustic, fanatic, static, chaotic, antibiotic, cosmic 词根:thet(放)—— antithetical

graph(写)—— autograph caust(燃烧)—— holocaust

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41. -ical

词缀考古学:意为nature of,表示“具有···本性的” 词汇:tyrannical, symmetrical, skeptical, hypocritical, botanical, classical, geometrical, methodical 词根:tyrann(残暴)—— tyrannicide

metr(测量)—— metric skep(看)—— skepticism

42. -ive

词缀考古学:意为relating to, having the quality of, tending to, that which,表示“与···相关的;有···性质的,···的;倾向于···的;···的人或物”

词汇:incisive, pensive, permissive, pervasive, repulsive, impassive, affirmative, lucrative 词根:cis(切割)—— concise

pens(悬挂;称重)—— suspense miss(送)—— commission

43. -ous

词缀考古学:意为many, full,表示“许多的;充满的”

词汇:rigorous, prosperous, lustrous, zealous, advantageous, mountainous, luminous, timorous 词根:rig(规定)—— regulation

sper(希望)—— desperate lust(光)—— illustrate

Unit 3 动词后缀

44. -ate


词汇:formulate, manipulate, motivate, differentiate, frustrate, attenuate, demonstrate, infiltrate 词根:form(样式,形态;方式;表格)—— performance

man(操纵)—— manifesto mot(移动)—— demote

45. -en

词缀考古学:意为make, having the quality of,表示“做;使;具有···的性质” 词汇:hasten, straiten, lengthen, darken, sharpen, hearten, sweeten, shorten 词根:hast(e)(迅速的)—— hastily

strai(n)(拉紧)—— constrain leng(长的)—— lengthy

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 46. -er

词缀考古学:意为make,表示“(反复地)做,使;发出(声音)” 词汇:glitter, bewilder, encumber, mutter, chatter, stutter, waver, batter 词根:gl(光)—— glisten

wild(疯狂地,胡乱地)—— wilding cumb(倚靠,躺)—— incumbent

47. -esce

词缀考古学:意为becoming, growing,表示“开始;变成”

词汇:effervesce, rejuvenesce, acquiesce, coalesce, defervesce, effloresce, luminesce, senesce 词根:ferv(沸腾)—— fervid

juven(年轻的)—— rejuvenate qui(安静)—— tranquility

48. -(i)fy

词缀考古学:意为to make into,表示“使变成···”

词汇:pacify, clarify, verify, signify, diversify, intensify, unify 词根:pac(和平)—— pacifism

clar(清楚的;清澈的)—— declaration ver(真实的)—— averment

49. -ish

词缀考古学:意为like, relating to, make,表示“好像···的,···般的;和···相关的;做,使”

词汇:embellish, blemish, flourish, lavish, vanquish, vanquish, diminish, banish, vanish 词根:bell(美丽)—— belle

blem(带青色的)—— blemished flour(开花)—— flora

50. -ise, -ize


词汇:memorize, fertilize, publicize, authorize, revitalize, jeopardize, sterilize, industrialize 词根:memor(记忆)—— commemorate

fer(带来;结果实)—— publicity publ(人们)—— publicity

