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Unit 4 Amazing Science

Topic 1 When was it invented?

Section A

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2。1a 通过Kangkang 和Jane 谈论火箭模型,引入本课的语法:一般过去时的被动语态。1b 是检查学生听1a的效果,1c则是检查学生阅读理解的能力。2重点操练be made of,be made from和be used for。3a 以听的形式让学生加深对2a的句型和1a的语法的理解。3b 让学生能够把本课的句型和语法正确地说出来。总之,本课把句型和语法充分地融合到听、读、说当中。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims:

掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习一般过去时的被动语态。 2. Skill aims:

能够在听、说、读、写中正确运用一般过去时的被动语态。 3. Emotional aims: (optional)

鼓励学生要勤思考、有理想、争做未来的发明家。 4. Culture awareness: (optional) 了解其他国家的科技发明。

Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points 1. Key points:

Words and phrases: lock, metal, be made of, be made from, be made in, be used for, be allowed to do sth. Sentences:What’s it made of? It’s made from wood. What’s it used for?

It’s used for locking the door.

I wish I could go into space some day. I hope your dream will come true. Grammar: was/were +pp 2. Difficult points:

be made of和be made from的用法辨析。 It’Ⅳ. Learning strategies

通过温习一般现在时的被动语态知一般过去时的被动语态,实现从一般现在时的被动语态到一般过去时的被动语态的转换。 通过联系生活实践,来区分be made of和be made from。 在交流中,重在表意,不要担心出错。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids

有关新词的图片/实物(如:数码相机,锁)/录音机/小黑板/PPT。 Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

The monkeys eat the bananas. Water washes away the earth. The chemical factory pollutes the river. ... Group work Step 2: Present the sentences in Group B and encourage the Ss to discuss in groups and change them into passive voice, too. T: You have done very well. Now look at this group of sentences. Again, you change them into passive voice, but this time, you will discuss

in groups first. T:Any volunteers? T: Which group has different opinions? T: That’s nice. How about Sentence Two? T: Perfect! Example : Group B A P.E teacher in the USA invented basketball in the nineteenth century. The worker cut down the trees yesterday. I made this model plane. Mr. Wang punished him. The cat ate the fish. ...

the world. S2: The bananas are eaten by the monkey. S3:.. Change the past active voice into passive voice. 一定要把学生说出的被动语 态的句子板书出来,为后面 的教学作准备。

S1: Basketball is invented by a P.E teacher in the USA in the nineteenth century. S2: Basketball was invented by a P.E teacher in the USA in the nineteenth century. S3: The trees were cut down by the workers yesterday. S4: This model plane was made by me. S5: He was punished by Mr. Wang. S6: The fish was eaten by the cat. 如果学生能正确地表述过去 时的被动语态,老师直接板 书,如果不能,老师要引导 学生总结出来。

Step 3: Let the Ss observe the two groups of Group work sentences and try to find the differences between them. Move to past passive voice. T: Observe the two groups of sentences in your group and find out the differences between them. T: Hi, class, have you found anything different? T: Your group is wonderful today. Anything else? T: Great! Can you guess what we call the sentences in Group B? T: Yes. You made it. Could you tell me the structure of it? S4: was / were + pp Class activity Step 1: Use pictures, real objects or PPT to teach: rocket, satellite, spaceship, metal. T: Look at the picture. What’s it? 2 Pre-listening (4mins) Individual work Step 2: Let the Ss read the statements in 1b and guess the meaning of be made of. T: Now, read the statements in 1b and try to guess the meaning of be made of . Ss: It’s a rocket. Ss:.. Read the statements in 1b and guess the meaning of be made of. Learn the new words. 这几个单词需要老师引导才 能学习。 S1: Group A is in present tense while Group B is in past tense. S2: We use “is” or “are” in group A, but we use “was” or “were” in Group B. S3: 过去时的被动语态。 Observe the two groups of sentences and try to find the differences between them.

T: Who knows the meaning of be made of? Hands up, please! T: Almost right, but not exactly. Anyone else? S2: 由...制成 T: Good boy! You got it! Let the Ss listen to 1a and do 1b. T: Now, listen to 1a and do 1b. We will check the answers after listening. 3 While-listening (2mins) Individual work T: Has everybody got the answers? T: Yes! You please. T: Next one? T:... Individual work Step 1: Let the Ss read the questions in 1c, and then read 1a and find the answers to the questions. T: Here are 4 questions in 1c. Read them quickly, and then read 1a and underline the 4 Post-listening (12mins) answers to the questions. If you finish, raise your hand, please. S1: Because it’s bad for her health if T: Now, it’s time to check the answers.

Please she spends too much time on computer use full sentence while answering. Who wants to answer the first question? T: Perfect answer! Who wants to try the second games. S2: A rocket is used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. S1: No.1 is F S2: No.2 is F S3:... S4:... Read the questions in 1c, then read 1a and find the answers to the questions. Listen to 1a and do 1b. S1: 被...制成

