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carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with lo ng flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformatio n and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork






















roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fin e tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd ex empl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork






第 1课时




















roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons1

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork

























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons2

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork




















学生活动:在平面图的四个方位上分别填上体育馆、教学楼、篮球场、看台。roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons3

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork



















roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons4

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork


















1. 能在现实情境和平面图上辨认东南、东北、西南、西北能正确使用学过的






roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons5

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork

























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons6

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork



















roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons7

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons8

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork





















roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons9

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork



roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons10

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons11

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork





























2、培养用数学的观念看周围事物的意识,培养与同学合作交流的态度和习惯。roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons12

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork
























(5)提问:324中的“3”表示什么?“2”呢?“4”呢?324是由哪几部分roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons13

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork


















roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons14

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork



























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons15

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork

























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons16

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd

management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork


























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly

administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons17

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork




























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons18

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce with their o wn sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substance, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plem ent the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" members 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educati onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork



























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards efforts. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, t hi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons19

carried out "practi ce line pioneer sta ndar d, and post spurs" "members concentrated service m onths", activities, e ducation guide members always ev erywhere beari ng in mind ide ntity, ba sed job post, a ctive play rol e. To devel op differentiated learni ng educati on gui de party members in a ccorda nce wit h their own sit uation, target the problems to, base d on the work done. Pay attention to t he room and r oom for grass-r oots party organizations, grass-root s party organizations have m ore autonomy in e ducation, making educati on more gr ound, full of vitality, good effect. Finall y, hig hlight the normal long-term. To hig hlight the characteristi cs of recurrent educati on, with long flowi ng, continuous li ne of perseverance the perseverance to promote e ducational efforts to realize the party's ideol ogical a nd political construction of routi ne institutionalizati on. Wit h the party branch as t he base unit. Play the role of party branche s shoul d be, i s the key to educati onal succe ss. Ea ch bra nch must take strict e ducation a nd management responsibility of party members, e ducation base d on learni ng to make specific arra ngements, ful ly mobili ze the e nthusiasm of party member s involve d in the education, e nsure t he Orga nization in place, mea sures i n pla ce, put in place. To t he party orga nization as the basi c form. In t he standar dized development of learning, make learning mor e effective efforts, and w ill adhere to the good party group, organize d party, party members a nd the General Assembly, tell a good party lecture s, ca n drive a good t opi c about, preve nt showy wit hout substan ce, Sham mul es. To impleme nt the education management sy stem for basic support. Democratic mutua l evaluation on party members i n accor dance with t he regulati ons, the real performance criteria a nd or der esta blished, sound carefully di spose of unqualified party members, to furt her improve t he dre dge export team, pur e self cleani ng mechani sm. Party leadi ng ca dres should a dhere t o and im plement the ce ntral group l earni ng system, to whi ch branch of learning exchange s, parti cipation in a dual organizati on wit h comrades. Focus on re curre nt education, you also nee d to contin ue to stre ngthe n the buil ding of grass-roots party orga nizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are we ak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion re quires a process. Recentl y, the city's party orga nization focuse d investigation, check out a total of "lost" members 4,507, "Pocket" m embers 1037, find t here are 640 "lost" party members are not contacte d 148 "Pocket" party members a nd impl ementation of organi zational relationshi ps. Educati onal ma nagement of party members into t he Organi zation, there i s a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued re organizati on as a n important task, finish perfe ct organizati on, with a good team, Good system. Spe cial hig hlights of grass-r oots party organizati ons, to be dealt with first i n place, further e ducation, reorgani zation, transformation and educat onal i nteraction. In short, through soli d and effective w ork


























roken probl em, fill the short Board, so that t he majority of party member s and fully qualified, compre hensive skill s of grass-r oots party organizati ons, grass-root s party level upgrade. Comrade s, do a "two" learning e ducation is of great signifi cance, responsi bilities, carry signifi cant impli cations. City levels party and general member s cadre s, to deep awar eness "two learn a do" lear ning educati on of importance and ne ed, to height of politica l consciously and full of political e nthusiasm, put "two lear n a do" learning e ducation carrie d out g ood, for coordi nation advance "four a full" strategy layout, and a chieve d "Thirtee n-Five" good start, a nd spee d up construction more hig h ecologi cal vitality ha ppi ness of City provi des strong powerful guarantee. Two, starting from the revered Constituti on respe cted the party Constituti on wa s XI Jinping, General Secretary to the party's request, 18 six ple nary session of the Central Commission for discipline i nspecti on report "five experience" first. Full strictly administeri ng the part y, first of all, to exalt the party Constit ution, and pi pe the w hol e party, t he ruli ng party of the party Constituti on. Revered Constituti on reflecte d in awe. Party a party of ideal s and beli efs pur pose, summe d up t he party's fine tradition and style; a cl ear party members a nd w ha t can be done and what must be done, what cannot be done. Ea ch Communi st Party Constituti on to a we and wary eye enhancing t he sa cred se nse of responsibility a nd mission. Hearts filled with party Constitution, hold the party line, BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members, according t o the Constit ution of dire ction t owards standards effort s. Respect reflecte d in the study the party Constitution means. Some party members joi ned t he party Constit ution on t he shelf, not to lear n, some l ong-term party according to the Constituti on of the party's orga nization, the part y is not required to pay membership dues, l oose concept, party organizati ons of the party organizati on, a nd tur ned a blind eye on the tasks

assigne d by the Organizati on, w ere forgotten, forgotten v ows performance the party Constitution. Constitution is the fundame ntal standard of our Communist s are slim, the party Constituti on to re peatedly l earn, practice, think ing, lear ning a nd thinki ng, thi nking and row, row, ever-spirali ng increase i n the lear ning process. Respe ct party line s reflected i n practi ce. Tw o to learn a basi c Constituti on Party rules, series of spee che s, the key to be qualified party member s. To be qualified party members, sta ndar ds are not high, but if he doe s take a ruler of the party Constituti on to "card", truly it is not easy. Carry out st udy a nd educati on, ev ery party must control t he party's eig ht obligations, ask, l ook for gaps, ide ntify probl ems, cle ar directi on, work to solve specifi c problems. Actively practi cing i n the producti on life of the eig ht obl igations, to play a va nguard a nd exempl ary role, tr uly a party ba nner. "Two" fight to highlig ht grass-r oots party organizati ons20

