牛津苏教版 6A Unit6 holidays 教案

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6A Unit 6 Holidays 第一课时教学简案 苏州市相城区陆慕实验小学 沈 健

一 教学内容

《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 6 Part A(Listen, read and say) 第一课时。

二 教学目标

1、能正确的听、说、读、词汇New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Christmas, Mid-Autumn Festival, people, had, went, relative, didn't, delicious, favorite, dress up in costumes。

2、能正确地听、说、读、句型When's ...? It's in ... What do people usually do at/on ...? They ... Did you ... last...? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语 My favorite holiday is ... What's your favorite holiday?等本课所学语言谈论自己最喜欢的节日。


三 教学重点


四 教学难点


五 教学准备 1、多媒体课件制作。

六 教学过程 Step 1 Pre-reading 1)Warming-up T: What date is it today? S1: It's the 24th of November.

T: What month comes before November? S2: It's October.

T: What month comes after November? S2: It's December.

T: I like Nov. Because Nov. 4th is my birthday. And I like Dec. Because Dec. 22nd is my wife 's birthday. October is my favorite month. (学习favorite) . Do you know why? S1: Because...

T: Because there's a long holiday in October. What is it? S2: The National Day holiday.

T: Good. The National Day. It's a long holiday. We don't go to work or school. We can stay at home. Do many things we like. Yes? OK. Now, What do people usually do on National Day? (PPT 图片提示) S1: They usually...

T: What did I do last National Day?

S2: Did you ... last...? No, I didn't. (学习didn't.)

T: OK. Let me show you: I went to Beijing. I visited the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube. They are great! I had a big lunch. The food is delicious. T: Today, Let's talk about holidays. (揭题,读题)

2) Preview the text.(检查学生预习工作,出示课前的预习要求) 1. 听课文录音并试着跟读,重点注意生词的正确发音。 T: Who would like to try to read these new words? S1: ....(学生试读生词)

2. 自读课文,思考:课文主要谈论了什么?你知道的节日有哪些,这些节日在什么时候,人们都有哪些活动?可查询课外书籍或上网查找。


Step 2 While-reading

1)Look and say : PPT 呈现课文引言插图。提供疑问词:When,Who,How。让学生试着回答,并将信息重组连起来说一说。

2)Listen and choose: 初听课文,根据问题抓相关信息。What holidays are they talking about ? 3)初读课文,找出问题,在WH-问题下划线。然后师生交流WH-问题。(教师板书主要问句。)




Step 3 Post reading

1) 复习呈现本课谈论的主要节日。呈现重点词汇:eat lots of delicious food,eat moon cakes,play with lanterns,watch the moon,

Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival,visit relatives and friends等,顺便提供谈论话题: My

Favourite Holiday。让学生自己选择其中一个说一说。

2)点题升华:Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival are Chinese traditional festivals(中国传统的节日).Christmas and Halloween are popular western holidays(西方流行的节日).

Different countries have different holidays and different cultures. We should respect them.

Step 4 Homework

1、Try to write: My favorite holiday. 2、Listen and read the text. 3、Preview(预习):Part B & C。 要求:



七 板书设计:

Unit 6 Holidays What Christmas New Year’s Day Spring Festival Halloween Mid-Autumn Festival 八 教学后记:

How What’s your favourite holiday? When’s …? What do people usually do …? Did you … at …?

